Chapter 68: War of the Worlds

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You, the Humane 7, the spidergang, Carol, and Enid are going through a wormhole to another world.

(Y/N) as Gravvattack: "Hey, I wonder what the gems are doing back in our dimension."

Back in your dimension, Pearl and Amethyst are fused together as a large woman with 4 arms, pink leggings, yellow shoes, white hair, and a pointy nose. She is fighting alongside the Avengers to fight of some monsters from Monster Island.

Hawkeye: "Hey Opal, how many targets can you hit?"

Opal: "I don't remember, sometimes I forget how many targets."

Back to you and the others, Spider-man then breaks the fourth wall.

Spider-Man: "Spidey here, (Y/N), The Humane 7, rest of the Spider-Gang, Enid and Star Sapphire, people from an alternate dimension and I are have been hopping from one universe to another, grabbing pieces of a mystical gem called the Siege Perilous, before they cause all the dimensions to crash into one another, and we're not alone, this guy named Wolf Spider, who's about as friendly as he sounds, is collecting shards himself, and I doubt for anything good."

Pinkie: "And we've been through so many dimensions, like a steampunk dimension, a Middle East dimension, Atlantis dimension, and more."

Then the two stop 4th wall breaking.

Spider-Man: "Who knows what's next, a universe of monsters, clowns, a realm of monsters that are clowns."

Rainbow: "Take that back or you'll jinx it!"

Then you all went out of the wormhole and land on a rooftop.

Spider-Man: "What world is this, not the clown monster one right, that couldn't be a real thing, could it."

Then you open the dome on your head and let everyone out and you revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "Mana, what universe is this?"

Mana: "Earth-1610."

Miles then instantly recognizes the streets.

Miles: "Wait, this is my street!"

Spider-Man: "No vampires, aliens, or old-times gangsters in sight, it's possible this is your New York."

Miles: "I'm on my home turf, I finally get to see my mom, everything 's coming up Miles, except my mom likes (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "What's wrong with that?"

Miles: "She's been talking about you non-stop when she first saw you, she wants to go on a date with you, you're still in high school dude!"

Then Kai Green appeared behind you.

Kai: "Hey guys."

Then everyone turn to Kai.

(Y/N): "Kai, what are you doing here?"

Kai: "There's a Spider Woman out there in white with a hood and pink web marks on the loose."

Miles: "I've been gone for like ten minutes."

Kai: "Time moves a lot quicker, it's been 10 months."

Then you hear police sirens.

(Y/N): "Police sirens."

Everyone sees Gwen Stacy being chased by the cops.

Twilight: "Gwen?"

(Y/N): "What is she doing here?"

Kai: "She just appeared 5 days ago."

Then you transform into Big Chill.

(Y/N) as Big Chill: "Then lets help her out."

Gloriosa: "Right."

You fly after Gwen as Rarity makes a glider from diamonds and the Spider-Gang web swing. You all head into an alley and caught up to Gwen.

(Y/N) as Big Cill: "Gwen, what are you doing?"

Gwen S: "(Y/N), guys, you're all here."

Gwen then turn to Carol and Enid.

Gwen: "Who are those two?"

(Y/N) as Big Chill: "That's Enid and Carol, they're from different universes two."

Applejack: "What in tarnation are you doing with stolen loot?"

Gwen: "I stopped a robbery and I haven't had a chance to return the money yet."

Then the cops arrived.

Spider-Man: "Here's your chance, just turn the cash over and tell the truth, it'll be no problem, police love me."

Kai: "I'm not sure about that."

Then a man with grey hair, red tie, white collared shirt, and a beard holds a megaphone and speak into it.

???(George Stacy): "Freeze, this is Captain George Stacy of the New York Police Department, you costumed vigilantes are under arrest, stand down or we'll be forced to use backup!"

Then robots appeared out of nowhere.

Miles: "They did not have those things when I left."

Kai: "A lot can change in 10 months."

Gwen S: "It's worst than you think, that police captain, he's sort of totally my dad."

George: "Engage!"

(Y/N) as Big Chill: "Oh boy."

Then the robots start shooting lasers at everyone.

Spider-Man: "Oh great."

(Y/N): "Family drama."

Everyone evade the lasers as you transform into Heatblast and Kai into Swampfire and shoot fire at them. Then you turn to Captain Stacy.

(Y/N) as Heatblast: "We're the good guys, we don't want to fight you!"

Then Gloriosa pull you and Kai away from the blasts of the lasers.

Gloriosa: "We don't want to get blasted either!"

Rarity and Carol then make a shield to protect everyone

Spider-Man: "No offense, but your dad is pretty hardcore."

Gwen S: "Not his fault, ever since Miles disappeared, criminals have gotten bolder, some of them masquerading as good guys, police had to respond."

You and Kai revert to human forms.

(Y/N): "This happened in 10 months?"

Kai: "Pretty much."

George: "Vigilantes, crooks, two sides of the same coin, as long you hide behind masks, no is above the law!"

Sp//dr: "What are we gonna do?"

Then Gwen hears messages from an earbud she's wearing.

Gwen: "A weak point where?"

Spider-Man: "Who are you talking to?"

Gwen: "Yank out the compartment at the base of the robots' necks!"

You then spot the compartment.

(Y/N): "My thoughts exactly, Spider Gang, put some Web fluid in the robots!"

The Spider Gang pull out the compartments and then shot webs into the electronics.

Gwen S: "A little web fluid to gum up the works!"

Spider-Man: "That's actually a brilliant way to use web fluid."

Then the robots shutdown as the police captain gets angry.

George: "That's, that's destruction of police property!"

(Y/N): "You can just send us the bill!"

Spider-Man: "Block off the alley!"

The Spider Gang then make a barrier out of webs as Rarity makes a glider for the humane 7 and Enid while you and Kai transform into Jet Ray so you two and Carol can fly out of the area while the Spider Gang swing out of the area. Then George cut through the webs with his knife and see that you all escaped.

George: "No!"

George then pick up a note from a back of loot and see that it says from your friendly neighborhood Spider Woman.

George: "Spider Woman, I'm so tired of this!"

Later, you all were in the sewers, heading to a secret base.

Miles: "So this is my world right?"

(Y/N): "You're from Earth-1610, which is where we are right now, Gwen is from Earth-65."

Miles: "Right."

Rarity: "Why does this secret base have to be in a sewer, it's disgusting."

(Y/N): "I smelled worst before, that was George Stacy of Earth-1610 and not Earth-65."

Gwen S: "I haven't told him yet."

You see Gloriosa feeling a bit down.

(Y/N): "Something wrong Glori?"

Gloriosa: "It's just, none of this wouldn't happen if I destroyed the Siege Perilous."

(Y/N): "Hey, you were trying to help someone, that's all it matters."

Gwen S: "Heres the entrance."

Gwen then open an entrance to the secret base as everyone head into it.

Gwen S: "Welcome to the Spider's Nest."

Miles: "I need one of these."

Rainbow: "This place is awesome!"

Rarity: "Nice decor if I say so myself."

Spider-Man then see something familiar about the decor.

Spider-Man: "These touches look kinda familiar."

Gwen S: "You wanted to know who I was talking to on my earbud."

Gwen then directed everyone's attention to a woman with white hair, blue jacket, black pants, and brown shoes along with someone who looks like your mother.

Spider-Man: "Aunt May?"

(Y/N): "Mom?"

Aunt May: "You're them aren't you, (Y/N) and Peter from the other dimension."

(M/N): "Gwen told us she saw and the others working together."

Spider-Man then remove the mask to reveal his real face.

Peter: "We are."

Then they both have tears pour from their eyes.

(M/N): "It's great to see those faces again, I lost my (Y/N)."

Aunt May: "And I lost my Peter, but it's good to know there's more still out there."

(M/N): "Fighting for the good fight."

(Y/N): "So you help Gwen?"

(M/N): "When Miles disappeared, she came us five days ago for help."

Aunt May: "She was pretty determined."

(Y/N): "That's Gwen for ya."

Gwen then blushed from what you said.

Gwen S: "Figured who better to run mission support than the original Spider-Man's Aunt and (Y/N0's mother."

Aunt May: "We can see the whole city from here."

(M/N): "Satellite mapping, tracking, and identification."

Then you see Sunset and Twilight drooling over the vast array of technology they see, then Glorisa is taking notice of this.

Gloriosa: "Are they okay?"

(Y/N): "I think they need to process of what they're seeing right now."

Aunt May: "Maybe if we helped out our (Y/N) and Peter, they'd still be alive."

Miles: "All this tech, you can make a phone call right?"

(M/N): "Let me guess, you want to call your mom Rio Morales?"

Aunt May: "Dialing now."

Miles: "You know my mom?"

Aunt May: "Of course, we needed to know who was walking in my Peter's shoes."

(M/N): "I'm not getting an answer from Rio's phone."

Peter: "We'll get you home soon."

(Y/N): "Let's focus on the mission for now."

Gwen S: "Mission, what mission?"

Enid: "We're collecting shards of a mystic jewel called the Siege Perilous, before they make the other universes collide into each other and destroy all of reality."

Carol: "It's a big deal."

Sp//dr then show the shard to Gwen.

Sp//dr: "Have you seen something like this?"

Gwen S: "Yeah, I know where it is, but you won't like it."

Later, at the police station, you, Kai, the Humane 7, the Spider Gang, Enid, and Carol are on a rooftop looking down at the station.

Miles: "Okay, maybe you didn't hear me the first five times I said, but there's no way this plan will work."

Spider-Man: "Of course it will, we have to trust Gwen, May, and (M/N) know what they're doing."

(Y/N): "Those of you have spider powers and omnitrixes will be going while the rest of us will be on watch out."

Gwen S: "I can't believe they traced the Siege Perilous shard that you're looking for to my dad's police station, what are the odds really?"

(Y/N): "Trust us, if you been on the adventure we've been on, it's normal."

Gwen S: "Let's give it a shot."

You and Kai transform into Nanomech as the Spider Gang break-in the station, meanwhile Captain Stacy is talking on the phone in his office.

George: "No excuses, I need you to find me that Spider-Woman unsubscribes before I-"

Before he finishes his thought, Gwen Stacy in her normal clothes came into the room.

George: "I gotta go, get me results!"

He then put down the phone and turn to his daughter.

George: "Hey, Gwenny bear, whatcha doin' here?"

Gwen S: "I made cookies, some of them are not even burnt."

Gwen then place the jar of cookies in front of him.

George: "I'm sure they're perfect, it's been a madhouse here."

Gwen S: "Yeah, solving crimes, puttin' away perps?"

George: "I wish, we spotted 14 more costumed vigilantes today, some of them are either dress like the old Spider-Men, Spider-Men that I have never seen before, new vigilantes and more, we've got to find them, stop 'em!"

Gwen S: "Do you ever think that maybe they might be doing some good dad?"

George: "Just because they have powers doesn't make them above the law, they wear masks, they're hiding something."

Gwen S: "Good point."

George: "Yeah, just seeing you is a reminder of what we're fighting for, the honest people of the city."

Gwen S: "Yep, honest."

Gwen then place a device on a computer as May and your mother hack into it.

(M/N): "She did it, Spider-Woman installed the interception device."

Aunt May: "Accessing security now."

You and the group see the cameras are looking away from the entree point.

(Y/N) As Nanomech: "It's clear Spider's Nest."

Gloriosa: "Going in!"

You, Kai, and the Spider-Gang head into the entree point and go through the ventilation shaft.

Aunt May: "Looks like you're heading to the evidence room."

(M/N): "Avoid ground level motion detector coming up."

Sp//der: "Who needs the ground?"

Then you, Kai, and the Spider Gang went into the evidence room.

Spider-Man: "Spiders have landed."

You and Kai revert back to human form as Sp//dr looks for the shard.

Sp//dr: "Found it."

Sp//dr then place the shards together and they fuse together.

Miles: "Yes!"

Then they everyone hears a woman whimpering beyond the door.

(Y/N): "That can't be good."

You then open the door and it revealed to be Wolf Spider.

Wolf Spider: "Thanks for gathering the fragments for me, I'll take them now."

Kai: "Wolf Spider?"

(Y/N): "Not gonna happen."

Wolf Spider: "Did I fail to mention, I have a bit of leverage."

Wolf Spider then reveal Rio Morales wrapped up in his webs.

Miles: "MOM!"

Gloriosa: "Let her go!"

Spider-Man: "How did he find your mom?"

Miles: "Don't know, but I won't let him hurt her!"

Wolf Spider: "What matters to you more Miles, the Siege Perilous or your own mother?"

You look around the room and see a power generator and you hand signaled Spider-Man to use taser webs on it. Miles then shoot web cables at Wolf Spider and Rio as Spider Man shoot taser webs at the generator causing an explosion. Meanwhile, in George Stacy's office.

George: "What on Earth?"

Police officer: "Some kind of explosion in the basement."

George: "You stay here, don't move."

Gwen S: "Wouldn't dare dad."

The cops head to the basement as Gwen take the device and head out to get in her spider suit. You and Miles get the webs off of Rio.

Rio: "Miles, you came back!"

Miles: "So great to see you mom."

Rio then turn to you.

Rio: "And I see you brought the big strong man along."

Miles: "Serious oh my god mom, not this again!"

(Y/N): "What happened?"

Rio: "He found me at work, who is he?"

Gloriosa: "We don't know."

(Y/N): "The only thing we know about him is he's been a pain in the butt in more than one dimension."

Then Wolf Spider got up as Rio escape and you close the door to keep her safe.

Wolf Spider: "Give me that Siege!"

Wolf Spider then pull off his cloak to reveal he has 4 spider legs.

Spider-Man: "Spider arms, where do you shop for your shirts!?"

Gloriosa: "Two can play at that game."

Gloriosa then reveal her spider legs as well, then Spider Man shot a web cable at Wolf Spider as he grabs and pull into you and the others, then George Stacy appeared with a gun.

George: "Freeze!"

Wolf Spider then throw a locker at him.

Wolf Spider: "Now, where were we?"

Miles: "We were about to give the smackdown!"

Miles then shoot a web at Wolf Spider as he throw him into the door. Then Sp//dr's shard begins to glow.

Sp//dr: "Glowing, why?"

Wolf Spider: "You think you're the only ones using a shard of the Siege Perilous, a piece fell into my dimension too, how do you think I've been following you all?"

You see the shard in Wolf Spider's chest.

Spider-Man: "Why don't you like our fan pages like everyone else?"

You then transform into Spider-Monkey as you and everyone attack Wolf Spider all at once, then he push you all away.

Wolf Spider: "Enough, you don't need to be alive for me to take what's mine."

Gwen S: "Hey!"

Gwen then launch Wolf Spider into a wall.

Gwen S: "Let's go."

(Y/N) as Spider-Monkey: "Right."

Wolf Spider charges in for an attack, but Gwen stick him to a wall with her webbing. Then he pulled himself free and destroy the wall behind him.

Wolf Spider: "Only one spider survive this, me!"

Wolf Spider then fight off everyone as the structure is about to fall down. You then help George out by getting the locker off of him.

(Y/N) as Spider-Monkey: "You look like you need help officer."

Wolf Spider then pull Peni out of the suit by the shirt.

Wolf Spider: "Now, Spider runt, this game is over!"

Spider-man: "She doesn't have the shard!"

Spider-Man then knocks down the Wolf Spider.

Spider-Man: "Guess who does?"

Spider-Man then use the shard he got from Peni and fuse it with the shard Wolf Spider has.


Wolf Spider then pass out as the Siege becomes whole again.

Spider-Man: "The Siege Perilous is complete, he had the rest of it, we totally did it?"

You then open the door for Rio.

Rio: "Is this what being a hero is really like?"

(Y/N): "Almost everyday."

Rio: "It's kind of exciting."

George: "You're all under arrest!"

Spider-Man: "And that's our cue."

Then you see Rainbow in the blast hole.

Rainbow: "Come on!"

You and the others follow Rainbow through the east blast hole to escape as Gwen seal up the exit with her webbing.

George: "At least we can put this one behind bars!"

The cops sees that Wolf Spider is gone as George gets frustrated. Later, everyone is at Miles' house as Miles is glad to be back in his home.

Miles: "I missed you couch pillow, stack of old magazines, oh Tv remote, the memories we have, I never thought I'd be here again."

(Y/N): "You've been gone for ten minutes."

Miles: "That's like ten months in 1610 time."

Gwen S: "Ugh, you can just walk through here in your costumes, no big deal, whatevs, you don't have to sneak through the basement window."

Peter: "I hid my identity from my Aunt May for years, I thought she'd be so mad when she found out, but she was only proud of me, parents can surprise you."

(Y/N): "My dad gave me my Omnitrix on my 5th birthday."

Sunset: "And Pinkie is still figuring out how to top that gift."

Miles sees Rio with her Birthday cake.

Miles: "You saved your birthday cake?"

Rio: "I wasn't gonna eat it alone, I froze it, I knew you'd make it back."

Pinkie: "Ooooo, cake!"

Then Gloriosa's Scarlet sense went off.

Gloriosa: "Something's coming!"

Then an explosion appeared and when the smoke cleared, it wreaked Wolf Spider.

Miles: "You, how did you know where I live?"

Wolf Spider: "Do you really think that you're unique, my world had a Miles Morales too, and your life will as his did in pain and misery, by my hand!"

Wolf Spider then launch Miles into a wall and then turn to you.

Wolf Spider: "As for you (Y/N), I actually got you better birthday present than Pinkie, it was the release of your death, what a great 5th birthday you had."

(Y/N): "Oh man."

Wolf Spider then turn to the Humane 7.

Wolf Spider: "As for you, I destroyed the very thing that brought you all here, the Wondercolt Statue, before Sunset arrived, as for the rest of you, school burned down during the Fall Formal and everyone died in it along with Crystal Prep."

Sunset and the rest of the Humane 7 were shocked to hear what Wolf Spider said. Then Wolf Spider turn to Peni.

Wolf Spider: "Hmm, I was wondering about you, Peni Parker was it, you were trying to play the hero, and well you know how it ended, with your father's life ended."

Peni then burst into tears in sadness as Wolf Spider turn to Gloriosa.

Wolf Spider: "As for you, your camp went down in flames, along with you and your brother."

Gloriosa was in shock of hearing what Wolf Spider said.

Peter: "I don't care who you are, attacking a spider in their own home, big mistake Wolfie!"

Sunset: "You won't get away with this!"

Rainbow: "Yeah, leave us alone."

Fluttershy: "You monster!"

Wolf Spider: "Oh I think you care very much who I am actually."

(Y/N): "What are you talking about?"

Wolf Spider: "In every universe, Peter Parker stands for heroism and responsibility, except for one."

Wolf Spider then pull off his mask to reveal himself as Peter Parker.

Peter: "No."

Wolf Spider: "In my universe, the name Peter Parker puts fear in the hearts of everyone who hears it, "Heroism" and "Responsibility", I destroyed every fool who held such pathetic ideals!"

Wolf Spider then snatch the Siege Perilous from Peter.

Wolf Spider: "Until this shard came to my world, I thought I was the only Peter Parker, and now with the power of the complete Siege Perilous, I will be!"

Wolf Spider then leaves the area as you get the debris off of everyone.

Gwen S: "Why would he steal the Siege and leave us alive?"

Pinkie: "And ruined a perfectly good cake!"

Peter: "He's luring us, it's a trap."

Gwen S: "And let me guess, we're gonna follow him into it?"

Spider-Man: "Of course we are."

(Y/N): "Okay Ultimates, this is our last chance, if we can't stop Wolf Spider, it's the end of all reality."

Gloriosa: "No matter what reality I'm in, no one messes with my camp, no one!"

You and Kai then transform into Spider-Monkey and web swing with the Spider Gang while Rarity makes a glider out of diamonds and follow Wolf Spider.

Spider-Man: "Even though Wolf Spider is an evil version of me, pretty considerate of him to leave a path of destruction to follow."

(Y/N): "He knows we're trailing him."

Gwen S: "If you guys think you're prepared to face him, I'm trusting that you're right."

Sci-Twi: "We never said anything about being prepared for this."

You head to the docks and you see that Wolf Spider went underwater.

(Y/N) as Spider-Monkey: "We need a submarine to get where he is."

You then transform into Upgrade and morph yourself into a submarine.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Who want to take first class?"

Everyone went into your submarine body and head into the water and then found a cave that has spider webs that lead to an underground lair. You then surface out of the water and open the hatch to let everyone out, you and Kai revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "Hidden underground lair."

Spider-Man: "Yeah, if I was an evil version of myself, I'd probably hide here too."

You all follow the trail of webs to a makeshift screens of multiple realities that look like the web of realities.

Spider-Man: "I'm guessing he's in there."

You all see all the Spider-Men across the multiverse stuck in webs and purple electricity are coming out of them, kinda like their energy is being sucked out of them. Then you and the others spot Wolf Spider.

Wolf Spider: "All the Spider life-forces, better than I could have possibly dreamed!"

Then the energy went into the Siege Perilous and increased Wolf Spider's power. Then you transform into Heatblast as Spider-Man attack Wolf Spider.

Spider-Man: "Hey, didn't anyone teach you "Sharing is caring"?"

Wolf Spider then knockdown Spider-Man as you launch a fire ball at Wolf Spider as he was unfazed from it.

Wolf Spider: "I knew you wouldn't turn down my little invitation, whatever your pathetic plan is, it ends, now!"

Then Fluttershy get angry and went into her she-hulk body and then punch Wolf Spider, but he was too strong for her and he throw her at the Humane 7 knocking them out. Then the Spider-Gang then charge in and attack Wolf Spider as Kai transform into Blitzwolfer.

Spider-Man: "Plan, you know I never have a plan."

Then Miles and Gloriosa appeared with electric hands and then jump on Wolf Spider and shock him.

Gloriosa: "This is for Camp Everfree!"

Miles: "Have you got all the Spider's life forces, haven't got ours, ugly!"

Wolf Spider then grab both Miles and Gloriosa.

Wolf Spider: "That's only a matter of time!"

Wolf SPide then throw both of them in the air and then launch a web attack that stick them into a wall and suck their life forces.

(Y/N) as Heatblast: "Gloriosa, you'll pay for that!"

Then you unleash a powerful stream of fire as Kai unleash a powerful wave of sound while Enid and Carol unleash attack of their own. Wolf Spider then dodge them and knock all of you out, Wolf Spider was about to kill you again but Sp//dr and Spider-Man stop him as Wolf Spider launch both of them into a wall.

Wolf Spider: "Peter Parker, your strengths have made you a great hero, what a waste."

Gwen S: "One thing all Peter Parkers have in common, you never stop talking."

Sp//dr and Gwen then launch a large rock at Wolf Spider and launch him into the wall. Then the spiders attack Wolf Spider all at once until he turn invisible.

Spider-Man: "He can go invisible now, he must have take that power from Miles and Gloriosa, of he keeps this up, his powers will be nearly limitless."

Wolf Spider then grab Gwen and Sp//dr and throw her to a wall and then absorb their life force.

Spider-Man: "Theres no way you can win, I've destroyed every other heroic Spider-man, yet the Siege guided me after you, for some reason you seem to be the center of the Spiders."

Spider-MAn: "My aunt always told me I was special."

Wolf Spider: "Once I destroy you, I will become the center of the universe, the only Peter Parker, the only Spider-Man, a hero no more."

Spider-Man: "Just to make sure I'm clear, you drained the life forces of all the other Spider-Men?"

Wolf Spider: "Every last one."

Spider-Man: "Then who am I to stop you from finishing your mission?"

Wolf Spider then launch a web cable at Spider Man and absorb his life force, then you wake up and transform into Ghostfreak and head into the web cable and follow Spider-Man's life force.

Later, in a dimension full of the souls of the Spider-Men, you see Gloriosa feeling sorry for herself and you head to her.

Gwen S: "You let Wolf Spider win?"

Spider-Man: "No, I finally have a plan."

Spider-Punk: "It's too late mate, it's hopeless, no future."

Gloriosa: "This is my fault, I brought upon you all, I'm sorry."

You then place a hand gentle hand on Gloriosa's cheek.

(Y/N) as Ghostfreak: "You were trying to help someone, it was a noble thing to do."

Spider-Man: "Come on, you're all Spiders, so there's one thing you should know, it's never hopeless."

Later, outside the realm.

Wolf Spider: "It is complete, I am the most powerful Spi-"

Before he can finish his thought the web of realities turn off as life force energy goes back into the bodies along with you exiting Wolf Spider's body and you float next to Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: "Peter Parker is a smart guy, Wolfie."

(Y/N) as Ghostfreak: "You should've seen this coming."

Then more life force energy went back into the other spiders.

Spider-Man: "You made a huge mistake Wolf Spider, you drained the power of heroes."

Then Wolf Spider then begin to crack into pieces of reality.

Wolf Spider: "What's, what's happening to me?"

Spider-Man: "You said it yourself."

You then revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "In every other realm, Peter Parker's a good guy, with someone as evil as you, you poisoned yourself by taking their life forces."

Wolf Spider: "No, it can't be!"

Wolf Spider then got shattered into pieces as the other Spider-Men return back into their works.

Spider-Man Noir: "How did you know that would work?"

Spider-Man: "I didn't, but I had faith together, we couldn't;t be stopped."

Blood Spider: "And that's the reason you're the center of our universes."

Carol then pick up the Siege Perilous as Enid and the Humane 7 and Kai get up.

Miles: "Now this is a win."

Then you all return back to the docks where you found George Stacy waiting for you and the others.

Spider-Man: "Uh oh, is this the part where you tried to arrest us?"

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Again?"

Gwen S: "Captain Stacy, there's something I need to just be brave and tell you, it's well."

George: "It's okay, Gwen, I already know."

Gwen then the off her mask.

Gwen S: "How?"

George: "I followed your trail to an explosion in an apartment complex, Rio Morales' apartment to be exact, she helped me see things with a new perspective, I understand why you couldn't tell me, Gwen, and I'm sorry."

Gwen S: "I just wanted to help people, like you do, I never wanted to keep secrets from you."

Captain Stacy then hug his daughter.

George: "Well, now you don't have to."

Later, at the Spider's nest, you and the others are ready to go as Aunt May and your mother pack you and Spider-Man lunches for a return trip back to your world.

Spider-Man: "You don't have to pack us snacks."

(Y/N): "Trips through a wormhole take no time at all."

Aunt May: "You have an Aunt May in your world, you know we don't let Peter Parkers go anywhere without being prepared."

(M/N): "Same goes for my son."

You then turn to Miles.

(Y/N): "Guess this is goodbye."

Miles: "Yep, and you have a portal that you can use whenever you want to visit."

(Y/N): "Alright."

You then pull out the Siege Perilous and create portals that leads to different universes and you turn to Carol, Enid, Sp//dr, and Gwen.

(Y/N): "Well, this is it."

Carol: "Will we meet again?"

(Y/N): "I got the Siege, so it's pretty likely."

Carol: "Bye (Y/N), my friends are gonna flip when they hear this."

Carol then fly into the portal that leads to her universe.

Enid: "KO is gonna like what I tell him what happened when I was gone."

Enid then head into her portal as Gwen head into her universe. Then you see Sp//dr standing in front of her portal.

(Y/N): "Peni?"

Peni then get out of her suit. and turn to you.

Peni: "I'm really gonna miss you and the crusaders."

(Y/N): "Hey, you'll have me and the others, we have a portal back home, you can visit us anytime."

Peni: "Alright."

Peni then went back into her suit and then jump into the portal.

Aunt May: "Take care of yourself Peter Parker, and tell your aunt I said hi."

(M/N): "And tell your mother I said hi."

Spider-Man: "We will, even though that's sound weird."

You then turn to the Humane 7 and Gloriosa.

(Y/N): "Ready?"

Everyone: "Ready."

(Y/N): "Then lets head home."

You and the others head into the portal and head back to your reality.

Spider-Man: "Headed you missed us, we're back."

Then Nick Fury aim his pistol at you and the others.

Nick: "Freeze, who are you?"

Spider-Man: "I'm Spider-Man, friendly neighborhood, you're Nick Fury you know me!"

Nick: "I've never seen you before in my life."

Rainbow: "We might've went into the wrong reality."

Then Nick Fury giggled as Dr. Strange, Madame Web, Amethyst, Pearl, and Trixie appeared.

Amethyst:"Hahahaha, you should've seen your face, it was priceless!"

Spider-Man: "Wait, did Nick Fury hust prank me, maybe this is the wrong reality."

Madame Web: "For the record, I believed this joke was in bad taste."

Nick: "Your face made it all worth it, congratulations Spider-Man, you saved reality as we know it."

Spider-Man: "Of course, did you ever really doubt we could."

They didn't respond and walk away.

Spider-Man: "Wait, hold up, you did doubt it?"

Nick: "We didn't say that."

Spider-Man: "But you didn't not say that."

You then turn to the gems.

(Y/N): "Time for you two to head home."

You then use the Siege create a portal that leads into the gems' dimension.

Amethyst: "Alright, come on P, we're going home to see Steven!"

Pearl: "It was fun here while it lasted, hope to see you again."

(Y/N): "You two."

Pearl and Amethyst then head into the portal as Madame Web turn to you.

Madame Web: "Um hi (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Hey Webby."

Madame Web: "So um, ever since I first met you, I can't get you out of my head and each possible future has me being with you and I-"

You then place a finger on her lips.

(Y/N): "I know what you mean."

You then peck Madame Web on the lips as she lightly blushed.

(Y/N): "Well, let's see what Mane-iac can do with the Siege, maybe make it a component for the portal back home."

Then you leave the room as the Humane 7 and Gloriosa approach Madame Web.

Rainbow: "Welcome to the harem, Madame Web, you don't mind sharing (Y/N) right?"

Madame Web: "I don't mind sharing (Y/N), love is something we can all share."

Later, at the hideout.

Mane-iac: "Alright, let's get to work on the portal Liv."

Liv: "Alrighty then, we can fix it with the Siege Perilous."

Later, somewhere in space, Thanos has used the reality stone to reconstruct Wolf Spider.

Wolf Spider: "What, I'm still alive?"

Thanos: "You are, I'm the one who reconstructed you."

Wolf Spider: "Who are you?"

Thanos: "I am Thanos, and I am here to offer you something more powerful than all of the Spider-Men combined."

Wolf Spider: "I'm listening."

Next: Chapter 69: Generator Rex

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