Chapter 69: Generator Rex

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It was a normal day in Manhattan until a storm of electrical energy formed a large energy ball and make a sphere in the sky as clouds spiral around it. Then shoot lightning bolts at most of the city as everyone was in a panic. Meanwhile somewhere else, a kid with a red and orange jacket, black gloves, black pants, orange goggles, and a white undershirt is running until theres a light over him.

Then a shadow went pass him as he was prepared to fight, then he made giant nunchucks and start fighting the shadow. Then the shadow revealed himself a man with short dark brown hair and a soul patch. He wears a pair of sunglasses and a battle-suit colored with different shades of green.

???(Six): "You need to pay attention."

The man then pull out a sword.

???(Rex Salazar): "I'll tell you what I need."

The kid with the giant nunchucks attack the man with the swords.

???(Six): "More training, your swing is getting a little sloppy."

???(Rex Salazar): "Not what was I thinking, but thanks for the tip."

Then the teen turn his feet into mechanical boots and jump away to dodge the attack.

???(Rex Salazar): "Two words for you Six, theme song!"

Six: "Theme song?"

The teen then landed on a structure where a girl with black hair, bright green eyes and dark brown hair, usually tied up in a high bun on the top of her head. As for her attire, she wears an orange turtle neck shirt, with a dark grey vest over it. She has gloves that go a little past her elbows. On her waist is a deep brown utility belt, and she wears dark-colored pants with knee-high boots was in it.

???(Rebecca Holiday): "Break my stuff, and I'll ruin you."

Six then smile a bit as he turn to the teen.

???(Rex Salazar): "Things have been pretty good lately, I have a home, friends, family, the only thing I need now is my own theme song."

The teen then create a whip and attack six while a chimp with pale purple skin and brown fur. He wears an eye patch and fez. His shirt and shorts are a dingy gray/green color with blue cloth at the bottom of his sleeves, shorts and a line down his shirt that extends to the bottom. He also has blue cuff-links watches the sparring session.

???(Bobo Haha): "I got your theme song."

The chimp then made arm farts and then drink a beverage.

???(Rex Salazar): "I'm serious, every hero should have a theme song, I've been working on one."

The teen then make a cannon and shoot concrete at Six.

???(Rex Salazar): "Though you wouldn't be hearing it over the ringing of your ears."

The teen then sings in a catchy tone.

???(Rex Salazar): "It started when the nanites went Ka-Pow! upon the scene transforming all the life on earth like nothing that you've seen but there's one lucky hombre who can make them build machines. He's Gen Rex."

Six then knock down Rex and put away his swords.

Six: "It's good to see you happy, Rex. Just remember that in this world, right now, all of those things can be taken away in an instant."

Rex: "If that was your attempt at inspiring me, Six, you need a little more practice yourself."

Then the alarm went off as the girl came out of the structure.

???(Rebecca Holiday): "How quickly can we get to Manhattan?"

Later, in Manhatten everyone was in a state of panic as a woman saved her child. She then spot a hellicarrier.

Random Girl: "Providence! It'll be okay now, sweetie."

The Hellicarrier move as a woman short bob-cut purple hair with bangs that cover half her face and wears dark lipstick. She wears a long-sleeved, dark gray dress with a black belt and cape. She also wears black boots, overall having an all black attire was in command of the ship.

???(Black Knight): "Dr. Salazar, what am I looking at?"

Then screen of a man that is half-Mexican and half-Argentinian, Caesar has a darker skin tone, brown eyes and dark hair which seems to be naturally spiky. His facial features are similar to Rex's, only more angular, with the addition of small lines near his eyes. Caesar wears a khaki vest with a green long sleeved shirt underneath and green pants. He also wears heavy, military-like boots.

Dr. Salazar: "You want the truth? For the first time since I was 6 years old, I haven't a clue what I'm looking at."

Later, Rex's team is on a ship heading to Manhattan.

Rex: "What is going on here Bobo?"

Bobo: "Don't know, but I wish I'd brought my tanning butter."

Six: "Cut the chatter."

Rex: "I would, bu whipping on Black Knight is the only thing keeping me from freaking out, This isn't our usual deal. Just make sure Providence doesn't shoot me in my butt while I'm off saving theirs."

Rex then make a jetpack and fly over to the sphere of energy and is at punching range.

Rex: "Huh? So I smash that?"

Rex was about to touch it but lightning knock him away.

Bobo: "Coming back around, kid. I think it likes you."

Then lighting keeps striking Rex as he dodges them.

Rex: "Holiday, what is it, and Where do I hit it?"

Holiday: "I don't know. I -- wait."

Holiday then sees something on the radar.

Holiday: "I'm picking up bio-organic energy inside the event."

Rex then sees you as Humungasaur, Hulk, Red, Rocket, the Humane 7, Thor, Groot, and a yellow and black outfit as Rex makes giant fists.

You then block the punch him back and launch him to the ground as he make giant boots for a landing. Then you and the others landed safely on the ground.

Rex: "Have you anything to say yourself before I commence with the face-stomping?"

Hulk: "That depends on who is doing the stomping."

Red: "You should keep your fists to yourself or we'll the stomping ourselves."

(Y/N) as Humungasaur: "You just made a humungous mistake."

Groot: "I am Groot."

Rocket: "Took the words out of my mouth Groot."

???(Wolverine): "Never mess with the Wolverine kid."

Wolverine then release his claws.

Sunset: "Guys, we shouldn't attack someone like this."

Thor: "Lady Sunset is right, there's no need for violence my friends."

Then you attack Rex first as he deployed a shield.

Sci-Twi: "Well there goes reasoning."

Red and Hulk then attack Rex as Rocket was taking a look at Rex's tech.

Rocket: "I'd say let them beat up the guy, I want to see what he's made of."

Then you and the hulks stop attacking Rex.

(Y/N) as Humungasaur: "Stay down if you know what's good for you."

Red: "Yeah."

Then Sunset turn to Rex.

Sunset: "He's not usually like this."

Rex didn't listen to what Sunset said as he create large boots and kick you and Thor.

Rex: "I'll show what I'm good at, pale."

Then Holiday says something over his coms as something came out of the sphere

Holiday: "Rex, I'm getting more fluctuations from your next. Something is coming out."

Rex then spot the creature that came out of the portal.

Rex: "I see it, Doc."

Then you and Thor get up as you and the others turn to Rex.

(Y/N) as Humungasaur: "You and your partners call it quits right now, and I'll keep the pounderizing to a minimum."

Thor then turn to the others.

Thor: "Follow that creature, we must get to it before it reeks havoc."

Red: "Alright, you, (Y/N), and Jade Jaws keep junior pre-occupied while the rest of us follow that bot!"

Wolverine: "Ready for this rodent?"

Rocket: "Sure I am, and don't call me rodent!"

The others went to follow the creature as Thor, Hulk and you take on Rex.

Rex: "I was gonna say the same thing, only in Spanish."

Rex then launch you to a statue as rex turn to his ship.

Rex: "You take the hunk of junk, Six. Big ugly, Greenie, and Chrome dome is mine."

Then the ship flew off as you get back up and dust the dirt off of yourself.

Hulk: "You made a big mistake fighting us kid."

Thor: "I agree Hulk."

(Y/N) as Humungasaur: "You want to learn the hard way? Lesson one -- dangerous aliens are not welcome on my planet!"

Thor: "Aye, I maybe from the realm of Asgard, but I am the guardian of Midgard!"

Then the hellicarrier aims a powerful energy cannon at the event.

Random Pilot: "Black Knight, target locked and weapons are charged. Firing on your mark."

Black knight then gestures to fire the weapon at the event.

Black Knight: "If anything you've got focused on that rift. Nothing else comes out of there. Pawns, get those evos alive. I need answers. Caesar."

Caesar: "The physics are amazing. Like a star in collapse, it --"

Then he hears beeping.

Caesar: "I'll buzz you back."

Black Knight: "Don't hang up on me, Caesar."

Caesar then hang up on Black Knight as an image of a man in a suit of armor appeared on screen.

Black Knight: "Bring Salazar to me -- now!"

???(White Knight): "Hands full? My team is here to help. You'd be well advised to let them."

Black Knight: "You'd be well advised to get off my screens, White Knight. I'll see you tried for treason."

White Knight: "While you're filing the paperwork, we'll be saving New York. Join us or stay out of our way."

Meanwhile, Thor just launched Rex into a lake and he get back up.

Rex: "You can punch. I'll give you that."

Thor: "You maybe a powerful warrior of Midgard, but I'm Thor, Prince of Asgard, Son of Odin, and ally of the Avengers."

Hulk: "And I'm an Avenger too!"

(Y/N) as Humungasaur: "You alien wannabes should know better by now -- mess with (Y/N), you get the ten."

Rex: "Aliens?! The ten?! The Avengers?! Asgard?! Great -- more insane Evos. Providence is all over your energy-weapon whatever, so let's see if I can't knock some normal back into you."

Hulk: "Good luck with that."

Rex then dive underwater and grab you, Thor, and Hulk all at once. You then transform into Diamondhead as Rex tries to remove the nannites out of you, Hulk, and Thor but too avail.

Rex: "Ok, that's weird."

Then you throw Rex off of you.

(Y/N) as Diamondhead: "What did you just do to us?"

Hulk: "Whatever you're doing is totally bonkers."

Rex: "Not sure, but I like it."

Rex then make a sword as you and Thor attack Rex.

Rex: "Holiday, are you seeing this? "Creature feature" just went bling on me."

Holiday: "Be careful, Rex. This is something we've never seen before."

Later, the monster is attacking the city as a reporter is reporting news.

Reporter: "Dianne Farrah. Broadcasting to you live, from what appears to be the end of the world."

The creature then look around and see nanites everywhere in everyone.

???(Alpha): "So many of us. What has happened here?"

The creature then spot you, Rex, Thor and Hulk as something block his view. It was Six, then Wolverine, Red, Rocket, the Humane 7, and Groot appeared.

Six: "What kind of Evos are you?"

Wolverine: "Well, my bones are made of the strongest metal on Earth, does that count?"

Red: "What the heck is an Evo?"

Groot: "I am Groot."

Rocket: "You heard the tree."

Rocket then pull out his quad blaster.

Rocket: "Lets blow this thing sky high!"

Then everyone start attacking the creature as Providence soldiers shoot at it. Then Wolverine stab it from behind as it falls down with Wolverine along with it. Then Wolverine got up with bad injuries. Then everyone else came down and see how bad Wolverine's injuries are.

Six: "You need medical attention."

Then Wolverine's wounds healed all up in a few seconds.

Wolverine: "I don't need band-aids Bub."

Then the creature got back up.

Rarity: "That hideous monster is still alive!"

The creature then wrap it's tendrils around Red as Six talk to Holiday on his coms.

Six: "Holiday, what am I looking at here?"

Holiday: "Preliminary scans say non-organic. It appears to be entirely mechanical. I'll need a closer look."

Six: "And the others?"

Holiday: "They're all completely organic."

Red: "Hey junk pile, do you know what happens when I get mad?"

Then Red's body temperature rises and starts melting through the tendrils.

Red: "The angrier I get the hotter I become!"

Red then melt himself free and punch the creature hard enough that he launched him.

Red: "That's what you get for making me mad."

Six: "We need a sample of it."

Rocket: "We'll get you a sample, right Groot?"

Groot: "I am Groot."

Later, on the Golden Gate Bridge, you, Thor, and Hulk are fighting Rex.

Hulk: "Lucky punch."

Rex: "Don't believe in luck. Now hold still so I can cure you."

Thor: "Nay, you speak of madness, none of us are carrying such illnesses you seek to cure."

(Y/N) as Diamondhead: "We're wasting time."

You then transform into Lodestar.

(Y/N) as Lodestar: "Metal, meet magnetism."

You then launch a magnetic wave at Rex.

Rex: "Magnets, huh? Well, there's no metal in pavement."

Rex then makes a cannon and launch pavement at you, Thor, and Hulk. Meanwhile, the creature got away but Six has a sample of it and hand it to Holiday.

Six: "It's gone, but I found this."

Holiday: "I'm not exactly sure what we're looking at here. I don't even know if this is made with an element I've ever seen before. Getting some kind of a residual nanite signature, but this is definitely not an evo."

Rocket: "Can someone tell us what the flarg is an Evo already!?"

Groot: "I am Groot!"

Holiday: "We'll explain later."

Then a ship appeared over everyone's head.

Red: "Who's the point dexter on that ship?"

Holiday: "Caesar We could use a little help here. What is it?"

Caesar: "The fragment came from the machine."

Holiday: "Can u tell us anything about it?"

Caesar: "Yes, but not right now."

Then a claw grab it and pull it as the ship flies off.

Groot: "I am Groot."

Rocket: "So let me get this straight, he knows what that thing is but can't tell us right now."

Red: "Something isn't sitting right with me."

Holiday: "For the record Most scientists are not like that."

Wolverine got the creature's scent.

Wolverine: "I got that thing's scent, I'll bring it back to you on a platter."

Wolverine then run off as Holiday sees him running off.

Holiday: "Is he always like this?"

Sunset: "He's a tracker."

Rainbow: "Not to mention he can sniff out anyone within miles from him."

Meanwhile, the creature spots Caesar's ship.

???(Alpha): "Him. Father?!"

The creature then jump onto a fighter jet and pull out the pilot. Then he takes control of the ship as Wolverine and Six appeared on the ship.

Six: "We're not finished yet."

Wolverine: "We got slicing to do here."

Then you, Hulk, and Thor got launched into a billboard as it was about to collapse.

(Y/N) as Lodestar and Rex: "Time-out! Innocents!"

Rex then makes a hover bike out of his feet as you transform into Rath. Then Thor and Hulk stop the falling billboard as you save the reporter.

Reporter: "Thank you -- who are you?"

(Y/N) as Rath: "Seriously?! I'm the cat who's all that -- the Rath attack! And about a hundred other things."

Thor: "You don't recognize us as the Avengers?"

Hulk: "They don't know who are the Avengers, this place is getting bonkers."

Then Rex stomp you, Thor, and Hulk to the ground.

Rex: "Time-in! Thanks for the assist, but say adios to your nanites for real, el gato."

Rex tries to take the nanites out of you, Thor, and Hulk but to no avail. Then you, Hulk, and Thor get up.

(Y/N) as Rath: "Will you stop that?"

Rex: "You you're not evos?!"

Thor: "Nay, once again I am Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard and guardian of the 9 realms."

Hulk: "And I'm the Hulk."

(Y/N) as Rath: "Let me tell you something, robot boy! I have no clue what an evo is. We're just trying to do our thing."

Rex: "Destroy our city?"

Thor: "Nay again, we mean you no harm."

(Y/N) as Rath: "Destroy?! You really haven't heard of us?"

You then revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N) (L/N) Aka (Y/N) 10, you know Allstar hero and leader of the Ultimates."

No one responded to what you're saying.

(Y/N): "(Y/N) 10. Like the biggest hero in the world?"

Hulk: "this place has gone bonkers."

Then creature appeared, along with Wolverine and Six on it.

Rex: "Six!"

Then they stab the creature.

Six: "Everybody down!"

Rex: "Six!"

(Y/N): "Wolverine!"

Then a large explosion appeared and engulf both Six and Wolverine. Then Rex head to Six as Wolverine got up with his wounds healed up.

Rex: "Six! Hold on! Holiday, Six is down. Six is down."

Rex then turn to you, Hulk, and Thor.

Rex: "This is all your fault!"

Next: Chapter 70: Recovery Time

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