Chapter 70: Recovery Time

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After the attack from the strange creature, Six is in med bay as Holiday and Rex see how he's holding up.

Rex: "Holiday?"

Holiday: "I'm doing everything I can, Rex. But we have to focus on the bigger picture. Six would want us to."

Rex: "Figures the only time I do what Six would want, he's in coma."

Later, Holiday and Rex head to the bridge and found White Knight looking at yesterday's event. White Knight then sees the two coming in.

White Knight: "I'll be having the pleasure of helping Providence figure out how to close the rift. The rest of you can deal with that machine."

Rex: "It got blown to bits along with Six. Remember?"

White Knight: "Don't be so sure. Someone needs to find out what that is and where it went."

The screen shows a piece of the machine survived the blast.

(Y/N): "We can do that."

Everyone then turn to you, the Humane 7, Red, Hulk, Thor, Rocket, Groot, and Wolverine.

Bobo: "You ain't doin' nothi' but sittin' pretty and shuttin' up."

Rex: "And if Six doesn't pull through, you won't even be able to do that."

(Y/N): "I'm sorry about your friend -- honestly. Obviously, he's important to you. But I have no clue what's even happening here. I'never heard of Providence or evos or One minute I'm doing I was doing a science project with the girls, the next -- hole in the sky, flash of light, and we're punching out a mecha-monster. Then we end up in a world where nobody knows us."

Red: "Same thing happened to us, one moment we're eating at Gamma Burgers and now we're here!"

Wolverine: "I was fighting Sabertooth until I ended up here."

Groot: "I am Groot."

Holiday: "He might actually be telling the truth. Their nanite-absorption level indicates that they came through that rift without any."

Rex: "I thought White Knight was the only living thing on Earth that's nanite-free."

Red: "So, you mean I have those things in me now? Great. Where's my space suit?"

Holiday: "You'll live."

Holiday then see Sunset and Twilight watching awe in the sights of the laboratory.

Holiday: "What's up with them?"

(Y/N): "They like science, so much."

Holiday: "Anyways, It still doesn't explain how you got here."

Thor: "Lady Holiday, we are from a world parallel of your own."

Holiday: "Parallel worlds are a theory -- and a shaky one, at that."

Groot: "I am Groot."

Rocket: "What he said."

Holiday: "How can you tell what he's saying?"

Rocket: "Listen, he maybe a tree of a few words, but he has a lot of meaning than just I am Groot."

Holiday: "Can you tell us what he said?"

Rocket: "Well back in our universe there's a small jewel called the Siege Perilous that has the power to create portals to other worlds that are much different from the last universe you were in."

Holiday: "And you got all of that from I am Groot?"

Rocket: "I'm the only the one who actually understands him."

(Y/N): "Maybe if you knew where that mech-alien was from, it might help prove --"

Rex: "Quit talking."

(Y/N): "Exactly. Nothing's gonna get answered sitting around here."

Rex: "In case you hadn't noticed, we're holding you under house arrest."

Rocket: "You aren't holding us. We were staying to see how we could help."

Rocket then press a button on a stick to deactivate the cages as you and the others exit the prison.

Rocket: "I broke out of so many prisons that I lost count."

Thor: "Let the hunt of that mechanical beast begin!"

You then transform into Ghostfreak as Thor summons his hammer and Rarity make a glider out of diamonds for the Humane 7 and Wolverine. Rocket and Groot put on jetpacks while Hulk and Red ride on gamma gliders that they got from Rcoket's dimension vile.

(Y/N) as Ghostfreak: "You aren't the only person worried about someone close to you."

Then you and the others fly off.

Rex: "I got this."

Rex then build a jetpack and fly after them.

White Knight: "Rex, don't! I hate kids."

Then the two check up on Six's condition. Meanwhile Caesar is analyzing the cloud formations from the portal.

Caesar: "Nanite cloud. These are being drawn in from the atmosphere. Now, where are you?"

Caesar sees nanites that is familiar to him.

Caesar: "So, it is you. This is most disturbing."

Caesar then went on his ship go after you and the others. Meanwhile, with you and the others, you and your team are being chased by Rex.

Rex: "Why don't you just go back to where you came from?"

(Y/N) as Ghostfreak: "We're trying to, you doof!"

Applejack: "What does it look like we're doing?"

Then you and the Humane 7 stop on a rooftop as Hulk, Red, Rocket, Wolverine, and Groot surround Rex as he makes giant fists, he then tries to punch you but you phase through them. You and the girls then spotted something off about Rex's universe.

(Y/N) as Ghostfreak and the Humane 7: "Oh no."

You and the girls head to the spot.

Rex: "What?"

You and the girls see that the spot where Canterlot High supposed to be and all you and the girls see that it's just a mall. You then revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "Canterlot High School isn't here, that's messed up."

Applejack: "Just ain't right."

Rarity: "I'm so much in a bad mood right now, that I don't want to even shop in that mall, I feel so faint."

Rarity then make a fainting couch out of diamonds and make a dramatic faint.

Fluttershy: "Our school isn't here."

Rainbow: "This is not cool!"

Sci-Twi: "I can't believe it."

Pinkie: "Worst universe ever!"

Sunset: "You gotta be kidding me."

Then Rex and the others appeared behind you and the girls.

Rex: "My partner is in a coma. If you're stressing over school, you all are totally getting punk-busted!"

(Y/N): "We're in Canterlot City, our hometown -- or it should be. But it's all different. Part of me hoped it wouldn't be, but this pretty much proves it."

Rex: "This doesn't prove anything!"

(Y/N): "You know the friend you care about? Well, I have girlfriends, parents, a best friends that I care about. They don't exist here. We may never see them again. We're totally alone. So, go ahead. Do your worst."

Rex then thought for a moment.

Rex: "Maybe we can help each other."

(Y/N): "You'd do that?"

Rex: "Yeah, wait, when said girlfriends you mean?"

(Y/N): "I have more than one girlfriend."

Rex: "Okay, then I support that idea."

You and the others hear something.

(Y/N): "What's that sound?"

Hulk: "Sounds like a ship."

Then you see the craft landing on the ground.

Rex: "My brother."

Sunset: "Is he like you?"

Rex: "Uh, no. Caesar's a little crazy and he's working for the wrong side, but, otherwise, not so bad."

Then the door open to reveal Caesar holding what it looks like a weapon.

(Y/N): "What constitutes "not so bad" here on opposite world?"

Then the weapon fired as you quickly transform into Feedback and absorb and rebound the attack back at the weapon.

Caesar: "No! We need that!"

Rex then pickup the weapon.

Rex: "To blow my head off?"

Caesar: "To stop that!"

Everyone then turn to the red entity that is appearing on a structure.

Caesar: "A bad, bad thing."

???(Alpha): "Why would you speak of me so, Father? I am your Alpha. I came home. You are pleased?"

Caesar: "No. Not especially."

Alpha then grab Caesar and then knock back Rex.

Alpha: "What has happend here? Why so many brothers?"

Caesar: "We had an accident."

Alpha: "The bodies I build, Father -- they still do not last. But my brothers are free. I can control them. They could help make me complete. Aah!"

Alpha then feels pain as Rex was about to charge into him, but Caesar stop him.

Caesar: "Rex, stay back!"

Alpha: "I am still weak, Father. I need more. Will you help me live?"

Caesar: "I don't believe so, Alpha."

Alpha: "That is a very disappointing response."

Red: "Then you really won't like this one!"

Red then punch Alpha hard enough to launch him pass Rex.

Caesar: "Don't let it touch him!"

Wolverine: "Thanks for the advice Bub."

Rex then build axes as Alpha sees that Rex can control nanites.

Alpha: "You control nanites, yet you are human. How is this possible? Tell me the secret."

Thor then throw his hammer at Alpha and then summon it back to himself. Then Alpha ran off as you revert back to human form.

Rex: "Eh, Caesar? What is that thing? Why did it call you "Father"?"

Thor: "Speak truth, or feel the might of Asgard."

Hulk: "Spill the beans already."

Caesar: "It's migrating. We have to follow it -- now!"

Rocket: "You think you can tell us to get on your ship to follow this Alpha."

Later, everyone was on Caesar's ship to follow Alpha.

Rocket: "Walked into that one."

Groot: "I am Groot."

Caesar then show everyone a capsule filled with nanites.

Caesar: "These were gathered from the area of the space-time rift, and you'll find them everywhere Alpha goes."

Rainbow: "I take it those are nanites?"

Pinkie: "Ooo, pretty."

Caesar: "Dead nanites, drained by the entity you just fought and, incidentally, the thing that dragged you all here from your Earth."

Rex: "Their Earth? They really are from a parallel world?"

(Y/N): "Science class much?"

Sunset: "Take a science course once in awhile okay."

Caesar: "I believe it's been searching for a way home. It was possibly attracted to your weapon before it found its way here. A powerful device, no doubt."

(Y/N): "It's called the Ultimatrix. It has the DNA of 1,000,912 aliens and counting."

Rex: "R-i-i-i-ght. Aliens. And leprechauns gave me these goggles!"

Wolverine then place his fist under Rex's chin.

Wolverine: "Joke about it again, I dare you."

Rex then gulped in nervousness.

Rex: "Okay, I'll take his word for it."

Wolverine then move his fist away.

Rex: "Anyways, I'm curious how big brother knows so much about a thing from a parallel dimension."

Caesar: "Because I sent it there. In the early days of the nanite program, our goal was simple -- Construct micromachines to cure diseases, grow new cells, regenerate bones. But there was a control issue. Some thought a human-machine link was the answer. Others proposed that the machines could control themselves. I was in the latter camp. I developed the Alpha to command other nanites. To maximize its effectiveness, I had to program Alpha to think for itself."

(Y/N): "Does a long explanation mean something bad on your Earth, too?"

Rex: "Yep."

Rocket: "Can we change the topic for a bit, so uh Rex, what's the biggest thing you blew up with those nanites?"

Rex: "I made a crater at the size of a town."

Rocket: "That much, huh, I don't want to get on your bad side."

Caesar: "Anyways, Alpha developed its own consciousness. It evolved into a unique life form and wanted a body, but whatever it built burnt out. So, when Alpha attempted possessing living things, Alpha had to be eliminated. So, I built a dimensional disruptor."

(Y/N): "That sounds like a "null void gun". We've got those on our Earth, too."

Rocket: "And we busted their only one, way to go (Y/N)."

Groot: "I am Groot."

Caesar: "I designed it to send the Alpha to an empty space where it wouldn't do any more damage. That's what I was attempting to do again -- until you destroyed it."

(Y/N): "But the null void isn't empty. It's a prison for intergalactic criminals."

Caesar: "Hmm. I see. Then, clearly, it found a host within a mechanical one. Alpha did always have a way with machines. It's been gaining mass and energy from machines and other nanites. If it's able to stabilize a host body, there's no limit to the amount of damage it can cause."

Rex: "So just cook up a bazooka thingy, and let's go zap it!"

(Y/N): "And you need some help, Sci-Twi, Sunset, Rocket, help Caesar fix up the Null Void gun."

Sci-Twi then pull out tools like she was prepared for the situation.

Sci-Twi: "It's a good thing we've come prepared."

Rocket then pull out his tools from his dimension vile.

Rocket: "I never go around without my tools."

Then the ship was under attack by Alpha.

Caesar: "Too late for that, Rex. We gotta go, brother!"

Rex: "Tell me that's a new weapon."

Caesar then close the hatch and press the eject button.

Rex: "Caesar!"

Rocket: "I hate this universe!"

Then the ship blow up as you transform into Cannonbolt and you grab Rex, Groot, Rocket, and Wolverine while the Humane 7 use Rarity's diamond construct of a large sphere while the Hulks use their enhanced physique to survive the fall and Thor break out of the ship. Then the people that you saved are disgusted from your stink.


Groot: "I AM GROOT!"

Then you let everyone out.

Rex: "Do you have any idea what it smells like in there, dude?"

Wolverine: "You get used to it kid."

You then revert back to human form as the others get back to you, Rex, Wolverine, Rocket, and Groot.

(Y/N): "I'm sure you can handle a little arburian musk to save your nuts and bolts dude."

Rex: "Sorry. Thanks. I'm just -- ugh! This day started off perfectly. Now there's aliens, my partner's in a coma, and my brother's trying to kill me."

(Y/N): "Maybe he was trying to protect us. Alpha was right there, and now it's not."

Rex: "You're one of those glass-half-full guys, aren't you?"

(Y/N): "Here on "crazy earth," why not?"

The girls then giggled at your joke as Rex calls Holiday.

Rex: "Holiday, is Six?"

Holiday: "He's the same, but the knights have figured out how to close the rift. You need to get Mr.10 and his friends back to New York if they ever want to see their home again."

Rex: "Figures. Just when I almost considered liking you."

(Y/N): "Hold on a second. You think we're leaving you like this? This might not be our Earth, but it's still Earth sort of."

Thor: "Aye, he's right Rex, this may not be world we all know and love, but no matter what Earth we're on, we are Earth's mightiest heroes."

Red: "We're helping you whether you like it or not."

Groot: "I am Groot!"

Rocket: "We may not be from Earth, They defend a planet while Groot and I defend the galaxy, we call ourselves the Guardians of the Galaxy."

Hulk: "Smashers, Avengers, Ultimates, this a hulksized problem waiting to be answered."

Sci-Twi: "We're with you all the way!"

Sunset: "We went into other universes to accomplish missions while also helping others in those universes."

Rainbow: "And we never leave anyone hanging."

Rex: "Thanks, but this is my problem, not yours."

Holiday: "Rex, we need you back at base. It's here."

Meanwhile at base, Alpha is taking nanites from the other Evos.

Alpha: "Come to me, my siblings."

Alpha then spot Holiday with a weapon on hand.

Alpha: "The nanites in those creatures -- they are different, powerful. Your nanites are weak. I have no use for you. Where is the boy?"

Holiday: "His nanites are off limits."

Holiday fires her weapon at Alpha as he heals from the wounds and grab Holiday. Then Rex appeared and knock Alpha off his feet as you catch Holiday.

(Y/N): "Gotcha."

Holiday blushed a bit as you get her back on her feet.

Rex: "Do you like give me a hand?"

(Y/N): "How about six?"

You then transform into Four Arms and activate your Omni-Enhanced abilities to Four-Arms.

Rex: "I'm starting to like the way you think, (Y/N) 10."

Then Alpha got up as you throw Rex at Alpha and he made giant fists and they both punch each other and they got landed back to their starting points.

Alpha: "You cannot keep me from what I seek."

Rex: "My brother? Look around. He's not here."

Alpha: "The Father is redundant now that I found you."

Alpha grabs Rex as you and the others tried to stop Alpha but to no avail. Alpha tries to merge with Rex but to no avail.

Alpha: "I cannot merge! What makes you so special, human? Yes! You shelter an Omega."

Alpha tries to eat Rex as he makes a large boot, then Holiday shoot a beam to cut Rex free.

Holiday: "Rex!"

Rex: "Ya-a-a-h! That was my leg!"

Then you, Applejack, and the Hulks thunderclap Alpha as Wolverine slash him while Rainbow speed blitz him and Pinkie throw sprinkle bombs at him. Then Groot get into serious mode by growing extra branches as Rocket get out his strongest weapon.


Rocket: "The pain train is leaving the station!"

Groot then send his arms into the ground to punch Alpha as Rocket pull the trigger and fried everything at Alpha. Then Alpha was down as Holiday points a gun at him.

Holiday: "Your move."

Then Alpha run away as you revert to human form.

Rocket: "Your brother wants blow you up, and she's your friend? You might be safer on our Earth."

Holiday: "Rex can lose his builds relatively pain-free."

(Y/N): "If I had Rex's powers and in the same position that he was before, would you cut my leg off?"

Holiday thought for a moment as her love and logic contradicts her mind, then she come up with an answer.

Holiday: "I aim for Alpha's head and don't cut your leg off."

Rex: "What?"

Rocket: "You think you have dangerous friends Rex, try living with the deadliest woman in the galaxy and guy who wants revenge on Thanos who also take metaphors literally."

(Y/N): "You mean Drax and Gamora?"

Rocket: "Pretty much."

(Y/N): "What about Quill?"

Rocket: "He's not there yet."

(Y/N): "Right, okay so let's take five for now."

Next: Chapter 71: Alpha and Omega

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