Chapter 73: Titanic Troubles

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3 days since The Convergence

You and the others are heading to Canterlot High after the whole ordeal of gathering all of the Robot Masters and managing to rehabilitating them in the process. The superhero girls are in casual clothing.

Kara: "It's been three days since the Convergence and I'm tired."

Jessica: "Me too, we need some rest."

(Y/N): "Well, we got school so we can rest while we study."

Rainbow: "At least our school is unaffected by the Convergence."

Flash: "I don't think so."

You and the others see Canterlot High being mixed with another school from another universe. The Canterlot High School statue has a rider on the horse, the rider was in a toga with a blindfold with a sword on one hand and a balance on the other, the statue itself went from stone to Bronze. The school itself has a tower with a large amethyst on it with golden trim and there are flags with both the Canterlot High emblems and the other school's emblem.

Ben: "This is just weird."

Kevin: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "The Convergence."

???(BumbleBee): "The what?"

Then everyone then turn to a group of superheroes that some of their members look familiar.

The superhero girls look at the other heroes in utter shock.

Babs: "Woah!"

???(Batgirl): "What are you doing here?"

???(Wonder Woman): "Yeah and why are you guys look so familiar?"

???(Supergirl): "Wait a second, they're us!"

Diana: "Correct you are."

Then the superhero girls change into their costumes in a magical girl fashion.

Tatsu: "It is an honor to meet a fellow samurai, Katana."

Katana: "Nice to meet you too."

BumbleBee: "Man, you're a lot shorter than I thought B."

Karen: "Yeah."

BumbleBee: "And nice highlights, what's your secret."

Karen: "Uh, courage."

Babs: "Wow, your batsuit is amazing!"

Batgirl: "Thanks, though I like your suit's colors."

Babs: "Aw thanks."

Green Lantern(Jessica Cruz): "Nice mask."

Jessica: "Oh thanks."

Diana: "Is that a traditional Amazon garb from your world?"

Wonder Woman: "Well, no, it was a school project in my universe."

Zee: "Wait, school project?"

Rarity: "Your school has a project of making superhero outfits?"

Wonder Woman: "Yeah?"

Rarity: "I myself made (Y/N)'s superhero outfit."

???(Harley Quinn): "Wow, he looks great, names Harley Quinn."

???(Poison Ivy): "My name's Poison Ivy, it's nice to meet you all."

The superhero girls were a bit nervous about Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn, due to their experiences with their Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.

Poison: "What's with the nervous look?"

Jessica: "Sorry, we just have bad experience with our Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy."

Poison: "We understand, we're from separate universes, until now."

Then Starlight Glimmer came out of the portal while minding her business.

Starlight: "Alright, just placed a clone of myself in Equestria so I can move...."

Starlight then see the changes to the school and the twice as many superheroes in one area.

Starlight: "What is going on here?"

Pinkie: "All of our universes got merged together what we call The Convergence, which was cause by two powerful of the 6 rocks called the Infinity Stones, specifically Space and Reality and now all the locations from all over the multiverse are sprouting everywhere on this new Earth along with the problems from the universes that they have and now we met two of the same people from different universes and now we need to find the whoever done it before it's too late!"*Squee*

Starlight and everyone except those who knows Pinkie were shocked.

Poison: "How did you know that?"

Pinkie: "We had a meeting."

Starlight: "How has this become a thing?"

(Y/N): "3 days ago."

???(Peter B. Parker): "Hey (Y/N)!"

You and the others turn to a man in a Spider-Man costume who looks like he's in his late 30s and he was unmasked and holding a cup of Joe, along with Miles and Gwen.

(Y/N): "Spider Man?"

???(Peter B. Parker): "You know I get that a lot."

The Spider Man and the other spiders leap down from the rooftop and get closer to you.

Diana: "Who is this Man of Spiders?"

???(Peter B. Parker): "It's Spider-Man and let me talk about myself."

(A/N): Start from 0:31 to 2:48

Peter B.: "There's a spider hero named Crimson Spider and she is a spider in every way, retractable limbs, fangs, talons, venom blasts, and even a new power called Scarlet Sense."

Miles: "Dude, our universes got merged together."

Gwen S: "Tell us what happened."

You were about to answer her until you hear the PTA systems calling your name in a voice that you're not familiar of.

???(Amanda Waller): "(Y/N) 10, please report to the principal's office."

(Y/N): "That's new."

Poison: "That's Amanda Waller, she's the principal of our school."

(Y/N): "You mean Celestia?"

Miles: "Dude, just go already man!"

(Y/N): "Alright, hope the layout is the same."

Meanwhile in the Principal's office, Amanda Waller is a slim, middle aged woman with dark skin, black hair in a neat haircut, and brown eyes. She wears dark eye shadow, a slate blue shirt with a black blazer on top, a knee-length black skirt, and black high heels. She also wears a golden necklace with three key-fobs hanging off of it and golden hoop earrings. She is currently waiting for you while she has a conversation with Celestia and Luna.

Amanda: "So this (Y/N) 10 is your student?"

Celestia: "He is the best at being Canterlot City's greatest hero."

Luna: "He started his career at the age of 5 when he got his Omnitrix."

Celestia: "And ever since the Friendship Games and the Battle of the Bands, his watch has evolved so much since then."

Amanda: "I can't wait to meet this young hero of yours."

Then you came into the room and see the principals and Amanda Waller as they turn to you.

(Y/N): "You must be Amanda Waller."

Amanda: "Just call me Principal Waller, and you must be (Y/N) 10, I heard so much about you."

You then sit down on a chair as Amanda take a look at your Ultimatrix.

Amanda: "Impressive technology, Celestia and Luna told me a lot about you young man."

Luna: "Can you tell us what happened to our school, our city?"

(Y/N): "Well, our realities have merged together in a cosmic event that we like to call The Convergence."

Celestia: "What caused this?"

(Y/N): "The Infinity Stones, specifically Space and Reality."

Celestia and Luna were shocked from what they heard as Principal Waller notice this.

Amanda: "What are these Infinity Stones."

(Y/N): "6 colorful glowing rocks that are very powerful, each stone has a specific power: Mind, Reality, Space, Time, Soul, and Power, if you put them all together you be able to wipe out universe just by a snap of your fingers."

Amanda: "Do you have any experience with them."

(Y/N): "Well I fought the craziest cosmic mad titan Thanos and a dumb as brick jock name MacGuffin back in the Musical Showcase, they both tried to use those thing to murder me and they both failed."

Amanda: "These Infinity Stones must be very powerful."

Then you and everyone hear the alarm.

(Y/N): "What is that!?"

Amanda: "That's the Save The Day alarm, follow me."

Later, Amanda brought you and the others to a garage and you found Raven in the room.

(Y/N): "Raven?"

Raven then turn to you and smile.

Raven: "(Y/N), it's good to see you again."

(Y/N): "It's a been awhile since we fought Strike."

Amanda: "You know her?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, we met in a another universe when she was seconds away from being a lifeless statue until she casted a spell at last second to keep herself from being a statue."

Amanda: "Okay, we have to go somewhere new."

(Y/N): "Describe it."

Amanda: "I haven't seen this before, it's from a who new world, it's series of 3 walls filled with giants."

(Y/N): "You mean titians."

Babs: "You know them?"

Flash: "Know them, we kicked their butts last time."

(Y/N): "All they want is the flesh of humans and if they manage to get to all of the cities in those walls, if those things are outside those walls, game over."

Amanda: "Sounds serious."

(Y/N): "The only way to kill them is to hit the nape of the necks and we need some extra help from other people from other realities."

Amanda: "Really."

(Y/N): "Flash contact director Fury."

Flash: "On it!"

(Y/N): "Gloriosa, track down every Spider-Man you can find."

Gloriosa: "Got it."

Flash heads back to the HQ to call Fury while Gloriosa heads out to find every Spider-Men she can find.

(Y/N): "If you find a Zombie Spider-Man, watch out for his teeth, we do not wanna end up like Earth-2149."

Timber: "Wait, what happened in Earth-2149?"

Rainbow: "Nobody knows, he never told us."

(Y/N): "Alright, you guys go ahead, I'll catch up."

Amanda: "Where are you going?"

(Y/N): "The guys at those walls are low tech, they use steampunk tech and when I left their world awhile back, I made some upgrades to their weapons."

Amanda: "You're bringing backup and weapons?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Later, you head to the school behind your school and as you head to the school, you see a pink comet heading your way at blazing speeds. Then something grabbed you and hugs you tightly and you see it's Carol.

(Y/N): "Carol?"

Carol: "Oh it's so good to see you again (Y/N)."

Carol then kiss you on the face leaving behind multiple kiss marks.

(Y/N): "Okay, Okay, it's good to see you again."

Carol then let go of you and get out of lantern form.

Carol: "Sorry, it's been so long since I last seen you."

???(Selina Kyle): "It's been a day since you seen him."

You then turn to a group of girls.

Carol: "(Y/N), these are friends, Harleen Quinzel, Selina Kyle, Leslie Willis, Doris Zeul, and Pam Isley."

Leslie: "Nice to meet ya."

(Y/N): "You Carol told me a lot about you guys during our adventures across the multiverse."

Harleen: "Really, she's been blabbering about us to ya."

Carol: "I also told him our secret identities, sorry."

Pam: "I can't believe you did that Carol!"

(Y/N): "Hey it's okay, but i need your help."

Selina: "Oh, the big strong man wants our help, alright."

Doris: "What is it, beating up someone up, robbing a bank, or beating someone up while robbing a bank?"

(Y/N): "We need to fight off monsters called Titans, if those things get loose on the planet, it's game over."

Carol: "What are these Titans?"

(Y/N): "They eat the flesh of humans for fun and if those walls that keep them in are knocked down, the world will come to an end."

Selina: "Sounds like we're gonna some real, real fun."

Then the girls transform in a magical girl fashion.

Then Doris crack her knuckles.

Doris: "Where do we fight these titans?"

(Y/N): "Follow me."

Later, you brought Carol's friends to your lair and grab some equipment for people that are under attack by titans.

Selina: "Why are we getting these when we have powers?"

(Y/N): "Those people are from a different reality, they need these and people with powers can do so much."

Harleen: "He has a point, plus we did a coin toss, and you lost, leave it to the feline to go with tails again, hahaha."

Meanwhile, the others are taking the S.H.I.E.L.D. tricarrier to head to the location.

Amanda: "I'd say you are equipped for anything Director Fury."

Nick: "Call me Nick Fury, and thanks to Crimson Spider, she found every Spider-Man she can find."

Gloriosa: "It took me 5 hours to get them all and I almost became zombie chow when capturing Zombie Spider-Man."

Nick: "What those Spider-Men need is a leader."

Gloriosa: "I'll take the responsibility as leader of the Spider-Army."

Amanda: "Spider-Army?"

Gloriosa: "I made it up."

Gloriosa then head down into the hanger and talk to a Spider-Man who look like is made of 5th generation polygons.

Gloriosa: "Is everyone accounted for PS1?"

PS1 Spider-Man: "Yep, everyspider is accounted for."

Gloriosa: "Alright."

Then everyone look out the window and see Paradis Island, the walls.

Timber: "We made it."

Sunset: "I hope (Y/N) is catching up."

Later, you and the Supervillain girls are in the Rustbucket 3 heading to the walls and you all see it.

Pam: "Wow, every spacious."

Doris: "Man those walls are big."

Leslie: "They make the Great Wall of China look like a school project for a two year old."

Carol: "So, what do those weapons do?"

(Y/N): "Kill titans, the required equipment are two blades and 3D maneuver gear, the blades are disposable and the gear runs on air tanks, but I made some upgrades."

You then pull out an upgraded blade.

(Y/N): "Antarctic Vibranium blade with a tachyon aura for extra damage."

Carol: "What's Antarctic Vibranium?"

(Y/N): "A metal that is made to weaken molecular bonds of any material, including Adamantium, the strongest metal in the world."

You then pull out the upgraded 3D maneuver gear.

(Y/N): "Battery powered jet boosters with an auto lock on system, the battery lasts for 19 hours without charge."

Later, you and the other made it over the walls.

(Y/N): "We made it everyone."

Carol: "Are we parking?"

(Y/N): "Yep, our landing spot is directly below us."

Pam: "How far below?"

(Y/N): "Do you wanna know?"

Pam: "Maybe not, do I wanna know?"

(Y/N): "15 million feet."

Pam: "That's high."

(Y/N): "Yep that's very high."

Carol: "What's the plan?"

(Y/N): "Well, titans have a acute sense of hearing and they don't fly but they do jump and they know every human trick in the book, except..."

Carol: "Except they don't have flying machines."

(Y/N): "Exactly."

Selina: "Thinking about a dive bomb?"

Pam: "Oh no."

(Y/N): "Not really, a dive bomb would lead to alerting nearby titans in the area, I'm thinking something else, buckle up back there, we're doing a drop."

Everyone buckled up to prepare for a drop.

Pam: "Oooooooh no."

(Y/N): "Mana, front and center."

Then a hologram of a purple sphere appeared on the dash board of the Rustbucket 3.

Mana: "May I be of assistance?"

(Y/N): "I need you to tell me to fire up the jets at the last second, to avoid crashing."

Pam: "Please don't say crashing!"

Mana: "I understand, to prepare I need to calibrate to your reaction time."

(Y/N): "Alright."

Mana: "When I say Mark, you say sync, mark."

(Y/N): "Sync!"

Mana: "Calibration complete."

(Y/N): "Thanks Mana."

Mana: "You are welcome."

(Y/N): "Ready Skurd?"

Skurd: "Of course brother."

(Y/N): "Time for express elevator."

You then turn off the engines to the ship and then it starts to fall from the sky.


Pam: "I think gonna get sick!"

(Y/N): "Don't lose your lunch Pam."

Skurd: "Don't expel your eatings!"

Mana: "Prepare to fire engines on my mark: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3-"

Later, the others have arrived on at a place called Utgard Castle.

Nick: "This is it, Utgard castle."

Amanda: "And I brought 3 extra students along the way."

Amanda pointed to 3 extra students, one of them is a girl with long flowing red and orange hair in a fiery ombré pattern (yellow on the dolls), orange skin, and green eyes. She wears purple eye shadow, purple lipstick, and pink blush. She also wears a purple flame dress with metal shoulder pads with a green gem on the chest, and a metallic belt with another identical green gem. She also wears metallic elbow-length finger-less gloves and purple knee-high boots. A guy that has dark skin and black short hair. The right half of his face is robotic with a red robotic eye, and the other half is human, with a brown eye. His body is a large metal suit with black sleeves and red rectangle with a gear logo inside on his chest. Most of his body is grey and white. And finally a that has has green skin, long red hair and brown eyes. She wears a navy blue cardigan with a grey jumper and a white shirt underneath. There's also a red 'X' going across the torso of her grey jumper.

???(Cyborg): "Awe yeah, this is gonna be awesome!"

???(Starfire): "That is right Cyborg, this will be the some of the awe!"

???(Miss Martian): "I am excited to work alongside this (Y/N) 10, Starfire, but when will he get here?"

Then the Rustbucket 3 almost hit the ground as you fire up the engines at the last second and safely land the ship on the ground. Then you and the ship's passengers came out of the ship as Pam feels dizzy from the drop and Miss Martian turn invisible in fear.

(Y/N): "I'm here and I brought some backup."

Cyborg: "Man you know how to make an entrance."

Starfire: "You must be the (Y/N) of the 10, my name is Starfire from the planet known as Tameran and Miss Martian is with us right now, but she is invisible right now."

(Y/N): "I bet she's standing a few inches to the right of you Star."

Miss Martian then reappeared as Starfire took notice of this.

Starfire: "You found Miss Martian."

(Y/N): "I put on a special pair of contacts that can counter any means of invisibility, so no matter how much she tries, she can't escape my eyes."

Miss Martian then hide behind Starfire as Harleen and Pam take a look at their parallel universal counterparts.

Poison: "Wow."

Pam: "You're taller than me."

Harleen: "Red and blue huh, I'm more of a black and red kind of girl myself."

Harley: "Alright, but after we kick titan butts, I got a whole list of pranks for the both of us."

Diana then walk up to you.

Diana: "Why did you bring them along?"

(Y/N): "I know Star Sapphire, she and I used to go on a universe hopping adventure."

Starfire: "You've been on the adventure of the universe hopping?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, we've seen a lot of stuff during that adventure."

Then Peter B. appeared next to you.

Peter B.: "Hey, hate to interrupt the conversation about universe hopping adventures, but I think those guys over there are running towards us with titans on their tail."

Peter B. then point to 5 people being chased by titans 3 out of 5 them you recognized them as the Crystal Gems while the other two is a teenager with a black shirt with a star on it, a pink varsity jacket, blue jeans, red sandals, and black hair while the other like MegaMan but slightly taller with some advanced tech.

???(Steven Universe): "Help, we're being chased by giants!"

(Y/N): "Starfire, throw me!"

Starfire: "Are you the sure?"

(Y/N): "Just do it!"

Starfire then grab you and throw you to the gems as you transform into Green Diamond and summon your Warhammer knock the titans on their feet.

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "What a beautiful day!"

While you fight off and bash around titans the gems watching in awe from the display of abilities that you're capable of as Green Diamond.

Pearl: "Is that?"

Garnet: "No way."

You then pull out a green windup bomb and then you wind it up to and throw it at the titans and it exploded. You spare a 5ft titan for safekeeping by putting it in your Ultimatrix badge and then grab onto the gems, the boy, and the MegaMan lookalike and then head back to the castle.

Later, it was nighttime and you were keeping the titan in check while 3 of the Scout Regiment two of them you know as Eren Jager and Hange Zoë, while the third one is an old man. The gems , the boy, and the Mega Man lookalike are in the same room while you hold the 5ft titan in a chokehold with your right arm.

Hange found something odd about the titan, it has some metallic material on it.

???(X): "My name is Mega Man X, but you can just call me X."

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Nice to meet you X."

???(Steven Universe): "My name is Steven Universe, and the gems and I were on a mission here until you saved our lives."

Pearl: "It is good to see you again."

Amethyst: "Hey Pearl, look at Garnet."

Pearl looks at Garnet as she was staring at you while she was lost in thought. Pearl then takes a look at your gem form.

Pearl: "I can't believe my own eyes, you transformed into a gem, not just that a diamond."

Eren: "What's a diamond?"

Steven: "Well a diamond a matriarch of all gems, my mom was a diamond before she turn into Rose Quartz and Crete a rebellion to fight for Earth."

Hange: "Interesting."

Steven: "Really?"

Hange: "I wasn't talking about your mother, I'm talking about this."

Hange then point at the metallic material on the titan as X recognizes it.

X: "I've seen this before."

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "What is it?"

X: "The Sigma Virus."

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Is that like the Roboenza Virus?"

X: "Even worst, if it's here, so is Sigma."

Later, everyone was in the tricarrier after you helped out the people in the walls and you were in human to see Even again. You found him sitting on a jet while the same old man from the castle.

(Y/N): "Hey buddy, it's been awhile."

Eren: "Nice to see you again (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Why so glum?"

Eren: "It's just, I'm sure I'm strong enough to fight off these titans, I have the power of the Attack and Founding Titan I can control them, but what if they're not enough."

Stan Lee: "Eren, out of all the people who can turn into a titan, you are the strongest of them all."

Eren: "Really?"

Stan Lee: "Yep, cause you know that with great power comes with great responsibility, and you're a true believer yourself, this is just the start of a great tale with nefarious villains scheming and spectacular heroes daring do, and remember Eren, Excelsior!"

Next: Chapter 74: Introducing Ultron Sigma

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