Chapter 72: Unexpected Universal Changes

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It is night time, you just stopped a robbery as Rath and you were tying them up.

(Y/N) as Rath: "And don't comeback to rob this bank again, or Rath will bring on the pain!"

There was a wave of red and blue light went by you as you got confused for a moment.

(Y/N) as Rath: "What was that?"

Then a girl with blue shirt, blonde hair, red cape, red skirt, and red boots was flying by and see new sights to her new city.

???(Kara Danvers): "What the heck, what happened to Metropolis?"

The girl then spot you as she thinks that you're a rampaging monster.

???(Kara Danvers): "Hey meathead!"

You then turn to the girl as she charges in and punch you hard enough to be launched into a building. Then you got up and turn to the girl.

(Y/N) as Rath: "Hey, what was that for, I was just minding my own business until you showed up and beat me in the face!"

Then the girl charges at you.

(Y/N) as Rath: "Alright, you ask for it."

You then transform into Goop as the girl punch you in the chest and he hand is in it. She then gets grossed out from your gelatinous body.

???(Kara Danvers): "Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!"

The girl tries to get her hand out of your body but to no avail.

???(Kara Danvers): "This is so gross!"

You then transform into Ghostfreak.

(Y/N) as Ghostfreak: "Can't fight what you can't touch."

You then phase through the girl and you turn to her and see she was shivering.

(Y/N) as Ghostfreak: "How's the ghost's touch?"

???(Kara Danvers): "Very creepy."

Then you and the girl heard a roar of a monster nearby.

(A/N): Play 0:38

You and the girl followed the sound and found a monster with tendrils with mouths at the end, rows of sharp teeth, a glowing orange belly, black skin, and a head that resembles a crocodile's head.

???(Kara Danvers): "A monster attack, here?"

(Y/N) as Ghostfreak: "It looks like it's a plant."

???(Kara Danvers): "Allow me to deal with this creep!"

The girl was about to charge at the beast until you catch her with your tendrils.

???(Kara Denvers): "Hey, get me out of your tentacles freak show!"

(Y/N) as Ghostfreak: "No need for violence my friend, only reason."

You then let the girl and head to the ground and transform into Swampfire and release a gas to calm the creature.

(Y/N) as Swampfire: "Okay calm down, I know you're in new surroundings, but I know a place where there are others like you, it's called Monster Island, I can take you there."

You then transform into Alien X and crate a portal that leads to Monster Island.

(Y/N) as Alien X: "Monster Island is a place for you, go."

The creature went into the portal as you close it as the girl was shocked from seeing what you just did. She then fly down to you.

???(Kara Danvers): "Wow, guess I don't need to throw any punches."

You then revert back to human form as the girl blushed from seeing you real form, but she hides her blush.

(Y/N): "Well that was easy, my name's (Y/N) (L/N), what's your name?"

???(Kara Danvers): "Supergirl, but..."

Supergirl look around to be sure that no one is around and then whisper her real name into your ear.

???(Kara Danvers): "You can call me Kara Danvers."

(Y/N): "Nice to meet you."

Then you get a phone call from Mane-iac.

(Y/N): "Hold on, let me take this."

You answer the call.

(Y/N): "Hello?"

Mane-iac: "(Y/N), this is urgent, have you encountered someone you haven't seen before?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, why?"

Mane-iac: "Whomever you met is not from our universe!"

(Y/N): "Mane-iac, what talking about?"

Mane-iac: "Get to base, Sci-Twi, Twilight and I will explain everything and bring that person with you, I'm calling in a team meeting, if you meet anyone else you haven't seen before, don't hesitate to bring them along!"

(Y/N): "Okay bye."

You then hang up the phone.

(Y/N): "Kara, I'm bringing you to HQ."

Kara: "You have an HQ, awesome, I'm gonna call my friends!"

Kara then get out her phone and send a call to all of her friends. Meanwhile, Mane-iac. Twilight, and Sci-Twi has prepped a presentation for the whole team, then you walk in with an entire new team of superheroes.

(Y/N): "Sorry I was late everyone, I've met some people on the way."

Mane-iac: "Okay then, take a seat."

You and the other superheroes take a seat.

Mane-iac: "Introduce yourselves."

???(Diana Prince): "Very well, I am Diana, Princess of the Amazons, they call me Wonder Woman."

???(Karen Beecher): "Um, hi, my name is Karen Beecher, I'm Bumblebee."

Gali then hug Karen very tightly while suffocating her.

Gali: "You're so cute, like a little bee!"

Karen: "Thanks, let me go please, I can't breathe!"

Gali then let go of Karen.

Gali: "Sorry."

???(Jessica Cruz): "My name is Jessica Cruz, but you can call me-"

(Y/N): "Green Lantern?"

Jessica: "How did you know that?"

(Y/N): "We have lanterns too."

Kara: "Kara Zor-El is my Kryptonian name, my Earth name is Kara Danvers and I'm Supergirl."

???(Zee Zatara): "You can call me, Zee Zatara, and my name is Zatanna."

???(Barbara Gordon): "My name's Barbara Gordon, but you can call me Babs, and I'm Batgirl."

???(Tatsu Yamashiro): "I am Tatsu Yamashiro, and I'm a warrior from the land of the rising sun known as Katana."

Then everyone made their introductions and Mane-iac, Twilight, and Sci-Twi start the presentation.

Sci-Twi: "Now then, let's start the presentation."

Mane-iac then show a picture of Canterlot City.

Mane-iac: "Look and see, this is Canterlot City before the red and blue lights appeared."

Mane-iac then one onto the next slide and it shows a picture of Canterlot City with much more buildings.

Mane-iac: "This is Canterlot City now."

The Superhero girls recognize the extra buildings from their world.

Kara: "That's the Daily Planet tower!"

Babs: "And that school behind Canterlot high is Metropolis High!"

Diana: "Great Hera, what is the cause of this?!"

Sci-Twi: "We come up some answers."

Twilight then pull out a white board that has a list of objects or powers that could be the cause of the event.

Twilight: "This is not a random dimensional anomaly, this is an act of merging separate universes, there are a lot objects that can merge multiple universes together."

Sci-Twi: "Obviously it's not the Siege Perilous, cause it allows use to travel into other dimensions, it wouldn't be the Power Cosmic cause Gali needs to each an entire galaxy todo that, then by process of elimination it is caused by the Infinity Stones."

Jessica: "What are the Infinity Stones?"

Adagio: "Small rocks that grant the user incredible power."

(Y/N): "Each of them has a separate power: mind, time, reality, space, power, and soul."

Kevin: "Put them together, and you have the power to wipe out the universe just by snapping your fingers."

Mane-iac: "Yes, but the event, which I call it the Convergence, was caused by Space and Reality stones."

Kamala: "Whomever done this, we need to stop them!"

(Y/N): "Agreed."

Sci-Twi: "And it's not just our universe and their universe that went through the Convergence."

Twilight: "There are locations that sprouted out off nowhere and their from different universes."

Mane-iac: "Earth-65, Earth-1610, Earth-928, Earth-8311, Earth-199999, all have undergone the Convergence."

Sci-Twi: "Problems from other realities will surface right now!"

Then they heard an explosion from outside.

Fluttershy: "Like that?"

(Y/N): "Whatever it is, we need to stop it!"

Diana: "Agreed."

Later, you, Flash, the Humane 7, and the Superhero Girls went outside at the park and found a badly damaged blue robot on the ground.

Jessica: "Oh my goodness, are you alright?"

???(Rock): "Ugh, Robot Masters, there."

The robot points to 2 Robot Masters: One is a mermaid in a lake nearby, the second is a more a brute.

The girls then fight off the Robot Masters as you turn to the robot on the ground.

(Y/N): "What is your name?"

???(Rock): "You can call me either Rock or Mega Man."

(Y/N): "What do you know about the Robot Masters?"

Rock: "Guts Man was built for construction and Splash Woman is made for rescuing people who are drowning in oceans."

(Y/N): "Why are they attacking?"

Rock: "Dr. Wily reprogramed them with the Roboenza Virus, it's a disease that only robots can get, to make them violent towards humans."

(Y/N): "I think I can cure them."

Rock: "There are dozens of them across the city, how are you gonna cure them?!"

(Y/N): "You get an Upgrade!"

You then transform into Upgrade and merge with Mega Man.

Rock: "This feels weird!"

Then the girls and Flash Sentry turn to you and Rock.

Flash: "Dude, what are you doing?"

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Providing a cure for all the robots under the Roboenza Virus."

You then make an antenna on Rock's head and send out a signal planet wide that destroys the Roboenza forever. Then the two Robot Masters stop attacking the city along with the other Robot Masters and other robots in the world.

Diana: "Great Hera, they weren't evil, they were sick."

Splash Woman: "Whoah, what happened to us?"

You then revert back to human form and head to the Robot Masters.

(Y/N): "Are all okay?"

Guts Man: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "What happened to you guys?"

Splash Woman: "We were deactivated and put up for display in a museum."

Jessica: "That's horrible."

Splash Woman then turn to you and then blushed a bit.

(Y/N): "Hi."

Splash Woman: "Um, hi, uh, I gotta go!"

Splash Woman then swim off into a river that leads into an ocean.

Kara: "That was random."

Guts Man: "Hey, before she got hit by the Roboenza, she was turned down by a lot of people who won't let her sing, trust me she a has a great singing voice."

Then you come up with an idea to cheer up Splash Woman and you transform into Ripjaws and swam after Splash Woman.

Guts Man: "Uh, where is he going?"

Flash: "Trust me man, he knows how to help people."

Later, you found Splash Woman sitting next to a rock next to an ocean. Tears were flowing down her face as you get close to her.

(Y/N): "Hey."

Splash Woman: "Hi."

(Y/N): "Look Guts Man told me about you wanted to sing, but people from your reality don't see you."

Splash Woman: "Yeah."

(Y/N): "That's why I want to sing with you."

Then you start singing as Splash Woman starts singing as well.

While you and Splash Woman were singing, you two save some drowning people and take them to shore. Then you took Splash Woman on a train ride for an hour. Then you Splash Woman take in the new sights of the Earth after the Convergence. Then you two head back to Cantertropolis City and watch the sunset.

(Y/N): "Well, that was fun Splash."

Splash Woman: "Yeah."

Next: Chapter 73: Titanic Troubles

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