Chapter 78: Mega Man Group

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36 days since The Convergence

You were on the Diamond's ships over an island that is filled with people that look human but aren't human.

(Y/N): "Thanks for the ride guys, I'll be heading down on the island and see what they are down there, I'll bring Spinel along if theres any trouble on the island."

Yellow: "Why are you bringing her along?"

(Y/N): "Steven told me she's very dangerous with a scythe."

You hand Spinel a small device as she press a button on it and it transform into a scythe.

Spinel: "Sweet."

The diamonds turn to each other and whisper to each other and then turn back to you.

White: "(Y/N), we've been thinking and well, we want you to live with us."

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

White: "(Y/N) please

Yellow: "You can't go."

Blue: "You must stay."

White: "You're all that is left of Green."

White Diamond then kneel down to you.

White: "(Y/N), you being here with us."

(Y/N): "Sorry, but Spinel and I have mission to do."

The Diamonds: 🎵Come live with us in the Palace🎵

The Diamonds: 🎵There's a room waiting for you🎵

Yellow: 🎵Come on...🎵

Blue: 🎵Come on...🎵

White: 🎵Come on...🎵

The Diamonds: 🎵Just let us adore you🎵

(Y/N): "Look, I may have Green Diamond's powers and form but I'm not Green Diamond."

The Diamonds: 🎵Yes, we know that you're not her but you were her🎵

The Diamonds: 🎵You know what it meant to love her🎵

The Diamonds: 🎵And you remind us so much of her🎵

(Y/N): "Thanks, but we really need to go on the mission."

The Diamonds: "But (Y/N)!"

Yellow: "I've rebuilt my armies, I've made training drills for possible threats caused by The Convergence!"

Blue: "I recruited the Avengers and the Guardians!"

White: "I've been making alliances even with lower life-forms!"

(Y/N): "We talked about this."

White: "Ugh, equal life-forms, (Y/N), we've done everything you've asked!"

(Y/N): "That's great! Good job! Keep it up! Bye!"

You and Spinel when into an orb and head to the island and get out of the orb.

Spinel: "Alright, where do we start?"

(Y/N): "There's a town nearby, maybe we can look for something there."

You and Spinel head to the town and look around, you then see a shop owner that looks human but he's not.

(Y/N): "Sir, can you hold still for a second."

Shop Owner: "Sure why?"

You then pull out a scanner and scan his facial features and see that his entire body is mechanical.

(Y/N): "Have you notice red and blue lights lately sir?"

Shop Owner: "Since 36 days ago, why?"

(Y/N): "Just wondering, I'm (Y/N) 10 and this is my friend Spinel."

Spinel: "Hello."

(Y/N): "Have you seen anything strange lately sir?"

Shop Owner: "Nope sorry."

(Y/N): "Thank you sir."

Then everyone in the town sees a green ship floating over the town.

Random Guy: "Air Pirates!"

You and Spinel look up in the sky as a girl in a green mech suit fall down from the ship and land on the ground.

???(Tron Bonne): "Alright everyone, I heard there are new people that came from off the island and out of our borders."

Spinel: "Who's that?"

Shop Owner: "That's Tron Bonne of the Bonne family of air pirates."

(Y/N): "What's an air pirate?"

Shop Owner: "Air pirates are criminal Diggers who want to steal treasures for themselves."

(Y/N): "Well I'm gonna talk to her myself, come on Spinel."

Spinel: "Right."

You then walk up to Tron as she turn to you.

Tron: "Who are you suppose to be?"

(Y/N): "My name is (Y/N) 10 and this is Spinel, I'm from the city of Cantertropolis and she's from a far planet known as Homeworld, our universes has been merged together through an event called The Convergence."

Tron: "What are you talking about?"

(Y/N): "The red and blue lights 36 days ago, that's from The Convergence."

Tron: "If that happened, then that means."

Torn then realized something.

Tron: "There's more treasures in other universes, I'm rich!"

Then she sees Spinel's gemstone and grab Spinel.

Tron: "How much does her gemstone cost!"

Spinel: "Hey!"

(Y/N): "It's not for sale."

You then transform into Humungasaur and grab Spinel back. Torn was a bit surprised from what she sees.

Tron: "How did you that?"

(Y/N) as Humungasaur: "I do this!"

You punch Tron's mech hard enough to launch her into a building. You then place Spinel back on the ground.

Spinel: "Thanks (Y/N)."

(Y/N) as Humungasaur: "No problem."

Tron then got up and run to you as you turn to her and she tried to use a drill on you, but you managed to catch it and Torn spin out of control and you throw her to the ground as she got up and she was dizzy.

Tron: "Ugh, my head."

You then hear a panicked voice from the distance.

???(Volnutt): "Run for it!"

You then see another version of Mega Man running from a horde of Ultron drones as two other versions of Mega Man fell from the sky to the ground as Ultron-Sigma and Strike appeared.

Ultron-Sigma: "Greetings (Y/N) (L/N)."

You then reverted back to human form.

(Y/N): "Ultron-Sigma."

Your Ultimatrix then scan one of the Mega Men.

Mana: "DNA Scan complete, AM-ian DNA acquired."

???(Geo Stelar): "What was that?"

???(Omega-Xis): "I think he scanned us Geo."

You then transform into an Alicorn AM-ian with glowing green mechanical wings, a blue horn, a ball of green EM energy that is surrounded by a metallic shell of your body, the legs have red cleft hooves with green stripes on them as some of the green energy is attach to the legs, your eyes glow green, and the Ultimatrix badge is on a silver necklace around your neck, your mane moves on it's own in a color of a rainbow like a combination of Rainbow's and Celestia's hair colors.

(Y/N) as ???(Solaris): "Huh, this is new, I'll name this new guy Solaris."

Geo: "Did he turn into an AM-ian?"

(Y/N) as Solaris: "Hmm I wonder."

Ultron-Sigma: "You think your new form can beat us, think again."

(Y/N) as Solaris: "No in my current state, be right back."

You then fly off to Cantertropolis and found Sunset and land behind her.

(Y/N) as Solaris: "Hey Sunset."

Sunset then turn to you and she unrecognized you until she sees your Ultimatrix.

Sunset: "(Y/N), is that you?"

(Y/N) as Solaris: "Yep, in the Radio Waves."

Sunset: "What brings you here, I thought you were on that mission on that island?"

(Y/N) as Solaris: "Ultron-Sigma showed up at the island and I found 3 more versions of Mega Man, in order to help them I need your help."

Sunset: "How can I help?"

(Y/N) as Solaris: "I need your body."

Sunset blushed nervously like a girl who still has her virginity.

Sunset: "Wait what?"

(Y/N) as Solaris: "The new form's power is not strong enough, I have to perform EM Wave Change to make you an EM Being."

Sunset: "Alright, what do I have to-"

You then perform EM Wave Change before Sunset can finish her thought. Sunset is now in a form where your head is an arm cannon on her right arm, she has flame patterns on her legs, metallic wings like an angel, she got a green long horn on her forehead, the Ultimatrix badge is on her stomach, a red visor in front of her face, Sunset's hair become em wave energy moving like fire like her She Demon form but brighter, and she has high heel shoes.

Sunset: "Whoah."

(Y/N) as Solaris: "You think you can do this?"

Sunset: "Lets do it!"

Sunset then fly off to the island to confront Ultron-Sigma as he see her.

Ultron-Sigma: "As expected from a being made of Radio Waves."

Sunset: "You're going down Ultron-Sigma!"

(Y/N) as Solaris: "Sunset, try getting into their head."

Sunset: "Alright!"

Sunset then flies into Ultron-Sigma and use Noise Control to go into the body and mind of Ultron-Sigma. Sunset sees that theres nothing but code, like in the Matrix.

Sunset: "This is like the Matrix, the code."

Then you see Ultron and Sigma.

(Y/N) as Solaris: "Ultron, Sigma."

Sigma: "Hmm, for someone who's been an Electromagnetic Waves for a short time, you got a handle in this."

Ultron: "You think you can destroy us from in here?"

Sunset: "Nope, just this."

Sunset then wave her hand as Noise energy were being controlled by her.

Meanwhile, outside of Ultron-Sigma, all of the Ultron drones were destroyed as Strike was set free.

Strike: "What happened?"

Later, back to you and Sunset, Sigma and Ultron feel that their army is falling into pieces.

Sigma: "What is going on?"

Ultron: "They destroyed our forces and freed Strike."

Sunset then blow a kiss to the genocidal A.I.s.

Sunset: "Ta ta!"

She then leave their body and land on the ground in between Geo and the other Mega Man.

Ultron-Sigma: "You may have won this battle, but the war had just begun and we will rebuild our armies from scratch."

Utron-Sigma then teleport away as you reverse the EM Wave Change and revert yourself back to human form.

(Y/N): "I wonder if Solaris can become a radio personality."

Sunset: "I'm guessing you're going with News from the AM, cause the sunrises in the AM."

Then Geo and the other Mega Man got up and turn to you and Sunset.

Geo: "How did you do that?"

Then the Mega Men got spit into 4 people.

???(Lan Hikari): "Hi, my name is Lan Hikari and this is my NetNavi MegaMan.EXE."

EXE: "Hey."

???(Omega-Xis): "My name is Omega-Xis and this human I was merged with is Geo Stelar."

Geo: "Nice to meet you."

Then the third Mega Man turn to you as Spinel heads to Sunset.

???(Volnutt): "My name is Volnutt, and I'm a Mega Man two."

Sunset: "I think we got the case of the Mega Mans."

(Y/N): "We know more Mega Mans back to we're from, they're named X and Rock."

Tron: "More Mega Men, how's that possible?"

(Y/N): "The Convergence."

Tron: "Oh right."

Lan: "What's The Convergence?"

(Y/N): "We'll explain when we get back to Cantertropolis."

Spinel: "Oh look, that Diamonds are back."

Spinel then point at the Diamond's ships coming in for a landing.

Blue: "Knock Knock (Y/N)."

Yellow: "It's us."

White: "The Diamonds, are we interrupting something?"

(Y/N): "Uh, no, we're pretty much done with the mission here."

Then an orb from the forehead of the ship came to the ground and reveal the Diamonds.

Geo: "Whoah, who are they?"

(Y/N): "The Diamonds, they're matriarchs of a far away planet called Homeworld."

Tron: "Wow."

???(Tisel Bonne): "What's going here?"

Torn then turn to a man with green armor, grey hair, and red eyes.

Tron: "Teisel, we have visitors from space and other realities."

Teisel then see more Mega Men.

Teisel: "More of those blue boys!"

You then turn to the diamonds.

(Y/N): "So, mission complete and-"

Yellow: "(Y/N), we were all talking and-"

Yellow smell the air.

Yellow: "I'm sorry, but what is that smell?"

(Y/N): "What do you mean, I don't smell anything?"

Yellow: "That's because you live here."

Blue: "Anyways, we were talking and we decided-"

Then White push the other Diamonds away.

White: "This is taking too long, (Y/N), we came back to Earth to live with you."

(Y/N): "I'm pretty sure your fingers wouldn't fit through the door of my house."

White: "Oh well, I'm sure we can make do with something on Earth."

(Y/N): "I think I know a place in Vista Verde, or should I say under Vista Verde."

Later, at Vista Verde, you are talking to The Agents of S.M.A.S.H. about the Diamonds move to Earth.

She-Hulk: "So let me get this straight, The Diamonds are moving to Earth because of Green Diamond?"

(Y/N): "They wanted me to move in with them so they can smother their love all over me."

Red: "Hahaha, like a little mama's boy and they will tell you bedtime stories, or maybe they will pamper you every morning, or maybe will say bye sweetie, hahaha."

(Y/N): "Make insults like again and I'll go Alien X on you."

Skaar: "Where do giant women stay?"

A-Bomb: "Yeah, the Gamma Base is really shabby for them."

(Y/N): "Why not Subterranea, that place is big enough to fit them, plus the Moloids would serve as helpers for them and I'm pretty sure Mole Man wouldn't mind sharing some room with the Diamonds."

Hulk: "Maybe the area where the giant bugs used to live can be a good spot of the Diamonds."

(Y/N): "I can just go Big Chill and freeze the lava, break it down and make room for gem based tech, I'll need to make a phone call."

Later, you were Big Chill and you called Bismuth and a gem with a green outfit, a star on her shirt, a triangle hairstyle, pointy visor, a gemstone on her forehead, and yellow shoes. You, the gems, and Hulks are at the old Larvae-beast breeding grounds. You finished explaining about Green Diamond.

(Y/N) as Big Chill: "And that's the whole story."

Bismuth: "Hmm."

???(Peridot): "I knew there was something that is comparable to Green Diamond."

Red: "You're taking it well."

Bismuth: "Mmm. Yeah! Hang on a sec."

Bismuth then walk up to a pool of lava.

Red She-Hulk: "What is she doing?"

Bismuth then sticks her face into the lava and let out a scream. She then pull her face out of the pool.

Bismuth: "Oh my gosh!! It all makes sense now!"

(Y/N): "Yep."

The small gem turn to the Hulks.

???(Peridot): "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Peridot and I'm an Era 2 gem, I'll be assisting Bismuth in making a home on Earth for the Diamonds."

Red: "Don't forget pint size, we'll also do some heavy lifting."

Peridot then turn to you.

Peridot: "(Y/N), why didn't you bring Garnet or Jasper here to help us instead them?"

(Y/N) As Big Chill: "The Smashers are a big help for a big project, this project is a lot bigger than Jasper or Garnet, plus Vista Verde is the Hulk's turf and he's pretty much king here."

Peridot: "I see, let's get started then."

Later, you all finished the project and the Diamonds are all settled in their new underground palace on Earth.

Yellow: "Well, we're home."

Blue: "And it's like the palace back home."

White: "It's perfect."

(Y/N): "How do you like the name Gamma Palace?"

Yellow: "Well, since Gamma Rays are green like Green Diamond."

Blue: "It's perfect."

(Y/N): "Thrones for each Diamond, a communication array for you call anyone in the galaxy, an elevator that leads into the Smashers' Gamma Base above, a door that is big enough for all of you, an entire weapons vault that is armed to the teeth for Yellow Diamond, a nice pool for all of you, a galaxy warp room on the left side of the throne room, and everything you needed back on Homeworld."

White: "Thank you (Y/N), for building this for us."

(Y/N): "No problem."

Next: Chapter 79: Street Smashing

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