Chapter 79: Street Smashing

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39 days since The Convergence

You are currently Green Diamond and your riding a giant yellow star that you summoned from your hammer and your flying with Red and Hulk on their gamma boards while the other smashers are driving in a prison transport heading to the Vault as Strioke was the cargo heading to the Vault. You then talk to She-Hulk over on the coms.

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "This is Star Jammer to Mama Green, path to grandma's house is all clear."

She-Hulk: "Roger that Star Jammer."

You then talk to someone over on the coms.

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Star Jammer to Ice Cube, see any big bad wolves out there from grandma's house?"

Meanwhile, at the Vault, there was a gem that has a sky blue complexion, as well as a prism shaped head with three spikes on top. She also has claws, instead of normal fingers (possibly corruption scars). She wears a blue shirt with elbow-length sleeves as well as puffy dark blue shorts and a pair of blue knee length boots with dark blue spots on them. She also wears a light blue scarf. She is also very small in size. She's in a watch tower with a pair of binoculars on hand looking for anyone who tries to get anyone out of the Vault.

???(Larimar): "This is not Ice Cube silly, I'm Larimar."

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Larimar, Ice Cube is your codename, we talked about this."

Larimar: "Oh yes, that is right."

Larimar look into her binoculars and see no one that is trying to break someone out of the prison.

Larimar: "No big bad wolves, but I do see tiny pretty birds."

Back to you and the smashers.

Red: "Why did you put that pint sized gem in charge of watch out at The Vault?"

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Larimar is one of the original Crystal Gems many years ago before she become a corrupted gem, so I thought giving her a job that can help out the planet, plus The Vault needs someone at a watchtower."

Red: "Okay, let me ask again, why did you put a pint sized gem in charge of watchtower duty?"

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Larimar gems make ice statues, so she has to have the best eyes that has attention to the smallest detail."

Larimar(over Coms): "It is true, I have great eyesight and attention to detail."

Hulk: "He got you there."

You then look at a tablet that shows Strike in cuffs.

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Hey Strike, we're almost to The Vault, next stop jail time!"

Stirke(from the tablet): "At least I'm free from those treacherous buckets of bolts Ultron and Sigma."

Red: "Says the guy who has scrap metal for an arm."

A-Bomb: "Oh man, that was a burn!"

Red She-Hulk: "Hey (Y/N), can I ask you something?"

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Sure."

Red She-Hulk: "What did Strike ever do to you?"

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Strike had a weapon which I dubbed the X-Pen, he used it to steal powers from other heroes and turn them into stone statues with his strikes so he can be the strongest in the multiverse."

Red: "So basically that if you give a pen he's dangerous?"

(Y/N) as Green Diamond: "Pretty much."

Then you all hear something.

A-Bomb: "What's going on out there?"

Hulk: "Whatever it is, it's getting close."

You all turn to see a man in a glowing red aura, red hair, and a black gi.

The man then launch a ball of energy at the prison transport, splitting the driver part of the transport and the part where it holds the prisoner. You all stop and land your boards and turn to the man that is walking towards to you and the others.

Red: "What was that for pajama boy!?"

???(Akuma): "I am Akuma and I'll teach you the meaning of pain!"

Red: "Oh schools here, how I give you the lesson in pain!"

Red then fight off Akuma as he uppercuts Red and and knock him out.

Hulk: "Red!"

You then reverted back to human form and turn to Akuma.

(Y/N): "What was that for?"

Akuma: "I am here to challenge the one named (Y/N) 10."

(Y/N): "Alright, you want me, come and get me!"

You then transform into Four Arms and punch Akuma hard enough to launch him into a nearby forest.

(Y/N) as Four Arms: "I'll take care of our guest."

You head to Akuma's location as there was a man walking with a punching bag on his back, a red band around his head, a white gi, and red gloves.

???(Ryu Hoshi): "I assume this is Akuma's work."

The Smashers then turn to the man as Red got back up with a headache.

Hulk: "Your friend Akuma is fighting our friend."

???(Ryu Hoshi): "Your friend name is (Y/N) 10 right?"

She-Hulk: "That's his name, don't wear it out."

Red She-Hulk: "What's your name anyways?"

???(Ryu Hoshi): "My name is Ryu the wandering world warrior."

Was then thrown at the truck and he was defeated as you came back with bruises all over your body from the fight and you were in human form.

(Y/N): "I won and everything hurts."

Ryu: "You defeated Akuma so easily."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Akuma got up and turn to you.

Akuma: "You're stronger than the last foe I faced and he was as angry as I was."

Red: "And who's that?"

Ryu then realized something about who Akuma meant by last foe.

Ryu: "Asura."

A-Bomb: "Who's Asura?"

Then Skaar sees a man with a ruined outfit, white hair, metallic parts, and white eyes in the distance walking towards the smashers.

Skaar then points at the man.

Skaar: "Skaar thinks thats Asura."

Then you and the others turn to Asura as he turn to you and the others.

Hulk: "What is he doing?"

(Y/N): "Let me talk to him

You then walk up to Asura until an object fall onto you and crush you to death. The Hulks see the object as a fat man with a large golden arm, chunky body, , red pants, and golden hair.

???(Wyzen): "Another human soul collected."

She-Hulks: "(Y/N)!"

The stranger then look around in curiosity and see nothing.

???(Wyzen): "Odd, where is his soul?"

You then phase through from the ground as Ghostfreak behind the other stranger.

(Y/N) as Ghostfreak: "You can't collect what you can't touch."

The stranger then turn to you as you revert back to human form.

She-Hulk: "How did you survive that?"

(Y/N): "The failsafe to my watch gives me the right alien for situation to keep me alive."

Red She-Hulk then turn to the stranger.

Red She-Hulk: "Who are you buddy!?"

???(Wyzen): "I am Wyzen of the Seven Deities and you mortals shall play a part of being the source of our power."

(Y/N): "By taking our souls to power people like you?"

Wyzen: "Precisely, and this prison is the best source of human souls."

Meanwhile, Larimar is seeing the conversation between Wyzen and you and the Smashers and she can tell that things aren't looking good.

Larimar: "Oh dear."

Back to you and the others.

Wyzen: "Ever since the Gohma went extinct and now with the new threat of Ultron-Sigma has arrived, collecting human souls for a new forms of energy known as Mantra must be harvested."

(Y/N): "If you want those souls, you have to go through us!"

You then transform into Heatblast as the Smashers and Ryu prepare to fight. Akuma then leave the area to in order to fight another day.

Wyzen: "Very well, you're going to be part of the collection anyways!"

Asura then run up to Wyzen and punch him from behind and launch him over you and the others.

Asura: "I will not let you destroy the mortals of this world!"

Wyzen get up as you and the others turn to Wyzen. He then turn to you and the others and he was ready to fight.

Wyzen: "Even with the help of Asura, you will all perish!"

Hulk: "(Y/N), get Strike to The Vault, we'll handle Wyzen!"

(Y/N) as Heatblast: "But?!"

Wyzen then throw a punch at Hulk as he blocks it.

Hulk: "Go!"

You then transform into Upgrade and merge yourself with the prison transport so you can improve and fix it.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "I'll comeback for you guys!"

Later, you quickly head to The Vault and get the guards to get Strike to his prison cell. Larimar then hey to you in a panic.

Larimar: "That fat man is going kill the smashers and everyone in this prison and take their souls."

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "I know, but we need some extra hands for this."

???(Abomination): "You need us to help you."

You then turn to a reptilian beast, a large woman in a purple outfit, and a woman with a face paint and a funky outfit.

Larimar: "Abomination, Titania, and Typhoid Mary."

Abomination: "Things have changed comrade, I will not let that fool take my soul!"

Typhoid: "How about we get that guy off of our planet."

Titania: "If the Earth needs defending from Ultron-Sigma, you need all the help you can get."

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Alright, lets go!"

Later, the Smashers, Asura, and Ryu are on a losing battle against Wyzen. Wyzen was about to kill Hulk, until you run over Wyzen with the prison transport that you were merged with.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Calvary has arrived."

Then Abomination, Titania, and Typhoid Mary came out of the transport and attack Wyzen all at once.

Red: "What are they doing out?!"

(Y/N): "They can help us, Earth is there home too."

Titania: "So, what is this guy's plan with us?"

Asura: "Wyzen and the other deities are trying to use human souls to convert them into Mantra energy, our lifeblood, we used to use the prayers to power our weapons and now Deus is the new ruler of the Shinkoku after he murder the last one and he casted me aside!"

Abomination: "You will collect nothing from us!"

You then see Asura's body is completely mechanical and you have a plan.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Hey Asura, I have a plan, this might feel strange."

You then merge yourself into Asura's body and improve his mechanics.

Asura: "What did you do to me!?"

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "Gave you an upgrade, try something."

Asura then create twin arm cannons and blast power beams of mantra at Wyzen.

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "What do you think?"

Asura: "What else I can do?"

(Y/N) as Upgrade: "How about this?"

Then Wyzen attack Asura as you make a shield and he punch Wyzen hard enough to disorient him. Then large panels appeared aim at Wyzen and fire powerful mantra energy at the demigod and knock him out cold. Then Asura pull you off of himself as you revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "Do you really need to pull that hard?"

Hulk: "What should we do with Wyzen?"

(Y/N): "The Vault can hold a lot of people but a god is a bit much for them."

Red: "So take him to Asgard?"

(Y/N): "Why not, the only to imprison a god is with another god."

You then summon Möljnir from the transport and head to Wyzen, then Larimar walk up to you.

Larimar: "I've never been to Asgard before, can you take me there?"

(Y/N): "Sure, and Asura can come too."

Asura: "Grrr."

(Y/N): "Asura, I know a guy there, his name is Thor and he's a god like you."

Asura: "Fine, I'll come."

Asura then stand next to you as you hold up Möljnir in the air.

(Y/N): "Heimdall portal!"

Then the bifrost open and pull you and the others that are in the Bifrost all the way to Asgard. When you arrived you see a man in golden armor and a sword on hand.

(Y/N): "Hey Heimdall."

Heimdall: "I see you have a Möljnir of your own."

(Y/N): "Courtesy of Earth-2149."

Heimdall sees you brought some people along from Earth.

Heimdall: "I see you brought visitors."

(Y/N): "Oh yeah, the small gem is Larimar, the angry guy is Asura and the fat man is Wyzen."

Heimdall: "Hmm, why did you bring them here."

(Y/N): "There is another force of deities called Shinkoku and they're trying to collect souls from Midgard, Wyzen and Asura is from there but Asura was casted out."

Heimdall: "I'll summon Thor right away, however a word of caution (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "What is it?"

Heimdall: "Midgard is not the realm that experienced The Convergence."

Then the 5 Mega Men you met before have appeared in the bifrost.

(Y/N): "Rock, X, Geo, Lan, EXE, Volnutt, what are you all doing here?"

Geo: "We live here."

(Y/N): "What, this is the realm of Asgard."

X: "Not anymore, check it out."

You and the others look and see what The Convergence has done to Asgard.

(Y/N): "Woah."

X: "Everyone, welcome to Xgard."

Larimar: "This is a lot different to what (Y/N) showed me in the database."

Then Thor flew from the sky by using his hammer and land in front of you and the others.

Thor: "Heimdall, you summoned me?"

Then Heimdall came out of the Bifrost.

Heimdall: "(Y/N) has urgent news about what happened on Midgard, he must speak to the All Father Odin."

Thor sees Asura, Larimar, and the unconscious Wyzen.

Thor: "I see you brought a gem along, but I don't know these two."

(Y/N): "I'll explain when we get to your dad."

Thor: "Right."

Later, you and the others explained what to the very king of Xgard, a man with an eye patch, a golden staff, and a white beard.

(Y/N): "That's the whole story Odin."

You see Wyzen was about to wake up and you place your hammer on his golden hand to hold him down.

Odin: "I see, if this Shinkoku is as dangerous as you describe it, then we must prevent them forgoing any further with their actions."

Thor: "In the mean time, we'll keep Wyzen here in Xgard."

Odin: "If the Shinkoku makes their move to Xgard, we'll be ready."

Thor: "And before you leave, where did you get another Möljnir?"

(Y/N): "Earth-2149 Thor went zombie and he's no longer worthy of the hammer."

Thor: "I see, a world like that is bleak."

(Y/N): "Yep, and be sure to keep Wyzen in a prison here, cause the The Vault can handle so many bruisers."

Thor then grab Wyzen as you pick up your hammer and head home.

Later, Larimar explains her time in Xgard to the gems of Little Homeworld.

Larimar: "I went to the palace and I met the All Father Odin!"

The Gems: "Oooooooo."

Next: Chapter 80: Sick Day

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