Chapter 82: Lantern Corps Selection

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46 days since The Convergence.

Jessica and Carol were at your house teaching you about the different lantern corps in the universe.

Carol: "Red means rage, Green means will, Violet means love obviously."

Jessica: "Yellow means fear, Black means Death, White means Life, orange means greed, blue means hope, and Indigo means compassion."

(Y/N): "Nice."

Jessica: "Green Lanterns are police officers of the whole universe."

Carol: "Star Sapphires aka Violet Lanterns, when theres a troubled couple around we can just tether them together, our rings also allow us to teleport to our greatest love, first it was Hal and then it was you."

Carol then hug your arm and peck you on the cheek.

Jessica: "I can speak from experience that Red Lanterns are very dangerous, their blood becomes lava and they lose their heart."

You and Carol was confused for a bit.

Carol: "What do you mean from experience?"

(Y/N): "You encountered a Red Lantern?"

Jessica: "My pet cat Dexter was a Red Lantern named Dex-Starr and he destroyed a whole pet store and almost tried to kill me."

Carol: "They have to be in their own blood just to keep their rage in check."

Jessica: "Then theres the Orange Lantern Corps, or what is left of it, that ring can steal identities of other people so that Larfleeze can bring them back as a construct."

(Y/N): "Ouch."

Carol: "It's even worst when you put on one of their rings."

Jessica: "You'll basically become a hoarder yourself."

Carol: "Yellow Lanterns are basically the opposite of Green Lanterns, instead of a peaceful methods they think the universe should be ruled more militaristically."

Jessica: "They make their constructs based on your fear."

Carol: "Blue Lanterns are basically the only cure for Red Lanterns, they only do things what normal lanterns do when they're around Green Lanterns."

Jessica: "As for Indigo Lanterns, their rings turn any intergalactic criminal into a compassionate person, even if their unworthy of the ring."

Carol: "You have to be dead for the Black Lantern Corps and you can't take it off by force."

Jessica: "And White Lantern are the most powerful of all the lantern corps, it has the power to bring people back from the dead and their beyond all the colors of the light."

(Y/N): "thanks for the lesson you two, but why are you all telling me this?"

Carol: "Cause today you're gonna get your first your lantern ring."

Carol and Jessica squeal in excitement.

(Y/N): "What?"

Jessica: "You're a complicated to read out, the other lantern corps are confused about you."

Carol: "They have no idea what lantern you are, what are you orange, green, blue, yellow, or black make up your mind."

(Y/N): "Look I get it, but I don't need rings to prove that I'm a hero."

Jessica: "Oh come on, your mother is hosting a ceremony for it at the blue zone on the moon."

(Y/N): "Alright fine, I'll do it."

Jessica and Carol: "YAY!"

Later, you were at Sweet Justice eating ice cream and you were thinking about becoming lantern yourself. You were with Flash Sentry at the place and having you two are conversation about the ceremony.

Flash: "Dude, this is a big deal, you'll be a lantern like me."

(Y/N): "I know, but wielding a power ring is like wielding Möljnir."

Flash: "Okay."

(Y/N): "I don't need space rings and magic hammers to be a hero cause they're just tools, the tool doesn't make the hero, you make the hero."

Flash: "Okay."

Later, at the Sahara Desert, there was a ceremony and you see a case of lantern rings on a pedestal in a arena made of green lantern harden light. You see where the light is coming from Mogo the Living Planet.

(Y/N): "Huh, Mogo is the one who made the arena, great attention to detail to."

Flash then make a microphone and he see all the lantern corps. He then make a speech about the ceremony.

Flash: "Hello everyone, welcome to the first lantern choosing ceremony."

All the lanterns from every corps cheer on for you choosing a corps. You walk to the pedestal and look upon the rings and you close the case. Then everyone got confused for a moment as Flash and your mother head to you.

(M/N): "Sweetie what's wrong?"

Flash: "He thinks that the tool doesn't make a hero, only the person behind the tool."

???(Sinestro): "This is an outrage!"

Then the lanterns argue with each other until you grab Flash's mic and speak into this.

(Y/N): "Arguing about this won't solve anything."

Flash: "What's your solution?"

(Y/N): "A challenge, a one on one fight, me against one lantern from each corps, in the Null Void, winner will be the lantern corps I'll be in."

(M/N): "Alright, well be prepared by midnight."

Later, you were at your house and you gathered something from your room. You made some modifications to your watch and then you then pull out a briefcase and you pull out some stuff.

(Y/N): "These will do."

You then activate the upgrade to the Ultimatrix as it's badge onto your chest. You then place the Potis Altiare on your chest piece and put on the Biomnitrix and put Ascalon into a scabbard on your back.

(Y/N): "Lets get this started."

Before you leave, you see Morrigan laying on your bed.

(Y/N): "What are you doing here Morrigan?"

Morrigan: "Just want to make sure you want to be come a man?"

(Y/N): "Sorry Morrigan, but I have to go."

You then leave the room as Morrigan pout.

Morrigan: "Oh well, theres always next time."

Later, you were outside and was about to head into the Null Void, but Miguel O'Hara appeared with Thor's hammer the belongs to his universe and hand it to you.

(Y/N): "Miguel, why are you giving this to me?"

Miguel: "You need this more than I do."

You then head into the Null Void with gear such as Möljnirs from Earth-298 and Earth-2149, Biomnitrix, upgraded Ultimatrix, Potis Altiare, and Ascalon. You then see your opponents and some of them that you are familiar with. Zombie Spider-Man has a Black Lantern Ring, Hal Jordan wants a rematch from last time, and Carol's universal counterpart is participating.

You then place the hammers on the ground and turn to your opponents as Flash Sentry Aka the Phantom Lantern is the referee for the competition makes an announcement.

Flash: "Okay, here are the rules, both sides are allowed to use anything but you can't use anything that weakens lantern power and no Alien X."

(Y/N): "I wasn't planning to."

Flash: "And begin."

(Y/N): "Warbird."

You activate the Kree DNA in the Ultimatrix to become Warbird. Later, at the Avengers Tower, the Avengers are watching the battle, including a woman with blonde hair and a red and blue outfit.

Iron Man: "Hey Capt. Marvel, remind you of someone?"

Capt. Marvel see your powers as Warbird and they remind her of her abilities.

Capt. Marvel: "Huh, what do you know?"

Later, back at the fight, you were fighting off the entities with powers of Warbird against Hal Jordan with his bo staff.

Hal: "This is it! I got you pinned inside the tent, staring at an all-out blitz."

You then launch a photon blast at Hal and knock him out cold.

(Y/N): "You talk too much."

You dodge an energy blast from a Red Lantern as you fly to her.

(Y/N): "Ah a Red Lantern, you know your wings remind me of someone."

???(Bleez): "Name's Bleez, and you make a perfect fit tot he Red Lantern Corps!"

Bleez then attack you with the Red Lantern Lava but you managed to dodge all of the attacks and activate Ghostfreak powers and transform into Fourmungasuar and disappear into the caverns. Bleez then follow you into the caverns and look for you.

Fleez: "Where are you!?"

Your voice echos in the caverns.

(Y/N) as Fourmungasaur: "From my perspective, anger is just what keeps from their inner peace, if you rely too much on anger, it'll keep you from knowing what is right and wrong."

You then phase from the ground behind Bleez as she turn to you and she was surprised from what she is seeing.

Fleez: "How is this possible, those aliens can't phase through anything!?"

(Y/N) as Fourmungasuar: "That's because I'm using 3 powers all at once, it may look like I'm using two."

You then grab Bleez and throw her into the walls and fly out of the caverns and reactivate your Warbird powers. You then spot Star Sapphire heading towards you.

Star Sapphire: "Wow, you really went all out on Bleez."

(Y/N) as Fourmungasuar: "I just use my smarts instead of my brawn."

You then revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "I made some modifications to my Ultimatrix, I call it Battle Mode and as for the the gauntlets I made them from scratch on a Sunday afternoon when I was bored."

Star Sapphire: "Wow, you know I always like you and fighting you is more like a dance to me."

(Y/N): "That's adorable."

You and Star Sapphire fight each other and when she trap you in a cage you absorb the energy around you and enter a Binary Form.

(Y/N): "What's the magic word, oh right, Shazam."

You fire a photon blast at Star Sapphire and launch her into a rock. You then fight off Zombie Spider-Man as Star Sapphire admires her loss against you.

Star Sapphire: "My first battle against (Y/N) is like my first date with him."

Meanwhile with your fight against Zombie Spider-Man.

(Y/N): "So, you signed up on the Black Lantern Corps right?"

Zombie Spider-Man: "Yeah, but this is only a trial basis."

(Y/N): "Alright."

You keep firing photon blasts as Zombie Spider-Man makes machine guns. Then something inside you is awakening.

Meanwhile, at your house, Crystal is watching your fight against Zombie Spider-Man and she sees that your Inhuman powers are awakening without Terrigen Crystals.

Crystal: "His Inhuman gene has awakened, he is now an inhuman."

back to you, you head to the ground and deactivate your Warbird powers and tryout the new abilities.

(Y/N): "Let's try this out."

Then your physical body gotten visibly stronger.

(Y/N): "Huh, I see where this is going."

Then you see Zombie Spider-Man and Hal Jordan flying towards you as Star Sapphire and the Indigo Lantern admires your new bod.

Star Sapphire: "Wow!"

???(Indigo-1): "It is a sight to behold."

Star Sapphire: "You got it Indigo-1."

You then punch Zombie Spider-Man and Hal Jordan hard enough to launch them with extreme force.

(Y/N): "Sweet."

Then Indigo-1 appear right behind you and tap you on the shoulder as you turn to her.

Indigo-1: "May I have this fight this fight?"

(Y/N): "Alright."

Flash then head to Star Sapphire, Hal Jordan, and Zombie Spider-Man.

Flash: "Green, Violet, and Black Lantern corps are out."

Then Bleez then head out of the caverns and found you fighting Indigo-1 with just martial arts alone. Bleez gets angered and jealous then she bash Indigo-1 out of the way with a Warhammer.

Bleez: "Out of my way softie!"

Bleez then use the energy from her ring to grab you.

Bleez: "Do you think you can beat me?"

(Y/N): "Before you continue, I have something to say."

Bleez: "What?"

(Y/N): "Don't pay attention to the mouth, instead pay attention to the hands."

You then free yourself from the ropes made by the Red Lantern, without shattering them.

Bleez: "Oh that is it!"

Bleez then start punching you but you dodge every punch like it was nothing.

Bleez: "Why can't you stand still!"

You then strike pressure points on her to knock her out.

(Y/N): "Huh, it's like knew where to strike her pressure points."

You then take off the Biomnitrix and Ultimatrix and then place them next to the hammers so you can tryout your inhuman powers. You then turn to the Orange and Blue Lanterns.

???(Saint Walker): "Larfleeze, he's a blue lantern through and through."

Larfleeze: "Oh yeah Saint Walker, he's mine!"

Larfleeze then land a few feet in front of you as you turn to him.

Larfleeze: "I won't be the only Orange Lantern anymore when you take the ring!"

Larfleeze makes constructs of all the identities he stole from over the years and have them surround you. You then punch fast enough to create air currents that can be used as projectiles to destroy all of the constructs. Before Larfleeze react, you charge at him with a two handed karate chop in a form of an X and knock him out. Then you punch the air hard enough to push himself backwards into Saint Walker and use your weight to knock him out upon impact.

Flash: "Blue, Red, and Orange lanterns are down, all is left is Sinestro, Indigo-1, and Kyle Rayner of the White, Indigo, and Yellow Lantern Corps."

Sinestro: "Let's see who can beat him first."

Sinestro then fly to you as you get up and jump to Sinestro and then punch Sinestro so hard that he created an F5 tornado. You then head to Bleez and carry her to the caverns for her safety, along with the other lanterns that were knocked out. You then turn to Indigo-1 and head to her.

(Y/N): "Where were we?"

Indigo-1: "let's continue where we left off."

You and Indigo-1 fight each other sword versus staff for awhile until she she sees that you are compassionate even without an Indigo Power Ring. Then you both stop fighting.

Indigo-1: "You're already compassionate and that's all it matters, you don't need a ring to show compassion, I'll forfeit the match."

(Y/N): "No hard feelings?"

Indigo-1 then kiss you on the cheek as you lightly blush.

Indigo-1: "None at all."

Flash: "Okay all that is left is White Lantern Corps, and (Y/N), I'm warning you he's like 10 million of me, even if Alien X is allowed, he would be too much for you."

You then turn to Kyle Rayner and then come up with a plan. You then put the Biomnitrix and Ultimatrix.

(Y/N): "Mutant."

You then activate your Osmosian powers and then lock the Alien X DNA and then activate Omni-Enhanced and Ultimate abilities. You then place your hand on the Ultimatrix badge and absorb all the DNA from the aliens within it(except Alien X) and become a much more powerful being still with a human body with some electricity surrounding you.

Flash: "What are you?"

(Y/N) as ???(Plus Ultra): "In this form, I have power of all the aliens across the Multiverse and I'm Plus Ultra, cause I am here!"

You and Kyle look at each other and then you two charge and power struggle each other.

(A/N): Gannondorf is Kyle Rayner and Capt. Falcon is the reader.

Kyle: "You're quite powerful, for a kid."

You then hear Crystal's voice in your head.

Crystal: "When you think you can't go on anymore, remember..."

(Y/N) as Plus Ultra: "I'll beat you not because I'm a hero, but to prove I don't need a lantern ring!"

Kyle: "It's impressive of how much you do against a White Lantern."

(Y/N) as Plus Ultra: "I won't!"

Kyle: "Perhaps I was wrong."

(Y/N) as Plus Ultra: "I refuse to be a lantern!"

You then punch Kyle in the face with your right arm.

Flash: "He's not stopping him head on, he's using his wits!"

The other lanterns are seeing the fight going on from a distance.

Star Sapphire: "At the last moment, he transferred the power in his right arm to his left!"

Bleez: "He used his right arm as bait!"

Hal: "But..."

Kyle: "Clever trick, but that won't last forever, even with all that you're still weak!"

You then transferred all of your power to your left arm.

(Y/N) as Plus Ultra: "That's because I didn't put my back into it that time!"

You then hear Crystal's voice once more.

Crystal: "This power has been given from the Kree to you, both praying that it will bring joy and peace to the universe, this Inhuman power will give the universe hope, and it's yours, do your best (Y/N)."

Then the Bens of other universes lend you their power to you as you grab the orb and absorb it and add it to your own power and transfer the rest into your right arm.

(Y/N): "Good luck White Lantern!"

You then use your right hand to punch Kyle to the ground.


The very shockwave shook the entire Null Void as the people who watched the whole fight were amazed of how powerful you were without a lantern ring. You you then went to your human form and deactivate your Omni-Enhanced and Ultimate abilities and take off your Biomnitrix and the Potis Altiare and turn off your Ultimatrix's Battle Mode and help Kyle Rayner up.

Kyle: "Not bad (Y/N), I guess you don't really need a lantern ring."

(Y/N): "Yep."

Later, at home, your right arm is in a cast from the punch you threw on Kyle Rayner. Crystal and the royal Inhuman are at your house congratulating you on blocking your powers as an Inhuman. Crystal is taking a look at your Inhuman DNA with a scanner.

Medusa: "You have unlock your Inhuman powers on your own, very impressive."

Karnak: "You maybe the first Inhuman to achieve power without Terrigen Crystals, your Geode was only using small portions of your Inhuman Gene, but that stunt you pulled off unlocked the rest."

Crystal: "Fascinating."

Medusa: "You managed to use your Inhuman powers against other lanterns without your watch."

(Y/N): "And now I can use my Inhuman powers even with the Ultimatrix or Biomnitrix in use."

Crystal: "He's right."

Then Hal came into the living room and turn to you.

Hal: "Hey (Y/N), that was awesome back there and I hope you feel better, that makes you the big man of your school if not bigger."

(Y/N): "Thanks Hal."

Next: Chapter 83: Inhuman Learning

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