Chapter 83: Inhuman Learning

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50 days since The Convergence.

You've been learning how to hone your Inhuman powers for a few days in the Sahara Desert with Crystal, Blackbolt, and Medusa while Karnak takes notes of your powers. You just a punch a hole in a pile of sand to demonstrate your Inhuman powers. Blackbolt gestured that he never seen something like this before.

Medusa: "Blackbolt says that he has never seen something like this before."

(Y/N): "Punching so hard that it made a hole in a pile of sand?"

Karnak: "Your Inhuman powers enhances your physique to the point that you can change the weather and create tornados just with mere punches."

(Y/N): "Huh."

Karnak: "We need to test your strength without the aid of the Ultimatrix."

(Y/N): "Speaking of the Ultimatrix, check it out."

You then press a button that put's the Ultimatrix badge with the Potis Altiare on your chest, summon the Biomnitrix on your wrists and the Ascalon sword.

(Y/N): "When I'm like this, call me Ultimate (Y/N) 10M, I made some modifications to my watch to make this into a Super Form."

Karnak: "Very impressive."

You then deactivate your Super Form.

Karnak: "Do you know where to find a strong fighter nearby?"

You then see Jasper in the distance and come up with an idea.

(Y/N): "I think I know someone who likes a tussle."

You and the Inhumans head to Jasper's location as she was looking through old stuff from Pink Diamond when she was under the identity of Rose Quartz.

(Y/N): "Hey Jasper, whatcha doin?"

Jasper: "Looking through lost treasures of my diamond."

You see Jasper holding an old bat mitten racquet that looks like it's in good shape.

(Y/N): "Okay then."

Karnak: "(Y/N), you know this warrior?"

(Y/N): "Jasper is part of long line of gems called Quartz Soldiers, in fact she's the most powerful of them all, she was made her on Earth, well from her Earth in the Beta Kindergarten, since she's the only perfect gem that pop out of that place, she was known as the Beta Kindergarten Quartz who could, Peridot called her the Ultimate Quartz."

Karnak then take a look at Jasper as she turn to Karnak with confusion.

Jasper: "What is he doing?"

Karnak: "Interesting, no physical weaknesses, this is perfect."

Jasper: "For what?"

(Y/N): "I unlocked new powers and now I'm an Inhuman."

Jasper: "You're a what?"

Medusa: "Inhumans are formed many thousand years ago on planet called Earth, the Kree experimented on a tribe of prehistoric humans, the experimental Inhumans became hyper-evolved, superior on a genetic level, they were feared and hated by the prehistoric humans, forced to live in isolation and founding the city of Attilan, they discovered Tereigen Crystals in the caverns beneath the city, exposure to the crystals gave the Inhumans incredible powers, hidden from the world, the inhumans lived in peace until now."

Karnak: "You're not the only one who was made on Earth my orange friend."

Jasper: "So what do you want with me?"

(Y/N): "Karnak wants to take some notes on my Inhuman powers, so I thought we can have a fight to test my powers."

Then Jasper get all giddy about the topic.

Jasper: "Really?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, but lets not fight here, we don't want to break Pink's stuff."

Jasper: "Right, I respect my diamond even when she's not here."

Later, you and Jasper where at the same spot as before while the Inhumans watch from afar.

(Y/N): "Alright Jasper, you ready?"

Jasper cracks her knuckles and neck and then summon her crash helmet.

Jasper: "Ready."

Jasper then use her Crash Comet technique as you charge into her with a punch. The clash between you and Jasper created a mushroom cloud as Garnet, Lapis, Bismuth, Amethyst, and Pearl were watching the fight from a distance.

Pearl: "What are they doing?"

The gems then get a closer look at the fight as you grab Jasper's helmet.

(Y/N): "Check this out, I call this the Nebraska Smash!"

You then rotate your arm and then punch Jasper to create a tornado as the gems were shocked from seeing what you did.

Pearl: "Does anyone know what's going on?"

Bismuth: "I tell you what's going on, those two are sparing without us."

Bismuth then morph her hands into hammers as Garnet summons her gauntlets. Then they both attack you all at once as you take the hits.

(Y/N): "Now for the Oklahoma Smash!"

You then spin around to create a tornado and launch Bismuth and Garnet into a sand dune. Then Jasper, Garnet, and Bismuth get up and turn to you.

Garnet: "Nice work."

Bismuth: "What else can you do kid?"

Japser: "Try to go for full strength on me!"

(Y/N): "Alright, you ask for it Jasper, I call this move-"

You then run up to Jasper and downward punch her with your full strength.


After you made the punch, you created crater within the ground and Jasper's helmet was shatter to bits. Jasper now has the worst headache of all time.

Jasper: "Ow, my head hurts so much, and it's awesome!"

(Y/N): "Sorry about that."

You then gave Jasper a helping hand up as the Inhumans head your location and the gems turn to the Inhumans.

Bismuth: "Who are these guys?"

(Y/N): "They're the Inhumans, the Kree modified their DNA thousands of years ago and they used to live on Earth, Medusa and Blackbolt are the Queen and King of Attilan, Karnak is the strategist and Crystal is the princess."

Karnak then takes a look at Garnet as she gets a little uncomfortable.

Garnet: "What are you doing?"

Karnak: "Hmm, even though it's healed a weapon design to strike you down in one blow left a weak point that cannot be seen."

Bismuth: "What do you mean exactly?"

Then the other gems head to your current location as Karnak place a hand on Garnet's midsection.

Karnak: "A weak point is there, it's just can't see it, observe."

Karnak then flick the weak point as Garnet poofs and separates into red and blue gems as the other gems were shocked from what they just witnessed.

???(Ruby): "What just happened Sapphire!?"

Sapphire: "I think this must be the timeline that got separated once again, I should've seen this coming Ruby."

Amethyst: "Dude, you just poofed Garnet into Ruby and Sapphire."

(Y/N): "That's Karnak for ya, he can find any weak point and come up with a winning strategy no problem."

Then Ruby and Sapphire fused together once more to be come Garnet again.

Garnet: "That was unexpected, even for me."

(Y/N): "Well, we were testing out my abilities as an Inhuman."

Pearl: "You're an Inhuman?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, turns out I had an inactive Inhuman gene and I found out when I had crystals growing out of me when me and some of the Ultimates were helping out the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Inhumans, then I activated it on my own when I fought the lanterns to prove I don't need a lantern ring."

Medusa: "His strength has been enhanced to point where he can create tornados, alter the weather, and it can be used while the Ultimatrix in use."

(Y/N): "Let's test the theory on the last part."

You then transform into Grey Matter.

(Y/N) as Grey Matter: "Let's try it out."

Garnet: "My turn."

Garnet then punch you and you block the fist and then launch her into the air and then punch her back to the ground creating a crater. You then land on the ground safely and revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "I can activate these powers whenever I want, like this."

You then revert back to your normal body.

(Y/N): "See, and by the way, check this out."

You then activate your Super Form.

Ult. (Y/N) 10M: "What do you think?"

Bismuth: "Huh, nice gear, can I see the sword?"

You then pull out Ascalon and hand it over to Bismuth as she take a look at it.

Bismuth: "What does the sword do?"

Ult. (Y/N) 10M: "Cuts reality and make a suit of armor for me."

Bismuth: "Huh, this sword can really do some Bismuth."

Bismuth then hand you back the sword as Karnak takes notes of your powers. You then deactivate your Super Form.

Karnak: "Incredible, your abilities enhances the physical abilities in the many forms you take."

(Y/N): "Sounds like you got bested by Grey Matter, Garnet."

Garnet: "It was an experience."

(Y/N): "Is that all today Karnak?"

Karnak: "Of course."

(Y/N): "Alright, who's up for pizza?"

Medusa: "We could try this pizza right Blackbolt?"

Blackbolt nodded in yes.

Karnak: "I am curious about this pizza."

Crystal: "You should try it, it's delicious everyone."

Amethyst: "Why is he so quiet?"

(Y/N): "Trust me, if Blackbolt said something, the desert will be cleared off 5 seconds flat."

Pearl: "Right."

(Y/N): "Now off to pizza!"

Later, you and the others head to a pizzeria to have pizza and celebrate on being a new Inhuman.

Next: Chapter 84: Get Out of Heck

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