Chapter 86: Ego Day

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60 days since The Convergence.

You called over 4 of the Ultimates: Gali, Crystal, Juniper, and Peni along with Big Hero 6, Morrigan, Crystal Gems, Diana, Angel Dust, and Cherri Bomb over to a meeting in Charlie's hotel.

(Y/N): "Thanks for letting us set up this meaning Charlie."

Charlie: "You're welcome."

(Y/N): "Alright, we have a mission everyone, Ultron-Sigma is on the move and he's gonna take control of a planet."

Angel Dust: "What does he need a planet?"

(Y/N): "To use it as an outpost for complete destruction of all organic life."

Hiro: "So, what's the plan?"

(Y/N): "We'll meet up with 6 lanterns to these coordinates."

You set the star map of the meet up that is going to take place.

Go Go: "So we're going to outer space?"

Wasabi: "And who's Ultron-Sigma?"

(Y/N): "Ultron-Sigma is a fusion between A.I.s: Ultron and Sigma, they caused the cosmic event known as The Convergence."

Fred: "Wait, this is a bad guy team up, so on a scale from 1 to 10, how dangerous is this Ultron Sigma?"

(Y/N): "He has two infinity stones and everyone in the universe wants him dead cause they want all of organic life destroyed."

Fred: "Whoah, he's the ultimate villain people!"

(Y/N): "Ultron-Sigma is bringing robot that is the size of a planet, his name is Unicron, he's an ancient deity from a race people who are completely mechanical."

Fred: "Whoah, did he agree to join?"

(Y/N): "Actually, Ultron-Sigma use an infection called the Sigma Virus to take control of machines and people and turn them into their slaves."

Fred: "He turn Unicron into a super weapon, how cool, I mean it's scary but cool!"

Steven: "How can we get there?"

(Y/N): "Well, Ben and his friends are using the Rustbucket 3, but I managed to build a ship of my own that can hold all of us."

Charlie: "Can Vaggie and I come along, we haven't been in space before."

(Y/N): "Alright, you two can come."

You and the others head to the garage of Ultimate HQ, and everyone see a blue spaceship vessel that you built yourself.

(Y/N): "This is the Astro Megaship Mark 3, it's 40x better than both of the previous models combined and has the same stuff from the previous two."

Pearl: "This is perfect, when did you built this?"

(Y/N): "I was bored yesterday afternoon."

Charlie: "Good things happen when you're bored."

(Y/N): "Alight everyone, let's into the ship."

Then everyone head into the the Megaship and you activate the ship.

(Y/N): "Alright, opening the ship bay doors."

You then open the ship bay doors and the ship fly off into space.

(Y/N): "Who wants to listen to music to pass the time to get to where we go?"

Vaggie: "No."

You then play a song on the music player on the ship's computer.

The Crystal Gems and Big Hero 6 are enjoying the music, then some of the others snap their fingers to the rhythm of the music. Then Vaggie mouth out the lyrics of the song as you notice it and see that she enjoys the song.

(Y/N): "I see you like the song Vaggie."

Vaggie blushed very intensely and turn away from you to hide her blush.

Vaggie: "I don't know what talking about, I'm getting something to eat."

Vaggie then left the room and head to the mess hall and get something to eat. When she got to the mess hall she sees Morrigan as she see Vaggie in the room.

Morrigan: "Hello Vaggie."

Vaggie: "Hey."

Vaggie then head to Synthetron to get something to eat as Morrigan figure out something about Vaggie's trust to you and come up with a plan.

Morrigan: "I sure do love (Y/N)."

Vaggie then quickly reacted to what Morrigan said and turn to her.

Vaggie: "Wait what!?"

Morrigan giggles from Vaggies reaction.

Morrigan: "I knew it, you have a crush on (Y/N)."

Vaggie blushed once more as Morrigan notices it on the moth demon's face

Vaggie: "No I don't!"

Morrigan: "Oh please, your blush says it all."

Vaggie then pull her hair in front of her face and then mumble in Spanish.

Vaggie: *mumbling in Spanish*

Morrigan: "You want me to tell him?"

Vaggie: "NO, I'll tell him my feelings when I get the courage to!"

Morrigan: "Alright, you do you."

Later, back to the bridge, you and Angel Dust have a conversation about who's the better at fighting.

Angel Dust: "I'm telling you, I'm better than you when it comes to fighting, I'm part of a family of crime and I've doing this before and after my death."

(Y/N): "Yeah I don't smoke one too many cigarettes before kicking the bucket, even without powers I can be a great fighter, I can bust out of Kyln prison anytime I want when I go into that prison."

Angel Dust: "You actually went into that prison?"

(Y/N): "I was accused of saving Ego and Galactus from the Kree Empire, they think I betrayed them because Galactus and Ego destroyed most of their worlds."

Diana: "Who's Ego and Galactus?"

Gali: "Galactus is my dad, he's the devour off all worlds."

(Y/N): "And we'll meet Ego soon."

You then stop the light speed travel and you and the others see the planet where the meet up is gonna take place, which you recognized the planet as Mogo.

(Y/N): "We're here."

Cherri: "Whoah, that looks like a Green Lantern base."

Fred: "This is a classic example of a superhero base in space."

Honey: "Wow, this is amazing!"

Garnet: "Nice place."

You then land the Megaship and then you and the others exit the ship and you all see Bleez, Flash, Hal, Jessica, and Carol. The others only see 5 lanterns and not the sixth.

Amethyst: "Where's lantern number 6?"

(Y/N): "We're standing on him."

Hiro: "What do you mean?"

(Y/N): "The planet is alive."

Baymax: "A planet can't have a sent-"

Before Baymax can finish his though, a rock went upwards and launch Baymax into a nearby tree.

Baymax: "Oh no."

???(Mogo): "You dare mock Mogo of the Green Lantern Corps?"

(Y/N): "Take it easy Mogo, he didn't mean it."

Hiro: "Wait, this whole planet is alive!?"

Fred: "We're on a living planet this is awesome!"

You then transform into Snare-Oh and use your wrappings to get Baymax out of the tree. Then everyone made their introductions to themselves to Mogo as you and Gali head back into the Megaship. Vaggie then see you and Gali leaving on the Megaship.

Vaggie: "Where are you two going?"

(Y/N): "To get back up for saving a planet that is in danger, it is very likely that Ultron-Sigma might get Galactus under his control, if we don't return to you guys in the next 2 hours that means either we're dead or late."

Vaggie: "But how can we get to the planet that is in trouble without the ship?"

(Y/N): "Mogo is a living planet, he has the ability to do interstellar travel, he can take you there."

Vaggie: "Alright, be careful."

You and Gali head into the Megaship and then take flight to find Galactus as Diana then sees you leaving in the ship.

Diana: "How are we gonna stop Ultron-Sigma without the megaship?"

Mogo: "I can take you there."

Mogo then head to the coordinates of the planet that is in need of rescuing. Vaggie and the others see the planet in need of saving as it was under attack by Ultron-Sigma and Unicron and they see the planet has a face on it and it's a living planet.

Amethyst: "Why does that planet look like a dude?"

Ego: "You can't control Ego you puny machine!"

Juniper: "That's Ego!?"

Jessica: "Another living planet!?"

Fred: "So cool, we're saving a living planet!"

Hal: "Arlight, let's fight these guys!"

Everyone then fight off Ultron-Sigma's drones as Mogo and Ego team up to fight off Unicron. The battle went on for hours and the team is getting tired and they're wondering if backup will arrive.

Charlie: "Where's (Y/N) and Gali with the back up?"

Vaggie: "He said that the reason why he couldn't be here, he could be dead!"

Then a blast of cosmic energy destroyed 50% of the drones sent by Ultron-Sigma, then they see Galactus and Gali together along with the megaship and a gem fusion with a white cape with a hood on it, a pink suit with white stars all over, green boots with white wings at the top of them, a lighting bolt cut off with the Ultimatrix badge in it like Green Diamond, her hair was whitish pink with distinct tufts that stick up above her head leaning slightly to each side and long flowing hair to resemble a water fall, a large smile with teeth that glows brighter than 900 stars, green chrome bracers with pink lightning bolts on them, she also have diamond pupils in her eyes, her gems are Green Diamond's gem on her forehead and Steven's mother gem at the navel, four muscular arms(two of them arm are crossed while the other set is place to the sides), and Pompoms on the boots. The Megaship is piloted by Timber Spruce as the Master Ranger.

???(Paragon): "I AM HERE!"

The gems see Steven with them and then turn back to the fusion and see that is someone who had returned. Then a large titan appeared behind Fred as the fusion jump from the megaship and grab the titan by the hair and throw it at Unicron with extreme force.

Fred: "Whoah, who are you?"

???(Paragon): "Each fusion of Pink Diamond is a symbol, Sunstone is wisdom, Rainbow Quartz is wonder, Smokey Quartz is fun, Obsidian is fury, while I, Paragon is the Symbol of Peace and Justice!"

Paragon then see Ultron-Sigma and jump to him with extreme speed in only a matter of seconds. The others were amazed from the fusion's capabilities.

Peni: "Amazing."

Fred: "So cool!"

Hiro: "Unbelievable."

The Crystal Gems: "Rose Quartz!?"

Steven: "Mom?!"

Meanwhile, you landed on Unicron and your landing left behind a 400 mile wide crater and it looks like a perfect star. Paragon then see a horde of 900 titans running towards her and she blitz all of them with a single karate chop.

Paragon: "Missouri Smash!"

Then all of the titans were down with a single strike as Ultron-Sigma fly down 10 ft away from Paragon.

Ultron-Sigma: "Well, it seems you got a new friend, that won't be enough to stop me with the upgrades I made with this body."

Paragon: "Lets see if I can destroy it."

Paragon and Ultron-Sigma then charge at each other and throw rapid punches at each other as the others came to the surface of Unicron. Then powerful winds start to form and start to push the others as they hold their ground.

(A/N): Bowser is Ultron-Sigma and Capt. Falcon is Paragon and the others are everyone else on the side of good.

Ultron-Sigma: *while fighting*"You fool, all the kinetic energy you're throwing is making us stronger."

Paragon: *while fighting*"Yeah, what about it?"

The winds starting to push the others little by little.

Hiro: "She gonna fight Ultron-Sigma head-on?"

Flash: "Whoah, they're so fast!"

Angel: "I can't get close to them!"

Paragon: *while fighting*"You said you're absorbing the kinetic energy not nullifying it, that means you have a limit of how much you can take right?!"

Then Ultron-Sigma's power levels are at critical mass as paragon fights on.

Paragon: *while fighting*"So you're made to fight me before I came to existence, if you can withstand me firing 100% of my power at this state, then I have to go beyond that and force you to surrender!"

Paragon and Ultron-Sigma keep fighting while Steven and the Crystal Gems watch the fight.

Steven: "She's given her all, even though she just formed."

Garnet: "Those aren't just random punches either."

Pearl: "They're targeted and every single one of them."

The Crystal Gems: "Is more than 100% of her power."

Paragon then punch Ultron-Sigma hard enough that a grand canyon was made. She then went after Ultron-Sigma as they jump up into air and try to land punch but she punch first.

Paragon: *while fighting*"A real hero-"

Paragon land on her back as Ultron-Sigma punch her as she push them away.

Paragon: *while fighting*"-will always find a way for justice to be served!"

Paragon then drop kick on Ultron-Sigma as they were in the air, then Paragon run up to them and punch them and then throw them to the ground leaving a 1000000 ft deep crater on Unicrons surface. Then Paragon landed 4ft in front of Ultron-Sigma.

Paragon: "And now for a lesson, I teach you the meaning the meaning of these words!"

Paragon then glowed pink aura as a sign of a boost of power and prepared a fist.

Paragon: "Go beyond, plus-"

Paragon then punch Ultron-Sigma with a force of 10 octillion gigatons of force.

Paragon: "ULTRA!"

Then Ultron-Sigma was launch into the stars as some people in some parts of the galaxy were noticing shockwaves from the punch.

Meanwhile, at the Gamma Palace.

White: "What's going on!?"

Blue: "Everything is shaking!"

Meanwhile with Ben, Gwen T, Rook, and Kevin are at Galvan Prime talking to someone who looks like Grey Matter, but older.

Ben: "What was that?"

???(Azmuth): "That was someone who is worthy of my creation."

Gwen T: "(Y/N)."

Kevin: "Guess he's having all the fun huh Azumth."

Back on Unicron, Paragon has unfused herself to reveal Green Diamond and a gem that wears a wedding dress, large pink curly hair, and a body that is similar of that of the rose quartz gems.

Rose: "I guess I'm a bit rusty."

You then revert back to human form.

(Y/N): "Back when you were Pink Diamond, we would've beat him in 5 hits."

Rose: "But today, it took 300 mighty blows with two arms tied behind our back."

Then the gems hug Rose very tightly in relief that she has returned as Steven join in on the hug. Then everyone else came to you as you turn to them.

Vaggie: "How did you bring back Rose Quartz?"

(Y/N): "A hero never reveal his secrets."

Hiro: "Okay, but what are we gonna do with Unicron?"

(Y/N): "Galactus and Gali will take care of it, and we should get out of the way, right now!"

Then everyone went onto the Astro Megaship and fly out of the world devouring deities Galactus and Gali and the living planets Mogo and Ego fired a conjoint beam to heavily wound Unicron as he escape after the beam subside. Then Ego turn to the Megaship with a humble smile.

Ego: "Ego thanks you (Y/N) 10 again."

(Y/N): "Sorry about what happened back on Earth Ego."

Ego: "Ego forgives you, are we friends?"

(Y/N): "Yep."

Ego: "Any friend of Ego's is a friend of Ego's."

Later, on Earth, you brought Rose Quartz to the Gamma Palace where the Diamonds see Rose and then tackle her and hug her.

The Diamonds: "PINK!"

Rose: "Blue, Yellow, White, it's good to see you after all these years!"

Yellow: "We're sorry for what did to you back on Homeworld!"

Blue: "It is a relief to see you again!"

White: "Our little starlight!"

Then Azmuth walk next your feet and look upon the reunion of The Diamonds.

Azmuth: "You have done my friend."

You then turn to Azmuth and you didn't see him there.

(Y/N): "Who are you?"

Azmuth: "The byproduct of your heroic endeavors (Y/N) 10, you can call me Azmuth."

(Y/N): "How did you know my name?"

Azmuth: "Your friends told me stories about your time with my creation, I made the Omnitrix for two purposes, one of which allows those wears it to be a communicator to any form of life across the universe and the other a tool of a hero, and your father has chosen a great hero, even at an early age you are destined to be a hero."

(Y/N): "I guess so, Ultron-Sigma is gone for now, but he'll return."

Azmuth: "More powerful than last time to be sure, I have a question for you child."

(Y/N): "Shoot?"

Azmuth: "What do you see in The Convergence?"

(Y/N): "In the eyes of Ultron-Sigma a chance to rule a universe of metal, but to my eyes its a start of a new universe of heroes."

Azmuth then see you've been modifying the Ultimatrix.

Azmuth: "You've been modifying your watch recently my friend."

(Y/N): "Yeah I got a Super Mode."

Azmuth: "More of my creations used for good intentions."

(Y/N): "There will be another who will use an Omnitrix."

Azmuth: "Well, it's your decision to find someone who is worthy of one."

Next: Chapter 87: Agents of Overwatch and S.H.I.E.L.D.

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