Chapter 85: Rise of Hybrid

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58 days since The Convergence.

Juniper Montage head to the Hazbin Hotel and have a meeting with the staff.

Juniper: "Hi everyone, my name is Juniper Montage and I'm a friend of (Y/N), nice to meet you."

After the hotel staff introduce themselves, you got back from a stealth mission to break in A.I.M.BRELLA and brought back something from there. You then set it on a table as Juniper, Vaggie, and Charlie look at it with curiosity.

Charlie: "Oooo, what's this?"

(Y/N): "It's a symbiote."

Vaggie: "Can you tell us what it is?"

(Y/N): "These things are from Klyntar, they maybe almost parasitic species but they're really peaceful, they just get the negative parts of the personality of the previous host."

Juniper: "Host?"

(Y/N): "In order for symbiotes to fight, they need a host and they need to eat chocolate to maintain their metabolism, if you wanna fight these things, be sure fight it with fire, electricity, and bursts of sound waves."

Charlie: "Woah."

(Y/N): "A.I.M.BRELLA was making a bio-weapon from symbiotes, the name of the project is Hybrid, a combination of all the symbiotes in all the universes that were merge together after The Convergence, this container holds the symbiote codenamed Hybrid."

Then Alastor appeared and take a look at the symbiote.

Alastor: "Well, what is this little thing right here?"

(Y/N): "It's a symbiote."

Then there was an explosion outside as you and the others head outside, you see Bizarro fighting off Wesker and Wolf Spider.

Alastor: "Who are these fine gentlemen?"

(Y/N): "Wesker and Wolf Spider, they're from A.I.M.BRELLA."

Bizarro then use her Arctic Vision to freeze Wesker and Wolf Spider.

Bizaro: "Bizarrogirl stop bad guys."

Angel Dust: "Bizarrogirl?"

(Y/N): "I gave her a the nickname yesterday, we can't call he Bizarro forever."

Bizarrogirl then turn to you with a smile.

Bizarrogirl: "Bizarrogirl likes new name, Bizarrogirl thanks (Y/N) 10."

You and the others then walk up to Wesker and Wolf Spider. Alastor then takes a look at Wolf Spider and Wesker.

Alastor: "Can you tell us more about these two?"

(Y/N): "Wolf Spider is an alternate version of Spider-Man that went bad, he was causing trouble all across the multiverse in order to find shards of a jewel called the Siege Perilous, he was shattered to pieces after being overloaded with the lifeforce energy of the Spider-Man of infinite earths, not sure how he got back but I'm pretty sure that Ultron-Sigma has something to do about it, as for Wesker, a guy named Leon Kennedy told me some things about him, he made a virus that pushed his body to superhuman levels, he can now move quick enough that looks almost like teleportation and he can hit harder than a normal human."

Juniper: "Whoah."

You then turn to Bizarrogirl.

(Y/N): "Why were they attacking you Bizarogirl?"

Bizarrogirl: "Bizarrogirl not know why, can we ask bad guys?"

(Y/N): "Well, melt Wolf Spider's head out, only the head."

Bizarrogirl then use her fire breath to melt Wolf Spider's head out. You then turn to Wolf Spider as he catches his breath.

(Y/N): "What do you want from Bizarrogirl, first you guys mess around with zombies and symbiotes, now you're messing around with Bizarros, what's your game?"

Wolf Spider: "We only attacked her only to lure you out to test out a new model of the Super-Adaptoid."

Charlie: "What's a Super-Adaptoid?"

You then see a metallic robot land a few feet behind Wolf Spider and Wesker and it prepared it's copied weapons from all the Avengers, including your abilities from your collection of aliens.

(Y/N): "That's the Super-Adaptoid."

Juniper: "What are we gonna do?"

(Y/N): "Charlie, Vaggie, Juniper, get inside the hotel, we'll handle this."

The girls head into the hotel as you, Angel Dust, Alastor, and Bizarrogirl prepare to fight.

Angel Dust: "So, what do you know about this thing?"

(Y/N): "The Super Adaptoid copied powers from the Avengers, including powers from my aliens."

Bizarrogirl: "Bizarrogirl destroy robot!"

(Y/N): "No wait!"

Bizarrogirl then fly up to the Super Adaptoid and use her fire breath to melt it, but to no vail. The bot then punch her hard enough that she was launched into a building.

(Y/N): "It's fire proof."

Angel Dust then pull out his four drum guns and aim at the robot.

Angel Dust: "Let's get this thing tot he junkyard where it belongs."

Angel Dust then fire away all the bullets in his guns at the robot as it makes Captain America's shield to block them. Angel Dust then run out of ammo and he noticed it.

(Y/N): "That's Captain America's shield, it's able block and absorb all forms of kinetic energy."

Angel Dust: "Oh."

Then the Super Adaptoid then fire a repulser blast at Angel Dust and he fall onto a car.

Angel Dust: "I'm okay."

Alastor: "Well, if you need me I'll be in the hotel, tell me when this is over."

Alastor then head into the hotel as you facepalm.

(Y/N): "Oh thanks a lot Alastor!"

Alastor: "You're welcome."

You then turn to the Super Adaptoid and then run ahead start and use your Inhuman powers to fight it off. Wolf Spider broke himself and Wesker free from the ice as Juniper sees them escaping.

Juniper: "Wesker and Wolf Spider are broken free and they're gonna take Angel Dust and Bizarrogirl."

Juniper turn to Alastor as he was sitting down and playing cards with Husk.

Juniper: "Can you help them Alastor?"

Alastor: "I wish, but I'm in the middle of a game."

Juniper then facepalm and turn to the symbiote container as Vaggie and Charlie turn to Juniper with worried expressions.

Vaggie: "That is a terrible idea."

Juniper: "It's the only one we got."

Meanwhile, Wesker and Wolf Spider captured both Bizarrogirl and Angel Dust. Wesker made some bindings with a chunk of blue kryptonite for restraining Bizarrogirl.

Angel Dust: "Can you break out of those things Bizarrogirl, you do have all of Supergirl's powers right?"

Bizarrogirl: "Green rocks hurt Supergirl, blue rocks hurt Bizarrogirl."

Wolf Spider: "Kryptonians get weak around Green Kryptonite, Blue Kryptonite holds the same effect on Bizarros, and if exposed to either long enough, their death will be assured."

Wesker: "Lets take them back to base, we can analyze their biology their."

Then they heard a roar from the hotel and they see multicolor tendrils coming out of the building, they recognize it as Hybrid.

Wesker: "The Hybrid symbiote."

Wolf Spider: "Here?"

Hybrid: "It's raaaiiining. You're bleeeeding. Hybrid is starving!"

Then the tendrils went back into the hotel and then Hybrid came out of the hotel and turn to Wesker and Wolf Spider.

(A/N): bold letters mean that the symbiotes are talking.

Venom: "We have been waiting for a time of vengeance after what you put us through."

Scream: "The torture!"

Riot: "The pain."

Venom 2099: "The experiments!"

Carnage: "But now with this host."

Hybrid then reveal half of Juniper's face as Angel Dust and Bizarrogirl were terrified from this.

Hybrid: "We, will give the same pain and suffering that you gave us, all of the symbiotes you tortured for so long!"

Then the symbiote then cover up Juniper's face as Wolf Spider and Wesker prepare to fight, then A.I.M.BRELLA trucks carrying troops from the company appeared and came out a lot of troops that are armed to the teeth with weapons.

(A/N): italics mean Juniper is talking when she's fighting as Hybrid

Juniper: "There are so many soldiers here, what do we do?"

Scream: "We fight."

The troops fired bullets at Hybrid as they punch them and then they release tendrils and grab 50 of them and throw them into a building. Then a big guy with a gatling gun fired all 10000 rounds at Hybrid as it didn't effect them.

Hybrid: "Yummy!"

Then they shot all the bullets out of themselves as everyone got either shot in the chest or in the head either they got hurt or killed.

Juniper: "First day on the job of a hero and I got blood on my hands guys!"

Carnage: "I have blood all over."

Juniper: "Can we not kill them?"

Venom 2099: "We'll try, but we want Wesker and Wolf Spider to suffer!"

Then they turn to Wesker and Wolf Spider as they start attacking, then they went invisible and Wesker and Wolf Spider lost track of them.

Wesker: "Where did they go?"

Wolf Spider: "They're invisible, I can't find them with my Spider Sense."

Then they reappear and catch both Wesker and Wolf Spider with webbing to a wall. Then they turn to Angel Dust and Bizarrogirl and free them from their restraints and toss the blue rock into a long distance. Bizarrogirl and Angel Dust got up and sigh in relief from the rescue.

Bizarrogirl: "Bizarrogirl happy about slime lady saving Bizarrogirl."

Angel Dust: "Thanks for the assist Hybrid."

Then Hybrid then went into human form of Juniper Montage.

Juniper: "First day on the job and I got kills under my belt, great."

Angel Dust: "Eh, you get used to it."

Juniper: "But what about (Y/N) and the Super Adaptoid?"

Then Juniper, Bizarro Girl, and Angel Dust turn to you and they see you dragging the destroyed Super Adaptoid as it has a large hole in the chest area. You then turn to Juniper and see she has the Hybrid symbiote.

(Y/N): "So, you have the Hybrid symbiote."

Juniper: "I uh."

Hybrid: "How does he know that?"

Juniper: "You think symbiotes are dangerous right?"

(Y/N): "Look June, it's dangerous in the wrong hands, but symbiotes can also be a force for good if used correctly, can I talk to them please?"

Then multiple heads that represent each symbiote that Hybrid is made off.

(Y/N): "Look guys, I know what happened to you, but we take villains down not out."

Venom: "They must pay for the pain and misery they have done to us!"

(Y/N): "Instead of death, why not banish Wolf Spider and Wesker to the Phantom Zone?"

Then the symbiotes look each other and then they all agree on banishment.

Venom: "We agree to the terms of banishment."

Then you and others turn to Wesker and Wolf Spider and see that they're gone.

Hybrid: "They're gone!"

(Y/N): "They'll be back, trust me."

Hybrid: "If you think so, then beware A.I.M.BRELLA, cause Hybrid is coming for you!"

Next: Chapter 86: Ego Day

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