Chapter 1: An Unexpected Event

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(Author's Note: Before I start this series I just wanted to state that the Prologue was the only time where I'd be using Point of Views because A: It was hard to make and B: Because I didn't want to make it a bit like Danganronpa for example now with that out of the way let's actually start the Episode)

One month later the sun went up in the morning sky of Gardenia as we saw (Y/N) looking at the painting of the streets that he drew himself together with Bloom while thinking which houses he can do today while Bloom and Kiko kept sleeping before Vanessa came into the room as he called out to Bloom which caused (Y/N) to turn his head around

"Wake up, sleepy head! The sun's been up for ages!" Vanessa explained

After saying that Bloom didn't want to go out of bed as she called out to her mom

"Five more minutes, mom!" Bloom called out

Just then Vanessa went closer to Bloom's ear

"You're late Bloom!" Vanessa called out

After saying that Bloom woke up in shock

"School?! Oh no!" Bloom called out before she then shot out of bed and before (Y/N) could realize it she ran towards the closet and grabbed some clothes she should wear which made (Y/N) chuckle a bit as Bloom jumped all around the room putting on the clothes as (Y/N) closed his eyes while chuckling "Why didn't you wake me up before?! Oh, the alarm didn't go off!! Oh no! I can't believe this!" Bloom called out but just when she finished putting on her clothes Bloom realized something "Hang on a sec, School's out! The alarm didn't go off because I'm on vacation!" Bloom said in realization

"Duh sis, couldn't it get any more obvious?" (Y/N) asked tauntingly

"Shut up you, your jokes aren't funny!" Bloom reminded

"True, but do you find rushing off and getting your clothes on when I'm in the room funny?" (Y/N) asked

"Uh... I'm sorry okay!!!" Bloom apologized embarrassingly

"It's alright sis, I closed my eyes right before you changed while hopping in fright!" (Y/N) explained

"Hey! That's not funny!" Bloom said angrily

"Bloom... Ah, but you fell for it, didn't you?" Vanessa asked

"I'm sleepy, I'm going back to bed" Bloom explained

"How is it possible for you to sleep so late? It's like 10 AM in the morning, time for beautiful girls to stand up and prepare for the day" (Y/N)

"Thanks for calling me beautiful but I'm still going to bed" Bloom said

Bloom then went back under her covers before Vanessa saw a book on the ground which she then picked up

"You should try going to bed earlier, you know, you were up really late last night" Vanessa said

"I was helping (Y/N)" Bloom explained

"More like pulling an all nighter figuring out if fairies are a myth or real" (Y/N) reminded

Vanessa then read the title

"'Fairies: Myth or Reality', Urgh, don't you guys ever get tired of these silly things?" Vanessa asked

"They're not silly, okay?" Bloom reminded

"Yeah, it's for a research we're doing for the book club" I explained

"Yeah, yeah, whatever" Vanessa said as she went back to the entrance she came in from before putting the book on Bloom's desk before turning to the duo "Actually, now that School's over, you guys can help me in the shop!" Vanessa suggested before going out the door

"Noooo!!!" Bloom called out

"Come on Bloom, it can't be that bad, now come on, let's get some breakfast downstairs" (Y/N) suggested

Bloom and (Y/N) then went to the kitchen where they saw Mike sitting on a chair reading the newspaper before noticing the two

"Good morning sunshines" Mike greeted

"I'm not going to spend my summer working in the shop! I wish I could go somewhere fun with my friends and (Y/N)!" Bloom said angrily

"Come on Bloom, what's the worst that could happen, creepy fairies popping up in front of shops, you really need to stop spending an all nighter just to read if fairies are myths or reality" (Y/N) suggested

"Yeah, after all, when you're older you can go wherever you want just like your brother" Mike said

"How old is older? I'm already sixteen dad...." Bloom reminded

"Only sixteen... You are still my little girl! Mike reminded

We then saw Mike imagining Bloom as an younger child with pigtails a yellow T-Shirt and a blue overalls with darker blue heart in the middle and yellow and white shoes

(Author's Note: Sorry if the picture is not perfect I just made a screenshot of a Youtube video so it may be the worst timing I've done, I know I'm that bad, anyways, back to the story

"Dad! It's not fair!" Bloom explained

"Don't worry Bloom, it'll be fine, just wait until you're 17" (Y/N) suggested

"But how, it's still far!!!" Bloom called out

"True, but listen, in a few weeks we'll all be going to the beach like we do every year" Mike explained

"But all of my friends go on holidays by themselves, that would've been the best present ever" Bloom explained

"You mean us going on a vacation ourselves?" (Y/N) asked

"Of course! Somewhere we haven't gone before!" Bloom answered in agreement

"Well, speaking of presents, we've got a little surprise for you both!" Vanessa said

"So that explains why you two have been acting weird a few times" (Y/N) reminded

"Yeah, and we're still sorry about that, we didn't mean for you to go for a walk when you thought we forgot you existed or something" Vanessa said

"Yeah, thank god that didn't happen" (Y/N) said

"Anyways, it's just a little something to help you two get around Gardenia" Mike explained

"Seriously! Let's go check it out then!" (Y/N) suggested

"Agreed!" Bloom said

Bloom and (Y/N) then ran out the house with Vanessa and Mike after them before they stood still as they saw two bikes one was an bike of (your favorite color), it even had a basket for Kiko to be on while Bloom had an red bike with also a basket for Kiko but this one had flowers

"Nice huh?" Mike asked

"No... They both look awesome!" I called out in happiness and shock

(Y/N) then ran to the one with his favorite color as he tested the seat and the bell before he heard a good ring which made him turn to Mike and Vanessa with a smile before he noticed Bloom a little confused

"Oh, well... Yeah, thanks" Bloom thanked nervously

"Come on Bloom, test it out!" (Y/N) suggested

"Fine" Bloom said in defeat

Then Bloom walks towards it while Kiko hopped after her before jumping on the basket with flowers as Bloom sat behind him with a frown as Mike who didn't see it turned to Vanessa

"See? She doesn't know what to say!" Mike said in relief

"I don't know, maybe she was expecting something a bit more... Sophisticated?" Vanessa thought worriedly

"A bycicle with a speedometer? Maybe---" Mike started before Vanessa interrupted

"A scooter, Mike!" Vanessa corrected angrily

"But scooters are dangerous and they cost a bundle" Mike explained

"Well, try to put some money aside, maybe next year we can get her one" Vanessa suggested

Then Mike and Vanessa turned around and went into the house again as (Y/N) turned to Bloom

"First person at the park wins!" (Y/N) suggested

"Alright, that will do!" Bloom said

The two of them then started riding their bike's as fast as possible while talking

"Ohh, he'll never change! My dad won't ever let me ride anything faster than a bicycle" Bloom said

"Yeah, same here, so we just gotta pretend they're both just fast scooters except for the Pedals but you know what I mean" (Y/N) suggested

Just then they came across Mitzi which made them stop as they saw Mitzi helping a worker put a scooter down on the ground

"Hey Bloom! (Y/N)! Vacationing in Gardenia this year?" Mitzi asked

"No, actually, we'll be going away very soon!" Bloom answered

"The same old beach huh? I'll send you two a postcard from our vacation place, that will give you the chance to see something..." Mitzi said

"Yeah, a very good idea" (Y/N) said sarcastically

While (Y/N) said that Kiko blew raspberries while Bloom growled as Mitzi then saw the workers almost dropping the scooter as he called out to them angrily

"Hey, careful with that scooter! It's brand new you know..." Mitzi explained

"Yes, we know that all to well, come on Bloom, let's leave her be" (Y/N) said

(Y/N) then started riding as Bloom turned to Mitzi one last time

"Have a nice summer, Mitzi, see you at school" Bloom waved before riding off and when she was far away she said the next thing "What a show-off!" Bloom said in disbelief

Soon the duo arrived at the park as they walked towards a tree where they then stopped the bike as (Y/N) puts Kiko off the bike

"Why don't you go find some friends for a bit Kiko" (Y/N) suggested

Kiko then ran off as Bloom called out one last time

"Go on Kiko, but stick around, right?" Bloom ordered

"I'm sure they will now, let's rest for a bit, we've had a long ride" (Y/N) said

After (Y/N) said that he went to sit down on the ground as Bloom took two apples from a basket and threw one to (Y/N) before sitting down too as the two took a bite from the apple and felt the refreshing sun shining down before Kiko ran over to them in fright and pulled on (Y/N)'s pants

"What's wrong Kiko, did you see a squirrel again?" (Y/N) asked before Kiko shook her head

"What's the matter then, Kiko?" Bloom asked

"It's best we go check it out" (Y/N) suggested

"Alright, let's go then" Bloom said

(Y/N) then grabbed a plastic bag and puts the apples in it before putting it in the basket before he ran after Kiko with Bloom following after him before they arrived in a field before they saw nothing as they then went to look behind two nearby trees only to see an orange boot kicking a red creature before they saw that it was a girl with blonde hair with an blue headband over it and long pigtails which was tied with two tubes and wore an outfit consisting of a sparkling orange, one-shoulder gypsy crop top and short shorts, with knee-high high-heeled boots of the same color She also wears light blue forearm-length wrist cuffs Her wings are three leaflets with the color of powder blue inner leaflets with teal tips. On her left ring finger she wears the ring of solaria, a cyan blue ring with a sun-shaped circle. Same goes with the scepter form, except it is now much bigger and instead of a ring it is a long staff with the sun-shaped circle being on its top as she then dodged every goon with her long staff before she raised her hand to the front

"Rising sun!" The blonde girl called out

After that the blonde girl shoots a very big ball of white towards the goon who was attacking her which sent it flying before it incinerated which made Bloom shocked as she turned to (Y/N) and Kiko

"Wow! Goodness, did you see that guys?" Bloom asked

"Of course I did, guess Selina was right about fairies being real" (Y/N) said

"I keep telling you, fairies are not real! It's just an hologram or something" Bloom said

"You still don't believe me right, then why did you use the 'Faries: Myth or Real' book?" (Y/N) asked

"Okay, fine, I believe you and Selina" Bloom said

Then Kiko fell down from disbelief as the two then turned to the fight again

"Solar wind!" The blonde girl then called out

After the blonde girl called that out she stabbed the ground again before it shot the ogre and a few of his goons flying backwards before they fell to the ground as (Y/N) and Bloom saw before the two noticed then the ogre catched one of the goons before clenching him making it burst and incinerate

"Wow, that's dark" (Y/N) then said in shock

"Agreed" Bloom said in agreement

Just then the ogre came out of the shadow before it showed he was fully yellow with no hair on his head, light brown bushy eyebrows and of course light brown sideburns as he growled at the blonde girl

"Go away, villain or you will feel the magic of the Sun and Moon fairy!" The blonde haired girl ordered

Then the yellow ogre roared before he charged for the blonde haired girl and before she could react she was knocked to the ground

"Oh my goodness!" Bloom gasped in shock

"Tell me about it!" (Y/N) said in shock and agreement

The goons then walked for Stella to try and catch her as Bloom and (Y/N) could only look in worry before the yellow ogre talked again

"Your time is up fairy!" Knut said

"Good heavens!" Bloom gasped in shock

"We gotta do something!" (Y/N) suggested

"Ghoulies, take the scepter!" The ogre ordered

After the ogre ordered it the Ghoulies ran for the blonde girl and trapped her in their hands as one covered her mouth and the others trapped her arms and legs making her struggle to get out of their grasp as one of the Ghoulies grabbed the scepter

"Give me that scepter!" The ogre ordered

After that the ogre forced the scepter out if the Ghoulies' hand and went towards Stella in victory

"Not so strong now, are you?" The ogre asked

Just then (Y/N) and Bloom stood in preparation

"Let her go! Or else we'll... Wait... What are we gonna do?" Bloom asked

"Told you we should've made a plan first" (Y/N) said in disbelief

"Get her!" The ogre ordered

"Quick Kiko! Bloom! Get the biggest stick, I have a plan!" (Y/N) suggested

Bloom and Kiko then went to get the biggest sticks as they gave it to (Y/N)

"Come and get me you ogre!" (Y/N) ordered

Just then something happened (Y/N) started floating before he turned into a more chinese like guy with a yellow suit and shoes as he laughed in amusement

"So exciting!" (Y/N) said before he flew up into the air with the wings that just appeared before he shot a few fireballs at the ogre making him run in fright before he noticed Kiko being attacked as Bloom could only look in worry at his brother "Bloom! The ghoulies are getting closer! Whack them with the stick!" (Y/N) ordered

"On it!" Bloom said before turning to the front as she looked away before holding a hand back "Get back!" Bloom called out before a big forcefield shot out of her body sending the Ghoulies flying as (Y/N) managed to hold on a tree when the shot was sent "Huh? Did... Did I just do that?" Bloom asked in shock and confusion

After the shock was gone (Y/N) turned to Bloom and gave her a thumbs up

"Great job Bloom!" (Y/N) called out before he noticed Kiko being in trouble on the log" Bloom, Kiko's in trouble!" (Y/N) called out

Bloom then picked up the stick before noticing Kiko fighting the air before the Ghoulie got closer to him which scared him and caused him to fall on his back before Bloom tapped the Ghoulie on the shoulder which then turned around

"Hands off Kiko!" Bloom ordered

Bloom then knocked the log so hard into the Ghoulie's head which caused it to fall and incinerate as Bloom stood there proudly before the ogre approached her which (Y/N) saw before he charged for the ogre only for the ogre to kick him against a tree and when he did he caught Bloom

"Come to me! I'll smash you like a china doll!" The ogre ordered

"Oh no!" Bloom called out

After that Bloom powered up before she shot a big laser at the ogre which then turned into the form of a dragon which sends the ogre and a few goons flying or a few stunned and those who flew laid there in defeat before exploding as (Y/N) stood back up while rubbing his back before he went to help the blonde girl up

"Wow, powerful! Are you two okay?" The blonde girl asked

"Yeah, except for my back but it'll be better after a while, it could possibly be a scratch" (Y/N) answered and after he answeredfter he detransformed back to normal as she went to Bloom who was still on the ground panting heavily as he reached a hand for her "You okay?" (Y/N) asked

Bloom who then stopped panting heavily turned to him with a smile

"Yeah, you were really powerful" Bloom said

"Hey, I was just learning" (Y/N) said

"Yeah, I get it" Bloom said

The blonde girl then approached her scepter before turning to Bloom who was still on the ground in relief and tiredness

"Are you okay?" The blonde girl asked

"Well yeah" Bloom answered

Bloom then looked up before seeing the blonde girl smiling at her in happiness before the ogre made sounds which made (Y/N) and the blonde girl turn around in anger

"I have my scepter back, you don't scare mme anymore!" The blonde girl said angrily before she shot her scepter magic towards the ogre who got send flying back a bit again "Only returning the compliments, you beast!" The blonde girl explained

The Ghoulies then came closer again as one went and ripped a part of Bloom's pants off which Bloom noticed which made her frightened

"Watch out!" Bloom called out in fright

(Y/N) who then notice that turned around and threw the Ghoulies towards the ogre who then stood back up in anger while the blonde girl shot some others before she swirled her scepter before putting it back down which Kiko mimicked before the ogre turned to the trio in anger

"We willl meet again, blondie!" The ogre said

"Oh no you won't and I'll make sure of it!" (Y/N) said in anger

(Y/N) then ran towards the ogre before the blonde girl used her magic to pull (Y/N) back towards her and Bloom as the ogre clapped his hands a few times before he teleported off

"Why didn't you let me go against him?!" (Y/N) asked

"Because it's not worth it besides they're gone for now" Stella said in relief

Just then the blonde girl fell to the ground as she turned back to her normal outfit which consisted of a bright orange crop top and a maxi orange, two tier, skirt. On her head, she wears a silver blue tiara that is very much similar to the design of the Ring of Solaria. Turquoise wings, with sea green tips, protrude from her back and when she was down (Y/N), Bloom and Kiko ran towards her in worry

"Hey, are you alright? Answer me!" Bloom asked but the blonde girl wouldn't answer "We better get home guys! This girl needs help!" Bloom suggested

Meanwhile somewhere in another place where it was misty three yellow eyes opened up

"Knut! Come forward" The first mysterious voice called out as the same ogre from before called Knut came forward in front of the three shadowy figures "So, you have failed?" The first mysterious voice asked

"Not my fault, your highness! I had the scepter in my hand but then these earthling girl and boy appear and mess everything up" Knut explained

"An earthling girl?" The second mysterious voice asked

"Oh, but they were not your ordinary earthlings, they got power, the girl pushed back my ghouls and the boy made me flee in fright before being distracted, just like that" Knut explained

"Interesting, describe them" The first mysterious voice ordered

"Well, let's see, they were, oh..." Knut started before being confused

Knut! Your glasses, where are they?" The first mystery voice asked

Knut as if answering then reached into his pocket and grabbed his glasses out of it

"Right here, your highness" Knut answered

"Well, put them on, you dolt!" The first mystery voice yelled out causing the ground to shake

"A near-sighted ogre, how ridiculous" The second mystery voice said in disbelief

"If only he'd wear glasses, he'd be alright" The third mystery voice explained

"Oh, will you stop defending him" The second mystery voice suggested angrily

Knut then puts it on in disbelief

"An ogre with glasses looks kind of lame" Knut said in disbelief

"Quiet! That girl could mean something to us" The first mystery voice reminded

"Oh, but highness, don't worry! One of my ghouls grabbed this" Knut said before pulling out a piece of Bloom's ripped off pants "It's a piece of that girl's clothing, to us this is nothing, but to a hunting troll this is an important clue" Knut said as then a troll with yellow glowing eyes, dark blue skin, long black hair, claws on their four-fingered hands and on their feet, fangs, a kind of thick metal ring around their waist and legs, and pierced nipples walked into the room before it sniffed the piece of Bloom's pants "You'll see" Knut said

"Good, then go back to Gardenia and find the girl and this time..." The second mysterious voice started before being joined by the others

"Don't let us down!" The three mysterious voices reminded

A while later it was evening as the blonde haired girl was laying on a couch in the living room while Bloom, (Y/N), Vanessa and Mike looked after her while discussing things

"Bloom, I'm not sure I understand, could you run that by me again?" Mike asked

"I already told you, she was attacked by some horrible creatures, she's some kind of fairy" Bloom explained

"Yes and even though we don't know how fairies are real it really is true along with myth creatures like ogres and Ghouls" (Y/N) agreed

"Hmm, I see" Mike lied

"You believe me then?" Bloom asked

"No, I don't! I think we should call the police and take this girl to a hospital" Mike suggested

"So much for our explanation" (Y/N) said in disbelief

"No, no, please, don't tell anyone" The blonde haired girl suggested

Vanessa and (Y/N) who were closeby her then turned to her only to see her sitting up awake and well in relief

"She's coming to, how do you feel dear?" Vanessa asked

"Huh? I'm all right, thanks for helping me out" The blonde haired girl thanked

"No worries, we couldn't just leave you laying there" (Y/N) said

"Yeah, he's right" Bloom said

"My name is Stella" Stella introduced

"Hi Stella, my name is Bloom" Bloom introduced

"And I'm (Y/N)" (Y/N) introduced

"Wow, (Y/N) really looks cute, I thought it was just my imagination" Stella thought

"Should we call your parents, Stella?" Vanessa asked

"That would be difficult, I come from a place that's a bit far from here, have you heard of Solaria? It's a kingdom far, far away" Stella explained

"Hmm..." Mike thought

"I'm a fairy you know, I was trying to get to Alfea castle in the realm of Magix" Stella explained

"Oh, but of course! I'm calling the police, it doesn't take a genius to realize that this girl is seriously out of her mind" Mike thought

"Oh, she's not out of her mind, show what you can do Stella" (Y/N) suggested

Mike who pulled of the phone from the machine was about to tap in the numbers as Stella thought before she had an idea as she used her finger to make the phone a carrot and the machine just a salad

"Duh!" Mike gasped in shock

"Make that more vegetables to put in the freezer" (Y/N) said

"All right, you believe me now?" Stella asked in disbelief

"I saw her and I believe her" Bloom said

"Agreed" (Y/N) said in agreement

"Those creatures attacked me and I was forced to land here, on your planet, your daughter and son saved my life" Stella explained

"Huh?" Mike asked in shock and confusion

"She pushed back the Ghouls with an energy shield while he attacked Knut with his fireballs" Stella continued to explain

"Huh?!" Mike and Vanessa asked in shock and confusion

"Actually we don't know how we did it" Bloom corrected

"Yeah" (Y/N) said in agreement

"Fairies don't need to know how they just do it, they just do it, that's all" Stella explained

"We're a..." Bloom started before she imagined herself in a view full of stars while the background was dark blue "A fairy?" Bloom asked in shock

"I can't believe it" (Y/N) said in disbelief and happiness

"Of course you two are, don't tell me you two are not, have you two registered for the new program at Alfea castle? It's the best school for young fairies like you two and me" Stella asked

"No, no, stop talking nonsense please!" Mike suggested trying to hold on

Meanwhile at the Warehouse Knut and his Ghouls have arrived there along with the hunting troll as Knut smiled evily

"Ah; here we are, Troll, do your thing now!" Knut ordered

Troll then sniffed Bloom's ripped pants piece before he went closer to the camera

"Ah... Hmm..." Troll called out

"Find that girl!" Knut ordered

"Hmm... This way!" Troll ordered

Troll then began leading his squad towards Bloom and (Y/N)'s house

Meanwhile Bloom and (Y/N) then let Stella into their room as she looked in awe of the sight in it

"So this is your guys' room, huh?" Stella asked

"Pretty much" (Y/N) answered

Just then Stella saw the drawings on the board and walls that Bloom and (Y/N) drew

"Wow! Did you guys draw these?" Stella asked

"Yes" Bloom answered

"True but it's Bloom who does it most of the time after all she's the Ultimate Artist" (Y/N) explained

"Thanks!" Bloom thanked

"No worries sis" (Y/N) said

"They're amazing! Sorry I'm a bit nosy" Stella apologized

"Oh no, it's okay Stella, I mean..." Bloom started before being sad again

"Huh?" Stella asked in worry

"You okay sis?" (Y/N) asked

"No, things are not okay, for instance I still don't understand what happened in the park" Bloom answered sadly before showing the ripped off part of her pants

"Bloom, you used your powers to save me, you should be proud of yourself, in my world, magic is a part of life and powers such as your two's are perfectly normal" Stella explained as she looked into the mirror before a star started shining

Bloom then turned to the book next to Stella

"Is your world like that?" Bloom asked

"Yeah, I'd like to know that too?" (Y/N) agreed

Stella then opened the book and looked at the pictures in it

"Well, is it?" Bloom asked

"Yes, almost, but it's much nicer in here, it's so different" Stella answered

"I guess it all depends on your point of view, Stella, I still can't get over what happened" Bloom explained

After Bloom said that she and (Y/N) went to sit on Bloom's bed as Stella came approaching the two

"Strong feelings such as fear have summoned up the wonderful powers that are in you, they were always there, you just didn't know it, it's just a question of concentration, with your energy you can do anything, watch!" Stella said before sitting on the bed as she used her magic to make the pencils float before turning into two pink and blue colored huge pencils "Okay, now it's you guys' turn, give them back their original shape" Stella ordered

"Alright, here goes" (Y/N) called out before he lightened up his powers and shot them at the huge blue pencil before it deformed into multiple pencils "Yes! You're up Bloom!" (Y/N) suggested

Bloom then pulled her hands forward before trying to lighten them up but it didn't work

"Well?" Stella asked

Bloom continued to try before stopping in defeat as the pencil dropped in defeat

"Nothing, I can't do it" Bloom said

"You still haven't learned it, let me fix it up" (Y/N) suggested

He then lightened his powers again as he shot them at the other pencil which caused it to also deformed and land in the bottle

"You shoould come with me to Alfea castle, it's a school for fairies, a new session is about to start, you could learn to control your powers and I'm sure you'd make an excellent fairy" Stella explained

"I agree and I'll come with you no matter what it takes" (Y/N) said

"Where's Alfea?" Bloom asked

"I'd like to know that too" (Y/N) agreed

"It's in the enchanted realm of Magix" Stella answered

"Wow" Bloom and (Y/N) both said in awe

"A place beyond time and space where everything is possible, if you want to see the school I'll show it to you" Stella said

After that Stella teleports a postcard before throwing it to the ground which then got bigger

"What is that?! It looks magical" (Y/N) asked in shock

"This is a bottomless postcard, watch this" Stella said before stepping on it before she raised her hands out and called out "Magix!" Stella called out

After she called that out she began to sink

"Wow?! So cool! I'll try it too!" (Y/N) said

"But what if it's not safe?!" Bloom asked

"Don't worry, if it's not safe I'll be using my magic to defeat the thing that's not safe, now come along" (Y/N) said before stepping onto the postcard when Stella was gone "Magix!" (Y/N) called out while raising his hand

After calling that out (Y/N) began to sink

Meanwhile Troll, Knut and the Ghouls were getting closer to Bloom and (Y/N)'s house before they rounded the corner

"She's not far, the smell is strong, there's another fairy" Troll explained

"It's Stella, they're together" Knut explained

Meanwhile Bloom was also sinking down the postcard

"I just jump in like you?" Bloom asked before she began getting closer which made her frightened "Whoa!' Bloom called out

"Don't be scared it will all be fine, hurry up before the gate closes" (Y/N) suggested

Meanwhile Knut, Troll and the Ghouls were still walking before Troll started sniffing again

"I've lost the scent, she's disappeared!" Troll called out in shock

Just then Mike's voice was heard

"Huh, fairies? It's totally ridiculous!" Mike said in anger

"Uh oh!" Knut, Troll and the Ghouls called out

After calling that out Knut, Troll and the Ghouls began running out of sight

"Mike, it's not ridiculous, it's true" Vanessa asked before the screen panned to the inside of the house as we saw Vanessa worried "Come on, admit it you and I both know this Stella is a real fairy, but you're afraid to believe it! Mike, if this is Bloom's true nature..." Vanessa started before the screen panned to Bloom and Stella in a postcard of Magix "Who are we to stop her?" Vanessa asked

"This is Alfea castle, nice, huh?" Stella asked

"Yes, it is!" (Y/N) answered excitedly

"I'm sure you both will like it here" Stella said

"But what about our high school in Gardenia? I mean everything is happening so fast" Bloom asked worriedly

"Listen, think about it, I've got to leave tomorrow morning with or without you both" Stella said

"I'll be sure to come along" (Y/N) said before turning to Bloom "What about you sis?" (Y/N) asked

"Alright, I'll sleep on it, now how do we get out of here?" Bloom asked

"Easy, all you gotta do is jump up" Stella said before jumping as she flew out of the postcard "Whee" Stella called out

"I'll help you there" (Y/N) suggested

After that (Y/N) grabs Blooms hand and jumps up sending Bloom after him as the two flew out the postcard as the two end up going out the postcard with Bloom holding onto him in fright before the two arrived which made her let go

"Thanks (Y/N), you're a natural" Bloom thanked

"No need sis, I'll help you, always" (Y/N) said

"Huh? I thought siblings couldn't fall in love together, maybe I should just ask how it is possible, or wait, I'm sure it is supposed to be allowed in the world of Magix, right, I better look at the books there then" Stella thought

Meanwhile Troll, Knut and the Ghouls were calming down before Troll found the scent again

"Hait a minute" Troll called out in shock

"Huh?" Knut asked worriedly

"The scent is back, they're in this house" Troll said

After saying that Troll points to the house with two bikes next to the front door

"Good work, Troll, they can't escape us now, we'll go in through the back door and take the whole happy family by surprise" Knut said in relief

Then Knut began walking with Troll and his Ghouls far behind as Kiko was just hopping around playfully before the Ghouls, Knut and Troll appeared behind the kitchen door which made him frightened as he hopped towards Vanessa and Mike in fright

"What's wrong Kiko?" Mike asked before Kiko held him back as Mike pushed him forwards "We'll play later, okay? We're really busy right now" Mike reminded before Kiko ran to Vanessa in fright as somebody banged on the door which made him point at the door before he ran to the entrance and pretended to knock while tapping his leg "What? Hyngry again? You just had your dinner, you're gonna have to wait a bit" Mike suggested

Kiko then had a plan B as he ran to the door and tried to hold it back before he got pushed back before he had another idea as he grabbed a few stuff and puts them against the door making sure it will stay locked before he got knocked down with the other items which made Mike angry at him

"Huh? What is that rabbit doing? Trashing the kitchen? Kiko, come here immediately!" Mike called out

Mike then walked towards the kitchen in anger before Troll appeared in front of them along with the Ghouls and Knut as he broke the entrance making it easy for him to walk in the room in anger which Bloom, Stella and (Y/N) heard

"We're under attack!" (Y/N) called out in shock

"By who?" Bloom asked

"I'm not sure and that's why I'm gonna go fight against them" (Y/N) said

"Allow me to help then" Stella said

The trio then ran out of the bedroom and towards the stairs while Troll, Knut and the Ghouls began trashing the room trying to find either Bloom, Stella or (Y/N) which made Vanessa and Mike worried as they hugged each other in fright making the Ghouls, Knut and Troll look at them in anger

Those girls must be around here somewhere" Knut said in anger

"We're right behind you!" Stella called out

After calling that out Knut, Troll and the Ghouls turned around before they saw fairy (Y/N), Stella and Bloom

"What?" Knut asked

"Now let's settle this!" Stella called out before pulling up her fist "Solaria!" Stella called out

Then Stella started getting her wristbands and shoes first before she got her skirt and topshirt which drapped over one arm before her hair got into two pigtails and after she finished transforming Troll approached the three before Stella flew towards him and kicked him in the head stunning him for a bit

"You dummy! You got beat by a cutesy blonde!" Knut called out

"Yes! But... I'm no ordinary blonde" Stella said

"Yep! And now it's your turn!" (Y/N) said

After saying that (Y/N) charged for Knut with some fire balls which Knut dodged as (Y/N) then turned to Vanessa and Mike "It's dangerous in here! Get out of the house now!" (Y/N) ordered

Vanessa and Mike obliges as they did so before (Y/N) turned to Bloom

"You take care of the goons while we take care of them!" (Y/N) suggested

"Alright brother, you got it!" Bloom said

Bloom then ran out of the house as the Ghouls ran after her

"As for you two!" (Y/N) said

"Hold on, let me call the specialists" Stella suggested

"Yes, but first let's stun them, I'm sure that if we do that the room wouldn't be more broken than it already is" (Y/N) said

"Alright then!" Stella said

(Y/N) then continued to shoot lasers at Knut while Stella shot light powers at Troll trying to stun them as they dodged before (Y/N) teleported from one side of the room to behind Knut and knocked himm onto the ground unconscious before he flew towards the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan before teleporting behind Troll and knocking him down before he dodged the laser

"Sorry about that, I didn't notice you were behind him" Stella apologized

"No worries, now call the 'Specialists' as you call them while I trap them in some rope from the Garage" (Y/N) said before he went to the Garage and grabbed some rope before he returned as he and Stella worked together to trap both Knut and Troll as he tied the knot real hard making sure they cannot escape "Great now that that's done let's go see how B---" (Y/N) started before something unexpected happened

Stella flew towards (Y/N) and gave him a kiss which made him kiss back before the two stopped

"Thanks for the help (Y/N) I would've never known how to beat them if it weren't for you" Stella thanked

"No worries, anything for a fairy like you" (Y/N) said

"Yes, now let's go see how Bloom's doing with the Goons" Stella said

"Yeah, good idea" (Y/N) agreed

The two of them then flew outside where they saw Kiko crawling for Bloom while underneath a cooking pot which Bloom noticed as she pulled the cooking pot up only to see nothing as Kiko was just inside it as Bloom who was confused threw it to the side before she stood there in preparation to battle the Ghouls before she saw Stella and (Y/N) approach them

"Guys! Where are the ogre and troll?" Bloom asked

"They're out for now, Stella also called the Specialists to come and get them" (Y/N) explained

"Yep" Stella agreed

"Who?" Bloom asked

"I'm not sure but you'll see them in a minute" (Y/N) said

Then Stella and (Y/N) used their magic to incinerate the remaining goons and when they were done with the Specialists teleported in front of them one was a guy with blonde hair and wore a blue suit with white stripes, a lighter blue cape and dark blue boots, while the other guy had brown hair and wore the same thing as the one with blonde hair along with the dark pink haired guy which hair was in spikes and the lighter brown haired guy with glasses as the dark pink haired guy approached Stella

"So, where's the Troll?" The dark pink haired guy asked

"Inside the house, we managed to knock him out along with Knut" (Y/N) answered

"Yep, can you send them away?" Stella asked

"Sure, anything for you princess" The brown haired guy answered

After saying that the glasses wearing guy and blonde haired guy both went inside and put two handcuffs on both the ogre and troll and an electric chain on their necks before bringing them out

"Before they leave, let me introduce you two to them, the blonde haired guy is Diaspro's boyfriend Brandon, the brown haired guy is the lazy but still strong fighter Skye, the dark pink haired guy is the biggest grump of Red Fountain Riven and the glasses wearing guy is a tech savvy and named Timmy and together they're the specialists" Stella introduced

"Yep, that's right Stella, we are even boyfriends, right Stella?" Brandon asked

"Of course Skye, but not now, especially since I'm having feelings for a new guy but you're still a brother to me" Stella said

"Ugh! Fine!" Brandon said

"Come on Brandon, it can't be that bad, just believe in yourself" Sky said

"Okay, okay" Brandon said

"By the way I'm Bloom and this is my brother (Y/N)" Bloom introduced

"Nice to meet you guys" (Y/N) waved

"Alright, well, nice to meet you two but it's best we go now, we'll see you at School during the ball, alright Stella?" Riven asked

"Of course Riven" Stella answered

After that the portal opened up as the Specialists waved Bloom, Stella and (Y/N) out before they dragged the still unconscious Knut and Troll away before the portal closed up as Bloom then turned to (Y/N) and Stella in happiness

The next day everything was getting cleaned up before Stella came downstairs in her new outfit which consisted of a bright green halter top, an orange skirt with a thin golden belt adorned with matching gold medals, green sandals with orange suns just above her toes, and a lilac-colored headband as she talked to Mike

"You know, it would be easier for me to straighten up everything with a little magic" Stella suggested

"Thanks but I prefer this one" Mike explained

(Y/N) who heard the conversation then came into the room before touching the wall with his side

"You know, if I were you, I'd use magic, things will get fixed then" (Y/N) said

"I know but, I still don't believe fairies exist" Mike said

"Yeah, well according to Selina you must not tell any fairy that because they'd use their powers to mess up things especially if it consists of a phone being changed into vegetables and it wasn't me who did this" (Y/N) explained

"Okay, fine, you can do it" Mike said

Stella then used her magic to fix up the room before it turned back to normal and when it was done Bloom came into the room with two suitcases one for herself and one for (Y/N) while Vanessa stood behind her

"Bloom's ready" Vanessa said

"Yep, I am too but don't worry I'll protect Bloom no matter what it takes" (Y/N) said

"Are you sure about this, guys?" Mike asked

"Yes dad, I'm going with Stella to the realm of Magix and Alfea the castle" Bloom answered

"Yes, and I'll make sure Bloom doesn't get into trouble" (Y/N) said

"Call us as soon as you two get there and let us know everything, I can't believe we agreed to this, what if you two get sick? What if you meet these monsters again? What..." Mike started

"Don't worry dad, if something does happen to us I'll be the first to call you" (Y/N) said

"Yeah, dad, we'll be careful, we promise" Bloom promised

"Bloom, (Y/N), we love you very much, please come home as soon as the session's over next summer, we'll miss you" Vanessa said

"And I'll miss you both very much" Bloom said

Just then Mike had another idea in his mind

"Ah, ah, ah, did you really think we'd let you go just like that? No, no, we're coming with you" Mike corrected

"Really? Thanks dad, this is so great" Bloom thanked

Then Mike started talking while going to get his grey and yellow jacket before returning

"Ah, no sweat and anyways, I really wanna see this famous magic dimension you keep talking about, so..." Mike explained

"Stella, is it possible?" Bloom asked turning to Stella

"Hmm, well the rules don't allow it but as they say rules are made to be broken" Stella answered

"Mostly it is but okay, let's go there then, but then again I'm not sure how we'd get there (Y/N) said

"Allow me" Stella called out before she pulled out her ring and threw it which formed into a scepter before she catched it "You guys ready?" Stella asked

"We were born ready" Mike said

(Y/N) then saw bloom looking at the ground worriedly

"Don't worry Bloom, I'm sure it will be a safe flight so believe in yourself" (Y/N) suggested

Bloom then nodded before Stella raised her scepter and called out

"To Magix we go!" Stella called out

After calling that out Mike, Vanessa, Bloom, (Y/N), Stella and Kiko started falling as a few screamed in fright while the others were just flying in style before they arrived as they got a rough landing

"You were saying" Bloom started

"Okay, I had no idea this was gonna happen" (Y/N) said in disbelief

Mike then rubbed his head before he saw the beautiful forest view which made him shocked

"Wow, it really does exist" Mike said in shock

"You believe us now?" Bloom asked

"Come on, we gotta go, classes are about to begin" Stella said

"Right" (Y/N) said

The ones on the floor then stood up as they began walking towards Alfea ready to wave Bloom and (Y/N) off or go to school

[Next Time on 'The Hero of Magix']

"In the next Episode at Alfea, Bloom and (Y/N) will discover new life and amazing new friends, but in the Magic Dimension she will also meet the witches from the school of Cloud Tower the first problem she will have to deal with, peace in Magix will be threatened" The narrator announced

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