Prologue: The Beauty of Gardenia

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Have you ever thought what it was like to live in Gardenia? No? Well I did as I was born there... Actually, I lived there but I don't remember being born here like I was from another planet or something, sure I may be a ordinary human but living in Gardenia, that's what I didn't know, but what I do know was that I lived there with Bloom my whole life as I had the same room with her but my parents did force me to leave the room when awake if Bloom dresses herself up and today was the day I woke up with Bloom as Bloom waved at me

"Hi (Y/N), did you have a good sleep?" Bloom asked

"Of course I did, what about you?" I asked

"Same, although I do have a feeling we're gonna have to go do something later" Bloom answered

"Yeah, agreed imagine our mom coming to get us to let us both work at the flower shop or our dad to have us work at the firefighter job" I said

"Probably the former, but that's mostly just me" Bloom said

The two of us then stood up as I let Bloom into the bathroom first to get her clothes as I went downstairs to get my breakfast where I saw a blue rabbit with white bits

Two people my mother was tall with darker beige skin, brown hair, red lips and white earrings, she wears blue overalls with a white shirt underneath. She wears a yellow apron decorated with green apples around her waist and a light blue necklace. Her shoes are brown wedges with two white sandal straps and my dad looked like he had been in the sun too much as he had pink skin, blonde hair and wears a light blue short-sleeved collared shirt, dark blue jeans and blue sneakers

"Morning mom, dad" I greeted

"Oh morning darling, how was your sleep?" My mom asked

"Pretty good, I just came here to make some breakfast" I answered

"That's not needed because I already made breakfast you guys' favorites" My mom explained

"Sweet! I'm gonna like it! Thanks mom" I thanked happily

I then went to take a seat at the tiny table as my dad turned to me

"Morning, did you sleep well?" My dad asked

"Of course, how about you dad?" I asked

"I slept fine as well, hey, I've been trying to stop Bloom from doing it but it didn't work" My dad explained

"What did she do?" I asked

"She kept saying she loves you and when I try to say that she can't marry you she shrugs it off, doesn't she know it's not allowed?!" My dad asked

"I'm not sure, but it must be because I look handsome, I'll ask her in a bit" I suggested

"You better or she's gonna be grounded" My dad said

My mom who hear that then turned to us

"But Mike, don't be so harsh, I know Bloom and (Y/N) are both adoptive siblings but that doesn't mean they can have a crush, didn't you know that there are a few exceptions" My mom explained

"Yeah, but they are so rare we don't even know about that" My dad explained

"I gotta agree with her and besides I decide who gets to have a crush on me not you especially since it's my life" I explained

"Ugh! Fine! But if the law sees it you're both gonna be punished and we're not gonna help" My dad said

"Thanks Dad" I thanked

"Good" My dad then said

Just then Bloom walked out of her room as I saw her gorgeous waist-length orange-red hair with a single small hair strand sticking up she was also wearing a teal, sleeveless cropped sweatshirt with dark blue trim and pale yellow short-sleeve shirt underneath with blue slightly flared jeans that have stars on the bottom of the legs. Her shoes are yellow wedge-sandals with straps over the instep

"Bloom, you look great" I complimented

"Thanks (Y/N) It's my specialty, I wore it just for you" Bloom explained

"Go ahead and ask" My dad suggested

I then approached Bloom and looked at her with a serious smile

"Bloom, I've heard from my father that you've been having a crush on me for a while, is that right?" I asked

"Yes, it's true, why, isn't it allowed?" Bloom asked

"According to my father it isn't but I'll make sure to try and not get us in trouble being crushes if you promise one thing" I said

"What?" Bloom asked

"We're not gonna tell anybody else that we're crushes except for maybe our friends" I suggested

"You mean people like Selina?" Bloom asked

"Yes, is that a deal?" I asked

"Of course, anything for my best big brother" Bloom said

"I'm not even that old!" I yelled out

"Yeah, especially since you look like you're just 17 and I 16" Bloom explained

"Sometimes if people mention I'm that old I'd feel 100 years old or something more" Silver said

"Anyways, shall we go spend some time taking a stroll around the streets?" I asked

"Sure and maybe if possible we will see Selina!" Bloom answered happily

"We'll see, we'll see" I said

"Is it alright if we go?" Bloom asked

"Sure, just don't go too far also take these 100 bucks with you, I'm sure they'll help you along the way" My mom said

"Yes and if you run into danger just run" My dad suggested

"We will, we promise" I said

Then me and Bloom grabbed our phones before we walked outside as we looked around the streets in search of Selina's home before they found it as Bloom rang the doorbell as the door then opened and we saw a girl with green hair which looks a bit exploded and wears a navy blue crop top with wavy black ends and a mesh collar with a pink circle. She also wears a navy blue jacket with a high collar and sleeves that end with spiked gray areas. Her stomach is covered with mesh, and she has navy blue gloves with light teal buttons on her hands. Selina also wears a navy blue skirt with a chain-belt, which she usually uses to hang the shrunk Legendarium and navy blue thigh-high heeled boots with gray tights and multiple light teal buttons on the side

"Selina!!!" Me and Bloom both cheered happily

"Bloom, (Y/N), what are you guys doing here?!" Selina asked in happiness

"We came here to visit you!" Bloom answered

"Oh, that's so sweet! Well, let me ask my parents if we could go for a walk" Selina suggested

"Oh okay" Bloom said

Selina then went back inside and did what she had to do before she came back out

"Okay we can go" Selina said

The three of us then started our stroll around town as we first went to the park where we then sat down on a bench with me in the middle like every girl with a Harem would I believe

"So guys, how's life?" Selina asked

"Good, we're even going to the same High School and (Y/N) is basically the most popular guy in school there almost overshadowing Mitzi" Bloom explained

"I'm not even that popular" I said embarrassingly

"Oh yeah, then how come all the girls start fauning over you, there was even this one chance where Mitzi tried to win you over but you rejected her" Bloom reminded

"And she stormed off, yeah, I remember, I even told here I'm not one for the looks or personalities I'm one for the love and caring, sure that's a bit of a personality but you know what I mean" I explained

"Wow, remember when you had that in our school too?" Selina asked

"Oh yeah, I couldn't even realize what was happening until Bloom helped me out" I answered

After saying that the three of us laughed

"Hey, I have some money with me, how about we get some ice cream" Bloom said

"Sounds great" I said

"Yeah and guys remember, you'll always be my friend no matter what happens" Selina said

The three of us then stood up from the bench as we went to get some Ice Cream, I got the smurfs Ice Cream, Bloom got the Orange one and Selina got the Pistachio as we all took a seat at a table and ate it

"This is the best ice cream I've ever tasted!" Bloom said in awe

"Same! Gardenia's got the best Ice Cream in the whole wide world!" Selina said

"I agree!" I said

The three of us started laughing before we noticed Mitzi sitting along with her two allies

"Ugh, not Mitzi again" Bloom said in disbelief

"I'm gonna go ask what she's doing, there might be a chance she wants to make me a boyfriend for at least the thousandth time" I said

"In that case I'm coming with you" Bloom suggested

"Same" Selina agreed

The three of us then approached Mitzi who heard it as she turned around as we saw her long black hair and her green tank top with a single line being yellow in color with small cut-out section going down the center. She also wears khaki capris while she carries a small orange purse with dark green flowers on top of it

"Ugh! What do you guys want now? Are you gonna finally accept you need me and not these stupid brats of sorts?" Mitzi asked

"Hey! We're not brats!" Selina corrected angrily

"That's true besides are you spying on us?" I asked

"Ugh?! Of course not I just came here to get some ice cream and just by coincidence the most beautiful guy from high school is here" Mitzi answered

"You should learn that I'm one from the inside not from the outside okay! So either you stop saying I'm beautiful and we could be friends or I have no choice but to give you a slap!" I ordered

"Ooh!!!" Bloom and Selina gasped in awe

"Ugh! Shut up! You know it's none of your business!" Mitzi said

"Oh it is their business because you keep trying to get attached to a guy by just looking at the outside you should just look from the inside so think about it" I ordered

"Ugh?! There's no way I'm gonna do that!" Mitzi said

"Oh you will, think about it" I suggested

I then walked off as Bloom and Selina followed after me

"You seriously know how to reason with her" Bloom said

"You know, it takes hard concentration to distract a guy with me and believe me or not she didn't concentrate that hard" I explained

"Yeah, you're right" Bloom said

"Now, what do we do?" Selina asked

"Hmm, I'm not sure but we could just take a stroll around town whilst eating some ice creams" I suggested

"Yeah, especially in the hot weather" Selina said

"Yes after all it's summer and for some reason the hot doesn't bother me anyway" Bloom explained

Me and Selina started laughing then

"Did you just make an alternate reference to Frozen?" Selina asked

"Yes, she always says the cold doesn't bother me anyway which for me the hot doesn't" Bloom explained

"Yes, I know all that, now, let's go to the beach I think we can sunbathe there" I suggested

"Yes, just don't make yourself pink" Selina suggested

"Of course, of course, but my dad is still pink, he possibly sunbathed the whole day with no sun cream on top of him" Bloom explained

"Ouch! Doesn't he feel the pain though?" Selina asked

"I'm not sure all I know is that sometimes my mom puts some ice on him to make the hot go away a bit" I explained

"Yeah and mostly everytime I hear my dad screaming in pain whenever he sits down but today he didn't so he may or may not be feeling a bit better" Bloom explained

"Your dad must've been really dumb" Selina said

"Yeah, definitely" I said in agreement

The three of us then finished our ice creams as we went to the beach where we saw a few people sunbathing or playing in the sun as we then saw Selina running towards the water and going in it

"Come on guys, the water's really hot!" Selina called out

"Alright, we're coming!" Bloom said

The three of us then ran towards Selina only to get splashed by her

"Hey! Don't do that or I have no choice but to do it back!" I called out playfully

"Same!" Bloom agreed playfully

The two of us then ran into the water as we threw water back before it became a bit like a water fight as the three of us put our phones on an empty blanket and closed it up before we returned and when we were back we continued to play as I couldn't help but notice Mitzi coming down the stairs of the beach as I turned to the girls

"Give me a second" I suggested

The girls then nodded as they continued to play and laugh as I approached Mitzi who noticed me

"What is it you want now?" I asked

"Nothing! And why do you keep following me?!" Mitzi asked

"No, I didn't follow you, you did!" I corrected

"Ugh! Still, why don't you want to develop a crush on me?!" Mitzi asked

"Do you see those girls all over the beach?" I asked as I pulled my hand to show the girls talking with boys, playing or sunbathing "Do you see anyone crushing on me just for my looks?" I asked

"No" Mitzi answered

"Yes, because they're all having fun on the beach relaxing especially since it's summer and in school everybody wants to learn so please for the sake of no manipulations stop crushing on me just because of my looks" I suggested

"But---" Mitzi started

"Either you do that or we aren't friends anymore" I said

I then left as Mitzi started to think on what to do

"Hmm, maybe he's right, I was going way too far trying to love (Y/N) especially since he's been in my class for three years already, but seeing he loves that nothing but a brat of an Bloom I have no choice but to pick two choices, either A: I begin hating (Y/N) too or B: I'll try and make it up to him but I definitely don't want to do A because he's been friendly and nice to all the girls in my school but then again if I use B: I'll look really embarrassing, hmm, I just have to pick one choice, but I'll think of it when the time comes so for now, I'll go sunbathe" Mitzi thought

Soon I arrived back at Bloom and Selina's place

"Hi (Y/N), how'd it go?" Bloom asked

"Do you seriously want to ask when I was just going to the toilet?" I asked

"Uh, no" Bloom answered embarrassingly

"Well, no worries, it went fine, let's just continue playing" I said

"Actually, we've played a lot so can we sunbathe a bit?" Selina asked

"Uh sure" I answered

The three of us then went to sunbathe on some blankets next to our phones which Selina teleported for some reason as we all laid down as Bloom turned to Selina in confusion

"Hey, Selina, how'd you get these powers?" Bloom asked

I then turned around after her

"Yeah, I'd like to know that too" I agreed

"Well, the truth is I'm actually a fairy" Selina whispered

The two of us then gasped in shock

"You are?!" The two of us asked in shock

"Yeah, I knew about it from Eldora, she told me about it, she even told me you two were special too" Selina explained

"Selina! That's not true! We're not actually fairies! We're just ordinary people" I reminded

"Yeah, we're not even all that powerful" Bloom explained

"I know you wouldn't believe me but it really is true, you guys will find that out in due time" Selina said

"Selina! Fairies are just in fairy tales" I explained

"Yeah, and fairy tales are not real" Bloom said

"Think about it, (Y/N) when you said the hot doesn't bother me anyway was it just because it was hot or because you felt your power burning inside?" Selina asked

"I don't know, I did feel my power but my powers are not known yet" I explained

"Bloom, years ago, when your dad rescued you from the fire which I heard a few years ago, did you have any burn wounds or anything?" Selina asked

"No" Bloom answered

"That must mean you guys are fairies the fairies of heroes and fire" Selina explained

Me and Bloom then turned to each other and laughed

"Come on, there's no way that is true, I mean, you can't get burn wounds from fire, you just get less air and are choking" Bloom explained

"Yeah and besides, what even is a fairy of heroes and fire?" I asked

The two of us then looked at each other

"I'm not sure but Eldora told me about it, you'll know in due time" Selina said

"Alright, yes miss hallucinator" I taunted

"Yeah, that's not even true" Bloom said

"Trust me, it is not a laughing matter, soon a fairy will drop down to Earth and you'll be send to Alfea to study the magic all fairies have" Selina said

"That's all in your imagination" Bloom said

"Fine! See if I care!" Selina said angrily

Then Selina walked off angrily as we looked at each other

"Have we been harsh?" I asked

"Yeah, I believe so, we should definitely have listened to her instead of laughing, but I guess we should leave her be for now" Bloom said

I then noticed Selina's phone still in the tied up blanket

"Oh no! I better give this to her! While I do that you go back home" I suggested

"Good idea" Bloom said

Bloom then ran as fast as she could back home while I used my almighty speed to run as fast as possible with the three phones to Selina before I noticed Selina walking in anger as I called out to her

"Selina! Wait!" I called out

Selina then turned around only to see me rushing towards her before I stopped right behind her

"You forgot your phone" I said

I then pulled out the right phone

"Thanks" Selina said as she didn't look at me "Sorry about my outburst, I'm just not in the mood right now, especially since I know what it is like not knowing that fairies are a fairy tale especially since I had that too" Selina said

"Yeah, I understand but don't worry we'll let you know as soon as possible when there is an answer" I said

"Good, now keep in mind whatever you do, do not laugh at fairies, because I'm sure they'll use their dangerous magic against you to hurt you" Selina said

"I'll keep that in mind" I said

I then hugged Selina before I walked off in relief before Selina called out to me

"Hold on!" Selina called out

I then turned around before Selina leapt onto me and kissed me on the cheek which stunned me a bit

"This is for helping me out with the fairy problem" Selina thanked

I then rubbed my cheek

"Thanks" I thanked

"No worries, now go, I'm sure Bloom is waiting for you, possibly your parents too" Selina said

"Sure thing" I said

I then wallked off still feeling the sudden kiss on my cheek before I arrived back home where I saw Bloom holding the door open for me to go inside

"Thanks" I thanked

I then gave Bloom her phone which she forgot to grab making her hug me

"No worries, there's no better brother like you that I could ever ask for" Bloom complimented

"You mean adoptive crush brother" I corrected

"Oh come on you silly boy, there's no way I would say that!" Bloom said

I then chuckled a bit

"I know, I'm just teasing" I said

I then grabbed my guitar before I began strumming it

[(Y/N) (L/N):]

We're far apart in ever way but you're the best part of my day

And sure as I breath the air I know we are the perfect pair

On a prickly path that goes on for for miles

But it's worth it jus to see you smile

And I cannot be pulled apart from the rythm you have on my heart

And even if the world tells us it's wrong you're in my heart like a catchy song

"Wow, it's just, wow" Bloom said in awe

"Do you like it? Be honest now" I suggested

"That was the best gift you could've given me" Bloom said

[(Y/N) (L/N):]

Seasons change and leaves may fall but I'm with you through them all 

And rain or shine you'll always be mine

On a prickly path that goes on for miles

You're the one who makes it all worthwhile

And you should not blame me too if I can't help fallin' in love with you

"Wow, that was really good, you should definitely be in a band" Bloom said

"As long as it's with you I will but you will have to promise me you'll be the lead singer as I can't sing all too well" I suggested

"I will, especially for a friend like you" Bloom said

"Aww! Thanks!" I thanked

"No worries bro" Bloom said

Just then our mom came into the room

"Hey guys, I couldn't help but hear singing, you really had a great voice (Y/N)" My mom complimented

"Thanks mom, I'm learning my hardest" I explained

"I know you are" My mom said

My dad then also came into the room but he was angry

"Are you falling in love for Bloom?" My dad asked angrily

"Of course but you told me it was fine" I answered

"Do you remember that?" My mom reminded

"Yes, I do, I'm just making sure  they won't get into trouble" My dad said

"I know dad but remember we're starting slow as best friends though after all slow and steady wins the race, right (Y/N)?" Bloom asked

"Of course" I answered

"Fine, I will not ask after all you guys are still my little girl and boy" My dad said

"Don't call us that dad, we're old enough now!" Bloom said in disbelief

"I agree" I said in agreement

"Whatever, as long as you'll be fine" My dad said

Just then the doorbell rang

"I'll go get it" I said

I then went to the door as Bloom and her parents went to the living room and when I got to the door and opened it I saw Mitzi there

"What do you want?" Mitzi asked

"I just came to tell you that I've decided that I'll stop being friends with you especially being a crush!" Mitzi answered angrily

"That's not what I told you to think a few hours back!" I reminded

"You didn't, I know but you didn't tell me I could be enemies with you!" Mitzi said

"Oh, is that so?" I asked angrily

"Yes, so keep that in mind, and as always, remember I am a Trix fan" Mitzi said

"A what fan now?" I asked but without answering my question Mitzi walked off as I could see her going inside another building as I could only touch my heart in despair as I fell to my knees before Kiko came hopping by and chirped as I answered his question "I'm not sure, I should be happy that she doesn't love me from the inside anymore but on the down side she became my enemy, I must do something to get her friendship back but I just don't know what" I explained as Kiko chirped again "Yeah you're right, I should just leave it be for now, I should also think about what Selina said a while back, maybe, I'm a literal girl magnet and I just didn't know it" I said as Kiko chirped again while rubbing her belly "All right, all right, I'll go get you some lunch" I said

I then went back inside with Kiko before grabbing a bag of carrots as I put it in Kiko's bowl to which Kiko ate in it "Go ahead Kiko eat it all up, you deserve it after such a half day" I said

I then went in front of the table as I started singing sadly


If there's a prize for a rotten judgement I guess I would've already won that

No woman's worth the aggravation that's ancient history

Been there, done that

Suddenly Bloom came into the room singing happily as I looked at her


Who'd'ya think you're kiddin'

I'm the Sun and Moon for you

Try to keep it hidden

Honey, I can see right through you


(Oh no)


Brother, ya can't conceal it

We know how ya feel and who you're thinking of...




No chance, no way, I won't say it

No, no


(You swoon, you sigh, way deny it? Uh-oh)


It's too cliche

I won't say I'm in love

[Vanessa, Mike, Bloom:]

(Shoo-doo, shoo-doo, ooo)


I thought her heart had learned it's lesson it feels so good when you start out


My head is screaming, get a grip girl!

Unless you're dying to cry your heart out


You keep on denying who you are and how you're feeling

Baby, I'm not buying

Hon, we saw ya crying on the floor




Face it like a grown up

When ya gonna own up

That ya got, got, got it bad?


I then ignored Bloom and walked up the stairs in sadness as Bloom kept following me


No chance, no way, I won't say it

No, no


(Give up but give in, check the grin- you're in love)


This scene won't play, I won't say I'm in love


(You're doin' flips, read our lips: you're in love)


You're way off base, I won't say it

Get off my case, I won't say it


(Girl, don't be sad, it's okay, you're in love)



At least out loud

I won't say I'm in love

After arriving in my room I sat on my bed thinking about what just happened before Bloom knocked on the door

"Come on in" I called out

Bloom then opened the door as she saw me on the bed with a frown

"Hey, what's up with the long face?" Bloom asked

"It seems like Mitzi started hating me too" I answered sadly

"So she got off her crush and hated you?! How is that possible?!" Bloom asked

"I'm not sure but I lied to you about the toilet" I explained

"Huh? So that joke you pulled wasn't real?" Bloom asked

"No, because I was just trying to change Mitzi's heart but it failed" I answered

"Oh, well, I should be mad but seeing you went to reason with Mitzi for a good reason I'm not especially seeing that you did this to protect our wellbeing and such so I thank you for that" Bloom thanked

"No worries" I said before turning to the picture next to my bed as I picked it up as it showed me, Bloom and Selina as children on the picture laughing "Remember that time?" I asked sadly

"Huh?" Bloom asked before turning to me "Yeah, that was us when we went to our vacation spot where we always go to, why?" Bloom asked

"Of course, I remember, but remember that time where we all laughed a lot together that Selina almost showed her magic and had to hide it and lie about her wand thing which we found out was not real?" I asked

"Oh yeah, we were searching the whole day and didn't find it so Selina lied to us again making us search the beach and when we found nothing Selina cried as our parents were mad at us" Bloom answered

"Yeah" I said as we laughed before I took a sad face again "Well, I believe something caused her to get her these powers which I do not believe are fairies" I explained

"Yeah, she did say Eldora, and if we have to search for her our parents would be mad" Bloom said

"Yeah, besides it could've been another lie" I said

"So where'd you get this idea?" Bloom asked

"Well, when bringing Selina her phone I told her I'd search for evidence that shows that fairies are indeed real, so I'm gonna use this as a token of our new and hopefully new mission" I explained

"You did what?! But what if they're fake?!" Bloom asked

"Then I'll figure out why she mentioned fairies are real" I answered

"Let's just hope she doesn't cry again" Bloom said

"Yeah" I said

"Well, shall we go get some lunch too then? mom told me she's gonna make it" Bloom said

"Yes, let's do it!" I answered

The two of us then left the room and into the kitchen where we saw our mom preparing lunch

"Hey mom, what will our lunch for the day be?" I asked

"Pancakes!" My mom answered

"Sounds yummy!" Bloom complimented

"I agree" I agreed

Kiko who sniffed the air then came running to the table as he jumped on top and chittered

"Of course Kiko, you also get some pancakes" My mom said

Kiko then chittered happily which made us all cheer as our dad came into the room

"Alright, let me guess, our lunch of the day will be Pancakes?!" My dad guessed

"That's correct Mike, it's pancake day, so guys go take a seat as dinner will be brought to the table soon" My mom suggested

Then the 4 of us went to take a seat at the table as we all cheered in happiness at the sound of the pancakes sizzling

[Next Time on 'The Hero of Magix']

"Next time on 'the Hero of Magix' Bloom and (Y/N) will meet a new fairy who goes by the name of Stella who is fighting against Knut and his goons, they will also meet the Specialists who trap the hunting troll but will they be able to bring Knut, his goons and 'the Hunting Troll' to justice find out next time on 'the Hero of Magix'"

(Author's Note: Wow! What a Chapter! So guys as you all might know this is the first and last appearance of Selina this Season as she will return in Season 6 which is right after the movies and 5 Seasons so you better be patient enough to see her again but if you liked it be sure to give it a vote and put it on the library so you'll get notified whenever I put out more Parts and a special thanks to two people who added their votes and libraries, also in case you're confused on where the story is you may always put it on a different Library, the library of 'The Hero of Magix Series' Dun, dun, duuun, also fun fact this series was made yesterday when I had no idea of what to do before I thought of a harem series, also if I have any more of those fun facts to tell you, I'll be sure to mention it and now, have a great day)

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