Chapter 3: A Universal Threat

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After what happened on Beerus' planet, the Saiytonian was knocked unconscious by his teacher, Whis. Goku, Vegeta, Whis, and Beerus all head back to the planet Earth with the unconscious Y/N. As Whis was currently transporting them to Earth through the cold vacuum that is space, the Saiyans had a different expression.

Goku was smiling while Vegeta just had a serious expression, though in their heads they were thinking about what will come of Y/N's arrival. The moment they see the planet Earth, they quickly entered the atmosphere; on the planet a person's point of view, they would see a beam of light approaching the planet. Whis quickly lands near the Capsule Corp building, nobody was outside.

Chapter 3: A Universal Threat

Whis: "It seems everyone is busy... Shame, I would've loved a nice treat at this moment." The angel spoke with dissatisfaction.

Everyone except the unconscious Saiytonian heard a low growling noise, this caused the God of Destruction and the angel to look at Goku who was scratching the back of his head while chuckling.

Goku: "Sorry, I'm starving right now..." He chuckled lightly.

Vegeta: "What do we do with him?" The Saiyan prince points at Y/N.

Beerus: "I don't care what you do with him, I came here to have some tasty food! My patience is running thin right here!" Beerus expressed his annoyance.

Goku: "Let's hurry up and find Bulma then." Goku said with slight worry.

Goku picks Y/N up as the Saiytonian went over Goku's shoulder; they hear a low groan from the unconscious hero but they just go inside of Capsule Corp. Unfortunately, Bulma was nowhere to be found.

Vegeta: "Somethings wrong here!" He said with caution.

They find an empty guest room where Vegeta told Kakarot to put Y/N until he wakes up. Beerus and Whis both exit the building going to sit in the backyard of the building. Both of them wanted nothing to do with the problem; with Beerus growing irritated, one of the Briefs' chiefs came outside with some food for both the God of Destruction and angel. This will keep them busy and not have Beerus destroy the Earth out of frustration.

While Vegeta and Goku were looking for the others in the building, they suddenly sense an enormous energy signature.

Vegeta: "Kakarot! Don't you sense that high power level?!" He shouted.

Goku: "You're right Vegeta! Whoever that is, they have an enormous power level!" Goku spoke worried yet excited.

That's when the room they were currently in, was illuminating many different shades of red until that part of the building erupted in a massive explosion. That part of Capsule Corp was shrouded in smoke, slowly the smoke fades away as Goku and Vegeta were still standing but they were in a guarding position as their arms covered their faces. Both of their clothes were tattered but not too badly.

Goku: "That was close! Vegeta are you okay?" Goku asked, concerned for Vegeta.

Vegeta: "Don't worry about me you clown, right now we should find out who attacked us!" Vegeta said, clearly agitated.

Beerus and Whis heard the commotion but Beerus didn't care about what was going on he just continued eating the noodles he was given. Nearby citizens were watching the event in shock as police barricaded the road so nobody got close to the damage. Y/N stirred around the bed he was in, luckily it was nowhere near the explosion.

As the two Saiyans quickly exit the building with their flight, they see a dark figure in the distance as the silhouette of the person shows they have their arms crossed. Once they got a clear look at the person, clearly the person was male but he was wearing a hooded cloak that covered his face.

Mysterious Person: "So you two are the obstacles that are currently in my way? I thought there was one but I presume wrong." He spoke with a sinister tone. "Well, this should be easy..."

Suddenly he extends his hand outward ready to attack, but Goku quickly speaks up.

Goku: "Wait?! Let's take this to a place where there aren't any people around!" Goku pleaded.

Mysterious Person: "No... I rather kill these peasants than to let them survive." He quickly turns around and a tiny dark purple energy sphere at the people below.

Once the energy sphere gets closer to the people it became a gigantic energy bomb that engulfed the people below instantly killing them. Some ran away but it was too late as the energy bomb explodes as a massive dome-like explosion covers a big chunk of the city. Many people who were caught in the explosion perished as Goku clenched his fists tightly, this angered Goku as Vegeta stared in shock.

Goku: "How could you?! You monster!" Goku yelled in fury.

Mysterious Person: "I don't care about these pathetic creatures! After all, they're weak to the point that anything lower than me could wipe them out." He turns back to the Saiyans. "Humans... are inferior creatures, it takes a journey to hell, for them to accept and praise their Gods!"

Vegeta: "You sound as diluted as Zamasu! Where is Bulma and Trunks, you bastard?!" Vegeta said with venom.

Mysterious Person: "You mean that human woman those half breed children? I've captured them along with many others that might prove some usefulness to me." He disappears from their sight.

Vegeta and Goku look around for the man but he quickly appears behind both of them.

Mysterious Person: "So... You two are the strongest beings on this planet besides the God of Destruction and the Angel." He smirks but his smirk isn't visible to Goku and Vegeta. "Not that it matters, you're still dead men none the less. But I won't kill you, I'll let my allies do it. After all, I've got an omniverse to explore!" He fades away, leaving this universe.

Vegeta: "Dammit! That bastard will pay!" Vegeta shouted.

Goku: "Yes he will... All those innocent people wiped put in mere seconds, it was too fast even for me." Goku said angered.

The Saiyans both land in the backyard to see both Beerus and Whis finished with their meals, Beerus closed his eyes while Whis smiled. This meal pleased him.

Whis: "Ah... So who was our strange visitor?" He asked the two.

Vegeta: "We didn't get his identity, he just vanished while saying he's kidnapped Bulma, Trunks, and Bulla." He clenched his fists.

Goku: "He also wiped out the people nearby without any remorse, but he said that he'll have his ally finish us off."

Whis: "Curious..." Whis thought about that.

Goku, Vegeta, and Whis heard footsteps as Y/N was finally awake from his slumber. He rubbed the back of his neck while making his way towards everyone.

Y/N: "What happened while I was out?" He asked with a tired voice. "When did we get back to Earth?"

Whis: "Our mysterious guest left us with quite a mess."

Goku: "Wait, Whis can't you rewind time to before he caused all this damage?" Goku said excitedly.

Whis: "I can only rewind time to three minutes, it's been past three minutes so I'm afraid I can't solve our problem here."

Vegeta: "Then we'll have to use the Dragon Balls to fix this mess, but until then we'll have to take care of this ally he talked about."

Goku: "By the way, how are you feeling right now Y/N?" He looks at Y/N.

Y/N: "I feel fine, just wondering what this ally of this person is like." Y/N was determined.

Whis: "Now, now... Don't you rush into battle, remember that you lost control of your abilities. Simply you're not ready yet."

Y/N: "I am too ready!" Y/N yelled back.

Vegeta: "Whis is right if you can't even control your abilities, then what use would you be to us." Vegeta crossed his arms.

Y/N's eyes widen showcasing his disappointment, but then he had a shocked expression on his face when his ears began to pick up a sound from the far corner of space. The source of the sound was heading towards Earth with an insane amount of speed.

Goku: "What is it Y/N?" He asked the hybrid.

Y/N: "Somethings heading this way fast! That's not all, I'm hearing the sound of explosions!"

Vegeta: "Explosions?! You got to be kidding me, I don't sense anything coming this way." Vegeta was irritated.

Whis: "I'm afraid Y/N is right, something is making its way here. This might be the person who is working with that stranger."

That's when both Goku and Vegeta both sensed an enormous power level approaching the Earth, this shocked both the Saiyans as the source quickly approaches the planet. Everyone looks up in the sky to see a flaming ball entering the Earth. The flames around the object disappear, they see a shadowy figure heading towards the Capsule Corp building.

Vegeta flew up in the sky at intense speeds ready to intercept the force, as he got closer to the figure he was knocked back by an invisible force. Vegeta regains his composure staring in shock.

Vegeta: "It's like I couldn't get near it, this power!"

When the person crashes into the ground it caused a massive shockwave that devastated the area, this caused more damage to the Capsule Corp building. Y/N tried to stand his ground but he was sliding back, Goku also slid back a bit while Whis just stood still. Beerus was still napping, Vegeta lands by Goku, and Y/N immediately taking a battle stance.

Goku does the same thing while Y/N looks at the two knowing that he was told not to fight with them.

Y/N: "Let me help you guys."

Goku: "You heard what Whis said, sorry Y/N but until you can control your powers you won't be much help here."

Vegeta: "You'll just get in the way anyways! Kakarot, I'm taking on this opponent first." Vegeta demanded.

Goku: "Aww... No fair Vegeta, I wanted to fight this guy."

Vegeta: "Kakarot, that fool's partner has Bulma, Trunks, and Bulla are and this clown is gonna tell me where they are!"

Goku: "Alright, fine. I wanted to fight him though."

They look over at the person in a giant crater as they stood up, slowly the person began walking out of the crater. When the person reaches the top they were shocked to see a familiar face.

Vegeta: "You should be dead!" He said in a shocked tone of voice.

Goku: "That's impossible! He can't be here!" Goku is even shocked.

Y/N: "Who's that?" Y/N was confused.

Vegeta/Goku: "Majin Buu!" They said in unison.

Majin Buu was holding an unconscious man which they recognized as Goku Black. What was different about Buu was that he was emitting a dark aura and it looks like he did when he absorbed Gohan, Gotenks, and Piccolo.

Y/N: "That's some crazy power I'm sensing from him!" Y/N was worried.

Vegeta: "Impossible! Kakarot kill this Buu with his spirit bomb!"

Super Buu: "So, this universe's Goku and Vegeta know about me. Their power is much more impressive than the ones I absorbed." He smirked while crossing his arms.

Goku: "There are still people alive around here! Vegeta come on! We got to take this battle somewhere else!" Goku shouted.

Vegeta: "Tch... Fine Kakarot, let's go."

Super Buu: "I'll fix that problem for us!" Buu said sadistically.

Buu raised his hand high, this was all too familiar but Goku and Vegeta weren't there to see this attack. But before he could even do anything, Buu was punched on his left cheek which caused the Majin to slide back a bit. Both Goku and Vegeta look to see that Y/N was the one that punched him.

Y/N: "You're not gonna kill those people asshole!" Y/N said with malice.

Buu cracks his jaw which he then looks at the hybrid with curiosity.

Super Buu: "I've never seen you before." He notices the tail that Y/N has. "So you're a Saiyan... But you're different."

Y/N: "I get that a lot."

Super Buu: "I'll let you have that punch, I did let my guard down." He chuckles. Buu looks at Goku and Vegeta again. "There is something about these two that I can't put my finger on." His eyes look at Whis and a napping Beerus. "I suppose we can take this fight somewhere else, hurry up and pick a barren place then if those humans really matter to you."

Goku: "Alright! Follow us!"

Goku began floating and in a burst a speed, he took off in flight followed by Vegeta then Y/N, and finally, Buu who carried Goku Black with his telekinesis. Whis looked at them leaving.

Whis: "I already know he's gonna fight even if I told not to, well that can't be helped. Let's see how much he's grown." Whis followed them.

Beerus continued the snore but then his ears were twitching, his's eyes were slowly opening as he yawned.

Beerus: "I couldn't even take a proper nap because they were so loud!"

Next Time...

Goku: "Majin Buu is back stronger than ever! Why does he have an unconscious Goku Black with him?! Vegeta you better be careful!

Vegeta: "Shut up Kakarot, I don't care how strong Buu is! I won't stop here just because he's back!"

Super Buu: "That cocky attitude won't get you nowhere, Vegeta!" Buu laughs.

Y/N: "I want to help you guys out! Something is off about his power!"

Vegeta: "Stay out of my battle, Buu is mine and mine alone!"

Goku: "Next time on Hero of The Omniverse! Vegeta goes all out! See you there!

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