Episode 2: Training To Break Limits!

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On a new planet that was very much different to Earth, this planet's lower half is shaped similar to a square pyramid that is flipped upside down, while the top is made of a dead tree. In an area that had many trees and lifeforms that inhabit the area, multiple shockwaves erupted from the sky at high-speed action. A battle was happening at incredibly fast speeds, two beings were clashing with each other with great force.

The two beings were Y/N and Vegeta, they were neck and neck with each other. Their punches and kicks countering each other, they were moving at hyper speeds to which an untrained eye couldn't keep up with their movements. While the training session was happening, Whis and Goku we're watching from the sidelines as Whis carefully watched Y/N's every move.

Whis: "He does have great potential, but he needs to work on his technique. This will do no good if he were to fight an opponent whose intentions are to kill him. He needs some work if he is gonna be the next guardian."

Goku: "Vegeta is lucky he gets to spar with him first..." Goku pouted.

Whis: "Patience Goku, you'll get your chance. But Vegeta was keen on seeing his combat skills."

Y/N tried to go in for a punch to Vegeta's face, but the Prince of Saiyans had quickly ducked under the punch. Vegeta then reeled his left fist back and with a tremendous amount of force, Vegeta hits Y/N's in the gut. Y/N's eyes widen from the pain as he coughs up spit and he stumbles back clutching his stomach.

Vegeta: "That punch was way too predictable if you even want land a hit on me, then you're going to have to do better than that." He crossed his arms while having a scowl on his face.

Y/N: "Man, that was a strong punch..." He regains his composure. "Alright! Round two!"

Both Y/N and Vegeta get into a fighting stance, both of them rush at each other with insane speed. The moment they got close to each other, they reeled their fists back and throw their fists forward. Y/N and Vegeta's fists collide which resulted in another shockwave erupting from the impact; the shockwave caused a strong gust of wind which almost blew the nearby trees away.

Vegeta was shocked by how Y/N was quickly able to adapt to the sparring session, this energy he sensed from the hybrid was growing stronger by the moment.

Whis: "I see someone is a fast learner, but he still has much to learn." Whis wanted to know more about this energy that the hybrid had. "Y/N! You're using way too much energy during this sparring session like I told Goku and Vegeta you must try to keep your energy within."

Both Y/N and Vegeta stop as the hybrid never learned this method of ki control, Y/N tries to keep his energy from leaking out but he struggles to do it.

Y/N: "Umm sorry Whis... But I've never learned this part of ki control." He spoke truthfully.

Whis: "I see... Goku, Vegeta, wait here, I want to speak with Y/N alone."

Y/N: "I messed up didn't I..." The hybrid sighs in defeat.

Goku: "No you didn't, you just need to keep trying eventually you'll get it. You just never had a person to teach you how to get better."

Y/N flies down to the ground and he follows Whis while Goku and Vegeta started sparring.

Y/N: "So what did you want to tell me?"

Whis: "Y/N, during your training session I noticed you were doubting yourself there, do you mind telling me why?"

Y/N: "Oh... You noticed it's just that I've been handed a big responsibility from a man who didn't even care enough to help me, he neglected me for basically a good majority of my life. Now all of sudden I've been chosen to be a guardian of the Multi-Omniverse, I just can't focus on everything with all this stress. The moment I even came to this universe, my hearing has been amplified along with my other senses, I heard how happy everyone is spending time with friends and family... I never even had moments like that with family because they're gone, the only person who I looked up to neglected me and just abandoned me in that damn dimension. The question is why me? What makes me so special?" He began to doubt himself.

Whis: "Use those feelings to make yourself better than him, I believe he chose you because you have great potential. You still have a lot to learn but eventually, you'll get there, but you did improve during your fight with Vegeta. You just need to learn to spend less energy fighting and stop overthinking everything, it limits your fighting speed. I want you to think about what I've told you thus far." He turns around as he began floating forward. "Your heightened senses will be a great asset if you utilized them at their fullest potential, I believe that one day you'll surpass both Goku and Vegeta. You might even be able to beat Beerus with enough training."

Y/N: "Alright, I'll try to do better next time, teacher." Y/N bows out of respect to Whis.

Whis then floats away from Y/N, this left the hybrid to do some serious thinking by himself as he sat down on the ground.

Y/N: "This is tough..."


The day passes into night time as the hybrid was in bed, he wasn't sleeping rather he was thinking about what Whis had said. The words playback in his head as he ponders about these heightened senses he has.

Y/N: "Ever since I came to this universe my body felt weird, it felt an odd attraction to the sun. The rays felt good like my body was absorbing the solar radiation." Slowly, the hybrid's right hand extends forward as he looks at his hand. "I have so many questions and no answers yet..." He whispers to himself.

He then steps out of bed and he flies through the hole with a window would be. The hybrid lands on the ground in an area that was very suitable for training.

Y/N: "I have to surpass these limits I have on myself! No matter what!" He clamped his eyes shut focusing his energy to not let it leak out. His lips were quivering as he kept trying but utterly failed. "Dammit! I gotta do better than this!" He whispered loudly.

???: "Need some help?"

The hybrid heard a familiar voice as he turned around to see it was Goku, he was surprised to see the Saiyan was still up.

Y/N: "I thought you were asleep... Nevermind that, I could use the assistance, please." He asked politely.

Goku: "Alright, to make this easier on you. Try to clear your head of any negative thoughts you have. Clearing your head makes it so much easier to control your energy."

Y/N: "Alright..."

The hybrid began to clear his head, the negative thoughts about the guardians were now replaced with calm thoughts. He thought of the beauty that was planet Earth, the various plants, and lifeforms; the calm waterfalls he heard while in the wilderness. That when Y/N jumped up in the air and starts punching and kicking at rapid speeds, Goku smiles at Y/N's progress as his energy wasn't leaking out from him.

Goku: "Now you got it! You learn pretty fast Y/N, but let's try not to wake Beerus... Last time I and Vegeta woke him up, it didn't end well for us." He chuckled softly.

Y/N: "I have one question Goku if you don't mind me asking." His feet touch the ground softly while he lands on the ground.

Goku: "Sure, what is it you want to ask?"

Y/N: "Why did you agree to train me? After all, I was a stranger to everyone there."

Goku: "Because I knew you didn't have any bad intentions. You needed our help to get stronger, after what you told us I knew the situation had to be dire. I wasn't always this strong myself, I always had a goal to get stronger, the idea of fighting strong opponents is always exciting. But I also want to make sure I'm strong enough to protect my friends and family. But now I want to help you get stronger, after all, we all friends."

Y/N: "Thanks Goku, I've never had friends before..." Y/N had a slight smile on him but then he decided to go back to bed so he didn't wake everyone.

Next Morning...

Y/N was repeatedly trying strike Whis but the angel effortlessly dodges each hit, as the Saiytonian kept trying to land a hit Whis was impressed that he learned to keep his energy from leaking out. Y/N throws one final punch but the angel effortlessly caught the punch which the hybrid struggled to free himself from Whis' grasp.

Whis: "I'm impressed Y/N, soon you'll master God Ki if you keep it up at this rate."

They all heard a yawn as they looked over to see a sleepy Beerus walking towards everyone with half-lidded eyes.

Beerus: "What's with all this racket... Can't you see I'm trying to..." Beerus yawns once more. "To take a nap..."

Whis: "Ah... Lord Beerus I see you're awake now."

Beerus: "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Beerus eyes open as he looks right at Y/N. "Who're you?" The God of Destruction questioned.

Y/N: "My name is Y/N, I'm sorry to disturb your slumber Lord Beerus." Y/N bowed. "Whis had offered to train me."

Beerus: "Really? Did you bring something delicious for me to eat?" He looked at the Saiytonian intensely. "If you didn't I'll have to destroy you for setting foot on this planet."

The hybrid was confused until Whis stepped in to clarify Beerus about the situation.

Whis: "He is here under the orders of the guardian of the Omniverse, he is the replacement guardian of the Omniverse."

Beerus' eyes widen as he knew the guardian takes orders from a being above Zeno himself.

Beerus: "You mean he is the one who is above Grand Zeno?!" Beerus was in shock.

Y/N: "I'm here on an important mission, everything is at stake here. I'm here to get strong enough to stop that from happening."

Beerus: "What is out there that the guardian has to get involved?"

Y/N: "I don't know yet, I just have to get stronger so I can defeat this thing. After I'm done here I have to meet a person named Kal-El."

Whis: "Kal-El... Never heard of that name."

Y/N: "He is the Kryptonian is supposed to help me learn my Kryptonian abilities... But lately ever since I've been under the yellow sun, I've noticed my body has been growing stronger..." He grasps his head as he yells out in pain.

Goku: "What's going on?!"

Vegeta: "Something is wrong with his head."

Y/N's eyes changed from their normal color to red, both Goku and Vegeta were on guard while Whis and Beerus stood there. That's when two red beams of intense heat shot out from his eyes which were aimed at Goku and Vegeta. Both of them block the beams of heat but noticed the beams were getting hotter.

Goku: "Y/N! Calm down!" He shouted.

Whis: "That's enough! He flys over to Y/N and chops him on the back of his neck.

Y/N's eyes went blank returning to their normal color as he falls unconscious, everyone looked at the unconscious hybrid with a mixture of expressions.

Beerus: "It seems he is telling the truth on how to control these other powers." Beerus held his hands behind his back.

Whis: "Well, he'll need more training, but first a trip to Earth would be good right now. Well let's take him to Earth with us."


An enormous explosion that could be seen from miles, this explosion was on some unknown planet as a shadowy hooded figure was floating above the explosion. The figure held its arms behind its back while observing the destruction. Once the explosion died down, the figure floats down to see what looks like a mystical item of some sort.

Hooded-Figure: "So here it is... The key to his resurrection."

The hooded person flys up outside of the atmosphere of the planet and aims their hand at the planet. The person closed their hand causing the planet to be wiped out with no effort, this caused a planetary explosion that was a dark purple color. The hooded figure puts the item in a pocket while they flew away from the planet.




Next Time...

Chapter 3: A Universal Threat

See you next chapter, sorry this chapter was shorter but I will make future chapters a little longer.

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