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{Kai's P. O. V}

I look at the bus window, noticing I was finally here...

I went off the bus, smiled sadly while dropping my bags...

"WHOO! I'm here!" I said with some happiness.

But I remember a whole day ago... I had no choice...


I was sitting on my couch.. watching TV... For a month or so, I left being a ninja, but I kept the ninja suit...

I even left my sister... but I still text her, including Jay, Cole, Lloyd, and Zane.

But not him, my own master...

Master Wu...

He was the reason I have to leave, I had no choice

Ever since the virus got out of hand... many people we're turned to evil here in Ninjago, and thousand's are dead and some are alive as slaves...

I'm nowhere, and here to stay... then suddenly, the door was knocking...

Knock, knock...


I went to open the door with the postman.

"Sir, this is a letter from Tom.." He told me.

Thompson, oh. Tom... I haven't heard that name in a long time.

"Alright then, thanks..."

I sign the postman's {INSERT WHAT THE THING WE NEED TO SIGN..} and close the door...

Then I went to the living room, stretched a bit, and sat down on the couch.

I opened the letter, it says:

Dear Kai...

Heh, it's been a while since I last saw you, miss you though, but I have bad news...

You have to leave your home Ninjago. it's getting worse one bit... I notice your still alive, which is good...

Kai, you can come to Cuphead's house. I heard The virus is worse in Ninjago? Was it correct?

God. what would he know? Yep.. because of asphera.. she had this virus.. which turned people literally evil...

Meet me tomorrow at his house after you get on the bus...


I smiled, blushing a bit, then I stopped... I lost skylor a week ago, she sacrificed her life for me... which is making me have nightmares, If sensei did tell us about asphera... I wouldn't lose her...

But, I had hope that... a spark grew...

When I met Tom.

I realized I was gay when he sent me once a letter.. which when he confessed his feelings...

And that's when I realized, I was Bisexual, Goodness.

I kept it from skylor, but she was supportive when I told her...

Her words make me smiled when I said I was bi.

"It's fine Kai, I'm supporting you. Till love and death may separate us... but I know you love me still like a sister.."

Now... I'm in my room, packing my stuff for my life.

{24 hour's later.}

{12:01 am.}

I was running to the bus station, hot tears were streaming in my face...

I got on the bus in time, then I collapsed on the floor. Then I started sobbing while covering my face, very loudly...

"S-sis... you are gone now... it's b-because of me..."

I just lost a whole family... including Master Wu...

I wished I would say goodbye to her.. including Jay, Pixal, and Lloyd.

I feel terrible to myself.. they're now slaves...

But Zane is Safe.. he will be at cupheads house soon... including Cole...

{Flashback ended..}

"Kai? Is that you?" A familiar voice ranged in my ears...

"Cole? Zane?" I smiled, it was them... I ran to hug them, they hugged back...

"We're sorry for nya's loss..." Cole first spoke, I smiled...

"We missed you, Kai, all of us did, including Nya.." Zane said next... god I miss her so much...

"Well.. let's go to Cuphead's house then.." I said as I missed them as well...

I have enough of this bullsh*t...

I will save you, sis, I will do it...

And that is a promise for me to keep forever in my life sister...

{570 word's boi-}

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