Chapter 13: Beacon I Shall Go

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{Age: 18}

Location: Grimm Realm

I just woke up after taking a short nap and was heading towards where mom is. As I enter the room mom already called for me.

Salem: Pack your things, you're going to Beacon.

Y/N: Okay, wait. What?! I don't wanna, besides I'm a year late to attend there.

Salem: Age does not matter in any hunter academy. You might even get some clues about who your father is.

Hearing that, I immediately teleported to my room and pack my things in a duffle bag.

Y/N: Okay, clothes and other stuff, check. Liens, check. Sword and pistols, check.

I put my sword on my back and pistols on my holsters. Then grabbed the duffle bag and teleported back to where mom is.

Y/N: I'm done!

Salem: Good. Now there's a bullhead that'll take you five to Beacon.

Y/N: Neat! Wait five?!

Emerald: Look again.

I look back and saw Cinder, Emerald, Mercury and Neo.

Y/N: Hey guys! Hey Neo!

Neo: Hi!

Y/N: So they'll attend too?

Salem: Indeed, now you should head now or you'll miss the bullhead.

Y/N: Okay bye mom! Love ya!

I then teleported outside of the castle and wait for the other four then head towards the bullhead.


Location: Beacon Academy, Vale

When we finally reached Beacon, I teleported out of the bullhead and saw how big is the school.

Y/N: I guess I might get lost in this school.

Just then, Cinder and the others finally got down on the ramp and stand beside me. But Cinder suddenly spoke.

Cinder: Y/N, why don't you have a little tour around the school while we take care of things.

Y/N: Where are you guys going?

Emerald: Nothing important.

Y/N: You guys are always so secretive. Well then, take care!

And that I left the four of them and started walking around.

Cinder's POV

As Y/N left. Me, Emerald, Mercury and Neo look at each other with worried faces. I guess we were all thinking of the same thing.

We just shook it off and started heading towards Ozpin's office.

Cinder: (How about you Y/N, why are you so secretive to everyone?)

We took an elevator and we're now in Ozpin's office. He is sitting on his chair with his back turn on us before turning around.

Ozpin: Ah, Cinder. Do you have the files?

Cinder: I have, and Y/N seems to be doing fine. He's having a tour around the academy right now.

Ozpin: Very well, remember you four attended here to keep an eye on him.

We then nodded and started heading to the elevator.


I just walk around outside the academy with my hood on to see who are the newcomers here until I saw two familiar faces.

Ruby: Are you alright?! I'm so sorry I won't do it again!

Weiss: Ugh, I'm fine. Just don't do that again.

Ruby: I will! Oh! My name's Ruby Rose. What's yours?

Weiss: I'm Weiss Schnee.

Ruby: That's a cool name! Say how about we become friends?!

Weiss: Uhh, no.

Ruby: What? Why?!

Weiss: If we get to get along, I'll be your friend.

Ruby: Okay! I'll do my best.

Weiss: Good luck.

She then walks away leaving Ruby alone.

Y/N: (Well at least she's a less cold to her.)

Then another familiar face walk towards Ruby.

Yang: I guess my lil sis is going to have a new friend!

Ruby: Yang? I thought you're with your friends?

Yang: Nah, I was just watching you from a far.

She then pouts at her and turned her back at Yang.

Yang: Aww come on sis.

Ruby: That's for leaving me.

Yang: You know you can't hate me.

Ruby: You're right.

I just smile at them knowing that they're still the Ruby and Yang I know. Since that my face can't be seen because of my hood I just think of something I should do later but was cut off by someone.

Ruby: Uhh, hello? You there.

Y/N: Huh? Oh, sorry.

Yang: You're weird. Are you alright.

Y/N: Yeah I'm fine, just spaced out.

Ruby: Oh okay, hi! My name's Ruby Rose and this is my sister Yang! Well, we're half sisters actually.

Y/N: *chuckle* Yeah you already told me that like 11 years ago.

Yang: Wait..... Are you perhaps, Y-

I then put my finger on her lip, stopping her from talking. Then taking off my hood they look at me with wide eyes and in a matter of seconds, they both tackled me into a hug.

Ruby: You came back! I missed you!

Yang: Why took you so long?!

Hugging them both, I chuckle at them.

Y/N: Sorry I took so long to see you two again, but I'm here now.

We then pull out of the hug.

Y/N: Okay, let's just head inside the academy.

But before I could walk again, I was again tackled sending me to the ground.

Y/N: Ugh, hey Blake, Weiss.

Blake/Weiss: Y/N! Wait you know him?!

Y/N: Calm down, everyone knows me, okay? Now please let me go, or I'll die in suffocation.

They then got off me and helped me stand up. They were about to speak but I raised my hand with 3 fingers up, as my hand is now formed into a fist someone them tackled me again to the ground.

Y/N: Why me, Nora?!

Nora: Hey Y/N!!

Ren: Nora! Don't do that please, Y/N.

Y/N: Hey Ren.

Nora: I missed you Y/N! Do you have Pancakes?!

I then teleported out of her grasp and dust myself off.

Y/N: So after first tasting pancakes 11 years ago, you still obsessed with it.

Nora: I can't help it!

Y/N: Well, it's nice seeing all of you again. But we have to go inside the academy now. Well race you there!

I then teleported away from them and I'm now inside the school where some students are preparing their sleeping bags. I then saw Neo and the others.

Y/N: What took you guys long?

Mercury: We also had a tour around.

Y/N: Without me? That's just unfair.

Cinder: Well let's just stay here until it gets night and sleep.


I wait until everyone is now fast alseep. I quietly left and fly to the rooftop and used my semblance. As my whole body and left face turned black and purple with my left eye turning red, I sprout my wings and flew to somewhere else.

The Next Morning

I was woken up by Neo who's shaking me. I slowly sit up and rub my eyes then I kissed Neo's cheek before teleporting out of where we slept in and walk towards where the initiation will be held, not caring that I haven't ate breakfast yet.

While waiting, I just sit on the cliffside for 2 hours until every first year students, Professor Ozpin and Glynda arrived.

Ozpin: Oh Mr. L/N, you're here already.

Y/N: Yeah..

Neo: Why didn't you ate breakfast before? We're worried about you.

I look at the others and saw Cinder and everyone else have worried faces.

Y/N: Sorry, just not hungry is all.

I stand up and went to my position.

After Ozpin's explanation to the others, they're each been launched in the air to the forest.

But before I was about to be launched, I took a few step back causing everyone to look at me.

Ozpin: What are you doing Mr. L/N?

Y/N: Just watch, everyone.

Using my speed, I started running towards the cliff and jumped as high as I can then landing on a tree before breaking it.

Y/N: Sorry, Nature. But I'm not in the mood now.

I started walking around trying to find the relics until I saw some Grimm running towards a random direction.

I just sigh and continue walking.

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