Chapter 14: Initiation Gone Wrong

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Location: Emerald Forest

Y/N: Now. Where is that temple.

I'm just in the middle of the forest, walking around to where the temple might be. It's been minutes since I've seen anyone, I wonder what they've been doing now.

Suddenly, I hear rustling from behind the bushes so I kept my guard up.

As the creature came out of the bushes, it was just my shadow wolf so I started calming down.

Y/N: I thought you were someone else. So how did it go?

Shadow Wolf: It seems that they have been preparing for something big. I think they were creating weapons and bombs.

Y/N: That's all the information I need. Well, done return to your world now.

Shadow Wolf: Yes, Master.

And that my shadow wolf faded into black smoke and I continue to walk.

Ruby's POV

Me and Weiss are walking finding the relics and the others. The atmosphere started to get wierd because of the silence so I started a conversation.

Ruby: So Weiss, when did you meet Y/N?

Weiss: Well it was like 11 years ago, though we've only hung out for a few hours.

She look kinda sad when she said that, maybe they're great friends back then.

Ruby: But you can hang out with him now! He's also in Beacon as you are.

She smiled at my statement which also made me smile. I never thought that she is soft towards everyone, I've thought that maybe she is a bit mean, or maybe I'm just having some sort of deja vu?

Weiss: Hey Ruby! You still there?

Ruby: Huh? What? Yeah why?

Weiss: You've been staring intently at a random direction for a while.

Ruby: I do, well sorry I worried ya. Hehe.

Weiss: You're weird.

Ruby: No I'm not!

We finally reached the temple and coincidently met up with everyone else except for Y/N.

Neo: Where's Y/N?

Jaune: We haven't seen him for a while now. Maybe he already got a relic?

Mercury: Don't worry he'll be fine.

Yang: Let's just get one and head back to the cliff, I'm sure he's already there.

Each of us picked a chess piece and started walking back.

??? POV

Okay now that they're all together time for phase two.

???: Okay, you know what to do.

??? 2: Yes boss!

Purple aura surrounds him and then black trace of it went towards to each Grimm in the forest near us then they started to strengthen and began to move to what direction we've been wanting them to go.

As the Grimms surrounds them I couldn't help but smirk.

???: Good luck with that, weaklings. Let's go.

We then fly off to the sky as we left our victims defeat the Grimm.


Minutes more had past, I finally reached the temple where the relics are placed which happened to be only chess pieces. Sighing I grab one and started thinking of something.

Y/N: (Where is everybody?)

Just then, some screams and roars can be heard. I sigh and put on my hoodie and sprouted my wings.

Y/N: Trouble makers...

Using my super speed, I started flying towards the direction where the ruckus is.

Yang's POV

We were surrounded by Grimm everywhere. Beowolves, Ursas and Death Stalkers surrounds us on the ground while Nevermores fly above us.

Emerald: There's too many of them, how did this even happen?!

Nora: Then there is only one thing to do.

She prepared her hammer and started charging at the Grimm. As the hammer slammed one of the Beowolf, it got sent a few feet away before turning into smoke.

Nora smiled at herself but she was slammed by the Death Stalker's tail.

Ren: Nora!

Ren then ran after Nora as me and the others start attacking. I fire the Grimms with my gauntlets and started punching them when I have the chance.

But as we are having a very hard time defeating just one of them I started to think.

Yang: (How did they even get that strong?)

Just then, the Nervermores attack us with their hard feathers sending us back.

Ruby: D-don't worry guys, I've got t-this....

She slowly stands up and used all her might before dashing towards them with her semblance.

Yang: Ruby don't!!

I was too late to warn her, as she got close to a Death Stalker, she was then slashed by its stinger sending her back with a mark on her face and arm.

Ruby: *groan* my arm...

Yang: Ruby! Augh you'll pay for that!

Anger swell up inside me as I activated my semblance. I began charging at them as the others yell at me to stop. But before I got close to them a very large shadow covered us.

Deactivating my semblance, we all look up to see some sort of a dragon flying above us before landing between us and the Grimm.

The dragon's skin is all black with purple outlines and has red eyes, it kinda almost looked like a shadow. Then I realised.


I teleported on the top of my dragon as I look at the Grimm and Ruby. Then I stared at the Grimm and mentally said to them.

Y/N: (Flee from this scene and never bother them again.)

But they didn't seem to obey on my orders, then anger is all I felt today. They manipulated them, I calm myself down and gazed at the others.

Y/N: Head back to the cliff, I'll take care of this.

Jaune: But what about y-

Y/N: Now!

Jaune and the others seemed to be frightened at my outburst. They just obeyed and flee. The Grimm roared and started running towards, I nodded at my shadow dragon and it started brutally slaughter the Grimm.

I teleported in front of Ruby and carried her bridal style. She is groaning from the pain on her arm and the wound seemed to be turning purple. I act fast and started healing her with my aura.

Y/N: You know, you shouldn't do something so reckless.

Ruby: Sorry, I just wanna help.

Y/N: If you wanna help, you should've just back out. Look at you, you've got yourself wounded and almost poisoned.

She look down with a shamed face. Sighing, not wanting to see her like that, I kissed her cheek making her surprise and also blush.

Y/N: That should do it. *chuckle*

Ruby's arm is finally healed so I stopped transferring my aura. I look at the Grimm and my dragon to see that they're still fighting. Putting Ruby down I grab both my pistols and summon my wings.

Y/N: Stay there Ruby, I'm going to have some fun.

I jumped as high as I can and started shooting and slicing them with my hand because of the speed.


3rd Person View

Everyone from the academy whose watching the whole scene in the Emerald forest have all their jaws dropped and some with amazed smiles.

Emerald: (Never seen him like that before)

Yang: (Woah, he's hot. Wait, why am I thinking this?!)

Blake: (He's gotten really strong, well I hope he likes me...)

Jaune: (How?!)

Nora: (He's so cool!! I wish he just made me pancakes.)

Pyrrha: (He never did that in the battles last year.)

Weiss: (Wow...... He's so amazing!)

Ruby: (That kiss he gave me...... I can feel it...)

Glynda: (I-incredible! He managed to slay them all.....)

Ozpin: (I guess you have gotten strong, your father will be very happy to see you.)

When the fight is now over Y/N's dragon faded and he was heading back to the cliff.



Ozpin: Emerald Sustrai, Cinder Fall, Neopolitan and Mercury Black. The each of you have claimed a relic and prove your strengths. So you four will be formed as team MECN. Congratulations.

The students began to cheer as the four of them came down the stage.

Ozpin: And now, the last but not the least, Y/N L/N please come up here on the stage.

I step forward and went beside Ozpin.

Ozpin: You have claimed the white Queen and prove your strengths in front of anyone. Since that you don't have anyone to be your team. You will be the first one man team in the history of Beacon Academy.

The crowd began shouting and cheering. I came down as students started to leave to their dorms. When I was walking down the hall going to my dorm I was tackled to a hug by Ruby.

Ruby: You were so amazing there! How did you got that strong?! Please tell me! And show me your weapon!

Yang: Calm down Ruby, he wouldn't go anywhere.

Ruby: Oops, sorry.

Y/N: Well Ruby Rose, as for your questions I'll be answering them later.

She then pouts at me then I just started to pet her which made her blush. To be honest she looks cuter when she blush. I look at Yang and gave her a wink which she responded with a blush.

Y/N: Well I'll see you two later.

Yang/Ruby: Y-yeah.....

I started walking again and then met up with team MECN. I went towards Neo and give her a light kiss on the lips and smiled at the others.

Y/N: Well congrats to the four of you.

Cinder: Congrats to you too, though I'm impressed when I saw how you fight there earlier.

Y/N: I guess I kinda carried away. I'll be going now, feel free to visit me anytime.

I then teleported in front of my dorm and enter inside. I sigh and rearrange my room. After that I look at the whole place and it seem quite nice. I plopped myself on bed and pulled out a picture in my pocket. It was a photo of me and her

Sighing again, I then began to fall asleep.

Well hell, at least stay with me...

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