Chapter 2: A Schnee's First Friend

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Wiess's POV

{Age: 6}

I was just walking at the park,all alone like I always do and sometimes getting bullied by other human or faunus kids.

I walk past on three bullies and heard them talking.

Bully1: Hey guys, what's a Schnee like her doing here.

Bully2: Probably lost looking for their 'daddy'.

Bully3: Hahaha,maybe even finding someone and paying them to be her friend.

Bully2: They are just a bunch of brats,come on guys let's just go.

Bully3: Haha what a loser.

As the bullies began to ran off, I began to cry a bit and went to sit on a bench. I continue my cry there until there's no more tears for me to cry for.

Weiss: Why do they always insult me and my family? I didn't do anything to them. I just wanted someone to call a friend...

I look at the ground and just stayed there,not bothering what the others think about me. A while after, I began to hear foot steps getting closer and louder until it stopped.

I looked up and saw a boy wearing black jacket with a black shirt inside of it looking concern at me,I stared at him confused until he spoke.

???: Hey are you alone?

I was a bit shock knowing some other people concern about me aside from my family. I just look at him in a sad expression.

Weiss: Yeah....

???: Oh okay. Well wanna play with me?

Weiss: W-what?

???: You look kinda lonely and sad so I want you to play with me to cheer you up. Its okay if you don't wanna.

I small smile then stretch on my face.

Weiss: Okay I'll play with you.

Y/N: Come on let's play, oh I forgot to know your name. I'm Y/N L/N,what's yours?

Weiss: I-I'm Weiss Schnee,nice to meet you.

Y/N: Nice to meet you too,come on! I'm gonna show you something.

He then took my hand and began pulling me.

Weiss: Hey! You're too fast! Slow down.

As soon as he realised this he let go of my hand.

Y/N: Oh hehe, sorry I just kinda got excited. 'he said while scratching the back of his neck' Anyway, I wanna show you this.

He turned away from me then I saw something appear in front of him. I moved around my eyes widen when I saw a shadowy puppy on the ground.

Weiss: What is that?

Y/N: They are my shadow friends,I summon them with my ability.

Weiss: Is it harmful?

Y/N: They will only attack if I want them to but its harmless,try petting it.

I walk closer to the shadow puppy and kneel down and hesitantly pet it. As I keep petting it the shadow puppy then licked my hand.

Wiess: *giggle* Its cute.

Shadow Puppy: *bark*

Y/N: See I told you,now let's play with him come on!

I stand up and began to run with Y/N while the shadow puppy chase us.


We eventually became tired and now we are just sitting on a bench while the shadow puppy is on my lap petting it.

Y/N: So Wiess, why are you lonely a while ago?

Hearing this made me sad.

Weiss: I don't have any friends. My father will pay the other kids to be my friend,but none of them actually consider me as a true friend....

Y/N: Oh.....Well,you're not lonely anymore.

Weiss: What?

Y/N: I consider you as my true friend, don't think about what they say about you. Maybe they're just jealous.

I let out a giggle from what he said.

Weiss: Thank you, I didn't know having a friend can be fun,since you're my first friend.

Just then,the three bullies from before came to us and took the shadow puppy that was on my lap. I quickly stand up and face them.

Weiss: Hey!

Bully2: What's this?

Bully1: I think its a puppy,but all black and has red eyes,weird.

Wiess: He's not yours,give him back!

Bully3: Oh and what are you gonna do? Call your daddy for help, hahaha.

Y/N: Hey.

I turn around saw Y/N stand up,glaring at them.


{Age: 7}

Y/N: That's my puppy, give him back to me,or else-

Bully1: Or else what? You're gonna cry?!

The bullies then began laughing while holding the puppy.

Y/N: You ask for it. ATTACK THEM.

As soon as he said that,the puppy then growled at the bullies then bit the hand of the bully that is holding him hard. Letting him go.

Bully1: Ahh! It bit me!

Bully3: Get him!

The other two bully then started to run at me,but was soon stop by one of them got tackled by my shadow puppy and barked at him like a scary bulldog.

I then came at the other bully then punched him in the face making him fall and cry.

Y/N: Who's crying now? If you ever bully my friend again,I'll make it worse.

Bully1: Whatever. Let's go guys we'll just tell our parents that they hurt us.

The bullies then left us and I dismissed my shadow puppy and looked at Wiess who just stand there looking at me.

Weiss: Thanks...

Y/N: No problem. 'I smiled at her and she smiled back'

Wiess: Many humans and faunus always hate my family because of my father, but mostly they are faunus.

Y/N: Why?

Weiss: Because of my family's company, which is a dust company. The White Fang would steal some dust from the company and my father would say something to the faunus, so that's why they hate us.

I placed both of my hands on Wiess's shoulders and smile at her.

Y/N: Well your father is maybe just some disgusting human who knows nothing but money and power,no offence but he should get to know other people first before he judge them. Promise me Wiess, whether it turned bad or good, don't do the same mistake that your father did. Let's just say this, you're more that who you are.

She went from a sad to surprised expression when I said that to her but soon smiled and nodded. I let go of her shoulder and smiled at her too.

Y/N: Well, I should get going now,the sun's setting also so I guess I'll see you around?

Weiss: Yeah,I guess. See you around Y-

Jacques: Weiss! There you are,is it true that you attack those kids earlier?

Weiss: No father I didn't! They were the ones that are bullying me.

Jacques: Don't lie to me! I clearly saw that one of them was punched!

Y/N: You don't need to shout to your daughter, and she is telling the truth. She was being bullied by them and I was the one that attacked them. 'I sternly said'

Jacques: And who might you be,boy?

Y/N: Y/N L/N, I'm your daughter's friend.

Jacques: You don't seem to interest me boy. Now you should be heading home before it gets dark. Come on now Wiess.

He took Weiss's hand and began dragging her home.

Weiss: Bye Y/N....'I hear her say'

I just teleported around,finding an inn or any place where I can rest.

Weiss's POV

We head to the bullhead with my father and soon came home. As we enter the mansion my father then spoke.

Jacques: I want you to stay away from that boy at once,I don't want seeing you with that kid. If I ever catch you with him, I think you know what will happen.

I look down on the ground and nodded.

Weiss: Yes,father...

Jacques: Good,now go to your room,dinner will be prepared soon.

I simply nodded and began to walk off to my room. As I enter my room I immediately closed it and locked it then I look out to my window and watched the sunset as stars begin to shine above.

Weiss: I promise that I won't do the same mistake. I guess I'll just see you around........Y/N...

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Nics: Just a quick word guys!! I finally published a new book about jokes on RWBY and DDLC!! So for those who want to laugh or cringe on my mediocre jokes make sure to read it!!!


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