Chapter 3: Mistral We Go!

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{Age: 7}

I woke up from the sunlight shining in my eyes. I slowly open my eyes and began to stretch and yawn,got out of bed and went downstairs to exit the inn that I slept in.

I went to the reception counter and gave the room key to the inn keeper who I now know as Diane.

Y/N: Here you go, Ms. Diane. Thanks for letting me sleep here.'I happily said'

Diane: No problem,Y/N. You're always welcome here. Make sure to come back soon.

Y/N: I will,bye!

Diane: Goodbye!

I ran to the door and exit the inn. Now where to go next. I summon a shadow eagle with my ability and ride on it.

Y/N: Now fly my shadow friend! 'I playfully shout'

Shadow Eagle: Hold on tight, Master!

My shadow eagle began to flap its wings and fly upwards until we're a few feet high in the air. We began to fly around to see something that interests me or helping some people.

Suddenly I spot a female rabbit faunus getting bullied by the same kids from yesterday. I ordered my eagle to quietly fly towards them then now we're above them.

Bully1: Haha! What a freak!

Bully2: Why animals like you are here anyway?!

Bully3: You belong to a cage not a house! What a bunch of creeps.

Y/N: Hey! Stop bullying her!

The bullies then look around their surroundings,locating where my voice came from.

Bully3: Show yourself, you coward!!

Y/N: I'm no coward! Look up,idiot!

They then look up and their eyes widen that I was the one that beat them yesterday and riding a shadow eagle.

Y/N: You bullies don't have the right to bully a faunus! They are just the same as humans!

Bully1: Yeah right,they are just a bunch of freaks! How about come down here and fight us.

Y/N: If you say so, shadow eagle drop me to them. 'I said as my shadow eagle then moved back and flew forward to the bullies dropping me and disappearing in smoke'

I charge at one of them in my fast speed and punch him on the nose making it bleed,the other two then tried to punch me but I teleported behind them and kicked their backs,making them both fall on the other nose bleeding boy.

Y/N: You should think what you were about to say to me before you talk. You three are the freaks,not faunus. 'After I said that they suddenly got up and began to run off' (what a bunch of cowards) 'I then turn to the rabbit faunus and helped her get up' Are you okay?

???: Y-yeah, thanks for helping me b-back there.

Y/N: No problem,faunus don't deserve those kinds of words. Anyway what's your name?

Velvet: I-I'm Velvet Scarlatina,what's yours?

Y/N: My name's Y/N /L/N.

Velvet: Wait,you're that kid that's been wandering around.

Y/N: How'd you know?

Velvet: Well many people heard some gossips about a boy who wanders around while summoning some shadow creatures like you did before.

Y/N: Woah,I didn't know I was popular.

Velvet: *giggles* Yes you didn't,anyway I gotta go now. Thanks for helping me, I hope we meet again.

Y/N: Yeah,bye! 'She began to walk off while I wave at her'

Y/N: (faunus aren't so bad after all,but why do humans hate them?)

I just slide that thought of and summon back my shadow eagle and we began to fly out of Atlas and entered a forest. We just fly straight forward after 30 minutes of flying, I spot a small camp in the middle of the forest.

I started to fly towards the camp and landed in outside of it and started to walk towards it,until some people appeared around me and pointed their weapon at me.

Bandit 1: Stop right there kid,what are you doing here in the middle of the forest?

I can just easily teleport away from them but I was curious what this place is so I answered his question.

Y/N: Well I was just walking around here until I saw this camp so I became curious and started to visit it.

Bandit 1: And what does a defenceless kid like you doing in the middle of the forest?

Y/N: Umm.... I was just traveling around from place to place,helping other people.

Bandit 2: Wait are you that kid who is wandering around and summoning shadow creatures?

Y/N: Yes??

Bandit 1: Well boys,we got ourselves a jackpot. We should tell our leader that we have this boy.

Bandit 3: I'll tell the others,follow us kid and don't think about escaping.

Y/N: Okay??

The men then started to walk in the camp and I follow them,as I enter inside the camp I can see some other people staring at me making me feel nervous and a bit scared.

Y/N: (maybe this was a bad idea...)

The others then stop walking and I stop as well. I look on my front and saw a rather larger tent than the others and soon a female with short brown hair came out of the tent and looked at the others.

Vernal: What do you boys want this time? 'She ask irritably'

Bandit 4: We found this boy in front of the camp,and its not just some boy,this kid is the one who is summoning some shadow creatures.'he said as he dragged me in front to see me better'

Vernal: Prove it.

Bandit 4: Well kid show her what ya got.

Y/N: O-okay?'I nervously said'

I used my aura then summoned a shadow Beowulf, making everyone surprised by it even the female in front of me.

Vernal: Well,I'm glad that you didn't bring something stupid this time,I'll just call her. 'she said as she went back inside the tent'

I dissmised my shadow beowulf and after a while,she soon came back outside the tent. But this time,another female with a red clothing,long black hair and wearing a Grimm mask came out with her.

Raven: So this is the kid? Well tell me boy,what is your name.

Y/N: U-uhm, Y/N L/N...

As I stated my name she immediately stopped for a while before talking back.

Raven: O-oh. I see. What brings you here in our camp? 'she stutters a bit making the others look at her confused'

Y/N: Well I was just heading to Mistral,until I saw this camp so I was curious enough to check it out.

Raven: Well then,I might as well introduce myself. I'm Raven Branwen and the leader of this group of bandits and this is Vernal.

Y/N: Its nice to meet you Ms. Branwen. Wait,did you say bandits?! Please don't hurt me,I'll do anything to be spared!! 'I begged,falling on my knees and put my hands together like I was praying'

Raven: Calm down I won't hurt you, besides I recognised who you are so it's fine.

I slowly stand up and look at her confused.

Y/N: Huh? How do you recognise me even if we only just met?

Raven: I have my ways. Well if you're heading to Mistral go ahead now, I won't be stopping you.

Y/N: Really? Okay then,well it was nice meeting you Ms. Branwen.'I said while genuinely smiling'

Raven: Just call me Raven,I'm not that old.

Y/N:Oh well, I have to go now 'I summon a shadow eagle and ride on its back' it was nice meeting you Raven. Hope I see you around.

My shadow eagle started to lift off the ground and soon we fly up and started heading towards Mistral.

Raven's POV

As Y/N flew off the camp the others look at me with a confused expression.

Vernal: Why did you let him go? And what do you mean you recognised him?

I take off my mask and look at Vernal.

Raven: Let's just say, he is the reason why Remnant is at peace now, but there is still some problems around though.

Vernal: What do you mean?

Raven: I'll explain it inside the tent, now the others you may go now.

As the other bandits then went back to their own doing and me and Vernal went inside the tent to explain the whole story to her.


After flying for a while we soon then arrived into a place where its a bit overcrowded on the lowest ground but on the higher grounds,are large houses.

Y/N: Here we are. At Mistral.

I ordered my shadow eagle to fly down on an empty place and dismissed it and I started to teleport around the kingdom. Helping others while meeting new friends.

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Nics: Just a quick announcement everyone. I won't be updating for a while now. Why? Because next week will be my monthly exam in school so I gotta study.

Even though school is a pain I still have to. Okay that's all I'll be saying then.


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