Chapter 23: A Dance To Remember

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{Age: 18}

"So..... You're my father?" I ask skeptically.

"If you don't believe me then ask your mother yourself." He said smiling.

"Okay... I'll just ask her later-" I was cut off when a portal appeared in front of us and there stood mom who came out of it.

Caym went towards her and took her hand while giving it a kiss which mom responds with a smile.

"Hello my love, I'm so happy to see you." He said.

"I am too, but for now we have some explaining to do." She said then looks at me.

"Wait, so he is my dad?"

She nods and I look at dad.

"It's kinda wierd you being my dad because of how young you look." I said.

"Looks doesn't matter when it comes to family." Ozpin said.

"Okay, so if you're dad's father, then you're my grandfather?" I ask him which he nods.

I stand there still lookinh down making everyone worried. I'm together with my family again.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Jaune ask.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just, I'm happy to be with my family....." I said smiling.

They all smiled and mom went towards me to give me a hug and I accepted it.

"I'm happy that even though wasn't with us, you still accepted him." She said.

"All I just wanted to have a whole family."

Soon we all gathered for a group hug and enjoyed our day as a family reunion


Me and Team RWBY are in their dorm talking about stuff until Ruby said something which caught out attention.

"Guys! I remember that in Sunday night is the dance! Do any of have something to wear already?!"

"Now that you mention it, I still have to buy a dress." Weiss said.

"How about we go shopping now?!"

"Yeah!" The girls cheered.

"Okay! Let's go to the-wait, shopping?!" I ask in panic and they respond with a nod.

"What's wrong?" Blake ask.

"Well I remember that I still have something to do so....yeah hehe, bye!" I was about to run out of their dorm but someone then grabbed me and pulled me to the ground.

I look up and saw them looking at me with raised brows as I sweatdrop.

"What's the matter?" I ask nervously.

"You are coming with us to buy dresses and there is no escape."

I gulp and just nodded.

"(Activate auto mode...... I'll be staying here for a while.)"


Team RWBY, JNPR, MECN, Velvet, Coco and I are in a mall in Vale shopping.

"Oooo! I like to see what dress I can wear for the dance!" Ruby beamed as she looks around

"What kind of suit are you going to where?" Neo ask me.

"I don't know maybe that old white tux again?" I said.

"Not that again. How about we go buy you one!"

"Y-yeah that sounds g-good." I said nervously.

She grabbed my hand and forcefully dragged me to a store where they sell suits.

Neo is walking around checking every suit that is perfect for me while I wear them repeatedly.

It may be boring but seeing Neo smile by this makes me happy.

She then approached me and showed me a black tux with a small pocket on the left chest and a black tie along with black pants to match it.

"I think that's better." I said to her which she respond with a nod.

"Then this shall do!"

We walk to the counter and purchased the suit then we exited the store and then met up with the others.

"Where you guys have been?" Emerald ask.

"Just bought a suit for me to wear. Have you guys bought yours too?" I ask.

They showed the outfit that they were gonna wear and Ruby approach Neo with a box on her hand.

"We bought this for you when you were gone. I hope you like our pick." She gave the box to her and Neo nodded.

"Let's go eat first!" Nora chimed and we smiled at her childish acts.


It is only two days left before the dance starts and right now many male students are asking the girls that they want for as their date.

I already know who are the girls that'll be my date and those are my girlfriends. I wonder how will it work out.

As I was just walking around I saw Jaune walking slowly with a sorrow face. It made me curious so I approach him.

"Hey Jaune, what's the matter?"

"The dance is in two days and I still don't have a date! I guess I'll just attend without one."

"Don't worry, bro. I'll help you with it."

"You will?"

"Of course! Now have you ask anyone that you're closed with to go with you?"

"Actually no, no one wants to be my date."

"Well there is someone I know. Try asking Pyrrha, she doesn't have a date yet so it's your chance."

"Wait Pyrrha? I doubt that she would want to go with me." He said.

"Hey you can't know if you didn't try, plus she would accept it when it's you who ask."



"Okay then I'll try ask her, but what if she declined?" He ask in a worried tone.

"*sigh* You're just too oblivious. I guess I have no choice." I said then leaned to his ear.

"Pyrrha likes you, Jaune." I moved away from him and walk pass him but before I did, I said something to him.

"It's your chance, bro. Don't waste it."


I am in my dorm and was getting ready for the dance tonight. I stand in front of a mirror looking at myself on how I look with the suit.

It fits perfectly so I walk towards my table and grabbed a rose and put it in the pocket of my left chest.

"I hope they like it...." I muttered.

My scroll beeped and I look at it to see it's almost time for the dance.

I teleported out of my dorm and walk towards Team MECN's dorm then knocked. I heard someone talking from the other side then the door opens revealing Emerald in a light green dress.

"Oh hey Y/N. You look nice." She said.

"Thanks, you as well. Is Neo done yet?"

"She and Cinder are still not done. They'll be in the ballroom later. Why don't you pick up the others first?" She said and I nod.

I teleported in front of Team CFVY's dorm and knock. After a few seconds it opened to reveal one of Velvet's teammates who I think is named Fox.

"Is Velvet ready? I've come to pick her up." I ask.

"Hey Vel! Y/N is here." Fox said then all of a sudden Velvet appeared beside him with her wearing a brown dress that suits her.

"W-woah...... You look great today, Velvet." I said completely amazed by her appearance.

She blushed at my statement and Fox left giving us some space.

"T-thanks, you too. Shall we get going?"

"Yes, sure. But let's go pick the others." I said then she nod.

Our arms locked to each other and we started walking to Team RWBY's dorm. When we arrived in front of the dorm, we could hear some yelling from the other side of the door.

"What the heck are you guys talking about something missing in my outfit?!" That voice is from Weiss.

"Ahh!! I dont remember! But I know that there is something missing." Ruby said.

"I think it needs to do with her hair." Blake said.

"What's wrong with my hair?!"

"Yeah, I think it should be like this." Yang said.

"Wait, Yang what are you doing with my hair?!"

"Just hold still Ice Queen."

Then we heard some shuffling until we heard Yang say.

"And done!"

"Uhmm, what's with this crown?"

"Don't worry it suits you."

"But why does it looks like this?"

I decided to knock on the door getting their attention. I hear some rustling notice again then the door opens to reveal the girls all in dresses.

"You look great tonight girls." I said smiling.

"T-thanks." They said blushing then I look at Weiss to see her hairstyle.

"What's with the crown, Weiss?" Velvet ask.

"I don't know, tell them." She said bluntly.

"Now I know, it's for the meme." I mumbled.

"Let's just head to the ballroom now, shall we?" I said and we all walk towards the ballroom.

Everyone in the academy are dancing, eating and chatting in the ballroom as we enjoy ourselves.

The others decided to dance with the others so I just sit on a chair and watched them.

Ren then sat beside me as he lean his back on the chair.

"That Nora..." He said a bit distracted.

"Still hype huh?"

"You will know if you were with her for years." He said.

"At least you're used to it."

"Wanna join them?"

"Nah, maybe later."

Then the music change from a romantic one and then Neo appeared in front of with a blush on her face.

Knowing what she want I stand up and lend my hand and she took it then the both of us went to the dance floor and steered dancing slowly.

"You look beautiful tonight." I said smiling at her which she smiles back.

"Is your dad around?"

"I don't know, maybe he's just is Profess- I mean grandpa's office."

She silently giggled and flipped her sign.

"Getting used to it huh?"

"Yeah, they said I should call them that."

After a minute of dancing we stopped and Neo smiled. I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and she showed me her sign.

"Now it's the other's turn. After all we're sharing you." She then walks away leaving me to find the others.

I look around until I spot Blake with a black dress. I walk towards her then she noticed me.

"Wanna dance?" I ask.

"Sure." She said with a smile.

I hold her hand and we started dancing. After a few seconds, Blake started talking.

"I guess this might be one of the best moments I've ever experienced."

"It is, and I want the both of us to cherish it." I said giving her a kiss.

A minute past, now it's time for the rest of my girlfriends turn. I guess dancing like that makes me feel tired but not until I dance with all of them.

Weiss then tapped my shoulder, getting my attention and I saw her with a blush face while looking away.

"H-hey, can I dance with you?" She ask shyly.

I then grabbed her hand and waist surprising her and we started dancing.

"For a girl like you, I didn't know you have that shy part of yours." I said playfully.

"Are you insulting me?" She said in a daring voice.


"Nevermind that, let's just continue dancing."

We dance there while looking a each other's eyes then we stopped and I kissed her lips. We separated then I look at the crown she was wearing.

"I think that crown suits you."


"I'll dance with the rest." I said then I lead her to a table and she sat there.

Timeskip..... Again......

After dancing with all the girls, I sit on a table sweating.

"Man! I didn't know that just by dancing like that can be tiring."

I just look around until I saw Jaune dancing with Pyrrha and I could see in their faces that they both have blushing faces but they seem to enjoy each other's company.

My eyes are at Jaune and I smile, happy that he is doing well. Then, Cinder walk towards me with a small smile.

"Care for a dance?" She said.

Even though I'm a bit tired I still accepted it and we started dancing.

"What brings you into asking for a dance?" I ask chuckling.

"Nothing, I'm just bored then I saw you. How's your dances with your girlfriends?"

"It's fine, though it's tiring."

"I see."

"Hey Cinder can I ask you something?"

"Go on."

"What will you do if someone dear to you is in the brink of life and death?"

"Why did that came up all of a sudden?"

"Nothing, it just came out of my mind that's all."

"Okay, well I will do anything to save them, even though my life will also be at risk."

A small smile form on my face then we just continue to dance until the music changes.

I stand in the balcony, just outside the ballroom until Winter appeared.

"There you are Y/N." She said as she stops in front of me.

"Oh I thought you were not here."

"I stayed here and slept in one of the vacant dorms. I'm here to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"About what you said the other day. What do you mean by General Ironwood and my father being traitors?"

I sigh frustrated at her statement and averted her gaze.

"I'll explain it to you...... But don't tell this to anyone, not even Ironwood or the headmaster." I look back at her and she nods.

I guess my Atlas secret will be revealed to her.....

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