Chapter 24: The Past Can Be A Burden

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3rd Person View

Y/N and Winter are in the balcony staring at each other down intently as Winter awaited for Y/N's explanation.

"That Jacques........ Is the one I used to work for 3 years ago..." He said with little anger in his voice.

Winter just stare at him not saying a word.

"I made a deal with him that I will hunt down those people who are against his company and the reward is get to see Weiss again since we were friends in just a short time in our childhood."

He pause for a moment and sigh.

"And I was once a close friend with Ironwood too. But, that all changed when my deal with Jacques went wrong.........."


"Hey Jacques, I took care all of them now, so can I see my friend?"

The younger Y/N said as he is standing in front of Jacques who is sitting in his desk in his office.

"Fine then but first, how about a cup of tea as an extra gift for the work perhaps?"

He grabs two cups and pour it with tea. He then gave one to Y/N as he takes a seat and sips on the tea.

"So. Why do you want to see my daughter?" Jacques ask while sipping on his tea.

Y/N puts the cup down and looks at him.

"Because she has been my friend years ago, and I want to see her again." He said.

"I see....... Does Weiss even remember you?"

"Of course she does."

"And how do you know?"

"'Cause I said to her that we will meet someday and that someday is today."

"Okay then, you can see her in-"

He was cut off by the door being opened revealing General Ironwood in his uniform.

"Greetings James." Jacques greets.

"Hey Ironwood."

"Why hello you two, Mr. Schnee I'm here to confirm something."

"What is it that you want to talk?"

"I will tell you if Y/N here leave us for a moment." He said looking at Y/N.

Knowing what he meant, Y/N stands up and grabs his sword and started walking towards the door.

But it was stopped when he felt something painful around his lower torso. He looks down to see a hole through it and it's bleeding rapidly.

He fell to his knees, clutching his side while he angrily looks back at Ironwood and Jacques who are standing behind him while Ironwood holds a gun that has powerful bullets.

"I'm sorry we have to do this Y/N, but you are a threat to Atlas."

"Y-you....... lied........ to m-me...." He said as he started to lose consciousness.

"What do you expect and do you even think that I will allow you to see Weiss?" Jacques said with a glare.

"Men, take him out of the Schnee Mansion."

Three Atlas soldiers enter in the office and dragged Y/N out as he temporarily lose his consciousness. But before he goes unconscious, he thought of one thing.

"(You traitors....)"


After Winter heard his story, her eyes widen in shock when she realized that her father and boss tried to kill the person who is known as 'Shadow', the one who helps human and faunus alike around Remnant and the boyfriend of Weiss.

She couldn't believe what she heard. She didn't want to, yet it is the truth. So she looks away from Y/N and ball her hands into fists.

Y/N was supposed to be the one angry but it turns out she was the one who is.

"Even though I was shot back there, I managed to live because of healing."

"Why would they think that you are a threat to Atlas?" Winter ask.

"I don't know, ask them. If they can answer of course." He said sarcastically.

"I guess I now know what the general truly is."

"Yeah, if I were you I'd rather not work for him nor your dad."

"What are you gonna do if you encounter them?"

"Let's just say I'll break their reputation badly and make them feel ashamed of themselves, especially that Ironwood."

"Let's just head back inside now, shall we?"

The two of them started walking back inside the ballroom until it ended.


The dance had finally ended and it is only three weeks left before the Vytal Festival begins. For now the students of Beacon, Atlas, Shade, and Haven are preparing for it.

Y/N is in his room taking a break, after all of the events sin the past days.

A knock was heard from his door so he stand up and opened it to reveal all of his girlfriends.

"Hey girls, what's up?" He ask with a smile then he suddenly began to feel strange but he ignored it for now.

"We just wanted to spend our day with you since we haven't hung out often." Blake said.

Ruby then hugged Y/N tightly as she give him cute silver eyes.

"Can we stay in your room? Please??!"

As Y/N almost blush by her cuteness, he simply nod letting them enter. He closed the door and sit on his bed beside Yang.

"So what do you girls wanna do?"

"This." Yang proceeds to hug him and purposely putting his head above her breasts.

He realized what just happened and he started panicking.

"Y-Yang! Let go!"

"Nope! I like it in this way so let me have this moment."

"Don't get infected by her sexiness, Y/N!" Velvet said as the others but Ruby tried to pull Y/N out of her grasp.

"Uhmm..... You do realize that he can teleport right?"

"We know but when he is panicking is unable to use his abilities."

"Oh okay, let go Yang! He will die in panicking!" Ruby shouted.

She then joined in the 'Pulling Y/N out of Yang's grasp' game as this process last for half an hour. Making Y/N almost bleed out of his nose.


After all of that, the seven of them are walking down the halls of Beacon nothing to do at all until Team JNPR appeared.

"Hello guys? How are you?" Pyrrha greets waving her hands.

"Hey JNPR, we're fine just bored so we're taking a stroll." Ruby replied.

"That's nice, how about we break some legs to kill that boredness?!" Nora burst out holding her hammer.

"I think I'll pass." Blake said going behind Y/N, shivering.

"Yeah! I wanna go! Come on!" Yang said already wearing her gauntlets.

"Nora, no one is gonna break some legs." Ren said.

"You're no fun! Come on Yang! Let's have some extreme fun!"

But before they walk off, the intercom went on and they could all hear Professor Ozpin's voice.

"Will Y/N L /N please come to my office? This is an urgent call."

"Can we come too?" All of Y/N's girlfriends ask with big cute eyes.

Can't resist the cuteness, he just nod in defeat and they all went inside an elevator, going up to Ozpin's office.

The elevator door opened and they all stepped out and inside the office other than them are Ozpin, Glynda, Qrow, Raven, Winter and most of all one of Y/N's hated people.

"Why is this Ironb***h here?!"

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Nixium: Hello my fellow Donut lovers! I kinda lied about taking a break cuz I really wanna publish this badly but other than that, I'm and here to ask you something cuz this has been in my mind lately.

I've been thinking about making another abused RWBY story where, but the protagonist isn't the one to be abused instead some member of team RWBY and you as their adoptive parent. So basically your age are like in mid 30s.

So you guys wanna read that story? If yes you have to wait for 2 of my stories to be complete and that will be this story and my probably last DDLC story to be complete. So it might take a while.

And I think I'll try updating daily since that even after school, I have lots of time left, unless of I have homeworks of course. So sorry about the long author's note, this is probably the longest one so far.


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