Chapter 29: The Final Path

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Emerald's POV

The Vytal Tournament has finally started. Many people from all Remnant have visited Vale to watch the fight in person. Me and Mercury are on the front seats where students actually sit while Port and Oobleck have some conversation that I don't care much about.

Mercury looks a bit bored then I sigh and stand up getting his attention.

"Where are you going?"

"To Cinder, wanna come?"

"Nah, I'll stay here. The students might take away my spot."

"Suit yourself." I said shrugging and started to walk away.

The crowd is wild today in this place but I manage to find Cinder with Team RWBY and Neo looking around.

"Hey guys." I wave my hand to them as they look at me and smile.

"Hey Emerald. I thought you were with Mercury?" Blake wondered.

"Yeah but I got bored and left him there. What are you doing here right now?"

"Well we just don't want to go in there yet so we might as well enjoy our time around here." Yang said.

"By the way, where are Team JNPR and Y/N?"

"Actually. They are taking care of Y/N right now, they try to convince him to come but I think they forced him a little so he's locking himself in his room back at Beacon."


"Y/N! I'm gonna destroy the door and save you! Hang on!" Nora shouts as she held her hammer.

"Nora, don't." Ren said.

"Isn't breaking school property against the rules?" Jaune ask.

"Well it isn't if you have good reason and that good reason is getting Y/N out of his room!" Nora replied.

"Uhhh Nora, I think that's not it-"

Before Ren could finish his sentence, Nora already smashed the door open and saw Y/N having a shock face with wide eyes.

"Nora you're giving me a heart attack...." Y/N blurted out.


"Oh.... How are they now?" I ask shivering.

"They will be here in any second, let's just go back." Cinder said and I nodded.

We started walking back to arena and sit with Mercury.

"Yo what's up guys?" We look to our side and see Sun and Neptune.

"You guys again." I said rolling my eyes.

"What? Don't like seeing us?" Sun ask.

"Hey Sun, Neptune. Where are the rest of your team?" Ruby questioned.

"They are just around here somewhere. Probably buying some popcorn." Sun replied.

"Hey guys, sorry we were late." Jaune greeted us.

We look behind him and the rest of Team JNPR and his Y/N who is bring carried by Nora.

"Oh glad you guys made it here." I said.

"And it is also about to start." Ren said and so the tournament had started.



Me and the others are watching as the fight had began. The ones that are in the arena now are a team from Shade and Haven.

"I think you four should get ready for your fight. You four are next." Neptune said to Team RWBY.

"You're right, okay team I think we really should get ready." Ruby announced and her team nodded.

The four of them then walk off as I continue to watch the fight despite I'm not interested at all, nor wanted to be here.

Neo looks at me with a smile as she holds her sign.

"Are you enjoying the fight?"

I simply shake my head making her confused.

"It's simply boring for me for some reason. I think I'm just gonna wait here until Team RWBY's fight is over.

She pouts at me and lightly punch my arm.

"At least enjoy your time here!"

"Okay,okay. I will." I chuckled at her and we continued to watch.

It's just been three weeks since they found out, maybe they just completely forgot about it.

I then remember the time that I went up to them and just apologized. But, an apology only brings back the friendship and family and some didn't work out.

"(All they wanted is happiness...... But I only gave it to them in a short time...)"

The match ended and its now time for Ruby and her team to fight. Their opponents stepped inside the arena and them following.

Oobleck and Port started to have some few words then the fight started. I just the fight with a normal face while the others cheer for them.


The match ended and Team RWBY was victorious. The others were so busy congratulating them that they did noticed me walking away.

I put my hands on my pockets and look at my black shirt then on the ground.

"(I hope they won't find out where I am.)"

When I'm finally out of the place I sprouted my wings and flew up the sky and landed at the side of the place where the tournament is held watching the match above here. Alone.

I grab one of my pistols and look at it. This weapon has been with me since I was a child. I sadly smile at this as tears fell down on my eyes.

"(Why am I crying?

Why do I feel like this

Why are the ones I love always have to go?)"


I then grab my other pistol and throw both of them high in the air and use my sword to slash them. Breaking it.

The broken pistols landed on the ground. I wipe my tears as I sigh at what I just did.

"Heh. It's a precious thing to me and I broke it for no reason. I'm messed up...." I sarcastically laugh at this and them the laugh turned into a cry.

I grabbed the broken pistols and just threw them to the trash and started walking around.

As I pass by, I can see and hear people all smiling and laughing and happy being together. While I just walk around with an emotionless face on me.

"I wish I can be like that...." I muttered.

Then when I was about to walk passed a person, I accidentally bumped into them until I feel something wierd in him. I look at the person to see who it is and my eyes widen and took a step back.

"Hello son, shock that your dad bumped into you?"

Velvet's POV

Me and my team approached Ruby and the others and congratulate them for winning the match.

"Where is Y/N by the way, I though he is with you?" I said to them then their eyes widen.

"Wait, where is he right now? He was just here a second ago!" Ruby panicked.

"Sis, calm down. He is probably just near here." Yang assured her.

"Okay, but we have to find him quick!"

We then started searching around the place and outside. It took us a while until we him standing there, looking down and in front of him appears to be his dad Caym if I remember.

They seem to be talking to each other until we could see Y/N clenching his fist and then run passes him. Leaving Caym sighing.

We then run towards Caym and Weiss ask him.

"What happened?"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Nixium: Hello! My fellow Donut lovers! I hope you like today's chapter and it is matter of time this story will be finished! I think it is only like 3 or 4 chapters left excluding the epilogue.

I actually have something to explain to you that in every fight I won't add a fight scene just think of it in your head cuz I hate putting fight scenes! Also if the story is finished, don't remove it from your library yet cuz I'll be publishing an announcement chapter.

That's all for now.


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