Chapter 30: Worries

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Caym's POV

"What happened?" Y/N's friends ask.

I sigh at this and look at them.

"I believe I can't tell you. I'll let him figure this out on his own for now."

"What do you mean by him figuring this out on his own?" Weiss exclaims.

"He shouldn't do that!" Ruby complains.

"You children are not involved in this situation, this isn't any of your business." I said strictly and turn around to walk away.

Out of the blue, the girl with silver eyes appeared in front of me, blocking my way.

"We will not let you go anywhere unless you tell us what is he going to do." She said with determination.

I look around and saw them surrounding me.

"I think that won't be possible." A familiar voice said.

We all look at the direction at where the voice came from and saw Benerin.

"Who are you?" The blonde male ask.

"You can call me Benerin. A loyal companion of Caym."

"Why did you said that it won't pbe possible?" The cat faunus ask.

"You kids sure do ask questions a lot. Anyway I'm here to talk to him, so will you please give us a moment?"

"We will not leave you two alone unless he tell us what he said to Y/N." The ginger haired girl said as she draws her weapon.

"Woah, woah, woah. Calm down there, I'm not here to start a fight." He said raising his hands on his chest level.

"As I already told you, you don't need to know about that." I said.

"We need to know about that! He has been suffering for years and it's time for us to help him." The rabbit faunus said.

"*sigh* I guess I have no choice but to use force. Sorry for this." Benerin said.

He then grabbed his twin bladed axe from his back and put it on the ground loudly causing a crater and shocking everyone around but me.

They then draw their weapon as well and got into a fighting stance.

"Benerin. There's no need for that." I said.

"Sorry, but I must put them to their place." The blonde female then charge towards him and tried to punch him.

But he stopped it with his hand shocking her and the others.

"Now don't think I'm just some amateur, child."

Benerin pushed her back then suddenly her eyes turned red.

"Who are you call a child?!"

Her hair started glowing and she charge again. She was about to punch him but Benerin simply dodge it and went behind her and pushed her to the ground, restraining her.

The others then pointed their weapon at him while the people started to run away.

"I've already told you that you should just stay on your place. Now look what you've done to yourself." He said.

"Let me go! I'll make sure I punch that mouth of yours!" She said as she struggle from his grasp.

"Let her go!" Emerald commanded.

"If I were to let her go, you will leave us alone?" He questioned.

They remained silent and continued to point their weapons at him.

"Fine then." He lets her go and went to his axe and but it back on his back.

The girl then got up and her friends helped her as she fix herself.

But out of no where, Neo went to him and tried stab him with her weapon but he immediately jumped back.

And the others started attacking him as well with the red cloaked girl using her scythe on him but he evaded the attack and then the hammer girl almost slamming him but he dodged it and ended up cracking the ground.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me. Welp I'll just do this to stop you."

He grab his axe again and slam it to the ground causing it to shake and form a large crack at an average range.

All of them are at complete shock as they just saw what he did.

"Benerin." I called for him and then he had a shock face when he saw me glaring at him.

"I-I guess I went too far there. My apologies." He put his axe back and walked away.

"I'm sorry that you children have to see that. If you really want to know what I told to him. Ask my son yourselves." I said walking away leaving them standing there still having that shock faces of theirs.


I just kept running around for no reason and just decided to fly.

"(No... He's wrong...... I can't just do nothing and watch as he kills many lives. I have to do something to stop him.)"

I grab my scroll from my pocket and contact Roman. It took a few seconds he finally answered.

"What is it, right now?"

"Roman, have you finally found their hideout?"

"Oh that, no I haven't found it yet. It is kinda hard to find them."

"Where are you right now?"

"I am near in the arena where the tournament is held."

"Alright I'll be there just stay where you are. Make sure Cinder and the others don't find you."

"Fine then, but hurry up I might- What are you guys doing here?"

"Roman you alright there?"

"Um, I think what you said that make sure not the others not find me has failed."

"Roman? What are you doing here?" I heard from the background that the voice is Mercury.

"Uhhh, it is none of your business here. Just scram!"

"Wait are you calling on Y/N?" Weiss ask.

"Just escape immediately and hide from them!!"

"Okay I'll do it! Talk to you later!"

The call ended and I sigh at this.

"They are always determine at helping me even when I don't need it...."

I fly back to where the tournament is and landed nearby. I walk around for a second searching at where Roman is and then suddenly saw a place where many policemen had gathered around large crack on the ground.

My mind started thinking on what could've have caused that crack but shook it off and walk out of the scene.

I then went to the place where it's crowded. And look around until I saw them surrounding Roman.

"(I guess I have no choice...)"

I carefully walk towards them trying to not get me noticed.

"Tell us where he is, Torchwick." Ruby said to him.

"I already told you guys I don't know where he is. He just told that-"

Roman noticed me standing there making the others turn around and their eyes widen in realization.

"Y/N!" Ruby immediately hugged me as I hug back.

She then pulled back and she looks at me with a worried face.

"Where were you?!" Yang ask angrily.

"I'm sorry I ran away again...."

"You think your sorry will change anything?! You always run away from us while we try to help you! You think this is just some game?!"

"Yang, calm down." Pyrrha assure her.

"How can I be calm when he is always like this?!"

"We can just figure this all out besides, he is now here." Velvet replied.

"And in an hour he will be gone again!" She said.

We remained silent as she glares at me. I slowly walk towards her and to her surprise, I hug her comfortably.

"You may not forgive me right now, but all I want you to know is that I'm really, really sorry. It's selfish of me to run away while you guys are trying to find me."

I pull away and saw her with a sad face. I then look at the others.

"Roman, I'll talk to you later. You can go now, I'll just stay with them." I said smiling.

"Alright then. But are you sure?"

I look at him and nodded.

"I'm sure of it."

He nodded back and started leaving. When he is finally out of sight I genuinely smile at the others.

"How about we go back and watch the fight?"


The Fight between Team SSSN and Team NDGO went well ending up Team SSSN winning and Neptune Crying because of the water.

"(Just why logic.....)"

As many battles had passed and exact two days had also past, I spend it all with my friends and lovers.

That's when I realized I was wrong the whole time. When I'm with them, I always feel........ better. I feel happy.

I feel...... normal

Just by us laughing together and having fun makes me feel better.

"(I guess I'm not broken at all.....)"

Lucas' POV

As all the men are preparing for our attack tomorrow I just walk around making sure that anybody doesn't slack around.

Adam is beside me checking on them as well.

"So what are you going to do after you get what you wanted?" I ask him.

"Well let's just say, I'll be taking the throne and be the leader of the White Fang and make those humans go fully extinct."

"Hmm, I like that idea of yours."

"Well I appreciated that. Where are your two assistants by the way?"

"They are just around Vale. Inspecting anything suspicious around."

"Huh, are they with you for how many years again?"

"Five hundred years."

"Woah, you demons sure are immortal."

"Well not fully immortal, if we were to be killed then we will be permanently dead unlike Caym who will only turn into an infant. That's why I will spend my eternity torturing him for what he did to me."

"I guess he really did a big one on you seeing that scar of yours."

"Now that you've mention it, I forgot to wear the eyepatch."

I grab the eyepatch from my pocket and wore it.

(This is what he really looks like)

"Hmm it looks better than before."

"I knew you would say that. I think its now time for us to put the bombs around."

"Alright everyone! Time for phase 8!" Adam announced.

"Yes sir!!" The men yelled and started to get ready.

I smile at myself as I watch them.

"Just one step closer and I'll finally reach my goal...."

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