Chapter 6: To The Far Menagerie

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2 weeks later

{Age: 7}

Yang/Ruby: Y/N!! Please don't leave! 'They begged while holding to both my ankle, restraining me'

Y/N: I have to, I still have things to do. 'I teleported away from their grasp'

Ruby: But....

Yang: What are you doing anyway?

Y/N: Many things like helping and killing Grimm.

Yang: Hmph, you're lucky I'll slip this off. But make sure we see each other again. 'She smiles'

Y/N: I will. 'I smiled back'

Ruby: Can't you just stay?! 'She yelled while crying'

As I was about to respond Tai appeared with a paper bag on his hand.

Tai: Don't cry Ruby, I'm sure you three will see each other again. Oh, here you go by the way Y/N, a meal for the trip 'he leans to my ear' I also put some of Ruby's cookies without her noticing.

I chuckle from his words as I took the bag and look at Ruby.

Y/N: Tai's right, Ruby. I'm sure we'll meet again someday.

Ruby: O-okay.... But one last thing.

She immediately ran to me and hugged me tightly, surprising me. After a few seconds she pulls away and look at me straight in the eye as she smiled innocently.

Ruby: Make sure you are safe, I'll miss you Y/N!

Y/N: I-I'll miss you also Ruby, also Yang... 'He said with a blush' Well I gotta go now, bye!!

I summoned a shadow Nevermore and I climb onto it. It started to flap its wings and then we're now in air. I gave the three of them one last wave and took off.

The flight was just perfectly fine and in a few moments we reach in Vale. I reach in the paper bag Tai gave me and took out a piece of cookie and bit it. It tasle perfectly delicious.

After eating the cookie I put the bag in the pocket of my jacket and look down and saw multiple houses and buildings in every street. I search for a perfect place to land and found it. I mentally order my ally to land and it complied. It slowly landed in a deserted place in the town.

I order the Nevermore to return and it faded in dark smoke. As I look around the place I feel strange...

Suddenly the breeze appeared pushing my hair backward until a poster fly and hit my face. I removed the poster off my face and look at it.

Y/N: Menagerie...

I look confused at it. What the heck is Menagerie?? Curiosity got the best of me so I started to teleport away to the place and ask someone what is Menagerie.

After searching for someone to what that is I bumped into someone making me fall on my butt.

Y/N: Oof.......... Oh, sorry mister. I didn't see you there.

The man slowly stand up and reach out his hand to me, I gladly accept it and he pulled me to stand up.

???: Its no problem, child. Are you hurt?

Y/N: No I'm fine. Oh wait! Can I ask you something sir?

???: What is it?

Y/N: Do you know what Menagerie is?

???: Menagerie is an island for faunus far away from here. And in fact I was just heading there home.

Y/N: Woah!! That's so cool! Wait, that's where you live?

???: Why of course, I'm a faunus after all.

Y/N: U-uh..... Can I come with you?? 'I ask with hope in my eyes'

???: Why would you like to go there? 'He ask with a raised brow'

Y/N: I-I just want to s-see what the place looks like and wanted to meet different kinds of faunus.

???: Hmm....... Okay then, you can come with me. We should hurry though, the boat will leave soon so let's go!

I jumped in excitement and I realize something.

Y/N: Hey mister, I know a way we can get there early.

???: How?

Y/N: This.

I hold his wrist and we teleported to the docks. As we arrived there I let go of him as he look at me in disbelief but soon return his composure.

???: So you're Shadow huh? That's why you're so interested with meeting faunus.

I just nod in agreement and finally entered the boat. I watch the sea seeing many sea animals swim and seagulls fly as the boat moves. The man then walk towards me and joined the sight see until he spoke.

???: I forgot to know your real name, what is it?

Y/N: The name's Y/N L/N, nice to meet you sir. What's yours?

Ghira: Ghira Belladonna, but just call me Ghira.

Y/N: Okay!

We continue to look at the sea as hours past by, we finally arrived at Menagerie. As the boat landed I immediately teleported outside, and jumping all around waiting for Ghira because of the excitement.

Soon, he finally got off the boat and stand beside me watching me jump up and down. He laughed at my childish act, even though I am a child.

Ghira: You sure can't hold yourself to be calm, huh?

I just kept jumping then after it we decide to walk towards his house. We reached in front of his house, I look at the large door in disbelief. I didn't know this was his house.

Ghira pulled the handle of the door up and let go of it, making a large sound. Very loud that sent me shivers down my spine. Seconds later, the door open to see a woman with black hair and a cat faunus.

Kali: Oh, you're finally returned dear! And who is this child there?

Ghira: Kali, this is Y/N he is currently known as Shadow from all places because of his acts.

Kali: Oh so you we're that Shadow. *giggles* I even thought he was at least older than you.

Y/N: Well, its finally nice to meet you.

Ghira: Y/N, this lady here is Kali. She is my wife.

Y/N: That's nice.

Kali: It is, well we should go inside now and there we could talk.

We entered inside their house and Kali lead us so their living room. I sat on one of the pillows which I didn't know was comfortable. Ghira sat across from me as Kali return with a tray of three cups of tea.

Kali: So dear, how was the meeting in Vale? 'She ask Ghira as she place down each cup in front of us'

Ghira: It went well I guess, if it weren't for Tom.

Kali: What happened?

Ghira: Oh, Y/N can you please go to the other room for a second? This conversation is rather personal.

Y/N: Okay.

I empty my drink and place it on the table and stand up then went to the other room. I slide open the door then entered the room and closed it. I look around the room and it was not a bad room after all.

Suddenly, I feel something poke me, I turn sidewards and saw a girl with long black hair and also has cat ears like Kali.

???: Excuse me, who are you?

Y/N: I'm sorry, I didn't know this was your room. My name's Y/N by the way. 'I said smiling as I reach out my hand to her for a handshake'

She accepts the handshake and smiled back at me.

Blake: That's a nice name, I'm Blake Belladonna by the way!

Y/N: Your Kali and Ghira's daughter??

Blake: Of course silly. By the way, what kind of faunus are you?

Y/N: Um, I'm not actually a faunus. I'm a human I came here with your dad.

Blake: That's strange, dad would never brought a human along here...

Y/N: Hmm, say how about we go play for a while?!

Blake: Sure! How about this! Tag you're it!

She tapped me on the shoulder and began running out the room, a grin escape my mouth and began to chase her.

Blake: Hahaha!! You can't catch me!

Y/N: Oh yeah! Check this out!

I teleported right in front of Blake and hold her shoulders, she turned shocked when she just realized I was holding her.

Blake: W-w-woah.... How'd you do that?

Y/N: Teleportation! Its one of my abilities, oh yeah I forgot something..... 'I let go of her and stared at her for a second until I tap her' Tag your it!

I run as fast as I could while Blake chases me until Ghira showed up in front of me as I bumped into him and fall making Blake trip on my hand and fall on my lap. We look up and Ghira who has a raised brow as he hold us up by my jacket and Blake's shirt.

Ghira: And what exactly are you two doing running around?

Y/N/Blake: Uhh..... Playing tag??

Ghira: You do realize that you almost wreck the whole house for that.

Me and Blake look around the house as we saw how messy it was. We look at each other and gave an 'oh no' expression. Ghira finally place us down as we can't even look up to him because we expect at what might happen.

Ghira: *sigh* Let's just eat some lunch, we'll clean this tomorrow.

We just sigh in relief that we won't get any kind of punishment. We followed Ghira to the living room and saw the table with foods on it. Each of us sit down and started eating while having a conversation.

This is going to be a fun week.

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