Chapter 7: The History Of Demons

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{Age: 7}

Location: Menagerie

Blake: Hey Y/N! Can we fly on your bird again?

Y/N: We've been riding it for like a hundred times already, don't you get tired of it?

Blake: Nope! Not even an inch of it, so can we please ride it?!

Y/N: Fine, but this will be the last time for the week. I'm getting exhausted from my aura draining you know.

Blake: I promise! 'she raised her right hand up and cross her chest with her left one'

I just sighed and summon a shadow eagle in front of us. I hold Blake's hand and teleported us on my eagle.

Blake hold on my jacket and yelled.

Blake: Let's go!

I roll my eyes on her and commanded my eagle to fly. It complied and we're now off the ground. We fly around the town waving our hands at whoever we see and enjoyed our flight.

Y/N: Look Blake! A Nevermore, flying above the ocean. What do you say we kill it?

Blake: Okay! It'll be fun!!

I smirk at the Nevermore as we get closer to it, it suddenly saw us and fly towards us at high speed.

My shadow Nevermore tackled the Grimm, sending it a few feet away from us and started to shoot it some shadow feathers.

The Grimm soon died and turned into black smoke as we started to land. As we were now above the ground, I command my shadow ally to go back to their world.

I turn my gaze at Blake as I saw her smiling widely at me. I tilted my head sideways as a sign of confusion.

Y/N: What are you smiling at?

Blake: Can we do this again tomorrow!!?

Y/N: I already told you that I won't!

Blake: Aww, but why?!

Y/N: Because I'm getting exhausted through all the teleporting and summoning.

Blake: Okay, fine! But let's do it again soon.

Y/N: No promises though.

She gave me a pouty look and soon we entered inside the house. I went to one of the bookshelves and find something that I can read. On the corner, I saw something shine and I gaze at it. It was a book with a shining corner for some reason,curious I pick the book and red the title of it.

Y/N: "The Demon Reign" sounds cool, okay I'll go read this.

I went to one of the pillows on the table and sit on it then began to read.

(This will be the part where it all started, the names of Ozpin and Caym that are shown here aren't particularly in the book Y/N was reading, he is not ready to know who they really are yet.)


3rd Person View

A man with brown and torn out cloak covering his head and almost his whole body and the name Ozpin was wandering through the lands of Remnant.

His direction was going east to where there's another place that no one ever visited except for those who live there which is the Grimm queen named Salem.

The sun has started to set so he decides to gather some large twigs for firewood. He started to eat what food he has and after for while he lay down on the green grass.

Late at night

The man woke up to the sound of crying. He sit up from the ground and look around to where the sound is, he finally located where the crying is and approach it. To his surprise it was a baby covered with white and dirty clothe.

He picked up the child and tried to calm him down, after the child has finally calm down he started to sleep.

Ozpin: Who would've leave their child alone here?

He gaze at the sleeping infant and thought of something. He decides to adopt the child as his son because he doesn't want leave it.

He walked back to his sleeping place and drifted off to sleep with the child beside him.

8 years later

Caym: Hey dad! Look at me!

Ozpin look at the black hair boy and saw him holding dozens of apples on his arms.

Ozpin: Why do you have to bring many of them?

Caym: Because I want to! I'll eat them, I promise!

Ozpin: *sigh* Fine but make sure you'll eat them all okay?

Caym: I will!

Ozpin: Alright, let's just go back inside.

The two of them head inside their wooden house and eat the food they have harvest in their farm.


Ozpin: Push yourself harder!

Caym: I'm trying!

The two are outside their house, training to defend themselves from Grimms and there was young Caym, kneeling on the ground panting heavily due to tiredness. He had scratches all over his arms, legs and face.

Ozpin pointed his sword in front of him and spoke.

Ozpin: You have to not just give up or you'll be defeated easily.

Caym: I'm not gonna be defeated!

He started screaming though it wasn't from pain. Soon, his right arm and right face started to form into a black, shadowy look with the color purple as a highlight of it and he started to grow wings with the exact same color.

The man in front of him took a few step back and looking shock at his son. Caym then put his wooden sword in front of him and fly towards Ozpin and attacked him, sending him a few feet away.

Caym soon turn back to his normal state and fall down on the ground panting. He look at Ozpin in shock from what he did, he then quickly stand up and ran towards him.

Caym: Dad!? Are you okay?!

Ozpin: Argh, I'm fine. Though I was surprised to see you like that.

Caym: Wait what do I look like?

Ozpin: You don't know? I guess we'll just find it out soon. Let's just go back inside and rest.

Caym: Okay, I'll help you dad.

He helped his father stand up and both of them head back in their house to have rest.

Many years later

The young 8 year old boy named Caym was now old and strong enough and is traveling with his father Ozpin to defeat the Grimm Queen Salem.

Caym: Father I think you should just go back and I'll deal with this.

Ozpin: And why would I do that? This is my quest to defeat her for tho I'm the one who we're chosen by the Gods themselves.

Caym: There is something that I want to confess to you. 'He stop on his tracks and as well as Ozpin'

Ozpin look back at his son who is kneeling down on him with one knee. He looks at him confused and worried.

Caym: When I was just young I don't remember anything, but, when a few years ago my memories finally come to my senses and I will let you know who I truly am.......... I'm the long lost King of the Demon Clan Caym.

Ozpin look at him in shock as he just found out who he is. No wonder he saw him turn his arm into black and growed wings.

The Demon King was a very powerful being for he was the one who declared war with the Gods. But he lost in the battlefield and turned into an infant then send somewhere in the lands of Remnant for he was found by the great Ozpin.

Caym: You know that I'm the enemy of the Gods but I decide to no longer have business with them for I will be by your side and rather help the humans. If you wish to kill me for the Gods, then you may do so.

Ozpin stared at him intently before speaking.

Ozpin: Just because you're the Demon King doesn't mean you're not my son anymore.

Caym look at him in shock and soon turned into a smile as he hug his father to which he hug back.

After a few moments of hugging, they soon pull out and smiled at each other. They both continued to walk to their destination.

As they keep traveling around while slaying the types of Grimm they meet, a purple portal suddenly appeared in front of them and a male person with black armor but no helmet on came out of it. The mysterious person look at Ozpin for a second before turning to Caym and suddenly having shock eyes.

He knelt down in front of him and spoke.

Demon Knight: My Lord! Al last that I finally found you.

Caym: So you have been searching for me all these years?

Demon Knight: Yes my Lord. For its our job as demons to serve our King. The Elite Demon Knights have been preparing for a revenge war on the Gods.

Caym: Stop the war.

Demon Knight: W-what??

Caym: You hear me.

Demon Knight: But my Lord! You know how they defeated you! They might even defeat us again if we didn't-

Caym: I've decided to have peace with them a long time ago.

Demon Knight: What about the revenge war? The demon's goal?

Caym: Tell them to stop it and I'll be there soon.

The demon hesitantly look at his ruler for a few seconds then sighing an nod.

Demon Knight: As you wish, my Lord.

The demon bows his head and soon walk in the portal as it disappears, leaving the Demon King and his father.

Ozpin: Are you sure that your people won't turn their backs on you?

Caym: *sigh* I just hope they don't, afterall the humans aren't really involved in our war with the God's. Though we planned it after defeating them.

Ozpin: I see, well we should start going again or Salem might start an attack on us.

Caym nodded, but before they start walking again, he decided to just fly there while carrying Ozpin to which there is no surprise expression from him.


After a long time of flying in the air, they across on a deserted place with crowded people within in. Both curious, they decided to check it out. They safely land on the back of the crowd and listen to a familiar voice who were speaking in front of everyone with another one talking to them.

Benerin: Then we must find him right now!

Demon Knight: But he said that he will return soon!

Benerin: I don't care! I want him to say it in front of all of us.

Demon Knight: You dare to have disrespect for our King. We should just have patience for him.

Benerin: I'm one of the Elite Demon Knight so don't you disrespect me or you will be punished later.

Caym: What is all the commotion here?

All Demon Knights were shock hearing that voice and soon all eyes turned on him. After a few seconds all the Knights but Benerin have knelt down and bow their heads.

Benerin: My Lord! I d-didn't know you already arrive!

Caym: I am, now what are you and the other Knights are doing here? Why aren't you in the Demon Realm?

Benerin: W-we are here to have a revenge war with the Gods for our defeat.

Caym: Cancel the war, I've decided to have peace with them from now on.

Benerin: B-but my Lord! What about us Demons goal of defeating the Gods and conquer Remnant?

Caym: I no longer have interest on that goal. What my decision is final, now all of you return back to our Realm and I'll be there soon. We'll now be living in this nice land from now on.

The other Demon Knights all stand up and cheered for their King and soon went back to their realm leaving Benerin with a worried face.

Benerin: What about Lucas? He will soon come though for his hatred and revenge on us demons. He can even take down half army of the Elite Demon Knights like before.

Caym look at him with a stern look, thinking about what he said before speaking again.

Caym: Then we will just have to fight him and defend our people. That traitor will no longer be a threat to us.

Benerin nodded at him and soon went in the portal. Leaving Caym and Ozpin who is only listening the entire time.

Ozpin: I've never heard of the name Lucas before. Might telling me who he is?

Caym: I'll tell you if we start moving again.

He nodded at him and the two of them started to walk as Caym is telling the story to Ozpin.



As I finally finished reading the book it was already night.

Y/N: That was a great story. I wonder if it's true though..

I close the book and stand up from my seat and put back the book in the bookshelf and dashing towards the kitchen to have dinner with the Belladonna family.

3rd Person View

As little Y/N was now out of sight in the living room, the book that he just recently red turn into black smoke and faded away.

Out of the window, the same man who was named Benerin was watching Y/N from the past four hours then he appeared his wings then flew to the sky.

Benerin: You'll find out who you are soon, my Prince.

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