Chapter Four: We've Waited Long Enough

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Benedict grabbed my shoulder pulling me back. I shoved him off and dropped to my knees beside Morgan. "Morgan, it's me Sam," I said, tears streaking my face.

Morgan looked at me with large eyes. Her head slowly shook. "No. It can't be," she whispered.

Nodding, I reached up and took her hands. "It is. It's me," I said.

Her body started to shake. She slowly reached out placing a hand on my cheek. "Sam," she said, falling off of her chair. The two of us held tight to one another as the tears poured. "I thought my family was alone," she whispered.

Pulling back slightly I nodded. "So did I. I thought I was the only one left. We aren't though. Aaron and his sisters are in Backington and Chloe is here in Jarrow," I said. A clearing of the throat brought us back to reality. Turning I saw not only were the Dragon's looking at us, but also those close by. Standing up, I pulled Morgan with me. Turning to Shepherd I gave him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Shepherd, I didn't mean to interrupt your time. However, when I saw Morgan I couldn't contain myself. You see Morgan is from Hillsdale," I said.

"The Troublesome Trio lives on," Rowen said, making the connection to who Morgan was.

Laughing, I nodded. "Yeah, Morgan is the final part of that group," I said, turning back to her. Looking one more time to make sure she was really there. "Morgan, you've met Shepherd. He's actually one of my Dragon brothers. Then these are the three other apprentices, a few of our Dragon brothers, and our leader Erik," I said.

"Your her!" Morgan said, seeing my uniform for the first time. "You are the girl that became the apprentice. We heard about her in Merah. I thought of you, how that sounded like something you would do. Change the rules to become a Dragon and it was you," she said. She then gasped her hand flying to her mouth. "The female apprentice... she's the... she was crowned. Sam, you're the queen!" she said.

Looking around at the growing crowd, I started to become uncomfortable. Erik noticed and stepped forward. "If she has room why don't you spend the night with Morgan and her family. You two have a lot to catch up on," he said.

"Really?" I asked, thinking I was still going to be in trouble.

He nodded. "Yes, I won't stand in the way of this reunion. I'll let Chloe know and tell her that you will bring Morgan to see her tomorrow morning," he said. He then stepped closer. "Then you and I will have a conversation," he said so only I could hear.

I kept my eyes on his. "Yes, sir," I said.

He held my stare for a moment longer before smiling. "Now go, enjoy your time. I have other apprentices to discipline," he said, eyeing the three that were still being held by their brothers.

"I'm really sorry for ruining your dinner," I said, turning to Shepherd.

He smiled at me, shaking his head. "It wouldn't have taken long to figure out Morgan was from Hillsdale and we would have been running for the compound. This just saved us time," he said. "I look forward to getting to know you more, but for tonight I will leave the two of you," he said. With a slight bow of the head, he turned and followed the Dragon's back to the compound.

I turned to Morgan. "Shall we head back to your house?" I asked.

Morgan's eyes lit up. "My parents! They will be thrilled to see you!" she said, grabbing my hand and leading me through the streets to her home.

The following few hours were spent in the small living area with Morgan's parents, Tom and Diana. It wasn't until days after the attack when Morgan and her parents heard about it. They had quickly returned but nothing was left. Returning to Merah they lived with Diana's brother until Tom had gotten a job as a blacksmith in Jarrow just a few days ago. Then it was my turn to share about my journey from my fourteenth birthday until our reunion today. Sleep didn't come for many hours. Almost three years had gone by and there was much to catch up on.

The following morning, Morgan squealed as she grabbed my arm as we entered the compound. "I still can't believe you became a Dragon! I remember all the fights you used to get into with Jack and the other boys about you not being tough enough," she grinned.

"Believe me that hasn't changed. Our little spitfire causes more trouble then one can keep track of," Alakay said, walking over to us followed by my other brothers. "I heard you nearly took off Ben's head last night. I thought you'd have learned better after last time," he said.

"I did not try to take his head off last night! I just shoved him. I thought Morgan was dead. I wasn't planning on letting anything get in my way. And last time doesn't count. I'd just found out I had a brother and I was the crown princess, that's a lot for a girl to take in," I argued.

"Another thing I still can't believe! My little tomboy the queen," Morgan said, throwing her arms around me. A feminine laughter turned our attention towards the house. "Chloe!" Morgan cried, running over and wrapping her arms around Chloe. When they parted both had tears on their faces.

"I couldn't believe it when Erik told me! I am so glad that more than we thought survived. It will mean so much for Sam to have you and Aaron around as she comes into her new role," Chloe said. "And it will be nice for someone else to share stories of Hillsdale with our little one," she said, placing Morgan's hand on her stomach.

Morgan grinned. "Oh Chloe! I am so glad that we are together again. I can't wait to meet your little one and tell them all the stories of Hillsdale and their mommy and aunty," she said.

"You can leave out the troublemaker stories... we don't need this little one getting any ideas," Chloe smiled.

Morgan laughed, nodding her head. "So many surprises in such a short time! Next thing you know our little tomboy will be falling in love," she said jokingly. When we fell silent she spun on me. "When? Who? And when do I get to meet this young man?" she said walking back to me.

"Three years ago, his name is Prince Nikolai," Kole said while walking up to the group.

Morgan froze. I turned and gave Kole an icy glare. "You are dating the prince and that wasn't something you mentioned last night?" Morgan asked.

"Maybe she just wanted to tell you about her engagement in a special way," James said.

My glare quickly turned to James. "I'm going to kill you both after I calm Morgan down," I hissed, grabbing Morgan who looked like she was about to pass out. We were walking into the house when Erik cleared his throat. Groaning inwardly I knew what he wanted. "Can I at least get Morgan into the house? Chloe can calm her down while I come out," I said.

"Be quick about it," Erik said.

"Yes, sir," I turned back to take Morgan into the sitting area. "I would love to stay and fill you in, but I have a conversation with the boss... I might not come out alive. You can have Nikolai if I die," I grinned before walking back out to find the Dragon's dispersed and Erik waiting for me.

"You're alive! Guess I don't get the prince after all," Morgan grinned at me as I fell onto the couch beside her.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," I said.

Chloe shook her head. "You all make Erik out to be some big meany," she said.

I sat up straight, pointing a finger at her. "You have not experienced the dark side of Erik! When he's in Dragon General mode and you've stepped across the line and are facing punishment he's terrifying," I said.

"Well then maybe one should not step across the line," Chloe reminded, narrowing her eyes on me.

"I saw Morgan! I was not going to listen to anyone!" I defended myself.

"That wasn't why you were in trouble. You were in trouble for sneaking out to spy on Shepherd after I had told you to leave it be," Erik said, walking into the room.

Groaning I let my head fall onto Morgan's shoulder. "See what I have to put up with?" I asked.

She laughed, wrapping her arms around me. "I for one am glad you disobeyed. It meant we got to find one another quicker," she said.

"Now did you come in here for a reason or just to continue to pick on me?" I asked, looking up at Erik who had taken a seat beside Chloe.

Erik laughed, nodding his head. "Although I find great joy in tormenting you. I did come to inform you a messenger from the castle came. You are needed within the hour," he said.

Nodding my head, I stood up pulling Morgan with me. "Then we'll take our leave," I said, holding Morgan's hand and heading for the door, but was stopped by Erik's throat clearing.

"I am starting to hate that noise," I said, turning to face him. "I won't spend anymore time at the castle then needed, then I will report to you as soon as I get home," I said. When he nodded in satisfaction I pulled Morgan out of the compound.

"Do you normally have to report in?" she asked as we walked towards the castle.

Shaking my head, I sighed. "No, well at least not to Erik, but it seems that I will be for a while. Our punishment for sneaking out last night is that we aren't allowed to go anywhere without one of our brothers, unless approved by Erik and that outings for fun are nonexistence for now," I explained.

Morgan smiled. "I'm glad you haven't changed," she said, laughing as I shook my head.

"This is incredible," Morgan said in awe as we walked into the castle. "I can't believe this is technically yours," she whispered.

Laughing, I smiled at her. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around that as well. There are parts that make me feel like it truly is, but the majority still seems so foreign," I said as we walked the halls.

"Samantha! You were supposed to come over this morning! I am dying to hear about Shepherd's lady friend!" Isabella said when she spotted us after exiting one of the many rooms. Her eyes widened when she saw Morgan beside me. "Wait! Is this the lady friend? Why is she with you?" she asked.

"Isabella, this is in fact Shepherd's lady friend," I said, grinning as Morgan blushed. "She also happens to be my best friend from Hillsdale. She and her parents just moved to Jarrow and last night during our failed spy attempt we were reunited," I said.

Isabella gasped. "Oh my word! That's amazing! I'm so glad you found one another," she said. "I'm Isabella by the way," she smiled.

"Your Isabella... as in Princess Isabella..." Morgan said wide eyed. "It's an honor to meet you," she said with a deep curtsy.

Isabella smiled a bit, shaking her head. "Please, don't worry about the formalities. If you are a friend of Sam's then you have already passed that stage with me," she said. "Now, why don't we walk Sam down to the council chamber, then I will show you around while they talk," she said.

Letting Isabella lead was a bad idea. I was going to be late to the meeting. We ended up outside the castle walking through the courtyards. We were heading back in when the doors opened and a group of knights led a group six prisoners out of the castle.

"Pardon us, your majesties," the leading knight said, his eyes growing wide when he saw us. At his words the prisoner's heads snapped up. Glares across their faces as they looked at us. Grabbing Morgan and Isabella's hands I pulled them off the walk way.

"Please proceed," I said, trying to keep a calm voice as the prisoner's eyes focused on me.

The knights quickly got the group moving. A mixture of "Ua aneane pau kou noho ali'i 'ana" and "make i ke ali'i wahine" were hissed as the prisoners passed. A few attempted to spit at us, but were blocked by the knights.

"Let's go," I said, pulling Morgan and Isabella into the castle.

Morgan slowly turned to me, her face showed great concern. "Who were those men? And why did they seem to want you dead?" she asked.

Isabella for once remained silent, knowing just who those men were.

"Morgan, those men were Nivetarian mercinceriess. They were the ones that made the attempt on my life at my coronation," I said tears stinging my eyes as the memories came back.

Morgan gasped as her hand flew to her mouth. "What were they saying?" she asked.

Isabella and I shook our heads. "Neither of us are fluent in Nivetarian, but I can assure you whatever it was, it was not kind," Isabella said.

"Whatever was said, it's over now. Those men are heading for a boat to head back to Nivetara. I'm sorry to leave you, but I need to get to the meeting," I said.

Isabella nodded taking Morgan's hand. "Don't worry about us. I'll show Morgan around and make her comfortable here," she said smiling at me.

Nodding my thanks I turned the opposite way and headed for the council chamber. Their words running through my mind. Although I was not fluent, I did know some words. "Death, queen, over," were all words they had said.

Walking into the council chamber all the seats were full but mine. Walking to my seat I stood beside it. "We've waited long enough. Each day we wait, La Fray grows stronger. We need to find a way to him and we need to do it now," I said.

King Syrus cleared his throat and slowly stood. "And if your majesty agrees I believe I have just the way for you to get to him." 

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