Chapter Three: This Is Exactly When The Dungeon Comes In Handy

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King Syrus looked between Nikolai and I for a moment before he made the connection. "May I presume that I have just ran into Aurjoa's queen?" he asked with his eyes landing on me.

Nodding I straightened up. "Yes. I am so sorry that we met like this. Jone will have my head for lack of proper manners," I said.

"Jone? She must be the older woman that was with the welcoming party. She did seem quite flustered that the two of you were absent," he said with a smile.

"Jone was Sam's nursery maid when she was a baby and has taken the role of assisting her as she learns about her new duties," Nikolai explained. "I'm sorry that we weren't there to greet you. We didn't think that you were arriving until tomorrow. May I take a moment and properly introduce you?" he asked. When his uncle nodded, Nikolai took my hand. "Uncle Syrus, may I introduce you to Queen Scarlett. Your highness, may I introduce you to King Syrus of Eskalay," he said.

I stepped forward in a curtsy. "It's an honor to meet you King Syrus and a pleasure to have you as my first visitor," I said standing with a smile.

King Syrus bowed and took my hand placing a kiss on it. "It's an honor to meet you as well, your Highness. I have heard nothing but praise since your return and I look forward to getting to know you," he said.

"I as well. The friendship between Eskalay and Aurjoa runs deep and I look forward to continuing it," I said, stepping back beside Nikolai. "Now if you'll excuse me I should go change into a proper welcoming outfit before meeting your family," I said.

Shaking his head King Syrus stopped my exit. "Nonsense. You look lovely as you are. Save the dress for dinner. My wife is dying to meet you and I doubt she'll care what you are dressed in," he said.

Smiling, I could tell why Nikolai talked so highly of his uncle. "Those are kind words. However, Jone will have my head if I show up dressed as I am," I pushed.

King Syrus stepped forward offering his arm. "Shall we remember for a moment that you are queen and not Jone. Come with me now and we can worry about Jone later," he said. Laughing I nodded and accepted his outreached arm.

"I've located the love birds," King Syrus announced as we walked into one of the gathering halls. The conversation quickly came to a stop as all eyes turned to us. I saw the horror in Jone's eyes as she took in my attire, no one else seemed to notice. King Syrus led me first to the group of women. Queen Vivian and Isabella sat in the lounge area with an older woman and two women that looked to be a little older than Chloe. "Ladies, I'd like to introduce you to our new neighboring queen," King Syrus said. The three ladies stood and curtsied, I quickly dropped into the same depth of curtsy. "Your majesty, may I introduce you to my wife Queen Helen and my two youngest daughters Princess Helena and Princess Naomie," he said introducing the women of his family. "And this lovely young woman on my arm is Queen Scarlett," he said.

Queen Helen was the first to approach me. "Thank you so much for inviting us to be your guest. We are so sorry that we missed your coronation. Syrus was quite ill and my daughter Saundra was having her first child," she said.

I smiled kindly at her. "I understand. It all came together so fast that I know that many were unable to make it. I am just glad that you are here now. We will have more time for conversations during this visit anyway as my time will be devoted to you and your family," I said. Glancing over to the men I noted one young man standing beside Prince Louis.

Nikolai caught my eye and offered his arm. "Let me introduce you to our closest cousin in age," he said, guiding me over to the men. "Prince Silas may I introduce you to Queen Scarlett. Your Highness, may I introduce you to my cousin Prince Silas," he said.

After an exchange of the curtsy and bow, he placed a kiss on my hand. "It's an honor to meet you. My sisters have talked nonstop about spending time here," he smiled at me.

"Does this mean we have to call you Queen Scarlett while they're here? Because that just doesn't sit well with me," Isabella said standing from her seat and walking over. "I mean sure she's the queen and I respect that, but she was our friend first and we are all family. I mean, we will be once those two tie the knot," Isabella said.

Her relatives' eyes widened as she spoke. News of our marriage had not gone outside of Jarrow yet and it was clear that in the short time that they had been in the castle they hadn't heard the news.

"Oh, a royal wedding! We haven't had one in a few years!" Princess Naomie said with a huge smile spreading across her face.

"And I was hoping to arrange a marriage between Silas and you," King Syrus said with a grin. His wife gently slapped his shoulder.

"Syrus, this is no time for such nonsense. It's obvious these two are in love," she said walking over and pulling me into a hug. "Congratulations! This is wonderful news!"

Isabella sighed in frustration. "Not where I was wanting this to go," she said.

I laughed, walking over and taking her hand. "It's your fault for bringing up the marriage," I smiled at her then turned to her family. "I would be honored if you would call me Samantha or Sam while you are here. I may be Queen Scarlett and am working on getting used to hearing that name, but my close friends still call me Samantha," I said.

"I like your family," I said as Nikolai and I walked back to the compound.

"And they loved you," he said, causing me to shake my head. "They didn't even care if you were in pants nor what silverware we ate with," he said.

Laughing, I nodded my head. "I was on the edge of my seat the entire dinner waiting for everything to fall apart because I chose the swirly design, not the plain. I knew all those long hours practicing would be wasted," I grinned.

"I beg to differ. Your curtsy was most definitely what won them over. I mean without that our kingdoms would have surely gone to war," he said.

Gasping I turned to him with my hand on my heart. "Then we would not be wed. We would have to have a secret relationship, how exciting," I said.

"We would have to meet once it's dark, like now," he said grabbing me around the waist and pulling me close. "And under the moon share our undying love for one another," he said leaning in.

"And there is only one way to prove that love," I smiled pushing up on my toes to move in for a kiss.

"Stop fraternizing with the apprentice!" a voice called. Turning we saw Alakay and my brothers walking up the road.

Nikolai laughed, releasing his hold on me. I on the other hand crossed my arms and glared at Alakay. "This is exactly when the dungeon comes in handy!" I said, causing Nikolai to laugh harder and my brothers to share confused looks.

"Erik said that King Syrus came early. How did your first event as royal host go?" Louis asked.

"She did great. I mean besides nearly wiping Uncle Syrus out on the stone floor and meeting everyone in pants," Nikolai said.

My brothers all laughed at the statement. "Did Jone take your head?" Alakay asked.

Shaking my head I let out a small laugh. "Surprisingly not. At the end of the night, she actually pulled me aside and praised me for how I handled myself. I think I might be getting the hang of this whole ruling thing after all."

"Seriously Shepherd! Give me something," I said, as I followed Shepherd around the compound the following day.

"No," he said, walking away.

Jogging I followed him. "Come on! Just a name! How about an age, hair color, something!" I cried, grabbing his arm.

"Benedict, control your apprentice," Shepherd said as we neared where a handful of Dragons were hanging out after breakfast.

Benedict laughed. "She's also yours," he said, ignoring Shepherd's plea for help.

"What's she bugging you about this time?" Lane, one of Kole's brothers, said from his place on the ground. Lane, Kole, and their brother Felix were playing marbles.

"I'm right here!" I said, annoyed that they were talking like I wasn't. "I just want to hear about Shepherd's girlfriend!" I said falling to the ground beside Jame's brother, Maddox. "Is that too much to ask?" I questioned.

"I think it's fair. I mean if any of my brothers were dating I'd want to know," James said.

"Yeah, a name isn't too much to ask," Kole added.

"How about you apprentices mind your own business and leave Shepherd alone," Erik said, walking up to the group. "I can hear you from inside," he said.

"No, you can't!" I argued.

Erik laughed, shoving me over as he walked by. "No matter. As your leader, I'm telling you to leave Shepherd alone. When he is ready to share information, he will," Erik said. "You should clean up Sam, you need to be at the castle soon. Chloe told me this morning you have a full day of hosting."

Erik was right. As soon as I got to the castle, I was thrown into my royal duties. From the time I stepped foot in the castle to the after-dinner goodbyes, I never had a moment to myself.

"You look exhausted," Chloe commented as the two of us walked back to the compound. Although Chloe was still Isabella's lady in waiting she was allowed to live in the compound with Erik. So on nights where I was at the castle, I would walk back to the compound with her.

"I am. I love King Syrus and his family, but hosting is exhausting," I said.

Chloe nodded. "However, you are doing a wonderful job. This isn't anything you ever expected to do, yet you are taking it with great stride. I'm so proud of you," she said, slipping her hand into mine.

"Thank's Chloe. It means the world to have you with me," I said. We then fell silent as we made our way home, simply content in the company of one another. As we neared the compound I gasped. "Shepherd went on his first date tonight! I'm dying to know who this girl is!" I said.

Chloe laughed. "The girl who wanted nothing to do with boys is now engaged and pushing for details of the relationships of others," she teased.

"Whatever," I smiled. "I just needed to find the right man to show me that a relationship isn't always a bad thing," I said, smiling at the thought of Nikolai and how he'd changed my view on relationships for the better. We walked towards the small house where Erik, Chloe, and I lived. Erik was sitting outside enjoying the evening. Releasing Chloe's hand I hurried over to him. "Did Shepherd say anything about his date?" I asked. Erik ignored my question as he stood and pulled Chloe into a hug. First kissing her, then leaning down to talk to the baby in her stomach. "Come on Erik! Tell me something!" I begged.

Erik stood and turned to me. "I know you're curious, but this is something that Shepherd must decide on his own," he narrowed his eyes on me "I mean it Sam, leave it be," he said. Then took Chloe's hand and after a goodnight disappeared into their room.

The following day I spent the morning to early evening at the castle. I was walking back to the compound when I saw Shepherd walking out. Quickly making my way inside the walls I found Kole, James, and Rowen. "Where is Shepherd going?" I asked.

"He's having dinner with his lady friend," James smiled.

"Do we know anything?" I asked. Sighing as they all shook their heads. "That's it! I'm going to find out," I said.

"I thought Erik told you to leave it be," Rowen said, not even looking up from the card game he and the boys were playing.

"He said stop asking Shepherd. Never told me not to follow him. Do you guys want to come?" I asked.

The three looked around and shrugged their shoulders. "Sure," they said leaving their cards on the ground as they stood. We quickly made our way out of the compound as quietly as possible. Kole had overheard Shepherd telling Louis that he was going to take his mystery woman to Cordells for dinner. Cordells was one of the nicer places to eat in Jarrow, a sure sign that this was more than Shepherd was letting on.

Once we got to Cordell it only took us a moment to find Shepherd. He and his lady were seated at one of the outside tables. Unfortunately she had her back to us so we couldn't tell anything other than she had dark brown hair. "Guys... this may not be the best idea. I know I was the one that supplied us with the location... but if Erik catches us we're dead," Kole said nerveously.

James pulled Kole down and put a hand over his mouth. "He won't. No one saw us leave. We are going to get a quick look at the girl and be back at the compound before anyone even notices we are gone," he said. Rowen and I nodded in agreement.

"If we slide around the building there is that little wall to the left of the building that we could look over," Rowen said nodding to the wall he spoke of. Without words the four of us started to make our way around the building.

We made it to the wall and were slowly starting to peek over the wall when strong hands came down on all our shoulders. Being spun around we came face to face with each of our leading brothers and Erik. If looks could kill there would be no more apprentices. None of them said anything as they each kept a firm hand on our shoulders and headed us back to the compound. Turning my head to try and get one final chance at seeing Shepherd's girl, my heart froze. Then I tore from Benedict's grasp and started towards Shepherd.

"Sam!" Erik barked. "Get back here!" He ordered.

Ignoring the calls I started running towards Shepherd's table. Shocking both Shepherd and his lady I threw my arms around her. "Morgan!" 

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