Chapter Seven: We Can Send An Army

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"I get Rowen coming, as he knows the people and land, but why Nate?" Alakay asked. The list of who would be going to Nivetara had been shared and we were now sitting, discussing it.

"Trust me, that final spot was not an easy choice. In the end it came down to who knows La Fray. Nate was raised by him and knows him better than any of us. He will be able to help us understand where our uncle is and what his plan might be," I said.

"I still don't see why we can't go with Kole's plan. Why bother going with King Syrus when we could just charter our own ship and fill it with all the Dragons," James said. He and Kole had argued that they should go as well, with nods from a handful of other Dragons.

Nodding, I turned to him. "We did talk through that option. Maybe not all Dragons, but a ship of our own. In the end it came down to diplomacy. Although our main goal is finding La Fray, we are also trying to smooth things over with Nivetara. If we show up with a ship full of warriors, that sends the wrong message," I explained.

"Sam's right. We have gone down every path and each one is a dead end except the one we are on. I don't like it any more then you all, but Sam has come up with countless points of why this is the only way. As Dragons we must do all we can to support her. Not only is she family, but we must remember she is our queen, our very own Dragon Queen" Erik said, speaking for the first time from his spot beside Chloe.

"She isn't the same little girl that you took under your wings over three years ago. She has bloomed into a courageous and strong young woman," Chloe said, smiling up at me.

"And she's as red as a tomato now," Kole laughed as the compliments brought a blush to my cheeks.

I glared at him kicking dirt in his direction. "Yet another reason I'm leaving you lot behind!" I said shaking my head.

"You love us and you know it," Alakay said, leaping at me and pulling me close. I struggled in his arms, but he had me pinned. He laughed as he swung me around.

"Maybe I should take Luke instead of you," I said, steadying myself when he finally let me go.

He grinned, shaking his head. "May I remind you that he has been your enemy countless times! Like on our week long trial or the time he kidnapped me!"

"Or when he and I kidnapped you on your birthday," Rowen said laughing as he was shoved to the ground by Luke.

A week later, I groaned as I sat down for breakfast. "Morning obstacle course hit you that hard?" Rowen asked, sitting down beside me.

"Surprisingly it went pretty smooth. I'm just dreading having to go over to Alex's and telling him the plan," I explained.

Kole's eyes widened. "Wait! Alex doesn't know you are heading to Nivetara in two weeks?" he questioned.

Shaking my head, I sighed. "No, he doesn't. They were on a trip when all of this was decided. I'm spending the day with them and informing them of all that has happened," I said.

"Maybe if you eat really slowly you won't have to go," James teased as I pushed the food on my plate around.

"Maybe you should put yourself in my shoes and imagine telling your older, very protective brother, that you are heading to a forign country that currently doesn't like you and hunting down a man that wants you dead. Then seeing that it is the kindest and most gentleman-like offer to take my spot," I said.

James quickly shook his head. "Yeah, no thanks. Those aren't shoes I want to step into. You got those filled!" he said catching the roll that was aimed at his head. He grinned as he ate it.

"Yet another reason you are staying behind," I playfully glared.

"Auny Sam!" I was greeted as soon as I walked into the bakery. Grinning I held out my arms as Scarlett ran towards me.

"You are growing so fast!" I said, scooping her into my arms and swinging her around. She giggled as she leaned back in my arms. "Pretty soon you're going to have a sword in your hand and be running with the Dragon's."

Alexander chuckled, shaking his head. "Don't encourage her! She is only two and a half and already any stick or straight object in her hand is being wielded like a weapon."

Grinning, I walked over, snatching two cinnamon bread sticks off the tray he was transferring to the shelves. "Start them young!" I said, giggling as Scarlett started swinging hers around. He narrowed his eyes on me and slapped the back of my head.

"Alexander, stop abusing your sister," Amber said, walking out of the kitchen.

"Yeah, Alexander stop abusing your sister," I smirked, sticking my tongue out at him.

I spent the morning helping around the bakery. Laughing everytime Scarlett would grab an object and use it as a sword. It was shortly after lunch I knew that I needed to bring up my trip, but I was dreading it.

"Spit it out," Alexander said as the three of us sat behind the counters waiting for customers, while Scarlett napped nearby. My head snapped to where he was sitting. "I may not have spent your entire life with you, however, these past two years have been enough for me to figure out when you are wanting to say something, but keeping yourself quiet," he said.

Nodding I ran my hand through my hair. "Yeah, your right. There is something I need to talk to you guys about. You know how King Syrus is here?" I asked.

"Your first royal visitors since your coronation! We were so sad we weren't here to support you when they first arrived," Amber said smiling over at me.

"What happened?" Alexander asked. "Samantha, what happened?" he asked sitting up straighter when I didn't answer the first time.

Biting my lip, I looked between the two. "In two weeks my brothers, a group of knights and I will be joining King Syrus on a ship to Nivetara. We'll be working through the tension between our nations and finding La Fray," I said rubbing my neck.

"No!" Alexander said, standing to his feet. Amber glared at him as Scarlett stirred in her sleep. "What in the world are you thinking?" Alexander said, a bit quieter.

"I'm thinking that if we don't do something then our nations will be at war and La Fray will still be after my throne," I said, remaining calm.

Alexander shook his head. "This isn't the best option. There has to be another way. We can send someone to smooth things over. We can send an army," he said.

"Alexander, we've been through every option. Sending an army will just cause more conflict with Nivetara. I have to stop this," I said.

"No. You can stay here. I'll go. I'll smooth things over and end this," he said.

"No!" I said, standing up. "This is my kingdom and my people we are talking about. La Fray has taken one family from you, he has taken three from me! I will not let other people do what I should be doing," I said, stepping forward.

"You aren't prepared. You haven't been trained. You don't know Nivetara. How is this what's best? Your right, your people are here! You're going to risk your life, when others could go. Your people just found you," Alexander said.

My fist balled at my side. "I may not have grown up with formal training, but my father knew who I was and has been preparing me for this my entire life. I'm not a little girl anymore! I am not going in blindly. Every day Rowen and I have been spending hours talking about Nivetara and the culture. He is coming with me. He knows the land and the people," I said.

Alexander took a breath. "I'm sorry. I know you aren't a little girl. You are always going to be my little sister, though. You have thought through this all. I'll be by your side as you do this," he said.

Slowly shaking my head, I stepped towards him. "Not in the way you think. I need you here. I know you want to be with me, to protect me. I need to do this though. I will have my brothers and my knights with me. I need you here. If anything happens to me, the kingdom is in your hands," I said.

He didn't respond right away. Then without words pulled me into his arms and held me. For a moment I let myself relax into my brother's arms knowing that soon that comfort would be gone as I sailed to Nivetara.

When one is waiting for a friend to come visit or a holiday from training, two weeks seems to last for eternity. However, when preparing to sail across the sea to bring peace to your nation and find the man responsible for the death of your families, two weeks happens in the blink of an eye. I stood on the docks watching as the final crates were loaded onto King Syrus' ship. I felt a hand slide into mine and turned to see Nikolai standing beside me. "Why are you over here by yourself?" he asked.

Glancing to the left I saw my brothers, a handful of other Dragons, Chloe and Erik, Amber and Alexander, Isabella, Morgan, and a few others standing together. Taking a shaky breath, I shook my head. "I needed to breathe. To reassure myself one last time this is the right choice," I replied.

Nikolai nodded as he let go of my hand and pulled me to his side, with his arms wrapped around me and my head resting on his chest. "You are. I know a lot of us have questioned you and said we needed to go. However, over these past few weeks watching as you prepared we have all come to the same realization. You are prepared for what is to come. You have been raised for such a time as this," he said.

We spent a few more moments by ourselves before we walked back to our group. "Where's Rowen?" I asked, looking around seeing he was the only one missing. Alakay nodded a little further down the docks. Turning I saw Sparrow red in the face and arms flying as she tried one final time to convince Rowen she needed to come. He'd told me that every time he was with his mother and sister, at some point she would start in on how she needed to be part of this trip. Releasing Nikolai's hand I slowly approached. Rowen was kneeling, talking to her in a calm voice.

"I know you want to come. However, momma needs you here," Rowen said.

Sparrow quickly shook her head. "Momma will be fine! Please take me with you, don't leave me," she cried, tears streaking her face. Clearing my throat, I made myself known. Rowen stood while Sparrow ran to me, throwing her arms around my legs. "I promise to be a helper. Please let me come with you. I want to help," she said.

Sighing, I knelt down pulling her close. "I love your heart to stand up for others, Sparrow. I love that you want to come and help. However, as your brother and mother have said again and again, this is not your time. Just like my own brother and many others want to come, it is not their time either," I said.

Sparrow hiccuped as she tried to calm herself. "I don't take much room," she said quietly.

Smiling, I let a small laugh out. "No, you don't. However, our ship is full. We need to keep to a small party. Your place is here, with your momma. When things settle and I travel to Nivetara next time, you will be the first one I ask to join me," I said, smiling down at her.

She wiped her eyes. "Promise?" she asked.

Nodding, I slowly stood. "I promise. Now, can I have one more hug? Then I have to say my goodbyes to my own family," I said. She quickly obliged, giving me a tight hug before clinging back to her brother. I watched for a moment before turning to find Chloe one last time. Sighing, I wiped the tears from her face. "Chloe, it's going to be alright. I have an amazing group of men traveling with me. Once we clear up the tension with King Tathrow, we will have their support in stopping La Fray," I said, taking her hands.

She shook her head. "I just hate to see you leaving for so long without any way to know if you are okay," she said.

"We will be as quick as possible. King Syrus said it takes a little over two weeks to get there, another two or three weeks in the country and then the return trip. A month or two tops. I know that is a long time, but you will be a bit busy getting ready for this one," I said, smiling as I placed my hand on her belly. "This little one will be about ready to join the world when we get home," I grinned.

Chloe nodded as she pulled me in and held me tight. "I love you so much. I am so proud of the woman you have become," she whispered to me.

I swallowed as I felt the tears starting. "I love you too. I wouldn't be the woman I am today if it wasn't for you," I said. Releasing her, I turned to Erik. "Take care of her. These two mean the world to me," I said, with my hand on Chloe's belly.

Erik nodded. "I promise. They mean the world to me as well. And so do you," he said, pulling me into a hug. "You became family when you became a Dragon and through my marriage with Chloe you have become even more the little sister I always wanted. Take care of yourself and come home to us soon," he said.

At this point the tears were no longer hiding as I nodded holding tight to Erik for one more minute. "I love you too," I said with a smile. Erik laughed with a nod as I summarized what he had said in four words. Turning to Alexander I walked over. "It won't be long. I'll be home soon and will be excited to meet my newest family member," I said, smiling at Amber.

Alexander didn't say anything for a moment as he looked down at me. "You are an incredible young woman," he said softly. He gave me a hug and then turned me around for my final goodbye.

"Are you sure I can't convince you to let me come?" Nikolai asked, pulling me a few steps away.

Smiling sadly up at him, I nodded. "You promised me you'd be my reason to come home. You can't do that if you aren't here," I said, wrapping my arms around his waist. His arms held me tight as we remained silent until the captain of the ship called for us to load.

"I love you," Nikolai said, leaning down and kissing me one last time before releasing me to join my brothers.

As I stood at the stern I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. Looking up Benedict was by my side. Glancing to my left and right the rest of my brothers, Rowen, and Nate were standing with me. "We'll finish our task quickly and be back home before you know it," Benedict said, keeping his arm tightly around me until the docks and those we loved were out of sight.

It was the morning of our third day and we were informed that the weather may become a little rougher as we sailed out of the river and into Namili'mu Sea. "Have you thrown up yet?" Rowen asked as we stood at the bow of the ship.

Grinning, I shook my head. "I may not have been on a ship before, but so far I am leaving the sea-sickness to Alakay," I said, nodding to where Alakay was green in the face.

"Watch yourself or I'll be using your boots for a bowl," he said. Alakay had been sea-sick since day one and we weren't even on the sea yet. Rowen and I had taken to making bets on how many times a day he would be throwing up. When he found out about our bets he about threw us overboard.

The captain was right. The waves did increase as we started to move from river to sea. Alakay's skin tone had turned even paler and he had found a secure spot to hold onto as he threw up, again. The rain didn't help. As the waves crashed over the side of the ship the rain pelted us from above. "How long will this last?" I asked. Catching myself as the waves tried tossing us around.

"Once we get a bit further out things will calm down. Just hold tight and you'll be fine," King Syrus said, standing beside me.

As the waves continued to toss the ship I found my balance and could easily move around. It was a few hours into the storm that a small scream was heard from below, causing my brothers and I to freeze.

Bensen, the Quartermaster sighed, shaking his head. "A stowaway. They try to hide below. When a storm hits is usually when they are found out, the motions are a lot worse down below and the water seeps through," he explained. "Why don't you head down and help the men find who's trying to catch a ride this time," he nodded for us to follow a few of the sailors down below.

We quickly ran down the stairs and started to search. The sailors started on one end while Rowen, my brothers and I started at the other. A few minutes in a large wave tossed us and the scream came again. Rowen and I were standing in front of the door that it came from. He threw the door open to reveal a small, shivering mass huddle in the corner. The small body turned to us and I froze.

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