Chapter Six: Your Real!

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The following morning Erik and I were in the castle halls heading for the council chamber. Last night, I had stayed with Chloe even when my brothers had come to check on me. Sighing, I shook my head trying to find the strength I knew I would need.

"I'm right here, Sam," Erik said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Ruling is hardest when you try to do it alone," he said.

Nodding my head I gave him a slight smile. "As a Dragon, I'm never alone," I said.

He smiled down at me. "Right, never alone. Even when you want to be you're always going to be stuck with us," he chuckled.

My shoulders relaxed as he spoke. The Dragons had done more for me then I thought possible. They not only trained me, but gave me the family that I needed to make it through all that had been and was to come. "Sam!" I heard Nikolai call from behind. My shoulders tensed, not ready to face him.

"Why don't you go on ahead. I'll speak to Nikolai," Erik said, giving my shoulder a light squeeze.

"Don't kill him. We were both overwhelmed about the situation," I said, knowing that this is where the brotherly side of Erik kicked in.

Erik smiled. "Don't worry, Sam. I won't kill him. I'm just going to have a little chat. Head on in, I'll be right there," he said, gently shoving me towards the council chamber. He then turned and walked towards Nikolai.

I almost felt bad for Nikolai, almost. Taking a deep breath, I kept my eyes forward, pushed my shoulders back, and walked into the council chamber.

"So it's agreed. When my men and I travel for Nivetara the fifteen remaining spots will be filled by you and your men," King Syrus said after four hours of conversation.

"Yes, eight of those will be knights to keep up appearance for when we visit the royal family, the other six will be decided upon by Erik and myself," I said, knowing that it would be Dragons who would be going. Sir Gregory went to question the plan again but was silenced by my look. "Thank you, King Syrus for your generous offer and thank you to the rest of you for working with us to find a plan to bring peace back to Auroja," I said. "We will meet again to finalize plans once we know who is going. Sir Gregory, please get a list to me by the end of tomorrow with the eight knights that will be accompanying us," I said, not waiting for him to respond before standing. "Thank you for your loyalty and time," I said. Those around the table stood and bowed their heads with echoes of "your majesty." Then I turned and walked out of the room.

Erik and I were walking back through the halls when Nikolai appeared. I went to turn around and walk the other way, but Erik blocked my exit. "Listen to him. I'll see you in a half hour at the compound," he said. Looking at Erik with betrayal, I glared at him as he turned me around. "Remember, you hurt her, you face the Dragons," he said, then turned and walked away.

Neither of us said anything for a bit. I couldn't meet his eyes. I knew he was waiting for me to look at him, to respond to his presence, but I wasn't ready. With my eyes to the ground I saw his feet slowly moving towards me. Then I felt his hand reach out and take mine, I didn't pull away, but I didn't respond either.

"Sam, look at me," Nikolai pleaded. Slowly I looked up trying to keep my emotions at bay, but with Nikolai very little was hidden. He sighed as he moved closer. "I'm sorry, Sam. I messed up yesterday. You already had a lot on your plate and my yelling didn't help," he said. He waited for me to say something, but I remained silent. "It's not that I don't trust you in going, especially with the Dragons," he said, taking my hand and looking at my ring. "It's just you aren't only the queen, but my fiancée. I don't want to lose you," he said.

"Nikolai, that's why I have to do this. If I don't, La Fray will never stop coming after me. If you want to keep me safe, then you have to let me go," I said quietly, tears starting to fall.

"Then take me with you. I can fight, I can protect you," he said taking both my hands in his.

Smiling sadly, I shook my head. "No. I need you here. I need you to keep those we love safe. I need to have a reason to come home," I said slowly, taking one of my hands and placing it on his cheek. "Be my reason."

"I don't like this. However, if this is what you think is best, I will be waiting here for you. Don't take too long," he said, pulling me close. "I hear there is a royal wedding coming up and I was hoping you'd be my date."

Laughing I leaned into him, letting his arms be my comfort and security for the little time we had together.

As I walked back to the compound I felt lighter. The task ahead still loomed and weighed me down, but now with Nikolai supporting me and being a reason to come home I knew I could do this.

"Sam, I was hoping I'd find you. Your brothers said you were still at the castle," a voice called from ahead of me.

Looking up a smile crossed my face. "Aaron!" I said running to him. I threw my arms around him and sighed leaning into him.

Aaron hugged me back laughing at my reaction. "I haven't been gone that long. Why the large welcome?" he asked with a smirk.

Releasing him I stepped back. "Because you are a sense of normalcy. You may not have been gone long, but a lot has happened," I said, then gasped. "Come with me!" I said, grabbing his hand and running through the streets ignoring his questions. I stopped in front of Morgan's house, a smile hurting my face. "Go ahead, knock," I said, pushing him forward.

"Sam, whose house is this?" he asked. Ignoring his question, I reached around and knocked for him, then stepped to the side. When the door opened Morgan gasped and threw her arms around Aaron, who still hadn't had time to comprehend what was happening.

"Aaron!" Morgan cried, tears streaking her face as she reluctantly let go of him and took a step back. "We're together again," she said, grabbing his hand and mine.

Aaron stood frozen, staring at Morgan. His hand slowly reached out and touched her cheek. "Your real," he whispered.

Morgan and I grinned as we nodded. "We just found each other the other night. She's dating Shepherd!" I exclaimed.

Morgan blushed, quickly shaking her head. "We aren't dating! Just getting to know one another," she defended.

It was my turn to gasp as I looked at the sky. "I would love to stay and be with you two, but Erik will have my head if I'm not back soon. Come to the compound tomorrow morning and we'll spend time together," I said, quickly hugging the two before jogging back to the compound. I quickly found Erik sitting with Chloe outside watching as a few of the Dragon's were practicing sword drills.

"You're late," Erik said, narrowing his eyes on me.

"I'm so sorry, Erik! I was heading back and would have been on time, but I ran into Aaron! Then I remembered Morgan was in town and had to reunite the three of us," I pleaded my case.

Erik crossed his arms. "You were given a time frame. You are expected to follow that. It doesn't matter what or who you run into," he said. "Ow!" he exclaimed as Chloe smacked his shoulder.

"Take off your general hat for a moment. Those three have been best friends since before they could crawl. They thought each other dead for years. Let Sam go spend the night with her friends," Chloe said.

Erik turned to his wife. "Chloe, I understand that. However, Sam is also a Dragon and must obey the rules set before her," he said.

Chloe held Erik's gaze for a moment before turning to me. "Sam, go find your brothers. Get some training in. Come back in a half hour. Erik and I need to talk," she said.

Nodding, I quickly took off. Erik may be the general, but Chloe was who I was scared of. I found my brothers practicing hand to hand combat. After a half hour, I returned to where Erik and Chloe sat.

"Erik has agreed to let you go spend the night with Morgan and Aaron. Be back before breakfast in the morning," Chloe said, as I stood in front of them.

"Really?" I asked, turning to look at Erik.

He nodded. "Yes, your sister can be quite persuasive when she sets her mind to it. I am not going to tolerate excuses tomorrow though. We have a lot to discuss, so I expect to see you before breakfast is served," he said.

"Yes sir! Thank you!" I said hugging them both before running back to Morgan's.

"We're doomed," Alakay said as Aaron, Morgan and I walked into the compound the following morning. "One is bad enough. I've heard tales of the three of you together, two of you have to go," he said. He walked over and pulled Morgan to his side. "I like this one, you two have to leave," he said.

"I believe she is already spoken for," I said, glancing to where Shepherd was walking towards us.

Alakay waved his hand in the air. "That won't be a problem. He can leave with you two," he grinned.

"I'm pretty sure if Sam leaves, Erik will have your head. She's supposed to be back before breakfast," Aaron defended.

"And I don't fancy the cocky type," Morgan said, pushing herself away from Alakay whose mouth hung open.

"Now before I get in more trouble, we're going to find Erik," I said, grabbing my friends hands and pulling them into the house. "Darling, I'm home!" I called.

Erik shook his head walking out of his study. "I said you were to be here before breakfast, not all three of you," he said.

"What can I say? Stray pets just follow me wherever I go. I promise they're house trained. Can we keep them?" I asked.

"We aren't the pets!" they cried together.

"Oh goodness, not this argument again," Chloe said, walking in from the sitting area. The three of us grinned.

"I'd love to stay and cause trouble, but I need to pick up supplies and get back on the road," Aaron said. He turned to me, his face turning serious. "Promise me you'll send word as soon as your home," he said.

I nodded. Last night I had informed them of the plan to go to Nivetara. Neither liked it at first, but quickly saw the logic. "I promise. You'll be the first one I send word to when my feet touch shore," I said.

"As soon as she comes to her sister that is," Chloe interjected.

Smiling, I nodded. "Yes, as soon as I hug Chloe..."

"And kiss Nikolai. She'll need to do that as well," Morgan interrupted with a smile.

Shaking my head, I pulled Aaron close. "As soon as I get a moment to myself I will send word. Then you and the girls will come up for a celebration," I said.

He sighed and hugged me one more time. "Be safe. I know you can look after yourself, but you'll be in new territory," he said.

"I promise. Plus, I was told there is a wedding coming up and I already told Nikolai I'd be his date," I grinned.

Aaron shook his head. "Sounds like you are coming back whether you want to or not." We then said our goodbyes and he escorted Morgan out of the compound.

Erik motioned for me to follow him back to his study. It was time that we finalized who would be joining me when I headed for Nivetara. 

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