Chapter Twenty-Eight: Bittersweet is a Good Word for Today

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Almost a week later I found myself in the castle gardens with Chloe and Isabella. I had been meeting with Nigal and Jone nearly every day since we were reunited. Today I had come a little early to spend some much needed time with Chloe and Isabella.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I do seem to recall asking a certain young lady if she would join me on a ride along the lake," Erik's voice asked. Turning he was now standing beside Isabella.

"Oh Erik! I'm honored. Although I think a certain lady of mine would be quite jealous if I accepted," Isabella smirked.

Erik shook his head as he ignored Isabella's comment and walked over. "Would it be alright if I kidnapped your sister for a few hours?" he asked, smiling at me.

The look in his eye reminded me of our conversation last night and how today would be the day he was going to propose to Chloe. Smiling, I released Chloe's hand and nodded. "Yeah, I think a kidnapping would be just fine," I grinned.

Erik chuckled as he took the hand that I had just released. "Then this is me kidnapping you," he smiled sweetly down at Chloe and pulled her away.

"So... what aren't you telling me?" Isabella asked sauntering over to stand beside me.

Raising an eyebrow I looked at her. "Um... that I have a meeting with Nigal and Jone that I will be late for if I don't go now," I said walking back into the castle.

"Samantha!" Isabella called chasing after me. "You cannot just walk away and not tell me what that was about! I saw the look that you and Erik passed," she said and then gasped. "Wait! He is going to propose!" she cried then glared at me. "Did you not tell him that he had to get my approval first?" she asked.

"I did. He informed me last night that he had spoken to your father and he had given his permission," I laughed as she scoffed.

"Father? What does he matter?" Isabella asked.

"Well currently he is king. So although she is your lady in waiting it is his choice. Plus, Erik was scared of you," I said.

Isabeall grinned and nodded. "At least he knows where the real threat is. Now, if you don't hurry you're going to be late for your meeting," she said, shoving me towards the castle entrance.

After our meeting I found my way to the library. Sighing, I fell into the large chair in front of the picture. "Did you know ruling was this complicated?" I asked looking up at my parents. "In less than two months I'll be announcing to Jarrow who I am and then a week later we'll be having my official coronation," I said, pulling my knees up to my chest and resting my chin on them. "Little by little I'm getting used to the idea, but there are times I'm not sure I am cut out for this," I said.

"And each time I see you I know that you are ready for this," Chloe said smiling as I gasped and turned to her. "And for once I scared you," she laughed, sliding into the chair beside me. "Back to the original topic at hand. You have been raised for this. Papa and Momma raised you knowing that someday you would be taking your rightful place on the throne. Watching you over these past few years I've seen you mature into the young woman that this country needs. You are going to lead Aurjoa into greatness," she said, wrapping her arms around me.

Sighing, I leaned into her. Silently the two of us sat listening to the noise of the castle. I gasped, sitting up. "Chloe! Enough about me. How was your ride?" I asked. Chloe laughed. A blush coming to her face. She slowly brought up her hand and showed me the simple yet elegant ring that now rested on her finger. I squealed, throwing my arms around her. "I'm so happy for you," I said.

Chloe smiled. "Thank you, Sam," she said. "Erik told me how worried you were and protective, said you were kind of scary."

Raising my eyebrows in surprise. "Me? Scary? I thought he was scared of asking Isabella," I said, shaking my head.

Chloe shook her head. "No, he had no real concern asking King Philip or telling Isabella. His concern was you. He knows how close we are and was terrified of what you would say," she said, pulling me back so we were reclining in the chair.

"He is the one that is going to make you happy, isn't he?" I asked.

Chloe nodded looking down at her ring. "Yes, he makes my heart flutter and just thinking about our life together gives me great joy," she said.

A month and a half later, I was standing watching as the veil was placed into Chloe's hair. A tear slipped from my eye as my hand came up to my mouth. "Oh, Chloe," I said walking forward and admiring how beautiful Chloe looked dolled up for her wedding.

Chloe's face had matching tears as she reached out and took my hands. "I've imagined this day since I was a child. It's almost everything I dreamed of," she said.

Tightening my hold on her hands I pulled her close so we were toe to toe. "You are the most beautiful bride I've ever seen and papa and momma would be so proud. They are smiling down on you right now," I whispered.

She nodded, blinking back her tears. There was a knock on the door and Isabella slid in. "Oh, Chloe! You are beautiful," she said gushing over Chloe, causing her to blush. "Erik and the rest of the party have arrived," she said. Nodding our thanks, Isabella slipped back out leaving us alone for one last moment.

"Shall we?" I asked, putting out my arm.

Chloe smiled and slipped her arm through mine. We walked into the castle courtyard where the wedding party had gathered. Erik's eyes grew wide as he saw Chloe walking towards him. "Chloe," he said in awe. She ducked her head blushing.

"Promise me you'll treat her right?" I asked, narrowing my eyes on Erik.

He straightened and turned to me. "I will treat her like the queen she is," he said. "She will never be in want and always protected."

Nodding, I took her hand and placed it in his. "Then with my blessing, let the wedding procession begin," I said. I watched for a moment as Erik and Chloe stared into each other's eyes before they moved into position behind the minstrels. With a shaky breath I took my horse from the stable boy and mounted. As we waited for everyone to fall in line I thought back to the conversation I had with Erik and Chloe. They had asked me to ride in the place of the best man. Normally that would go to the best swordsmen and best friend of the groom. This was the role of protector, some brides were kidnapped and this position looked out for them as they walked. I had argued that I wasn't fit, but as I sat watching the two I was glad they convinced me. Knowing that whatever happened, Chloe was now going to be taken care of eased my mind. Glancing back I saw Orion and Erik's three closest Dragon brothers standing in the place of his family. Smiling, I noticed that Nate was in the position of the bride's family. Chloe had asked him to walk in the procession and since he was my family she wanted him to be hers, at first he had declined saying he wasn't her family. I also knew it was still hard for him.

Soon the procession was underway. Small crowds of people stopped to watch as we made our way to the church where the ceremony would take place.

The wedding was beautiful. Chloe glowed with beauty and joy as she stood beside Erik who was glowing almost as much.

"How are you holding up?" Orion asked, walking up to me as the celebration of feast and dance continued. Raising an eyebrow I questioned him. "Until a few short months ago Chloe was the only family you knew. Marriage is a time of great celebration, but also change. Although Erik will continue in his duties much the same for me it is a bittersweet moment. My wife died when he was just twelve years old. She made me promise that I wouldn't let him give up on love for fear of losing that person," he said.

My eyes widened slightly at the insight that was given. The Dragons knew that Orion's wife had died years ago, but she was talked of little. Taking a shaky breath I responded. "Bittersweet is a good word for today. Chloe talked nonstop about her wedding growing up. She had every detail planned out. Her and momma would spend hours talking about it all. To have this day without them is hard. However, seeing Chloe's joy as she is with Erik reminds me that life moves forward no matter the unforeseen changes. I am glad that Erik is one of those unforeseen changes. She had her eyes set on one of the village boys and..." I shuttered thinking of the boy "...Erik is so much better then Ferdinand," I said.

Orion laughed, dropping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close. "Well I am glad that you approve of Erik more than you did of Ferdinand. Now, before your prince comes back for you may I have this dance?" he asked, twirling me around to stand in front of him. 

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