Chapter Twenty-Nine: Your Hope Was Not in Vain

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"I vote to cancel training tomorrow. It's Sam's birthday after all," Kole said, as the four Dragon groups with apprentices lay stretching after a mock battle against one another. It had been a month since Erik and Chloe's wedding.

Brooks, Kole's lieutenant, walked by and smacked him on the back of his head. "If we cancel training for every Dragon's birthday then we will miss over a month of training each year," he said.

"Then how about you just let us apprentices off for a few hours to celebrate. I mean Sam should get at least some time that is about her, she hasn't really got to celebrate her last two birthdays," James argued.

James' lieutenant, Pierson, shook his head. "How about you apprentices quit complaining and trying to find ways out of training when you could use every moment you can get," he said.

James glared at his brother. "Are you saying we aren't improving?" he challenged. Kole, Rowen, and I joined in with encouraging words and head nods.

"Oh no," Luke, who led Rowen's brothers, spoke up shaking his head. "You all are improving day by day. However, if we want to avoid any incidents like this morning you all need as much training as you can get," he smirked.

We stopped short and dropped our heads. We had done a four against four battle. The apprentices against their lieutenants We got our rears handed to us.

"However, tomorrow's training will look slightly different. We are going to have a Dragon's training session outside of the city. Each Dragon group will be participating in a challenge of strength and mind," Benedict said. The four of us quickly turned to him. "Orion informed us that we will each be getting a letter to protect and in that letter will tell us which Dragon group has our key to victory. We are going to head to Carters Clearing after breakfast tomorrow," he said, bringing grins to our faces. Anything to get out of the everyday routine was a cause for excitement.

The following morning we were making our way to the clearing. "I hope whatever that letter says that I get to take out Luke," I said as I walked beside the other apprentices.

Luke glanced back over his shoulder. "Again I was just following orders!" he smirked.

Glaring playfully at him I shook my head. "I don't care. You nearly gave me a heart attack when I took off your mask," I said. James, Kole, and Rowen laughed, causing me to glare at them as well. "Just wait until it's your turn! You'll hate whoever Orion puts you up against," I said. As we neared the clearing we split into our brother groups. We each had instructions of our starting point. Our group was on this side of the clearing so we wouldn't even make it to the clearing until the drill started. We came to our spot and sat waiting for the time to begin.

"When the time starts we are going to send you out as the scout Sam. You're the best at unseen movement out of us. We'll hang back and fortify our location while you figure out where our target is," Benedict said, holding the sealed envelope that couldn't be opened yet. As soon as the time came Benedict ripped open the envelope and pulled the card out. He grinned as he looked up at me. "Looks like you got your wish, Sam. Our key to victory lies within Luke's envelope," he said.

A grin spread across my face as I nodded my head. "Well then, I should get going. We have a traitor to eliminate," I said standing. With a few short words I moved out. I wasn't far from the clearing when a bag came down over my head.

"Looks like it's me who got the revenge. I still have a scratch from where your sword came too close to my face," Luke's voice said.

"You know you aren't doing anything to gain back my favor," I said struggling in his grasp. Unfortunately he wasn't the only one holding me. "Who else am I gonna kill? Miles? Chandler? Ares?" I asked as I named his brothers. However, the chuckle that followed wasn't any of theirs. "Really, Rowen? I thought we were friends!" I said.

"We are. I just really like winning," Rowen said. "Now, walk," he said, giving my shoulders a little shove.

"I'll have you put in the stocks for this!" I said as I stumbled over some tree roots. Rowen's arm steadied me.

"Jarrow doesn't even have stocks," Rowen said, guiding me through the trees. We hadn't walked for long when I felt the sun hit my face letting me know that we were walking into the clearing and out of the shade of the trees.

"I'm not sure why you think kidnapping me is a good idea. I will make a terrible hostage. The food will never be up to my standards and I will let it be known," I said as we walked. Neither responded verbally, they just laughed. Sighing, I fell silent trying to figure out a way out of this. After a few more steps I felt the bag slide from my head. Raising my hands to my eyes I shielded them from the sun, blinking to regain sight. When I did, what I saw was not what I was expecting. Standing in front of me were all the Dragons, Alexander, Amber holding Scarlett, Nate, Chloe, Nigel, Jone, Isabella, Nikolai, and Sparrow.

"Happy birthday, Sam!" they all called out. Sparrow broke from the line of people and ran at me jumping into my arms.

"Isn't this great? We made a surprise party just for you," she said, her arms around my neck.

Smiling down at Sparrow, I walked towards the group of people. As soon as we were near Sparrow jumped from my arms and ran to where Rowen's Dragon brothers stood. She quickly climbed up Ares' back and sat atop his shoulders. "You all did this for me? The whole drill was a ploy?" I asked, looking around.

Chloe walked forward nodding. "Yes, the boys," Chloe said, indicating James, Kole, and Rowen. "Came to Erik and I a few days ago. They thought that since your past two birthdays have been lacking in celebration that it was time you got a good one," she said, pulling me in for a hug. "And we fully agreed. Happy birthday, Sam," she said, releasing me.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in the clearing. Chloe, Jone, and Amber had whipped up a picnic for the celebration. Erik and a few of the Dragons had brought our bocce and bowling sets. Laughter filled the clearing as friends sat talking and enjoying their time together.

"I have something for you," Nikolai said, pulling me aside. He reached into his satchel and retrieved an elegant black box. Taking my hands he placed the box in them.

Raising an eyebrow I slowly opened the box and gasped. "Nikolai! This is too much," I said looking down at the jewelry in the box. The necklace was silver with diamonds sparkling all around and ruby teardrops falling down occasionally and looking closer I saw matching earrings.

Nikolai smiled. "It's not too much. I wanted to give it to you. I know that soon you will come into more jewelry than you can imagine. I was hoping that this would be a good start to your collection," he said leaning in and kissing my cheek. "Happy birthday, Sam," he said softly.

"Two weeks! We only have two weeks left to whip you into shape," Nigel said as he, Jone, and I sat in the library going over what I would need to know when I took my place.

"Two weeks until we announce that I am alive. It's not the coronation!" I said, my head falling to the table with a heavy sigh.

Nigel shook his head. "That's only a month and a half away! Most coronations are planned for a year if not more! So we only have three months to get everything done," he shot back.

Jone put a gentle hand on my back. "Sweetie, it's going to be okay," she said as she started to rub my back. "Take a breath. I know Nigel is getting a little excited, but we've been waiting a long time for this," she said.

Sighing, I slowly sat up. Trying to blow the hair from my face I gave up and ran my hand through it sending the strands in multiple directions. "Okay, yeah... it's going to be okay," I said, trying to encourage myself. "Why people fight over being king or queen is beyond me," I said, smiling a little. Turning my attention to Nigel, I straightened up in my chair. "What's next?" I asked. There was a knock on the door. Nigel held up his hand telling me to wait while he strolled over and opened the door. Once he saw who it was he opened it a little further and in walked Nikolai followed by a few servants with plates of food. "It's well past lunch and not time for dinner... what's going on?" I asked.

"As the queen you will be expected to host and attend many balls, festivals, dinners, teas, and celebrations. All of which include dining and dancing. You have had a handful of experiences, but most of that has been as a Dragon. Today we will work on the more elegant nature of dining and dancing. Nikolai has agreed to assist as it seems he will be frequently by your side at many of these upcoming events," Nigel said, as Jone instructed the servants where to place all the food.

"I know how to dance... and eat... what more could there be?" I asked hesitantly. My heart sank a little at the look that Nikolai gave me. "A lot... there is a lot for me to learn," I said.

Nikolai walked over and pulled me to my feet. "Yes, and with the help of Nigel, Jone and myself we will make you the envy of every hostess out there," he said.

"No!" Nigel cried, startling me and causing me to drop the fork that I was holding. "You never discuss Moshad with a Nivetarian," he said, shaking his head.

I held up my hands. "I know, I know, I know," I groaned. Running my hand through my hair I then picked up my fork. "Nivetara and Moshad have been at war for multiple years. If I am hosting Nivetarian dignitary that is one subject I should never bring up," I said speaking of Nivetara to our east and Moshad to our south.

"Talk to them about their horses," Nikolai encouraged, smiling at me.. "Nivetarians love talking about their horses as they have the finest in all the countries around," he said.

Nodding I took a deep breath and straightened up. "Shall we start again?" I asked.

"From the top," Jone said from her place at the other end of the table. "I want to see the way you greet a Nivetarian dignitary and invite them to dine with you," she said, motioning for us to stand.

We worked on dining for at least two more hours before Nigel and Jone said that I had improved enough for today. Sighing, I leaned back in my chair dropping my napkin onto the table. "Thank you!" I said.

Jone smiled and shook her head. "Don't thank me yet. We still have dances to learn! You may know Aurojain dances, but a queen must know a little bit of dancing from each country and major city around," she said, moving to an open area where we would practice the dances.

Two weeks later I stood pacing the library floor. I stopped for the hundredth time below my family portrait. "It's happening, in just a few minutes I will no longer just be Sam," I said looking at the image of my parents. The door opened and I turned to see Alexander walk in. He crossed the floor and stood beside me.

"They have two more songs before King Philip makes his annual speech," Alexander said.

My heart stopped at the comment. The past three days had been the annual celebration and memorial of the first attack. We were currently at the final ball. Each year anyone was welcome to join the ball and at the end King Philip would give a speech honoring those who lost their lives and remembering the royal family. This year's final speech would be slightly different. An hour ago I had slipped from the celebration and changed into a dress that had been specially made for tonight. My hand slowly reached up to the necklace around my neck. It was the one that Nikolai had given me for my birthday. At the end of King Philip's speech he would be announcing that the peoples' hope had not been in vain.

Alexander and I stood silently side by side for a few moments longer before making our way through the halls to wait near the staircase. Alexander took my arm in his. "Tonight is the beginning of a new adventure," he smiled down at me.

Soon the royal family was walking up the stairs to the speech platform to the right of the staircase. Nikolai caught my eyes and smiled.

"People of Aurjoa! We have had three days of celebration and remembering. Fifteen years ago our world was thrown upside down. Aurjoa was a peaceful country run by an amazing leader, King Antonio. The night that La Fray attacked we lost more than our King and Queen, we lost hope. When my family and I came in after removing La Fray from power, we saw a country that had banded together and found hope and worked hard to feed the flame. Each year we gather to remember those we lost, but also hope that the stories of Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Scarlett's escape are more than just stories," King Philip said addressing the people, but his eyes landed on Alexander and I at the last sentence. "For many the hope of our princess still being alive is strong, for others it has started to fade, and for some the fire has extinguished altogether. My people, it is with the greatest joy that I can stand before you today saying your hope was not in vain," he said, pausing as the whispers rose. "It is with the highest honor that I introduce you to Prince Alexander and the no longer hidden princess, Crown Princess Scarlett of Auroja," he said.

With my head held high, I walked beside Alexander and stood beside King Philip. Tears were already running down my cheeks as I looked out at my people.

"People of Auroja. Fifteen years ago with the help of two of the loyalist people I know Princess Scarlett and I escaped our death. Knowing we were not out of danger we separated, planning to reunite when my sister was fourteen years old and return to you soon after. However, La Fray caught word of where Princess Scarlett was and sought to destroy her. Until a few months ago I too had lost hope. However, as you can see my sister is a survivor," Alexander said, the crowd erupting in cheers. "Say something," he whispered to me, taking a step back.

With a deep breath I walked to the ledge. "Friends, family! Many of you recognize me as Sam, the Dragon. Until my cousin reunited me with the brother I never knew I had, that too was what I thought. As a child the stories of the hidden princess circulated. My friends and I took hope in the stories as well, but never once did I think that those stories were mine. Never once did I consider that I was more than just a village girl," I paused, finding the people that had brought me to this place.

First my attention came to Aaron and the girls; the boy that sided with me in disgust at wanting to be a royal as a child and the girls who pretended they were princesses. My eyes traveled to Andrew and his family, without them hope would have been lost for all. Next, came the Dragons. A childhood dream fulfilled and exceeded. Friendships that would never die and bonds forged that strengthened me. Then turning I looked at the royal family. The family that saved my country and became family to me; a best friend found in Isabella, and Nikolai, the boy that stole my heart. Turning back to the crowd I saw Nate standing beside Nigel and Jone. The couple that literally saved my life and the first blood relative I ever knew, the one that brought me to my brother. My eyes then found Amber holding a squealing baby girl, a smile tugged at my lips. Finally my eyes landed on Chloe, her face covered in tears. The one person that I could always count on. The one that tried to teach me to be a proper young lady, then helped me process that I have more family and that I am not just Sam.

Smiling at Alexander for a moment I turned back to the crowd. "I was terrified when I learned that I was the hidden princess. All I knew about running a country was that it is a task that a sixteen year old shouldn't have to consider. However, with the people that I now call friends, I know that together we can push Auroja into even great things. Today I stand before you saying that your hope was not in vain. I am the hidden princess, Crown Princess Scarlett of Aurjoa, and I am home." 

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