Chapter 3- The Letter

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Rhyd sits me down on a couch in front of his fireplace and takes a seat next to me. He watches expectantly as I break the seal.

"Do you have any idea what this could be, Ari?" I shake my head, opening the letter. It looks like an invitation, but why on earth would we have one? My eyes widen as I read. "What? What is it??" Rhyd tries to take the letter out of my hands, but I hold it out of his reach. No. This cannot be right.

"Mother and Father are hosting a ball. Here in London. That's when we will be presented to the press." Rhydian pales.

"Well, who's going to be there?" I scanned the letter once more. Why are they doing this? Our country does not need to be in the press. That is merely asking for trouble and the possibility for secrets about our country to be revealed...

"We may invite our close friends... Royalty will be there..." It was my turn to pale. "The announcement will be televised." Rhyd snatches the letter from my hand.

"Televised?! When is this?!"

"Precisely when Mother and Father told us the press would be allowed to interview us. In three weeks." The wheels slowly begin to turn in my head as I attempt to come up with a plan to keep some freedom throughout this entire ordeal. We have even less to be to be out of the royal agenda, now. I need to give Rhyd the freedom he's been craving. So, should we do a prank? No... this will all be televised. That would just make the royal family look bad... Rhyd looks over to me and instantly recognizes the look in my eyes.

"Oh, no you don't! We cannot be planning antics for this ball!"

"It wouldn't be anything major! I would hardly call my idea 'antics'." I protest, "We could do something small... like... like dying our hair!"

"Dying our hair?! That is your idea of rebellion?! We don't need to something like that!" Rhyd exclaims while running a hand through his hair in exasperation, "One, Mother will be absolutely furious with us for doing so. Two, everyone will notice! Three, this is not even to your caliber. It is beneath you to do something so small-scale." I sigh and lean back, ignoring his attempt to throw me off, scanning the letter once again..

"Really Rhydian! Nothing major! Just a tinge blonder...?" He doesn't look convinced. "Please??" Running a hand through his hair once again, Rhydian gives up.

"We have to ask." I am out of my seat in seconds, ready to set this plan into action before Rhyd can change his mind.

"Marvelous!" I exclaim, "I shall go ask Uncle Jarvis immediately!" I hastily exit Rhyd's room, not allowing him even a second to protest.


Why did I agree?! Dying my hair? It's not like we're actually going to do such a rash idea. Even Uncle Jarvis would put his foot down with her plan. After a few minutes, my door is flung open to reveal Aria.

"Decide how blonde you would like your hair to be, Brother!" She closes my door grinning like a mad woman. He didn't.... He- he couldn't have!

"He did not agree!" I exclaim, standing quickly in shock. Ari merely smirks at my outburst.

"He did, too, agree! He said— and I quote: 'Well, as long as you don't do anything drastic, I don't see why not. You father shouldn't have a problem with that.' Then he proceeded to call Father— Mother was at a dress fitting— and got permission! Of course, Aunt Ingrid is not around to protest, so on our way home tomorrow, we have an appointment!" I dread the coming day immediately after her words.

"And what are you having done?"

"I shall have it ombre dyed!" Confusion flickers across my face.

"Ombre? What in the world are you going on abou—" I get cut off as she holds her phone out to me.

"Here. It shall look like this!" I briefly glance at the screen where a picture was.

"Why make such a complicated name for it? It's merely your hair with the ends blonde. You won't ever be allowed to go through with that!" I look up at her, still unconvinced of this entire idea of hers. You have that look on your face, Ari. I shouldn't even bother asking, but "... What?"

"Oh, dear, dear Brother. They won't be able to do anything about it. Magic. Seal." She chirps, lightly clasping her hands together as she speaks. Oh dear... Her plan is going to land us in incredibly hot water with Mother.

"No, Aria."

"Why not?!" She whines. I sigh.

"Ari, we're royalty. Doing such things on a whim is not acceptable! If we were normal civilians like our friends at school, it would be a different story. I may not have magic like you, but I also share the same responsibility as you for our people back home."

"I don't see how that is an issue for them. Why would it make a difference?!" She groans, crossing her arms. I look her in the eye, searching for a way to get her to back down, but find none.

"There's no way for me to win this argument, huh?" Ari grins smugly.

"Not at all, Brother!" I roll my eyes. "Prepare yourself, Rhyd! Enjoy the freedom while you have it!"

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