Chapter 4 - Enjoy the Freedom!

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Rhydian P.O.V.


        Aria's little "Enjoy the freedom!" hasn't lasted long. We're still going along with her rash hair idea- although we have a couple people joining us...

        "Rhyd! Hey, Rhydian!" I look up from my spot at the lunch table next to Ari to find my friend Sam walking over. He sits across from us and leans in close. "Okay, why have those guys by the door been trailing you two all day? Why hasn't admin called the police?!" I frown a bit, surprised at his forwardness while Aria smirks. She leans forward as well, closing the space between them.

        "If you must know, dear Sam, it was the deal made so we would not be put in the Witness Protection Program." Sam pales. Ari sits back with a laugh. "And you fell for it. The real reason is that our parents did not think that we were safe enough. So they hired help." It's my turn to pale, and I dearly hope nothing goes wrong. Why did you say that, Aria?! Sam turns to me.

        "Is she telling the truth, Rhyd?!" I sigh and nod. "Wow - what kind of parents do you have?! Must have a lot of money. They're acting like you two are in line for the throne or something!" Aria and I freeze as Sam starts to laugh. "Well, at least I know I don't need to worry about you two!" I force a smile and nod.

        "You needn't worry at all."


End of School, Aria P.O.V.


        It's time! It's happening!

        "What has you so spaced out, Aria?" I look over at my friends, Max and Alice. I smile nervously.

        "Sorry, I- well..." I trail off and Max stares me down for a few moments.

        "It's more that that one thing. But what's the thing you want to tell us?" He immediately sees right through me. Oh dear...

        "It's nothing major, Max. Rhydian and I are simply... having our hair coloured today...?" Both of their jaws drop.

        "You and Rhyd. Colouring your hair?! You two are, like, the perfect people!" I grimace at Alice's use of 'perfect'. "You two have no reason to do that!" I sigh.

        "We wanted to do something new." I open my locker to get my books. Alice sighs.

        "You better send pictures!" Max nods in agreement.

        "No promises." I smirk. "You might just have to wait oh-so-long until tomorrow" I say, winking. "I need to go meet Rhydian, though. Bye!" I close my locker and quickly make my way out to the car where Rhydian waits, my bodyguard trailing me all the while.

"Aria, why must we do this?" I roll my eyes as I slide into the passenger's seat, both mine and Rhydian's bodyguards getting in the car next to us.

        "Because we can.. Are you 'wimping' out?" Rhyd's face hardens in a small frown.


        "Then there's no reason to worry!" I glance at the radio for the time. "Now, let's get going. We don't want to be late!"


2 hours later, Aria P.O.V.


        Whoah... I run my hand through my hair, in awe that part of it is really blonde. I look over to Rhyd, where they're styling his now blondish hair,

        "It looks great, Rhyd!" His only response is a hard glare at me until seconds later, when he does a double-take.

        "Aria, Mother and Father and Aunt Ingrid will have a heart attack when they see you." I smirk and look back to the mirror, still playing with my hair.

        "Well, I like it. I like it better than before, if I do say so myself." Rhyd shakes his head as he stands, the hairdressers now finished with him. Mine finishes a few minutes later.

        I pay for both mine and his appointments, then Rhyd leads me across the street to a cafe, the bodyguards lurking behind silently. Once inside, we find a quiet corner to talk and snack at. A waitress drops by to take our orders, and we are then left to our own simple silence.

        "Are you ready for all of this, Ari?" Rhyd says, breaking the silence. I sigh and lean back in the old wooden chair I'm in.

        "...No. I'm not. Not at all." I look out the window, try to find words- but fail. "I didn't want to go back to all of that. Not yet."

        "I understand. I feel the same way, if not more." I nod a little, agreeing with most every word. Rhyd glances over at me after a few moments.

        "What-" The waitress, with perfect timing, comes by with out snacks and drinks. Once she leaves, Rhyd nervously looks at me again.

        "What are Winston and Callie going to do once they find out...? We've hardly spoken to them in the past couple weeks, and this is such a big thing. ...Arrangements.. will be moving quite quickly once we return..." My stomach drops. Winston... Fiance...

        "You know them, Rhyd. They'll want to come and be here both for us and with us. Callie will try to convince her parents to let her come- who knows if they would agree to it on such short notice. And Winston..." I bite my lip, embarrassed, knowing exactly what he's going to do.

        "He'll be on the train over with the first chance he gets. You're lucky to have him, Ari." I nod, knowing full well that it's true.

        "We're both lucky. Mother and Father picked our best friends for us." I take a sip of my tea. "But what are our school friends going to do?" Rhyd shrugs.

        "I don't know, Ari. But we shall get through this together."


1 hour later, at home Rhydian P.O.V.


        "Aria and Rhydian Lestrad! What did you two do?!" Uh oh... I cringe a bit as Aunt Ingrid nearly pounces on us when we get home.

        "Your parents are going to be furious!" Meanwhile, Uncle Jarvis is leaning against the wall smirking.

        "I quite like it, Ing. I think blonde suits the two quite well." The look of relief was written all over my face.

        "You two best have good reasons for doing this! Now, go on! Upstairs you go!" Ari and I follow orders and retreat up to our rooms. I check the time, noticing happily that Callie (or Lady Callista) was available to talk, seeing the texts she had sent. I sit on my bed with my laptop to have a video call with her.

        "Rhydian! Oh, how long it's been! How are you? You're hair! You've got a bit blonde, haven't you?? ... something looks off. Did something happen? What's wrong?" She continues to ramble, and when I have the chance to speak past her excitement, I take it.

        "I'm alright, Callie. Actually, I have some news.." She gets a worried look.

        "What is it?" I sigh.

        "Well, you can't tell anyone. Not even if you must try and explain to your parents. Aria and I are coming back home. In a month or so." Callie's face lights up.

        "You are?! I'm so sorry that you have to leave London, but I can't help but be happy that you two are returning here to Cesarcia." I smile weakly.

        "I know. I simply have to sort many things out... and Aria needs to start preparing to rule, much as she loathes it..." She nods.

        "And you and Aria just found out?" She frowns a bit. "Quite unfair, in my opinion. Would you like me to come visit? I'm sure my parents would allow it, even on such short notice." Callie sees my hopeful smile and laughs. "I shall let you know tomorrow!"

        "Thank you, Callie. Now, I should let you get going."


Meanwhile, in Aria P.O.V.


        I collapse in my window seat, laptop in hand, having texted Winston about talking. Mere moments later, Winston appears on my screen.

        "Ari!" He grins like mad. "How are you??" His eyes widen and he raises his eyebrow. "And what's with the blonde?" I can see the curiosity rolling off him and smile softly.

        "To answer those questions: I could be better; and, yes. I wanted to see what it's like." I didn't watch my words, and his curiosity piqued.

        "So, did you really get it dyed? Or did you... you know. Magic.." A sheepish grin slips onto his face and I giggle.

        "I really did it, Win. Although, tis not what I meant to talk to you about..." He leans back against his chair.

        "Then what is it?" I fiddle with the edge of my laptop.

        "My parents are revealing where Rhydian and I are, and having us go back home." Winston's eyes widen.

        "They are?! I thought that wouldn't happen for another few years!" I shrug.

        "We all thought that. They told us last night during the call."

        "Do my cousins know...?"

        "Unless my parents told your grandmother, even the Queen herself doesn't know." Winston runs a hand through his hair.

        "Well, that's a recipe for trouble..." I nod.

        "Indeed." After a moment of silence, he finally asks what I knew was coming.

        "Do you want me to come up to London?" The one question I truly don't know the answer to.

        "It's really up to you. Of course, I would love for you to come regardless. But don't you have things to do in Brighton?" He waves it off.

        "It's settled, then. I'll come up tomorrow and stay with one of my relatives!" Winston smiles at the slight look of relief on my face. "You and Rhydian needn't worry anymore! The Great Winston shall come to help!"

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