Chapter 1

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Panic raced through the boar's veins as he made a mad dash through the forest. He could hear his pursuer behind him, getting closer and closer. There was just no shaking this cat. The boar's cries for help echoed through the forest, alerting all who heard it. Scared, the boar hoped that everyone else would be safe.

A high pitched scream like roar sounded, distracting the boar from his thoughts. He tried to make a sharp left turn but it was too late. With a graceful leap, the mountain lion pinned him to the forest floor. "Please don't eat me..." the boar begged, unable to get up. Licking his jaws hungrily, the wildcat purred, "You should be able to keep me fed for weeks."

"Not if I have something to say about it, Ozone," a voice growled. A moment later, the mountain lion was swatted away like he was nothing more than a bothersome fly. Struggling to his feet, the boar received assistance from his savior, a large yet lean griffin. "Thank you, your majesty," the boar gasped. Bowing his head, the griffin rumbled, "My pleasure Tattoo."

"So, we meet again, Tiberius," the mountain lion, named Ozone, spat angrily. Padding closer, the wildcat eyed Tattoo the boar. In response, the boar hid behind Tiberius. His striped tail flicking back and forth, the griffin held his head high as he commented, "We wouldn't be meeting like this if you would just stay out of the territory."

"Yeah! We told you to stay out!" a childlike voice squeaked, startling everyone. A very worried Tiberius turned around just as a small griffin cub with a black patch over his left eye stumbled out of the bushes with an intimidating hiss towards Ozone. The cub however tripped over his own paws and rolled head over heels until he collided into the much bigger griffin. Smiling, he chirped, "Hi Dad!" Sighing heavily, Tiberius mumbled, "Hey Norman."

"You brought your son along to save me?" Tattoo asked, tilting his head in confusion. Glancing up at the boar, Tiberius muttered, "No, he was supposed to stay at the den, like I told him." With that last part, the griffin sent a meaningful glare at the cub. Jumping to his paws, Norman squeaked, "Oh come on Dad! You need all the help you can get!"

"Ha! Ya hear that?! Looks like the Forest King isn't as tough as he used to be, seeing how he has to have his own son fight his battles!" Ozone sneered mockingly, laughing his head off as he added, "Bad enough you refuse to electrocute me!" He was the only one who found this amusing. His ear twitching, Tiberius surprisingly remained calm as he gazed down at his son and asked, "Norman, do you remember that game I showed you?"

"The one where if I keep my eyes closed I win?" Norman guessed, wagging his tail. Smiling, Tiberius purred, "That's the one. Wanna play it?" His eyes shining brightly, the young griffin cub hopped up and down as he cheered, "Yes yes yes!" Ruffling his son's feathery head with one taloned forepaw, the older griffin continued, "Okay, but first you need to cover your eyes."

"What the bloody heck are you doing?" Ozone questioned. Closing his eyes, Norman covered them with his taloned forepaws for extra measure. Beckoning Tattoo over, Tiberius whispered, "Keep him close in case things get ugly." The boar nodded his head in understanding before he led the cub a little ways away. "Your eyes still closed Norman?" the griffin asked. Giggling happily, Norman called back, "They are!"

"That's my boy. Now wait for my signal," Tiberius replied, laughing quietly. Turning to face Ozone, his expression turned serious as he growled, "You got one second to hightail it out of here before I kick that scrawny butt of yours." Realizing right then and there he was dead meat, Ozone made the smart decision and fled. As he ran he stammered, "I think I'll try hunting in the prairies or something!"

"And stay out!" Tiberius shouted at Ozone, spreading his wings intimidatingly. Once he could no longer see the mountain lion, he folded his wings up against his sides before padding over to Norman and Tattoo. Giving the boar a brisk nod, the griffin nuzzled his son as he murmured, "Okay Norman, you can look now."

"Did I win?!" Norman exclaimed, propping his forepaws up against his father's leg. Laughing, Tiberius pulled his son into a warm hug as he replied, "You sure did!" The cub let out a cheer of delight before he pounced on the bigger griffin. Playing along, Tiberius flopped over onto his side. Norman immediately climbed up onto his dad and tussled with him.

Watching the two mythical creatures play for a bit, Tattoo couldn't help but smile as he trotted away, a free boar.

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