Chapter 11

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"Daddy!" Norman screamed at the top of his lungs. The cub had finally found his tongue and now he was screeching as loud as possible. His eyes wide with horror, Tiberius could've sworn he was already seeing lightning flashes and hearing roars of thunder. Was it in his head? Probably. Snapping back into reality, he shrieked, "Norman!"

Gunshots rang out.

"Run kids!" Leonard bellowed urgently. The kids didn't need to be told twice. Screaming, they dashed off into the forest. The ones too scared to run or too slow cowered behind their teacher and the Forest King, both of whom were shielding the children from the flying bullets. Fortunately, no one got hit. Getting back up to his feet, Tiberius looked back towards the road to see the vehicle beginning to move.

The humans had Norman and they were getting away.

"Norman! Hang on!" Tiberius shouted. Without a second thought, the griffin raced across the tall dry grass and leaped over the Fence. A horrified Leonard watched as he ran after the vehicle. Standing on the edge of the ridge, he cried, "Your majesty! Wait! You can't leave us!" At that moment, Pickles started to regain consciousness. "Man," the porcupine mumbled, "I had the craziest dream..."

Running as fast as he could, Tiberius kept his eyes on the vehicle. He was barely aware of his feet hitting the dirt road. Listening closely, the griffin could hear Norman crying in the back where thankfully it was still on the outside. Plus, there appeared to be something in the back that looked like a container of sorts. Getting closer, the griffin waited a moment before leaping onto the back half of the vehicle, causing it to jostle a little. Hanging on, he found Norman in a strange wire contraption. Shaking, the cub squeaked, "Dad? Dad!"

"Don't worry. I got you little guy. I'm not letting them take you away that easily," Tiberius rasped. He was struggling to hang onto the vehicle. Steadying himself, the griffin reached out towards the contraption containing his son. Norman, meanwhile, was trying his best to move it closer to where his father could reach. The griffin was so close to grabbing it. All of the sudden, a loud gunshot rang out and Tiberius was gone. Straining to see, Norman spotted his father laying in the middle of the road. Horrified, he screeched, "Daddy! No! Daddy please no!"

"Shut up you stupid cub!" the man in black spat in a Russian accent. He was leaning out the passenger's side of the truck, a pistol in his hand. Seeing the strange animal laying in the road, he smirked with satisfaction. That problem was taken care of. He was sliding back inside through his window when the truck hit a pothole upon arriving at the paved road. His black hat fell off and the wind took it, carrying it far away. All the while, the truck kept driving.

Groaning quietly, Tiberius slowly pulled himself up to his feet. Pain flared up in his right ear. Touching it, the griffin felt a notch and blood. And sure enough, there was blood on his talons when he looked at it. His vision blurred from the flash the gun gave off, he blinked his eyes to help. Upon seeing clearly, he discovered that the vehicle was gone. It had driven off without him.

His heart pounding, Tiberius resumed running. He had to save Norman, even if it killed him. The griffin ran and ran, never once stopping. He didn't know when the dirt road had switched over to a hard and strangely smooth stone one. He didn't even know it until he felt pain rushing up his feet from being torn up by the unusual rock. He still didn't stop though and kept running. He knew he was on the right path. The vehicle had nowhere else to go.

Then the road split off into three other roads.

Skidding to a halt, Tiberius panted heavily. Looking around wildly, he tried to think of where the vehicle could have possibly gone. This wasn't like trying to track prey. There were no footprints to follow. There might've been a scent trail but the stone road smelled like multiple vehicles. Unable to hear over the blood roaring in his ears, Tiberius spun in circles. Everything looked the same. Where could the vehicle have gone? Where could have Norman gone?

A horn sounded, snapping Tiberius out of his thoughts. Whirling around, the griffin saw a vehicle, different from the one before, zooming down the road. And it was coming towards him. The griffin's brain urged him to move but his legs wouldn't listen, locked in place. The vehicle, meanwhile, kept getting closer and closer. It seemed like the griffin would get hit. At the very last second though, something happened.

Someone pushed Tiberius out of the way.

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