Chapter 12

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Crashing through the undergrowth while the vehicle drove by without a problem, Tiberius and his savior rolled to a stop. Laying there, the griffin struggled to comprehend what had just happened. Actually, his brain was still trying to process everything that had happened within the span of the whole day. Norman's face kept flashing in his head. At this point, the griffin was hyperventilating.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay sir?" a concerned feminine voice spoke softly. Tiberius could feel small paws on his shoulder, gently shaking him. Trying to catch his breath, he lifted his head. Standing next to him was a small canine. He at first thought it was a fox but she had fluffy white fur and a bow on her head. Dog. The word popped into his mind. This was a dog, a human's pet. Gasping softly, the dog exclaimed, "Your ear! It's bleeding!"

"I need to get to him," Tiberius rasped. The griffin forced himself to get up. His legs shook with the effort. He was actually shaking all over from the shock of everything that had happened. "Whoa, hold on there. You need medical help by the looks of things," the dog spoke, trying to get the griffin to sit. Her efforts were in vain. Stumbling slightly, Tiberius wheezed, "I have to get him, I need to find that vehicle."

"Vehicle? Was it a big white one with an open back? A truck?" the dog asked. His ears perking up at that, Tiberius gasped and cried, "Yes, yes it was! You saw it?" Nodding her head, the dog explained, "Yeah! I saw that truck pull up at the intersection and go straight through. Pretty sure it was supposed to stop first but who knows." Tilting her head to the side, she asked, "Do you want me to show you where exactly?"

"Yes please! It's urgent!" Tiberius exclaimed. Holding out her paw, the dog yipped, "Hi, I'm Gidget." Flicking his striped tail, the griffin cried, "Come on! I said it was urgent!" Jumping to her paws, Gidget barked, "Right! This way! Come on, follow me! It went this way!" The fluffy white dog headed back towards the road and dashed across to the path on the other side. Tiberius raced after her as he called, "Thank you so much!"

"No problem!" Gidget replied, leading the way along the side of the road. Hope coursed through Tiberius's veins. He was going to get Norman. However, something strange took place. Running at first, Gidget slowed to a trot and began weaving side to side like an absentminded child. Glancing behind her, she suddenly froze with fear. Tiberius almost ran into her. Stopping himself in time, the griffin murmured, "Uh, Gidget?"

"Get away from me! Stranger danger!" Gidget screamed. She whirled around and flung herself at Tiberius, tackling him with a surprising amount of strength. Hitting the ground, the griffin had the air knocked out of him. Growling in his face, the fluffy dog barked, "Stop following me weirdo! I will beat you senseless!" Confused, Tiberius exclaimed, "What? You're showing me which way the white truck went!"

"Hey! I've seen a white truck! It went down this road!" Gidget replied, dropping the attack. Jumping off of Tiberius, she trotted away with her tail wagging. "Come on, it went this way!" she called. Frowning, Tiberius chased Gidget down and halted in front of her. "Hold on a minute," he growled, glowering down at the dog, "You already told me that! What is your deal?!" Her sky blue eyes rounding with realization, Gidget mumbled, "I did? Oh no..."

"Oh no what?" Tiberius snarled, his fur and feathers bristling. He was not in the mood for any games. Crestfallen, Gidget sat down and stammered, "I'm so sorry sir, I didn't mean to. It's just... it's just... I suffer from short term memory loss." A deadpan expression on his face, Tiberius repeated slowly, "Short term memory loss?" When Gidget nodded her head, the griffin rolled his eyes and scoffed, "I don't believe this."

"It's true! I forget things almost instantly and it happens all the time!" Gidget protested. Looking up at Tiberius, she continued, "My owners said that I have been dealing with memory loss since I was a puppy! At least, I think they said that. Huh, where are my owners?" The dog turned and looked at the road with a confused look on her face. Looking back at Tiberius, her face brightened up and she asked, "Can I help you?"

"Something's seriously wrong with you. Really. Now if you excuse me, I have to go get my son," Tiberius muttered, turning around and walking away and leaving Gidget behind.

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