Chapter 13

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"Short term memory loss. What are the chances?" Tiberius grumbled, stalking alongside the road, hidden amongst the foliage as vehicles drove by. He wasn't taking any chances on being seen by humans. Despite his best efforts though, the griffin had the horrible feeling he was being watched. Worse, he felt like someone was following him. After a while, it became unbearable. Whipping around, he hissed, "Who's there?!"

"Easy now your majesty. No need to get your feathers ruffled," Ozone remarked, casually stepping out into the open. Tiberius growled. This day couldn't get any worse. But then it did with the arrival of Derick and Fox. The griffin was surrounded. "You're pretty far from home," Derick commented, a sly toothy grin on the crocodile's face. Tail twitching in irritation, Tiberius muttered, "Mind your own business."

"You can't boss us out here. The forest is your home. You're on our turf now," Fox sneered. The small canine ran his tongue over his sharp teeth. The trio were circling now. Standing his ground, Tiberius snarled threateningly, "You are all fools if you're thinking of attacking me." Laughing, Ozone purred, "You were a fool to leave your territory. Three against one. I like the odds."

"Make it three against two!" Gidget shouted, jumping over Fox. The fluffy white dog patted Tiberius on the leg as she reassured him, "I got your back pal." The griffin just stared at her dumbfounded. He wasn't the only one. The three predators surrounding them had the same exact expressions on their faces. Turning to his two companions, Derick mumbled, "I didn't know arctic foxes lived this far south."

"I'm a fox, that thing is a dog," Fox corrected the crocodile.

"Are you losing your touch or something? Cuz it looks like animals smaller than you are willing to fight your battles," Ozone sneered. The mountain lion chuckled to himself while he unsheathed his claws. "I still like our chances," he purred. Tiberius growled, standing his ground. Holding her head high, Gidget piped up, "Don't worry pal, I can handle these guys. I got this."

"You got this? You're even smaller than Fox," Tiberius pointed out, flicking his tail towards said fox. Ignoring him, Gidget turned her sights towards the biggest animal, Derick the crocodile. The griffin took a step forward, ready to protect her. He didn't know the dog well but he wasn't about to let her be eaten. But his path was blocked by Ozone and Fox. All the while, Derick rose up on his back legs, his teeth bared. Unfazed, Gidget snarled, "You're going down big guy."

"I'd like to see you try-" Derick spoke. He was suddenly interrupted though when Gidget launched herself upward, sucker punching him right in the throat. The crocodile fell down in a heap, gasping and wheezing for breath. Gidget trotted away from the huge reptile like nothing happened. "Derick!" Ozone and Fox exclaimed, racing to their friend's side. Sitting down beside a very shocked Tiberius, Gidget asked, "How'd I do?"

"What the frick was that?!" Tiberius stammered, slightly horrified the tiny dog had just knocked a crocodile down. "What? What was what?" Gidget asked, her short term memory kicking in. "Never mind..." the griffin grumbled. Rolling his eyes, he looked away just as he noticed something. Caught in a tree behind Derick was a black hat. No, not just any black hat. It was the black hat, the one that the poacher had been wearing. Gasping, Tiberius bounded over to the tree as he rasped, "Norman."

"Who's Norman?" Gidget asked, looking around expecting to see someone come. Lifting his head, Ozone hissed, "You brought your son along too?! You really are letting others pick your fights!" Her face lighting up, Gidget exclaimed, "You have a son?! That's wonderful!" Snatching the hat out of the tree, Tiberius explained, "I did not bring my son out here. Norman got taken by these poachers." Her ears dropping, Gidget scurried over to the griffin as she whimpered, "Oh you poor thing."

"There's human hieroglyphs here," Tiberius rumbled. He had been inspecting the hat when he found the markings inside. Unfortunately, he didn't know what it was saying and it was getting too dark to read them anyways. Looking alongside him with squinting eyes, Gidget whispered, "What are we looking for?"

"What you should be looking for," Ozone growled, facing Tiberius and Gidget with Derick and Fox at his side, "Is a way out of this mess you put yourselves into cuz I think Derick here didn't appreciate that punch." An angry expression on his face, the crocodile hissed, "And I want a rematch."

"Run," Tiberius and Gidget told each other before racing away with the hat. The three predators gave chase.

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