Chapter 19

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Screaming at the top of their lungs, Tiberius and Gidget didn't waste any time running away. The pair ran for their lives, the cave serpent hot on their tails. "Which way?!" Gidget yelped, squinting in the dark. Stumbling over rocks, Tiberius replied, "I don't know! I can't see anything!" At that moment, they ran past a familiar looking black hat. Tripping over his own feet, Tiberius cried, "The hat!"

"What hat?!" Gidget barked, looking around frantically. The cave serpent, its luminescent body providing the only light, went for the dog. Tiberius quickly grabbed Gidget and pulled her out of the way in the nick of time. The serpent slithered on by before turning right back around. Receiving enough light, Gidget wagged her tail and yipped, "Look! A hat!"

"Read the hieroglyphs on the inside!" Tiberius shouted. He bounded off to the side, leading the cave serpent away from Gidget. Sitting down, the fluffy white dog picked up the black hat. "I don't mean to be rude or anything," she called out, "But could you try getting closer? I need a light." Trying his hardest to not get eaten by the cave serpent, the griffin moved closer. The giant mythical creature followed suit. Her ears perked up, Gidget commented, "Great! Keep him right there!"

"Hurry up and read it!" Tiberius yelled. "Okay okay. I'm reading it. Boy, he woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," Gidget grumbled before turning her attention to the human hieroglyphs on the inside of the hat and slowly sounded out the words in the first line. Her griffin companion, meanwhile, found himself pinned against a rock spiral. Grabbing the serpent's tongue, he pointed it towards Gidget. Able to see, the dog announced, "First line says Sergei Black!"

"Sergei Black doesn't make any sense!" Tiberius retorted. Suddenly the cave serpent reeled its tongue back into its mouth, taking the griffin along for the ride before slamming its jaws shut. "Light please!" Gidget called. Slicing his talons along the serpent's tongue, Tiberius was rewarded by being spat out. Running away from the bigger creature, he muttered, "Is that better?!"

"The second line says owner of Happy Sergei's!" Gidget declared, wagging her tail. Rushing to her side, Tiberius was itching to get the blazes out of here. "Hurry up Gidget! We need to go now!" he hissed urgently. He had his eyes on the cave serpent, who was coming towards them fast. Hearing Gidget sound out the last words slowly, the griffin begged, "Come on! We are going to die down here if you don't hurry up!"

"Circus... of Fun! It says Circus of Fun!" Gidget howled in delight. She was ecstatic. At the same time, the cave serpent was almost upon them. His ears pinned against his head, Tiberius pushed Gidget behind him and ordered, "Duck!" His eyes started glowing blue and sparks flew from his talons. Gasping, Gidget backed away. Turning to face the incoming cave serpent, the griffin spread his wings open. Charged up with enough electricity, he flapped his wings once, sending a bolt of lightning towards the giant mythical creature.

Direct hit.

Letting out a bloodcurdling shriek, the cave serpent reared back. It had taken the blow right in the face and now it couldn't see a thing at the moment. In its confused and pained state, it bumped into the rocky ceiling above, causing it to crack and crumble. Tiberius was still trying to recover from the amount of electricity he had just fired. Grabbing the griffin, Gidget shook him out of his trance as she exclaimed, "We need to get out of here!" Snapping back into reality, Tiberius grabbed Gidget by her scruff and ran while the cave collapsed. Up ahead, he could see sunlight. The pair made it out just before they could get crushed.

"Woah, that was intense," Gidget remarked, staring at the cave. She was gently set back down on the ground. Trembling beside her, Tiberius was unresponsive at the moment. Noticing this, Gidget asked, "You okay?" Drawing in shaky breaths, the griffin rasped, "I haven't done that since..." Closing his eyes, he did not finish that sentence. Looking down at Gidget, he mumbled, "Do you remember what the hat said?"

"Sergei Black, owner of Happy Sergei's Circus of Fun," Gidget reported. Gasping loudly, she shook Tiberius as she stammered, "I remembered what it said! I never remember things but this time I remember!" Backing away a little bit, the griffin muttered, "Now wait a minute! Where is that?" Her tail wagging so fast it shook her whole body, Gidget yipped, "I don't know. But who cares?! I remembered something important!"

"Well, let's just hope that this important something leads to my son," Tiberius murmured. He hoped Norman was okay, wherever he was.

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