Chapter 22

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"That's weird, I've never seen anything like this before," Tiberius murmured thoughtfully. Trembling beside the griffin, Gidget stuttered, "What should we do?" Humming to himself quietly, Tiberius answered, "Stay here and don't wander off. I won't be too far away, I'm just going to scout the area."

"Okay, be safe," Gidget mumbled. She watched silently as Tiberius disappeared into the bushes. Sitting by herself, her eyes darted all over the place. Her ears perked up when she heard something moving behind her. Turning around, she discovered a little squirrel. Meeting her gaze, the squirrel squeaked.

"Aw, hello little guy. Are you lost?" Gidget asked. Trotting over to the squirrel, she went on, "You shouldn't be alone out here." The squirrel went up and nuzzled her leg. Smiling happily, the fluffy white dog scratched the rodent under the chin as she remarked cheerfully, "You are just the cutest thing! I'm gonna call you Squishy and you shall be mine! And you shall be my little Squishy!"

"Gidget, stop! That's a carnivorous squirrel!" Tiberius cried, returning to the clearing. "A what squirrel?" Gidget questioned, looking up at the griffin. At that same exact moment, the little squirrel chomped down on her paw with sharp teeth. Yelping in pain, the fluffy white dog managed to fling the rodent off. Racing over, Tiberius whacked the bloodthirsty creature as far away as possible. Holding her injured paw off the ground, Gidget howled, "What was that?!"

"A carnivorous squirrel. At least a baby one," Tiberius explained. Gently taking Gidget's injured paw in his own talons, he inspected the bite wound. While doing so, he continued explaining, "They're a mythical creature, like me. But they are more vicious than any other mythical creatures and very dangerous. They are known to have acidic saliva."

"Am I going to live?" Gidget whimpered. Giving her paw a gentle lick, Tiberius murmured, "You should be fine. Like I said, it was a baby. They don't have the acidic saliva yet. But for future references, do not ever go near a carnivorous squirrel again, okay?" Nodding her head in understanding, Gidget replied, "Yep, never go near another carnivorous squirrel." Tiberius let out a sigh of relief when the fluffy white dog pointed out, "So what are we going to do about the ones who just surrounded us?"

"What?" Tiberius asked. His only response was Gidget pointing behind him. Sure enough, the pair was completely surrounded by a troop of eight huge carnivorous squirrels. And they did not look happy at all. "Any ideas?" Gidget piped up quietly. Terrified, Tiberius murmured, "Here's one. Let's get the blazes out of here."

"Race ya!" Gidget howled. Without warning, the fluffy white dog bolted. The carnivorous squirrels chose to attack at that moment, lunging forward in unison. But they missed both of their targets. Jumping over one squirrel, Tiberius raced after Gidget. "Are you crazy?!" he shouted. Flashing a smile at him, the dog yipped, "Loosen up old timer! Think of this as a game!"

"Now is not the time Gidget! We will literally die!" Tiberius retorted. He could hear the carnivorous squirrels behind them. Still up ahead in the lead, Gidget called back, "Keep that attitude up and you will be caught!" Groaning, the griffin tried to ignore the fact he was currently being chased by a bunch of giant bloodthirsty rodents. Picking up speed, he found himself running alongside Gidget. Giggling, the fluffy white dog remarked, "Can't beat me! I was built for speed!"

"Funny, so was I," Tiberius commented. Passing Gidget, he added, "Better move faster or they'll get you!" At that moment, there was a loud yelp behind the griffin. It sounded like Gidget. Turning around, Tiberius realized it was Gidget. One of the carnivorous squirrels had caught her. The fluffy white dog tried her hardest to escape, kicking and punching, but it was no use. Another squirrel was helping the first one. Pouncing on the second, Tiberius hissed, "Get away from her!"

"Take this!" Gidget shouted, throwing a punch at the other one. Finally free, she gasped in horror when she saw that the rest of the troop was catching up fast. "Tiger, we need to get out of here!" she cried, her eyes wide with terror. Realizing they were in huge trouble, Tiberius ordered, "Gidget, run! I'll catch up!" Frightened, the fluffy white dog did what she was told. Believing she would be safe, the griffin turned to face the troop of carnivorous squirrels. His light brown eyes were already glowing blue while dark storm clouds gathered overhead. His fur and feathers were lit up with sparks of electricity as he spread his wings open.

"Don't worry Thor! I'll save you!" Gidget's voice barked somewhere in the background. Hearing it, Tiberius lost his concentration. A split second later, bolts of lightning shot everywhere at random. Some struck the ground or the trees, others hit the carnivorous squirrels and others just took off towards the dark skies overhead. Flung back by the amount of electricity he had just fired, Tiberius knocked his head against a tree. Laying dazed on the ground, the griffin spotted Gidget nearby, lying unconscious. He himself could feel the darkness creeping in. Before he blacked out though, the griffin saw a mysterious figure coming closer...

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