Chapter 24

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"Alright kid, that's your cue," Rooster announced. The rest of the Circus Gang came over and wished the young griffin cub good luck. Feeling a little bit more confident, Norman promised, "I'll get those keys, don't worry." With that, he slipped through the bars.

The commotion outside was very loud yet Norman quietly crept towards the post. He didn't want to take any chances of accidentally drawing attention back over to the cage. The Circus Gang was depending on him. He was determined to not let them down. As he got closer to the crates that stood before the post though, he had the eerie feeling he was being watched by someone or something.

"Good job kid, you're doing great," Rooster whispered from the cage. The other animals were right behind them, watching anxiously. Yet they kept quiet as Rooster went on, "Now, all you have to do is fly up there." Norman stopped in his tracks. Slowly turning towards the group, the griffin cub asked, "Um, is this a bad time to mention I don't know how to fly yet?"

"Oh great, the escape plan is ruined, just like the ones from before," Chloe grumbled with a pointed glare at Rooster. Turning her gaze back to Norman, the Canadian lynx spoke softly, "It's okay Norman, just come back and we'll think of something else." Growling, Rooster spat, "No, he can do this! I have faith in him!" Looking back at the griffin cub, the shadow dog advised, "Try finding a way to climb the pole or something else to reach those keys."

"Okay, I'll try," Norman mumbled. He turned around, ready to get those keys when he stopped again. He was definitely being watched by someone. There was now a monkey dressed up like a person standing right in front him. The Circus Gang gasped in horror while Daisy whispered hoarsely, "It's Little Sergei." Trembling, Norman squeaked, "Nice little monkey?" Smirking a little, Little Sergei let out a whistle. A moment later, four big black wolves rushed out from behind the crates.

"Norman run!" Mel and Buddy yelled. Screaming at the top of his lungs, Norman made a mad dash back to the cage. Little Sergei could be heard laughing his head off, like this was the funniest thing ever. The four wolves, meanwhile, chased the young griffin cub. He could feel them snapping at his heels. Swerving to avoid getting bitten, he dove through the bars. He unfortunately got stuck though. Panicking, he twisted himself to escape. Rooster and Chloe grabbed him and pulled, freeing him in the nick of time as one wolf crashed against the bars.

"Pick on someone your own size next time mongrels!" Rooster snarled, glaring at the wolves. Disappointed they weren't able to catch their prey, the four slunk away back behind the grates. Little Sergei, in the meantime, had vanished. Huffing, Rooster turned around and stated, "Okay, that was a minor hiccup. But don't worry, I am very sure we can try again later."

"No Rooster, not again. If you want to escape, make sure you are the one who goes into dangerous territory," Chloe hissed. She was laying on the ground with Norman, who was huddled up against her side crying. He had been so scared. Ashamed, Rooster's ears laid flat as he mumbled, "Okay..." Looking over at the frightened griffin cub, the shadow dog rasped, "I'm so sorry Norman." He quietly walked away, his head hanging low. The others tried to console Norman, who only wanted his dad at that very moment.

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