Chapter 25

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"...hello? Hello there?" a faint voice spoke. His eyes heavy, Tiberius found it hard to open them. Eventually he did manage to crack one open just a little bit to see a blurry face. Groaning, the griffin lifted his head and blinked both of his eyes open. Standing before him was a foxlike creature. Beaming, the canine bowed his head and rumbled, "Greetings Eagle Eye."

"Hi," Tiberius mumbled. His head was throbbing. He reached up and felt around the sore spot, wincing in pain upon contact. Slapping his taloned forepaw out of the way, the foxlike creature growled, "Don't touch. I just put ointment on it." Obeying, the griffin murmured, "What happened?"

"We saw the whole thing dude! You blasted a troop of carnivorous squirrels with lightning!" a small voice squeaked. Tiberius turned to see a younger foxlike creature. "Tiny, wait outside. Our guests aren't well," the elder ordered firmly. The youngster turned and left, revealing his nine tails. Gasping, Tiberius rasped, "You guys are ninetails."

"That we are. My name is Pops. You just met my son Tiny," the elderly ninetail answered. Moving around so he could look Tiberius in the eye, he commented, "And you are a griffin, the North American variant at least." Tiberius nodded his head, confirming the statement. He hissed though as his head began throbbing again. Humming thoughtfully, Pops remarked, "You knocked yourself out pretty good during that fight. At least you'll live."

"Where's Gidget?" Tiberius asked. Tossing his head to the left, Pops murmured, "Puffball is over there. I'm afraid she got hit by one of your lightning bolts." His eyes snapping open in shock, Tiberius whipped his head around in the direction Pops had pointed out. In a nest of moss, Gidget laid very still. The cave seemed to get darker and Tiberius thought for a moment that he could hear thunder.

"She should be fine- hey! Get your tail back in the nest!" Pops barked. His order was ignored though as Tiberius stumbled over towards Gidget. Collapsing by her nest, he gently nudged her cheek. "Gidget, come on. Get up," he mumbled. Noticing the leaf bandages on her back, the griffin bowed his head in shame as he whimpered, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Gidget, I'm so sorry."

"Oh, hey Thunder," Gidget's voice piped up. Startled, Tiberius lifted his gaze. The fluffy white dog was awake. Hugging her, the griffin rasped, "Oh thank goodness you're okay." Smiling as she hugged him back, Gidget replied, "Of course I'm okay. Did something happen where I wouldn't be okay?"

"You two have some serious thrill issues. Don't you know to stay away from Carnivorous Squirrel Valley?" Pops questioned, dragging himself over. It was then Tiberius and Gidget noticed he was on a flat piece of bark. His hind legs were laying upon it. Watching them, the ninetail muttered, "Yes, I'm paralyzed. Get over it." Leaning towards Tiberius, Gidget whispered hoarsely, "I think he's a mind reader."

"I am. And I can see you two are new to the area," Pops commented. Dipping his head respectfully, Tiberius murmured, "We are. We're just passing through." Humming thoughtfully, the ancient ninetail rasped, "I'm sorry you lost your son." The griffin flicked his ear, hating that the ninetail had read his thoughts. Raising her paw, Gidget asked, "Excuse me, but do you know where Sergei Black owner of Happy Sergei's Circus of Fun is?"


"You do?!" Tiberius and Gidget exclaimed, jumping up. Smiling, Pops nodded his head. Dragging himself towards the entrance of the cave, he stated, "That circus is in the city, just over this mountain we are on. You two managed to get up quite a ways, now you're a day away from the summit." His tail wagging, Tiberius mumbled, "We're so close. Come on Gidget, we can do it!"

"Hold onto your horses, Eagle Eye, you are not fit to travel and neither is Puffball," Pops pointed out. Leading Tiberius back to his nest, the ancient ninetail promised, "Rest for now. Tomorrow, we will take you across the mountain."

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