Chapter 27

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"Everyone gather around! This is going to be a great story! I can feel it in my bones!" Gidget yipped, beckoning the children and any one of the adults over. Still traveling at Pops' right hand side, Tiberius looked over at the ninetails, young and old. They were waiting patiently. "Look Eagle Eye," Pops whispered, "If you're not comfortable with it-"

"No, it's okay. I can handle it," Tiberius murmured. Turning to the kids as they all kept walking, he began his story, "I live in this forest miles away from here. It's normally very peaceful over there. However, my son got mad at me and truth be told I wish I could take back the things I said. But then these humans appeared and took him away. I tried to stop them but I got shot off, and the truck was too fast!"

"The truck was too fast! He couldn't keep up with it!" Tiny exclaimed. It was later on in the day. The young ninetail puppy was trotting along at the back of the pack with a small bird perched between his shoulders. His nine tails wagging, the puppy went on, "But he kept on going, all the while being chased by a mountain lion!"

"He scared off that lion by blowing him up!" the bird whistled to the beavers. One young female gasped and cried, "Oh my god!" Nodding his head, the bird added, "Wait til you hear what happened the next day!"

"What happened the next day?" a moose calf asked inquisitively. Washing his face in the river water beside the calf, the beaver declared, "He went into this dark cave. It's wicked dark down there, ya can't see anything in front of your nose."

"Inside that cave he found a gigantic cave serpent, the biggest one ever! About the size of a dragon!" the moose calf called over his shoulder to the hungry wolf chasing him. Avoiding its snapping jaws, he yelled, "He struck it down with a bolt of lightning!"

"After that he traveled for a while, only to find himself in the land of the carnivorous squirrels," the wolf told a dog on a leash. They were at a campground, chatting away while the dog's owner was in the outhouse. Scratching behind his ear, the wolf proclaimed, "It was a rough battle matey but he is in the company of the mystic ninetails right now."

"As we speak, he is getting over that mountain and coming here!" the dog concluded his epic tale to his audience of house pets. "Wow, that is an amazing story!" a guinea pig squeaked. Stretching his legs, Max yawned and asked, "Is this a true story man? Or is it a dream?"

"I'm talking about the real deal man! That griffin will be coming here for his son Norman," the dog pointed out. Hearing that name, Max's ears perked up. "Did you say Norman?" the Jack Russell terrier questioned. The storyteller nodded his head. His heart pounding, Max looked around at the assembled pets as he demanded, "Where's Snowball?! I need to talk to him!"

"Probably downstairs pretending to be Captain Snowball- hey, where are you going?!" a cat meowed. Dashing down the fire escape, Max howled, "I'll explain everything later! But right now Snowball and I need to let Norman know his father is coming!"

"Wait, he knows Norman?" the storyteller dog asked, shocked that his story might actually be real.

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