Chapter 28

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"How is he today Chloe?" Daisy asked, approaching the Canadian lynx. It had been two days since the failed escape attempt. Norman always seemed miserable and Rooster was away in his corner of the cage. Giving the griffin cub a sympathetic look, Chloe mumbled, "I don't know Daisy."

"Hey, maybe this will cheer him up," Duke commented as he, Buddy, Mel and Sweetpea started performing several different acrobatic stunts. The girls glared at the boys. To them, this was not the right time for these shenanigans. At least Norman watched but he didn't crack a smile. In a last ditch effort, Duke even juggled the other guys. Alas, no success.

"Guys, please. He just needs some time alone," Chloe grumbled. "Tough crowd tonight boys," Buddy mumbled, feeling dizzy. Sweetpea was laying on the ground in a daze and Mel had become a stumbling fool. Sighing heavily, Duke murmured, "Things will get better Norman, you'll see."

"Duke does have a point, Norman. Bad things happen but so do good things," Daisy remarked optimistically. Glancing up at the wolverine, Norman lowered his gaze once more as he quietly asked, "Is it okay if I go talk with Rooster?" Giving him a gentle nuzzle, Chloe meowed, "Yes, that's alright. But don't be surprised if he doesn't talk back. He feels pretty bad about what happened."

"I know," Norman mumbled, getting up to his feet and walking away. His head hanging low, he almost didn't notice he walked by the area where the escape plan accident happened. He shuddered as he passed by. He wouldn't even look at the keys on the pole. Making it over to Rooster's corner of the cage, he summoned up some courage and piped up, "Rooster?"

"Hi Norman," Rooster murmured. The shadow dog was laying on his side. His eyes were closed though. "Rooster, I'm sorry the plan didn't work. It was my fault," Norman apologized. He couldn't even bring himself to look upon the shadow dog as he went on, "I let everyone down."

"No, you have nothing to be sorry about. I'm the one who needs to apologize," Rooster interrupted before Norman could say anything else. The young griffin cub listened in silence as the shadow dog opened his eyes and went on, "I was so ready to get out of this place, so ready to run free with the wind in my fur and to breathe in that sweet fresh air. But I was willing to put you in harm's way just to get there."

"It's okay Rooster, I forgive you," Norman chirped softly. The griffin cub went over to the shadow dog and laid down by his side, his chin resting on his shoulder. Gazing up at the youngster through the corner of his eye, Rooster murmured, "And I'm also sorry that I couldn't get you out. You don't deserve to be in a place like this, you need to be with your father."

"Guys! Guys we have the greatest news!" Snowball's voice hollered, startling everyone in the cage. The Circus Gang were still processing what was going on when Max could be heard howling, "Norman! Where's Norman?! I have news about his dad!"

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