Chapter 32

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Guests were slowly leaving the circus grounds. Most didn't want to leave yet but alas it was closing time. And they didn't want to be trapped here after hours. So they left, some agreeing they would come back tomorrow for Sergei's big event. According to him, he was going to have a griffin jump through the infamous Ring of Fire.

"Come on Jerry, go home. We want to escape," Duke muttered. The grizzly bear was watching the janitor. He was joined by Mel and Buddy. Looking around from time to time, the otter eventually turned to the bear and raccoon. "Where's Max and Snowball?" he asked, standing up on his hind legs, "I thought they were supposed to be here to help."

"They're probably outside waiting for everyone to leave," Rooster suggested, walking over with Sweetpea riding on his shoulder. The shadow dog then asked a question of his own, "I'm more worried about Norman. Where's he at? It's almost time to go."

"Relax Rooster, he's right here," Daisy chimed in, walking over in time to hear the conversation. The wolverine was followed by Chloe and the griffin cub in question. Giving Norman a lick on the cheek, Chloe nuzzled him and purred, "We didn't want him being returned to his father looking like he was raised in a barn."

"My dad would love to meet you all. You guys are awesome," Norman squeaked, trotting up to Rooster. Smiling, the shadow dog replied, "It would be an honor to meet your father, kiddo." At that moment, Duke bellowed, "Jerry is gone! The janitor has left the big top!" Still up on his hind legs, Buddy questioned, "Still no sign of Max and Snowball though."

"We can't wait for them all night. We need to get out of here before someone or something sees us," Rooster declared. He walked over to the cage door and gave the ring of keys to Sweetpea. The macaw squawked quietly and got to work, trying to find the correct key. The rest of the Circus Gang gathered around the cage door, waiting anxiously for it to open.

"You guys should come visit us in the Forest," Norman squeaked, wagging his tail. Thinking for a moment, he went on, "Actually, maybe I can convince my dad to let you guys stay in the Forest!" Standing still for Sweetpea while he continued flipping through the keys, Rooster replied, "That is very generous Norman and we will consider that option. But first we need to escape."

Sweetpea let out a quiet squawk. At the same time, the cage door slowly swung open. "Freedom here we come," Duke announced, leading the charge. Sweetpea managed to hop onto the bear's back when he lumbered by. The others followed, slinking quietly through the empty big top before slipping outside. They were met may a horrible surprise.

A huge electric fence.

"It can't be real," Mel commented. Before anyone could even stop him, the raccoon approached the fence boldly and touched it with one finger. The electric charge was enough to send him flying backwards. The others managed to duck in time before they got hit by a flying raccoon. Raising up, Buddy muttered, "Pretty sure it's real."

"This was never here before. Max and Snowball never mentioned an electric fence before," Daisy pointed out. Sniffing the fence inquisitively, Rooster murmured, "They must've installed it today. Maybe Sergei sensed we were trying to escape." Flicking her ear, Chloe grumbled, "Well, he did seem to be looking for something earlier today. He must've seen that the keys were missing."

"What are we going to do now?" Norman asked nervously. Everyone gazed down at the young griffin cub sympathetically. At a lost for words, Rooster finally found his tongue and admitted, "I honestly don't know Norman, I really don't know now..."

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