Chapter 46

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"Time for school! Time for school! Wake up!" Gidget howled, jumping right onto Tiberius's stomach. Jolting awake, the griffin wheezed, "Yep! I'm up!" Jumping up and down with Gidget, Norman squeaked, "Come on Dad! Let's go!"

"Wait up guys!" Gidget barked some time later. The trio were racing through the woods towards the schoolyard. The griffins were in the lead. "Hey Dad! Eat my dust!" Norman called over his shoulder before putting on a sudden burst of speed. Laughing, Tiberius announced dramatically, "My own son beats me!"

"Hey guys!" Tattoo greeted the griffins as he walked by. Dipping their heads respectfully to the boar, the two mythical creatures headed down into the schoolyard. Norman played with the other kids while Tiberius chatted with some of the other dads. Finally arriving at the schoolyard, Gidget trotted up to Tiberius and remarked, "There you are! I got lost and followed a butterfly. Who won the race?"

"Alright class! Field trip day! Today we are going to see the Land of the Redwood Giants!" Leonard declared, bounding into the clearing. His daughter Princess was right at his side. Walking up to her with Norman tagging along, Tiny introduced himself, "Hi, my name is Tiny." Blushing bashfully, the fawn replied, "I'm Princess."

"You're sending him to school now?" Tiberius asked Pops, turning to the ancient ninetail sitting next to him. Chuckling softly, the elder commented, "Ain't no shame in going to school."

"Off we go kids! Stay close together!" Leonard called. It was his way of telling the kids to hurry up and say their goodbyes. Rushing over to his dad and friends, Norman leaped up at Tiberius and hugged him. "I love you Dad," the young cub mumbled, his striped tail wagging. Purring softly, Tiberius hugged his son back as he whispered, "I love you too little guy." Letting the cub go, he murmured, "Now go on and have an adventure. I'll pick you up after school."

"Bye Norman! Tell Maxie I said hi!" Gidget called, forgetting where the field trip was going. Waving goodbye, Norman chirped, "See you later!" The griffin cub then raced to join his classmates, following Leonard as he led them into the woods. Watching them leave until he could no longer see them, Tiberius lifted his gaze towards the morning sky, a purr rumbling in his throat and a smile on his face. Everything was quiet and peaceful in the Forest.

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