Part 1

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As the founder of CloudtailGrandmas, I felt the need to tell the truth about how CG nearly closed and the admins waged war on one another over the fate of the account. Here is a 100% accurate tale of the events that occurred. It was all Moon's fault.


CloudtailGrandmas was wallowing in its annual bout of spring inactivity, claiming "school" and "life" as a bunch of bogus excuses not to update. And the older admins were loving doing nothing so much, that they thought nobody could do nothing better and wanted to close.

"I think CG should close so we still have our memories," wrote Duskie in the CG chat.

"I agree," wrote Annco. "People won't remember us the same if we actually update."

"Did we ever update?" asked Blaze. "I don't think so."

"How could anybody new write zero chapters a month like us?" said Duskie. "It wouldn't be the same."

Crazy surfaced briefly in the chat. "Yeah, I agree with this! The death of CG! DEATH IS FUN!" 

Moon read these messages in a haze of panic, realizing that CG was on the brink of destruction. It was clear that the idea of actually updating would not fly in the CG chat. The account couldn't close and let down the fans.  It had meant a lot to her too.

She had to save CG, and that meant she would have to awaken the beast. She gulped, realizing her next mission would be dangerous, but that she was left with no choice.

She opened her Discord messages and began to type. "Crazy, read what they said. The older admins want to close CG. You have to help me! I mean, I know you're a terrible manager, but you can't want to see CG close?"

Crazystar was playing guitar loudly, strumming the chords to some "definitely hard to play" punk song, when suddenly, her phone pinged with a notification. She was instantly annoyed, because her time was very valuable, so whoever was bothering her better have a good reason.

Moon and Crazy squared off, the CG founder seething in irritation. "Why are you bothering me? I'm too important for this!" 

After a slew of profanity, Moon resumed her argument. "You're not even fking active you lazy slut. Get out of my way or get on board. I'm not asking."

Crazy began chanting Moon's name. "I'll tell. I'll tell everyone. And then we'll hunt you down."

"Why are you doing this?" Moon snarled.

Crazy fired a few sunglasses emojis back. "Because I can. Nobody gets away with annoying me. You had your chance. There, posted on the message board! See ya soon."

Heart racing, Moon unplugged her computer and flung her belongings into a suitcase. She raced from her bedroom, ignoring the bewildered look of her father, a pastor. "Where are you going? Dinner is almost ready."

Moon did not stop, but yelled over her shoulder. "A bunch of maniac fans are coming! This won't make sense, but Whisper gave Crazy my name!"

She flung open the door and dashed out into the street, heart thudding frenetically in her chest. There was no stopping the mob that was on its way. The fans were insane, and they were coming.

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