Part 2

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The chaos unfolding was not merely between Crazy and Moon, although that would've been enough. Well, it was at first. But then, ominously, Feather got out of school and saw the notifications.

Feather's rage level instantly escalated to a 19 out of 10. "YOU GUYS CAN'T CLOSE CG! I WON'T ALLOW IT! And neither will Whisper! She said so!"

"No, I didn't," Whisper said with a diplomatic shrug emoji. "I am not involved in this."

"She's just confused," Feather continued on. "We all saw that she was vehemently against this."

Whisper's texts carried a tone of exasperation. "I don't even check this chat. I'm just trying to make a cereal enchilada here, leave me out of this."

Nobody questioned Whisper's food choices, because at least she wasn't a cannibal like some former admins.

"Let it go, Feather. It's time for CG to end," Duskie said. "It's pretty much decided."

Feather began screaming incoherently at her phone, drawing attention from random bystanders, who covered their ears from the shrill sound. "NO! NO! You'll have to fight me to the death! I WILL FLY TO NORTH CAROLINA TO HAVE A DUEL WITH YOU. I WILL BRING MY DAD'S KITCHEN KNIVES!"

"Sounds fun....but it's illegal," Duskie pointed out. "Whoever wins will get arrested."

"Yeah, but dueling is in Hamilton, so it's okay," Feather countered. "You know we're just like Crazy on the inside. A little stabbing could do a lot of good!"

And with that, Feather closed the app, not caring what Duskie had to say in response. This would be exciting! Maybe CG could even advertise the duel on their message board so that a crowd of spectators could watch and cheer for blood!

She raced home, picked the knife block off the kitchen counter, and stuffed it in her backpack. She darted back out to the streets and scanned the perimeter. She spotted an easy target and skipped quickly across the sidewalk, arms outstretched. She tackled the 70-year-old woman in a wheelchair and scooped her purse up off the ground. She paused to laugh as the lady flailed on the ground, screaming, "HELP!", and then bolted from the scene. And that day, she reinvented the definition of a hit and run.

Once she was far enough away from the scene of the crime, she hailed a taxi and was taken to the airport. She purchased a ticket and headed through security. TSA spotted the knife block with their X-Ray system, however, and stopped her.

"Ma'am, why are you taking an entire case of knives onto an airplane?" asked the agent.

"Second Amendment! As an American, it's my right to have a multitude of deadly weapons at my disposal, and I am using it. Get out of my way and stop violating the constitution, b*tches," Feather retorted, crossing her arms in a smug fashion.

She was waved on and slung her backpack over her shoulder again. She was boarding a plane bound for Duskie's home and a high-stakes battle. The account was on the line.

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