Chapter 19 (sort of)

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All the lights went out and the people from Ouran muttered confusedly about it. Candles were lit, revealing many cameras positioned in various places.

Cara sighed, putting a hand on her hip in frustration, reading back over the script she'd been given and acted out, she cringed slightly.

It. Was. Awful.

Hikaru and Kaoru stalked up to her in a casual fashion, arm around the others shoulder.

"Whatcha doing, sis?" Hikaru drawled, emphasising on the word sis.

Cara clicked her tongue and looked away from the twin and looked back down towards the script. Sighing again, she shoved it towards his face, not caring if it ruined his acting career.

"Ow..." he mumbled, rubbing his nose tenderly before grabbing a mirror to examine it carefully," You could have given me a paper cut, y'know."

She just smiled at him in response," Really? I hadn't noticed."

Kaoru stared at her before quietly saying," You're not fooling anyone anymore with that smile."

"Says you, I'm the main character" Cara remarked haughtily, sticking her nose up into the air to prove his inferiority.

It was true, acting came quite naturally to the girl, so it was no surprise that she got the lead role. But she probably wasn't chosen for just that reason, her actual personality had suited the role quite well making it easier for her to stay in character.

Although her 'step-father's name really could have used some work. The director obviously wasn't good with names. The viewers seemed to enjoy that feature though and actually found it rather amusing.

Recently however, the scripts had been turning up at a much slower rate and the director hasn't shown up in weeks. Cara wasn't very disappointed however, as the work they were given hadn't improved much at all. There were many plot holes that no one had noticed quite yet (or were too nice to point out to the childish director).

Other than Cara -who had incorporated her actual name into the script through the use of blackmail and bribery- everyone else had different names to those on the script. Although most were referred to by their script names for ease and because of laziness.

Tamaki soon came bounding through the door entrance happily, only just returning now. He was at his other acting job where he'd ended up voice acting for the guy who had an accident a week ago. The doctor had told the poor guy that his voice box had been damaged almost beyond recovery. It would probably take years for him to recover.

When Cara had heard the story, she almost felt bad. Almost. When she saw the grin on Tamaki's face she quickly made up an excuse to leave. Some actors really were extreme.

Tamaki had brought in a pink and yellow bag, claiming it to be fashionable for guys right now.

It was made of cardboard.

He also carried a plastic bag with some of the main cast's favourite food. He was treated a bit like an errand boy around here, but didn't seem to mind.

When he had walked over to the group, he beamed at them although he only received a single smile in return from Honey. Honey really was seventeen and was actually still childish after the recording. The personality of each person really fit the roll they had been given. So well, in fact, that some people have left because of how creepy they found it.

And yes, Kyoya was still known as the Shadow King as well. Because after Tamaki had joined them, he had crossed his arms and stated,"You're late," almost immediately.

Tamaki had whined about being let out of work late and there being a massive line in the store whilst waiting to purchase the things he had gotten. Cara sighed, she knew if Tamaki wanted to, he could have showed up earlier than the rest of them. He had connections with a lot of people that left him practically untouchable. She actually found it rather annoying.

No words had left Mori's mouth since they had met up here an hour ago, and even that was just a small greeting. It couldn't really be helped as he did suffer a lot with his throat. He must have really sympathised for the guy Tamaki works for in his other job. Anyone like them would.

Haruhi had silently taken her lunch from Tamaki though, probably a little sad for not having a very large role the other day. She was still the same blunt and brutally honest girl as she usually was but she seemed to be changing. Most likely from Cara's influence, much to the horror of Tamaki. It was actually rather amusing to watch. Tamaki was actually rather attached to this girl outside of his role as well.

After a few attempts of trying to cheer Haruhi up as a group they found her stifling a laugh at a joke they had tried to make. Keyword: tried. It was so bad that Haruhi actually found it funny. The others weren't really complaining other than the twins who decided that it was the perfect time to bug Tamaki as they were bored. And it really was working.

Tamaki actually had a corner of the room dubbed his 'emo corner' and visited it frequently. However, he did find it difficult to accept the fact that he couldn't really grow gloomshrooms so quickly and easily by being sad.

The meaningless chatter was interrupted by the single tone of Tamaki's phone.

[12:37: Hi guys! Just here to inform you about the discontinuation of the show. You guys are fired! ^-^ -The Director]

Well that was rude. The main cast read the email and frowned. That was really sudden as well. And why was Tamaki the only one who was sent the message?! Tamaki really did know a lot of people.

Cara decided to tell the other less important people (well you don't see them with names, do you?) about the news.

"OI! THE DIRECTOR HAS JUST CONTACTED US!" Cara yelled at the others, gaining their attention quickly and the mention of the Director. "WE'VE BEEN GIVEN THE BOOT! GRAB YOUR STUFF AND LEAVE!! Please."

Mixed opinions danced around the air, some relieved and some annoyed that it was finally over. After a few minutes of gathering their belongings they began to leave.

Thirty seconds later Tamaki received another message from the Director.

[12:42: Just kidding, I'll see you tomorrow. ;) -The Director]

"THE DIRECTOR WAS JOKING!! COME BACK PLEASE!!!" Cara screamed at them.

The main cast swore they could here laughing travelling through the air.


Made on 03/31/17

A/N: this is kind of unrelated to the plot but I haven't updated in months. It seemed like a pretty funny idea and it lets me tell you that I won't be updating for a while again due to the necessity of me needing to edit this. Some of it is appalling. I'll try to edit as much as possible tomorrow and get back to updating quickly and hopefully in a more regular fashion.

See ya!

[04/02/17- The rest of the previous chapters in the story will be out in about an hour]

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