Chapter 20

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A/N: I have updated!!! It's been a while, i know, but hey, I still updated. ^-^ This chapter is dedicated to Allythepotato for their lovely idea!

Cussing is involved for comedic purposes only, you have been warned... Even though there's like, 3 words used.  ┐('∀`)┌


*Cara's P.O.V*

A small smile played on my face as I recalled the events of yesterday. I wasn't really prepared to deal with the Shadow kings wrath quite so soon. Call me a coward or whatever you wish when I tell you that I kinda just, abandoned the twins to deal with Kyoya. I'm sure none of the three that were there are all that happy right now. Oops?

I was walking through the halls of the school, still trying to memorise patterns of it's layout. I was getting better, slowly, but surely. I was bored though, I've had nothing to do lately, and it's been a while since I've pranked someone. I've not been sure who to prank though. Oh well, I'll probably decide soon enough.

Walking past 1-C then past 1-B before turning a corner, I arrived at my classroom, spotting two familiar figures leaning against the class entrance. The twins. Never would've guessed that, amiright? ... Yeah, thought so.

I walked up to them slowly, as if nothing was wrong, like I hadn't ditched them the day previous. Bad move. I had walked up to them and greeted them casually, accompanied by a lazy wave and said, "What's up?"

It was Kaoru who had turned to me with a seemingly innocent smile, but I knew better. I saw the devious look in his eyes and the look of someone wanting revenge. 

"Well, had there been any other circumstances, I probably would have said the ceiling. But I'm sure you know what's really  up, don't you?"

I gulped nervously and after taking a breath of air I remarked,  "I have no idea what you're on about."

It didn't seem very convincing and the twins obviously hadn't bought it. They looked at me in thought, before looking at each other with huge grins. Uh oh, what did they want? They looked at me before sticking their hands out towards me, as if demanding for something. I looked at them with a blank expression. 

"Your phone!" Hikaru had exclaimed, exasperated.

Unsure why they wanted my phone, I hesitantly handed them it, slightly puzzled. 'Why would they want my phone, I only have one other contact in it?'  I thought to myself, still confused.

They'd messaged someone. Who? I don't know. Why? ... I... also don't know the answer to that question. The twins soon handed me my phone back and looked at my expression in amusement.

Hikaru then flatly stated," You know, for someone who only has one contact in their phone, is it really all that hard to figure out who we were contacting?"

It then hit me like a ton of bricks. "The rich dude?" I questioned them. They nodded and when I asked why, they had only spoken a single word. 'Arrangements.' But before I could question them any more, the bell rang.

Hikaru and Kaoru looked at me and smiled. "Wouldn't want to be late now, would we?" as they walked into class, with me trailing through the doors behind them. However I became impatient quickly, I wanted answers. Pestering them throughout class probably wasn't the best idea. The teacher told me off frequently and the twins grew irritated. And fast. After questioning them for the 10th time (yes, I had actually been counting), they had turned around and snapped.

"Shut up!" they hissed at me, seeming very annoyed. I was a little taken aback. They'd never physically said or done anything cruel to me in the time I had been here and I could tell it shocked our classmates as well. Haruhi wasn't in class at the moment, the teacher had sent her to collect some worksheets from an office somewhere in the school. 

 It's always Haruhi. I sometimes wonder if it's because of the fact that she's a commoner. Probably is.

When class ended, I hung out with Haruhi instead. After the twins had snapped at me they hadn't spoken to me once. Ignoring my existence. Pretty offended I decided that I'd ditch them for the rest of day, even if just to spite them. Pathetic, is it not? I didn't see it at the time, and I probably didn't want to either.

Haruhi had asked me why I wasn't with my apparent 'brothers', but after I gave her a calm smile and told her that it was nothing, she dismissed the issue. I guessed that she was just glad that no one (including me) was annoying her at that moment. I sat next to her for the next lesson in class. Class went slowly and it wasn't as much fun with just Haruhi,  ... it's because I'm usually hanging around with the twins who are just so... outgoing. 

It was like this for the rest of the day, and by the end of it, I was feeling pretty lonely. The host club would open soon, and I wasn't going to risk being late again. At least, not without someone to put the blame on. 


I'm a horrible person aren't I? Its all because of me that this is happening. If I hadn't of been so... so utterly stupid, everything would have been fine. I wouldn't have annoyed them, then they wouldn't have ignored me. I'm such an idi-

"Are you coming or what?" A voice came from behind me, interrupting my inner turmoil. I turned around to face them.

"Kaoru?" I'd muttered his name in shock. I-I-I thought that they were still ignoring me...

"Duh, now hurry up. I'd rather not have to face the wrath of the Shadow king yet again," Ouch. That was Hikaru.

Nevertheless I smiled and we linked arms and marched off to music room 3, leaving behind a few drops of happy tears.


(A/N: Think its over? Well think again dear reader, as this is only the beginning!)

The club had ended sooner than I'd expected, and I was in high spirits. I didn't have to deal with Kyoya and I got to have cake with Honey-senpai (ehh, I hate honorifics, so nope, not gonna use them anymore) and his cousin who didn't speak much. Like, he didn't say a word, he was almost invisible. O_O Whoa, that sounds cool.

I'd gathered my bag, and checked my phone for any notifications from the rich dude. There wasn't any that told me to hurry up and get home so I knew I didn't have to rush. Although, quite frankly, that's never actually happened but it was just in case. I was really happy though, I didn't get homework today! I had a pretty average mind, a creative one, but average nonetheless. So I definitely don't appreciate extra work to stress over. It's not like I'd start studying though, so I guess it's my own fault really. 

As I turned to leave, a hand latched around my arm, stopping me from walking any further. It was Hikaru? Kaoru was standing a few feet behind him with a closed eye smile. 'What do they want?' I thought to myself, hoping they'd let go soon. I wanted to get more food on the way home...

"Where do you think you're going?" they both asked -in usion might I add. I sweat-dropped at my thoughts before answering.

"Uh... Home?" I replied honestly, although it sounded more like a question. They shook their heads at me and dragged me off to their... limo? What the hell? I looked at them in pure confusion but they just grinned at me.

As the car, sorry, limo, started driving, they broke the silence that was growing more and more uncomfortable by the minute.

"To make it up to us, we are inviting you to stay at our house today!" They cheered, seeming extremely happy with themselves. I'd just stared at them in horror. 'But... food...' I was genuinely worried about this so I asked them a question.

"Do I get a choice in this?" I had asked, hoping for them to say that I did, so I could get food and leave. Hikaru looked at me, slightly annoyed but snapped out of it when his brother had answered.

"Sure!~ As long as you choose to come with us!" Kaoru drawled, most likely trying to get a reaction. I kept on a straight face for a while but I knew my eye had twitched. After about a minute, I'd calmed down and sighed.

"...Fine..." I muttered, my voice barely audible. I still didn't want to but I realised that I kind of had to, it would get rid of the guilt at least.


A little while later, we arrived at their hou- mansion. Yep, still not used to it. I thanked the driver when he opened the door for us but the twins had barely even glanced at him. The driver seemed pretty shocked that I'd thanked him, but I could tell it made him a little happier.

The twins had looked back at me and asked why I was taking so long and without even giving me a chance to answer, they dragged towards the doors of the house. They always do that though, and I was starting to find it annoying. When they let go, I rubbed my arm where it had become red, it hurt a bit but at the same time it didn't. Weird huh?

It was a pretty normal visit there though, which wasn't really what I'd expected. I thought they'd annoy me more and try to get me to apologise, like, a thousand times. I did apologise, don't get me wrong, but I still feel bad, even now. We'd played a lot of video games and they'd told me what happened when I ditched them the day previous - going into every little detail. Even if I hadn't felt bad bad beforehand, I definitely would've after they told me.

We still laughed and before I knew it, it was late. I'd collected my things and tried to leave. But it failed- as for the second time today I was stopped. An explanation later told me all I needed to know.

Turns out that they'd contacted the rich dude to let him know I was staying round theirs, and they'd also stopped notifications from appearing on my phone. Unlocking my phone cleared up any doubts about what they'd told me. 72 messages. When I saw the number of messages left by the rich dude, I whistled and grinned. That was pretty hilarious.

But seriously, thank God their mom's a fashion designer or I wouldn't be able to wear the clothes I normally wear. Boy clothes are cool and actually pretty comfortable, but I'm sure Hikaru and Kaoru could use this for blackmail. So... no. Not risking it.

I then realised that this was the perfect opportunity to prank someone. Or two, if you'd rather say that. Of course I'd need help, this is the twins we're pranking here. I soon realised that I didn't have anybody else's number other than the rich dude's. (Well shit). I thought about this fact for a minute before coming to a conclusion.

To prank them, I'd need their help.


After thinking of a plausible excuse to use one of their phones I finally had it. To prank my brothers, I could use the excuse of pranking the others. Yes I'm a genius. Go on, praise me.  ( ̄︶ ̄;)

Quickly calling them over, I set my plan in action. 

"Hey, Hikaru, Kaoru. Come over here for a second. I've got an idea for something," I'd yelled, gaining their attention as they walked over towards me, already knowing the plans I was forming in my brain. To prank the the other hosts.

Although, I'm not going to lie, it's a pretty old fashioned prank. Prank calling. But I needed the hosts numbers so what can one do? I'd explained to them that the hosts didn't have my number so pranking them would be easier. It seemed believable enough and I got the information I needed. Let the pranking commence.


I'd decided that Kyoya would be first. I knew he was someone obsessed with money so we decided to use that to our advantage.

Ring ring.

'Yes, who is speaking?'

"Hello, is this Yoshio Ootori? We are here to report a large sum of money that has been taken out of your bank by someone who has claimed to be your son, Kyoya Ootori."

There was a pause on the line, and I could tell Kyoya had frozen. This accusation was no small matter. It could, in theory, ruin his life.

'This is Kyoya Ootori speaking. If possible, could you tell me the appearance of this man who claimed to be me?'

"I see... Generally this would have been classified, but considering the circumstances, we can make an exception. Witnesses have reported to there being a tall blonde man wearing a black wig, and fake glasses."

We heard a frustrated sigh. I held back a laugh, this is gold!

'I think I may know who it was. Tamaki Suoh.'

"Ok, we will look into this. Thank you, thiswasalljustaprankpleasedon'tkillme, goodbye."


Beep beep

Just as the phone call ended, we all burst into fits of laughter. I can't believe that actually worked! My self-proclaimed brothers looked at me like I was a God. However I felt slightly nervous about the next meeting with the Shadow King, as I'm sure you can see. ●﹏●

Well! On to the others!


After pranking the rest of the hosts -Haruhi included. I was pretty surprised that she had a phone. Weren't all commoners supposed to be dirt poor?

However, all of their reactions were funny, and some actually surprised me. Who knew that Mori could hold a lengthy conversation with anyone at just the mention of his cousin? Well, I sorta did but you get my point.

I was now prepared. When my brothers turned away from me, I quickly made a group chat with all of them.


Cara: Hello? Did this work?

Kyoya: Yes, have you never made a group chat before?

Cara: Actually... no. I only had one contact on my phone 'til recently. Well, after I pranked you all a few minutes ago, that is.


Cara: Dude, calm down with the capitals... And spell correctly. 

Cara: But yeah, I thought it was pretty obvious.

Cara: Your reactions were hilarious by the way.

Mitsukuni Haninozuka (A/N:god thats going to take up a lot of time writing.): Even Kyo-chan?

Cara: Yup, pranked him first. Before I hung up I told him it was a prank- Tamaki would probably be having a funeral right now otherwise. Heh.

Tamaki: WAAAAT??!!!

Kyoya: You've spelt what wrong, Tamaki. Also, stop using capitals.

Tamaki: But Mommy! Your suposed too back Dady up, not pik on me!!!

Cara: I just cringed.

Haruhi: I just cringed.

Haruhi: Uhhhh.....

Cara: Pfft.

Haruhi: How are you not affected by that?!

Cara: Me and the twins do that all the time. I'm actually at their house sorry, mansion, right now.


Cara: Tamaki. Grammar.

Haruhi: Damn rich kids.

Cara: I have a feeling you say that a lot.

Mitsukuni Haninozuka: M'hmm! She does that a lot, right Takashi?

Takashi Morinozuka: Yeah.

Cara: Well, hi there stranger!

Takashi Morinozuka: ...

Takashi Morinozuka:  Hi.

Cara: Now that everyone's made themselves known, lets get down to business.

Kyoya: Go on.

Cara: The twins have all pranked you at least once before, haven't they?

Cara: ...Except Kyoya I'm guessing.

Kyoya: You are correct. Where are you going with this?

Cara: I want to prank the twins! And, I need your help.

Tamaki: Realy?

Cara: Tamaki!!! Your grammar!

Mitsukuni Haninozuka: Tama-chan's silly, right Takashi?

Takashi Morinozuka: Yeah.

Haruhi: Actually Honey-senpai, I think you should use the word idiot.

Tamaki: Gah! ヽ(_ _ヽ)彡 My daughter hates me...

Cara: I swear he's in his emo corner right now.

Mitsukuni Haninozuka: Yup! He is, right Kyo-chan?

Kyoya: Although I can't say for certain, the percentage of that statement being true is rather high.

Cara: Anyway, can I count on your help? I know that you want revenge.

Kyoya: Whilst I have not been pranked by Hikaru and Kaoru before, they have wasted a lot of the clubs' funds for pranking. So, I'll have to say yes. I will help.

Mitsukuni Haninozuka: Me too! And Takashi too!

Takashi Morinozuka: Yeah. (A/N: Very limited vocabulary right?)

Haruhi: *sigh* I might as well. This will add to my debt if I don't right?

Kyoya: You are right in thinking that.


Cara: Use proper grammar!

Tamaki: I an!

Cara: Oh my God, why do I even bother? Anyway I'll message you all when I need you to distract them. I'll need you to distract them for at least an hour. Preparations will take time. Especially if I'm going to get lost again.

Haruhi: You got lost?

Cara: Well yeah, it was only a year or two ago that I actually became a real rich kid. The house I live in isn't even half as big as their house, or the school.

Tamaki: Seriusly?

Cara: Stop it you little- ah forget it, it's a waste of time. (A/N: References...)

Cara: Anyway, bye.


Wow. Tamaki... has really bad grammar. I turned to face my brothers who were actually still facing the other way. I got their attention and we quickly talked about random things that the author is too lazy to write.

(A/N: So, how many commented on the fourth wall being broken?)

Soon it was time to message the others.


Yup, Tamaki's grammar hasn't gotten any better. But the twins were being occupied and I used this as my chance to navigate my way through the building, trying to cram information inside of my brain like I generally do five minutes before a test. 

I walked past a worker, before stopping and walking over to them. Coughing loudly, they turned their attention towards me.

"Yes? Can I help you?" Man, even the workers here sound posh.

I quickly caught myself before having a mini debate about this and smiled at them.

"Yes you can. I need the information of the workers for something I'm working on. Is it possible for me to get it in an hour?" I asked, trying to remain as polite as possible, cringing slightly.

When I was asked why I needed this information, I had simply replied with 'revenge on the twins'. The worker had looked quite alarmed at this as if I said I was going to kill them. Oh. They must have misunderstood me.

I corrected them before they called security and called the police. Nope, not going to jail yet. I told them that me and a couple of friends were planning on pranking on the twins, casually dropping their names in the conversation, showing them I knew people. Instant respect. That's just how rich people work. And apparently, workers too.

I was surprised at how fast I got the information. Five minutes ago, they thought I was going to commit homicide, and now I've got all the workers information. For all they knew, that could have been a whole pack of lies that I made up to have information to kill people with. 

Besides, even if I was going to, I'd need Kyoya's Deathnote first. ... What? Did I say something strange?

Anyway, my plan was going.. uh, according to plan. I was given a map (thoughtful aren't they?) and I'd set out, talking to the workers, who quickly agreed to help. Does everyone here really love pranking people then? Probably. I'm not really complaining though, it helps me in the end, so why would I?

I checked my phone. 20 minutes left


When I reached the kitchen, I lent against the wall, catching my breath before calling the Hitachiin's chef's over, whispering the plan into each of their ears. They nodded before getting back to work. It all starts tomorrow.

Waddling quack to where the twins were, I entered their room quietly, where they were busy answering phone calls from the hosts, predominantly Tamaki. Wow, they really did keep them busy.

I messaged the hosts to let them know that they could stop, and a few minutes later they did. Hikaru sighed in relief whilst Kaoru blocked them so they wouldn't bother them again. Oops. But a second later, I realised that Kyoya could easily hack into their phone if anything really important happened.

They looked at me for a moment before Hikaru glared at me, Kaoru trying to calm him down.

"How are you so unaffected by this?" the older twin had yelled, grinding his teeth in frustration. I just looked at them in confusion. Three visible question marks appeared around me, one red, one yellow and one orange. Like a sunset ^-^. But I didn't want those coloured question marks. What about blue, green, purple and all the others? More question marks had appeared, in various colours. 

Satisfied, I payed attention to the twins once more. Hikaru was facing the wall, ignoring me, whilst Kaoru just looked at me. Then he started laughing. What the hell? Why was he laughing at me? Hikaru looked just as confused as I did when he turned to look at his brother. 

"You're so naive Cara," Kaoru remarked, stifling his laughter before continuing, "Did you really not understand what we were talking about?"

I frowned. I wasn't naive. Nevertheless, I answered plainly," No, I just wasn't listening."

Hikaru rolled his eyes at me, seemingly annoyed but relieved by my answer. He opened his mouth to speak," It was Kyoya, he-" obviously didn't get the chance to finish as Kaoru covered his mouth - hissing his name at him.

"Hikaru! You can't just blurt out things like that so casually!" He yelled, but he didn't really seem mad. They were brothers after all. Kaoru leaned over his bed and whispered something into my ear. My brain processed his words before my cheeks turned a vibrant red. What did he say?!

Kyoya that little... How dare he do that? I knew it wasn't a lie either, Kyoya probably would have done that actually. My whole face, still flushed with that scarlet hue, burned in embarrassment. I'm never trusting Kyoya again. I crawled into the corner of their room and hid there. God I seem like Tamaki.

In case you were wondering what Kyoya did, I'll put it plainly. He's taken photos of me with his stalker camera's and photo shopped them in a really weird way. Apparently he's going to sell them to the school. I can't physically stop him as I am part of their club. Although I guess Tamaki wouldn't have been able to distract the twins otherwise. I can't really fault him for that.

I can't mope around for long though, it's getting late and I need enough sleep to get up early enough to set up the camera's. 

I only need to wait until tomorrow.




These were the kind of reactions that were heard throughout the mansion first thing in the morning. I had set up the cameras only 15 minutes previous and I was already laughing. I had hid on top of a wooden beam near the ceiling, occasionally crawling through an air vent into the next room, videoing the whole thing.

"Do you think Cara's ok? Is she caught up in things like this too?" 

Kaoru? You seriously haven't realised that it was me? Wow. And you said I was naive. Although, I suppose I could use this to my advantage. Pranks are always better when you don't get caught. I ran over to where my prank supplies were and emptied a bag of dead bird feathers onto my head. Yes, I did need to add the 'dead bird' bit to the word feathers. Yep, definitely.

Buuuuuut, anyway! I then proceeded to dump a bucket of water over my head, leaving me entirely soaked. I'm slowly regretting my decisions on this whole idea. It could be worse though. Hikaru and Kaoru are facing worse. ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ 

Half an hour passed as the twins fell for more and more pranks, still not suspecting in the slightest. How have they not figured it out yet? And here I thought they were master pranksters? I decided not waste too much time thinking about it. The pranks would be over soon, well, the physical ones at least. The chef's were the main part of the plan. 

I stumbled into the dining hall, looking like trash. Kaoru was there, as was Hikaru. They looked worse, but seemed extremely relieved to see me ok -which they expressed quite openly.

"How are you?"

"Did they get you too?" They? How thoughtful...

"Do you have any idea who did this?"

"Cara? Cara? Are you there?"


I was deadly quiet. Shivering, I looked up at them and stared. Cold. It was freezing and I was starting to feel ill. Clearing my head a little, I brought a small smile to my face and sat down. Pointing to the chairs next to me, intending for my brothers to sit in them. They did, and people served breakfast.

You'd be surprised about how many rich kids eat cereal. That's a good thing at the moment though, because when the workers served the food, they did not find it odd when they got a bowl of cereal on a silver platter -no, literally, they did.

I'd gone with the option of toast because: One - I am not going to get caught up in this prank, Two - According to them I don't like cereal and three - this was also a part of the plan.

Prank number 287:

FROZEN CEREAL - Pour some cereal and milk into a bowl. Put the bowl into the freezer. The next morning take it out and pour a small amount of milk and few flakes of cereal on top. Then serve it and watch the struggle.

Hikaru realised first. For the first five minutes he thought it was because of the spoon he was using and called for another. Two spoons later, and an extra twin realising the prank, they looked around cautiously, as if waiting for another prank. Boo, I don't have anymore pranks.

I'd finished the first slice of toast and picked up the second, which was burnt like charcoal. I dropped it on the plate and it broke in half, drawing the twins attention towards me.

"We've been sabotaged!" They exclaimed worriedly as they hugged both of my sides. Wow, Tamaki's attitude to life must be infectious. I'll keep my distance from now on.

C-can't breathe...

 After I was released from their death hug, we made our way around the mansion slowly, trying to not fall into anymore traps. (Pfft... not like they could, they set off all of the traps. No, seriously, they did.) I used this time wisely and collected the cameras set around the mansion and turned them off. This should go on TV... ehh, maybe not, I'll get caught.

The twins had realised that they had gotten the brunt of the pranks and left to have a shower, still unsuspecting of anything. I set to work with downloading the video files onto my phone, ready to edit them and send them to the hosts when I got back to the rich dudes house. 

You might be wondering why I always refer to it as that -then again you might not- you see, the word home just doesn't sit right with that place. The rich dudes a nice guy and all, but something just seemed... off. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with that place though.

I'd pulled all the feathers out of my hair whilst thinking and the twins showed up a minute later, throwing a towel at my face to dry my hair. It was 9:47 am, I'd have to go back soon.


An hour later, it was time for me to leave. I grabbed my school bag and walked towards the door, Hikaru and Kaoru by my sides. Before I could open the door we heard lightening crash and the door flew open. Pathetic fallacy much? Jeez, this was almost like a fanfiction.

( ⁰д⁰) ... Oops, I broke the fourth wall again. Heh...

But as I was saying, the door flew open.

"What did you think you were doing?!"

"Rich dude?"

The hell?


This is the longest chapter I have written in the entire book by the way. It's taken two weeks! Some of you must think that I write really slowly but I have a reason. My eyesight isn't as great as it was last year and I'm getting headaches from looking at my screen too much. Writing this note is actually hurting my eyes right now. Be proud readers! I'm doing this for you!

4890 words. ( ̄ω ̄) How'd you feel about that?

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